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(XBOX)Harbinger XK5

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Harbinger XK5

  1. Just now, ApocalypticFlameFury said:

    And that is sad...I would definitely back you up on this. If the community doesn't band together and tell DE that the nerfs are ridiculous....then everything we discover to deal with certain overpowered enemies will be taken away. 

    Exactly how i feel, personally i feel like DE Is in need of some new management


  2. 3 minutes ago, ApocalypticFlameFury said:

    YES PREACH....I am one those the players in which you speak of. I only use Chroma to tear apart enemies on the star chart at higher levels and I don't even use him on the Plains for Teralysts AT ALL. I 100% agree with this post here, you even have calculations to back it up. This Chroma "fix" is just ridiculous and there are other frames that Teralyst farmers KNOW they will turn to besides Chroma because we all know there are more. People who agree with this man give him the most support and attention so that DE reconsiders nerfing Chroma. It's been like this for 3 YEARS....and nerfing Chroma won't solve anything it will just turn players to other frames that can solo Teralysts just as fast. Then what? They'll get nerfed too? 


    1 minute ago, ApocalypticFlameFury said:

    LMAO EXACTLY! I understand a game has to be balanced....but I rather the enemy get a bit beefier than us getting nerfed. If we find ways to fight fire, why should our tools get destroyed? So yea I fully agree with you....

    I tried getting people in region chat to argue with DE about nerfs several times, but they seem to have their heads to far up their asses to see anything


  3. 1 minute ago, ApocalypticFlameFury said:

    YES PREACH....I am one those the players in which you speak of. I only use Chroma to tear apart enemies on the star chart at higher levels and I don't even use him on the Plains for Teralysts AT ALL. I 100% agree with this post here, you even have calculations to back it up. This Chroma "fix" is just ridiculous and there are other frames that Teralyst farmers KNOW they will turn to besides Chroma because we all know there are more. People who agree with this man give him the most support and attention so that DE reconsiders nerfing Chroma. It's been like this for 3 YEARS....and nerfing Chroma won't solve anything it will just turn players to other frames that can solo Teralysts just as fast. Then what? They'll get nerfed too? 

    Nerf's in general are absolutely pointless, it's a PVE Game not PVP, why do they need to make us weaker against AI

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