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Posts posted by Vilemyre

  1. 2 hours ago, squirrel_killer- said:

    Gazal Machete is a distinct weapon and not a skin. It also has a weird synergy with Djinn but that means using Djinn, who TBH, I am not much of a fan of.

    Yeah was unsure if it was or not since I avoid machetes like the plague unless I need that sweet MR.

    I can agree i'd rather not have a primed gazal if its just going to be only useful with djinn.

  2. 1 hour ago, Marvelous_A said:

    Machete? Blade-whip? Single dagger? Nunchaku? Whip? We don't even have a Tenno whip yet FFS....well at least whip ain't underused

    Probably a design chocie relating to chroma being primed next. He's a big boy whose theme is mostly big weapons. Stuff like tonfas, axes, greatswords, etc.

    There is a lot of things i want primed that i probably won't see (those terrible sais being one of them) but DE tries what they can to find items that are suitable for the frame they are working on next.

    I could see ivara having a primed single dagger because hunters carry daggers for gutting/skinning animals so you might get a chance for that there.

    Nunchaku i'm betting on wukong or nezha when they get primed

    Blade-whip im not sure. Could be as late as the new gore frame honestly.

    Machetes I have no clue because i'm fairly certain we don't even have a tenno machete and gazal is just a skin.

  3. 12 hours ago, Madway7 said:

    I would love for crossplay, but I'm pretty sure adding it is much more complicated than we might think.

    Probably the reason why so few games do it.

    Also I believe they tend to visit this section the least so you're most likely only talking to players.

    Nintendo is a lot more leaniant on the idea of crossplay so its possible PC/Switch can be done but as for Sony and Microsoft they hate the idea because they feel it harms their company sales.

    So its doable just not for Sony/Microsoft users sadly and thats purely to blame on their providers of said consoles.

  4. 3 hours ago, MrMysticalPotato said:

    I guess that's why at the end of the content, they showed a big logo saying "Railjack" and also why even in todays messages in-game it says "railjack" ?

    Oh you mean this logo? Or were you just not paying attention and thought the entire content shown was called Railjack?


    Also did you forget what "," is used for? Its used to break apart sentences so things can be grouped without constantly using "and" so no the venus stuff is called Fortuna. That single gamemode project which is just its (codename btw which means it may not even be the final name for it once it rolls out) is railjack.


  5. 12 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

    I couldn't care less about phorids model. Are you kidding me? I much prefer they put their energies into awesome nee content like they showed at Tennocon than mulling over years old content we already played to death. 

    "But what about phorid?" Lol

    Yeah because the thing we want is new players getting bored instantly at how stale the starting content is and leaving. Lol

    I really don't care how much you've already played it. Keeping you isn't the priority here because we know no matter what happens you'll come back if you had a tantrum there is nothing to do because you burned through another content patch. 🙄

    Honestly if it wasn't for reworks and tweaking the game's overall presentation Vor would still be a red grineer with a stick. And J3 golem wouldn't have become Jordas and would have stayed a oversized common infested enemy.

    Don't get me wrong I want new content but I want it in a game that doesn't transiton from being extremely dated at the start where msot players coming into it will likely give off its actual first impression.

    Besides they could churn out new content but you'd have burnt through it within a week and go back to saying there is nothing to do. Lol

  6. 23 hours ago, HerpDerpy said:

    everything shown looked fantastic. But now that they showed off all this stuff it makes me feel like they need to go back and update half their game.

    its pretty jarring to see the fantastic graphics, level design, and mechanics shown, but then going and playing on the old original corpus tile set.

    I feel after all this rolls out we take a break from needing content so the game can jsut get an overall polish. You are right a lot of old content in constrast to this looks jarring.

    I mean phorid is still a oversized charger and is yet to have a visual update, a lot fo the questline has holes in it and certain characters/bosses ar ejsut thrown into your face with no introduction as to who they are or why we are actually killing them.

    It's not uncommon for devs of games to take a hiatus off content to give the entire game a new coat of paint its sjut how logn they give for that to be done.

  7. 7 minutes ago, MrMysticalPotato said:

    I don't need to, I just watched Tennocon. It's called Railjack

    I watched the stream its not called railjack lmfao. The entire update is called fortuna.

    You are thinking fo the gamemode alone and not the entire content.

  8. I think I can understand why there is a height limit now. Going too far can break the dargyn and cause some weird effects like not being abel to get off and your warframe outright changing its design while having no head (its luckily a client sided issue)



  9. 18 minutes ago, Kuygen said:

    From specualtions with a friend of mine, we believe umbra frames could be before the prime versions, using the method ballas showed us in the cutscenes to make them. Then later refined the construction of frames to not require sacrifices to make, resulting in prime frames, then regular frames being mass produced. Something like that, just speculation and theory.

    Issue is ballas made comments on how margulis died and when he turned the dax soldier into a infested he wanted them to experience the feeling of losing someone which he had him turn on his son.

    So if thats right then margulis died before warframes were really a thing and the zariman children arrived before the warframes did.

    Which if thats right then the first warframes, umbras where unethical design choices by ballas which he eventually wante dot use to betray the orokin with but when the zariman children arrived and could take away a frames pain it also took away ballas's ability to control them which in turn allowed frames to be in control of the zariman children acting out as if thats their life while they are in the dream state.

    So the children, unaware they are merely dreaming think they are born into those frames and serve the orokin until the day they killed them. Which si why the second dream was the operator becoming self aware when they woke up that they are merely a pilot and its not who they actually are at the time. (That being said it doesn't really explain the switching of frames before the second dream, though the operator did seem confused at the start when waking up and realizing that he's just a kid).

    But its just speculation.

  10. 13 minutes ago, Captain_Fronk said:




    No. The orokin made the sentients though.

    Ballas defected from the orokin after they killed margulis. He befriended hunhow and wanted to eliminate his own creations (warframes) so the sentients had nothing opposing them killing the orokin.

  11. Considering the threads cropping up as of late with foudners drama I am kind of eyeing this thread and its intentions.

    But honestly I really don't mind the idea of badges. Especially if you have made a key contribution to the forums or game somehow. Clan badges would be fine too.

    As for prime access I could see a themed badge for each prime being a thing.

    Honestly its harmless. People will still be able to distinguish who contributed to warframes founding days and who bought a prime access pack anyway.

    9 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    exclusivity breeds toxicity. first thing you'll see are people saying "why can't I have that badge? it's unfair!". it's not worth the hassle of implementing and then dealing with the backlash, DE has more important things to worry about.

    Thats the only thing I can agree on and it's purely because of the founders drama alone being a example of it.

  12. He a cutie


    Okay but he seriously needs some work done on him and i'm hoping DE has something seriously planned because even though he's ideal for crowd control the concept itself is phasing out from the meta with it only being reliable when its protecting a area. Sadly boobens abilities do none of that. Not even bastille unless we are dealing with melee only creatures like infested (but even now they have ranged units).

    Vortex is still great but its his trump card out of his entire kit which isn't a good thing.

  13. 1 hour ago, The_Lunatic_ said:

    Likewise, you don't have Excalibur Prime, you never were a founder, so what weight does your opinion have on it?

    Just as much weight as mine does for being a founder. You aren't special.

    Get over yourself. You paid money for marginal stat boosted frame thats only a fraction differen't from standard excal and a mediocre sword (you are only master so I mean you never got the lato prime)

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