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Posts posted by Chaosyn

  1. According to Nova's profile, her Warframe was a result of Tenno High Council research. This is widely believed to be a nod to the Design Council that aided in Nova's creation. -wiki but somehow nova prime existed before nova?

    Excal Prime existed before Excal...Rhino Prime before Rhino....etc....


    The basic,non-prime frames came AFTER the Primes....Primes are Originals....The Teno tried to duplicate Priming but failed because that process died with the Orokin.....So they settled on making Basic,less powerful versions because it was the best they could do.

  2.  I know people who bought prime access like 5 times in a row and never complained about everyone else having the same prime as him, neither shouting out like a little kid for a buff just cuz he paid for a prime access.

    Prime Access is merely buying instead of Farming,it is convenience only...With some bonus gear and plat for doing so (depending on package purchased)....

    They KNOW that going into the purchase.

    There was NO intention of making Primes better than the basic frames until Ember Prime... In fact,DE said MANY times before that that they wanted Primes to be Cosmetic only. Now they're not....so ALL Primes should get equal treatment in that regard...

  3. All I can say is I've been here two years,and I'm only MR10.

    I can take the MR11 test I just don't need to.

    I have access to everything and see no need to go further.

    I also don't play that much and I solo 99% of the time.

    When I do play with other people I just try to enjoy it regardless of success or failure.

    I don't blame anyone,I don't criticize,I just play.

    MR means nothing to me but the shape of a sigil I long ago stopped using....

  4. No. It has better crit and crit dmg.


    • Compared to Skana Prime:
      • Lower base damage (35.0 vs. 42.0).
        • Lower Impact damage (5.25 vs. 6.3).
        • Lower Puncture damage (5.25 vs. 6.3).
        • Lower Slash damage (24.5 vs. 29.4).
      • Higher critical chance (20.0% vs. 10.0%).
      • Higher critical damage (2.0x vs. 1.5x).
      • No V or -- polarities.

    gg indeed.

    He's obviously just instigating at this point..Why explain it to him? He'll see what he wants....

  5. Hypothetically excal prime gets a huge buff consistent with other recent prime frames. Why should players not be able to obtain another excal with the same stats, but still not excal prime? (Like i said in my original post)



    Because Excal Prime is a founders item, and cannot be obtained anymore. DE is free to release a Prisma Excal with the same buffs to a lesser extent.


  6. As long as there can be a stronger excalibur DE can re release the damned prime version


    Also pls not prisma, better be Dragon Excalibur, prisma stuff is toooooo flashy

    Actually the ONLY way they CAN release Excal Prime again is if EVERY founder agrees to it....Otherwise Breach of Contract is still a very real thing..

    As much as I like my founder package I am not against a re-release as long as it is agreed with by everyone,if not,then I'd have to stick with it staying unchanged as far as availability goes. The problem,however, is that there are players that have left that may return...I suppose DE could send Emails to everyone that ever bought the packages and try to get replies...But that might be a bit much..

  7.  This is nothing more than a response to new shiny things coming out. Now that everyone can buy/farm better gear excal prime needs a buff because we need it because reasons. Buffing excal won't change any of his powers, it won't make him endgame, founders just want their gear to compare to new stuff so they can have that new shiny thing that nobody can have.


    No it's not. If it were there'd be no asking for the OTHER Primes left out of the equation to get buffs too. I may be one Founder asking reasonably,but I am not the only one. Nor am I the only one asking for Prime buffs for the other left out Primes...We aren't asking for him to be endgame or for power changes...We're asking for Equality with the other Primes,and for all Primes...

  8. There are founders from Disciple to Grand Master in all these founder gear threads who agree that it wouldn't be fair for Excalibur Prime or the founder weapons to get a buff. Are you going to pull the Jealousy card on them too? Sure there are people who are jealous thats for sure, but don't try to paint all the people opposing the buffs as jealous

    Usually they're the Founders that support the game but don't like Excal for whatever reason... And that's what it comes down to....Some are jealous,some just hate him,and some truly don't care either way...Believe me there WERE Founders that wanted the Exclusive NOT to be Excal Prime...Because they cried they'd never use it...(back in the day Excal was the Frame people made fun of....it wasn't Rhino)

  9. im sorry? Radial blind... used to be arguably one of the best utility skills. Rep grind... new excal rework. Excal prime is an exclusive warframe. Everybody was fine with plain old excal with the extra forma and passive sheild regen... untill new shiny things come out that are better than excal prime. Quick, better buff the founders gear because we need it now that other stuff outshines our old gear.

    Lol I was kinda on your side from the start. I only proposed a compromise but the immediate backlash kinda shows that it's really not about excal at all, just some guys who want to keep their exclusive stuff nice and shiny to make sure everyone wants it more so that they can be reminded that they can't have it. Gg

    Excal prime does deserve a buff, I just don't think that buff should be exclusive.

    Excal Prime NEVER HAD PASSIVE SHIELD REGEN....NEVER. This LIE needs to die....It's been confirmed 1000x over and by DE no less.


    As I JUST said...Primes originally were cosmetic only but when Ember Prime was released they went back on that statement. THAT is why the Primes left out of that change (not just Excal but Frost and Mag too) NEED to be buffed.

    I want to keep my exclusive nice and shiny to remind people they can't have it?


    Because I use Proto-Excaliburs skin....No one can see if it's Prime without checking my Profile....Nice try though...

  10. How do you dare asking for something like that? Don't you know there are people in this community who haven't founder gear? Aren't you worried about hurting their feelings?

    Sarcasm detected.... commencing reply anyway...

    Honestly? No. But ONLY because feelings will get hurt and have been before anyways,with EVERYTHING DE does...

    There will always be SOMETHING hurting someone in ANY and EVERY online game...

    DE changed their stance on Primes being "cosmetic only"...That ALONE is reason enough to buff Excal Prime AND the other Primes left out of that change. THAT is all I am asking for.

  11. So only founders get the op excal that they want? If not about making your exclusive stuff better,then why is a buffed excal that everyone can get along with an excal prime buff that's identical, not equal? I can site multiple instances of people downplaying their founders pack as basically an excal skin with an extra forma plus improved but still lame weapons when people ask for the founders pack. then when they want buffs, its not a skin, they should be endgame viable etc. Seriously give it a rest you already have the only thing nobody can get. Be happy

     Seriously....don't read my OTHER POSTS or anything....I'm asking for ALL PRIMES to be EQUAL,not just an Excal Prime buff.

    I even suggested that were they to give Excal Prime a buff,they SHOULD give a slightly smaller one to Regular Excal....

    I do NOT care if "other founders" downplay their Excal Prime...It is NOT and NEVER WAS "just a skin"

    IF that were true it would STILL be true,because they didn't change anything about it.


    I have the ONLY thing no one can get? You SURE???? REALLY SURE?


    I ONLY have Excal Prime.....not the Prime weapons....not the CLOSED BETA WEAPONS....

    Founders Packs are NOT the only unavailable content...

  12. We aren't asking for MORE. We are asking for what we ALREADY HAVE to be as good as the OTHER things that are the SAME.

    Seriously.....stop letting pointless jealousy cloud your vision.


    If you're going to make every Prime from Ember and onwards a LOT better than their regular counterparts then ALL Primes should be that way.


    THAT is what we're after....Not something to make non-founders jealous.

    Lore-wise all Primes were created at roughly the SAME TIME....So you're telling me that they INTENTIONALLY made 3 Primes weaker than ALL the others? Like I said before....That is not something you do in any rational situation.....You do NOT give yourself that much of an Achilles Heel.

  13. But that wasn't what you paid for though was it? What you paid for was just an ordinary Excalibur Prime which is what it is now and what it has remained for the past what, 2 years?


    What you're asking for now is nothing but pure greed and eventually you'll come back and ask for more.


    I don't think people would have this problem if DE stated clearly when the founders packages first came out "these weapons/frame will receive future updates in order to keep it up to par with current content" but they didn't so obviously anything you're asking for now is pure greed and selfishness.


    You all got EXACTLY what you paid for and now you want more. In every game there will always be a class that outclasses the other, it's inevitable. Doesn't mean you should get royal treatment every time your item becomes outclassed.

    Well in all honesty if you read my other posts in this thread you'd see I'm not just after an Excal Prime buff...I want ALL Primes to be on the same footing. The Orokin made Primes. They made them all in the same era. They were made to protect the Orokin from any and all threats. So tell me why they'd intentionally make weaker frames? Unless lore comes that explicitly states that those particular Primes are the reason they fell,there's no excuse....You don't make one part of your army an intentional weak link....

    IF I was asking for the buff just to be greedy and selfish I wouldn't be asking for an Excal Prime buff that can be shared with regular Excal (just to a lesser degree)...Nor would I ask for the other neglected Primes to get a buff...

  14. All Primes NEED to be equal. Why you ask?

    Because unlike DE's staggered release of them, the truth is that the Orokin made Primes,and they made them all in the same era.

    That means that the Orokin didn't make some Primes useless and buff others,they'd have had ALL their soldiers equally as powerful.

    You don't make the people defending you have weak links in that defense,that's just suicide.

  15. SO if they ever buff founders stuff, I think it's because they found a loophole in the "contract" that enables them to rerelease it without even worrying about anyone trying to sue them

    There is no loophole and never will be. They EXPLICITLY stated that Items in the Founder Packs would NEVER be re-released....THAT is the verbal contract and it has been stated many,many times by DE....Founders aren't making the contract we're just holding them to it,as ANYONE on this side of that contract SHOULD do.

  16. Ok...you people NEED to stop thinking that Founders are keeping Excal Prime from you....It's DE and their verbal contract.

    Had DE NEVER said it would be exclusive,we wouldn't be having the argument about it being re-released...

    WE didn't have any say in it. WE didn't make the contract....BUT I am honest and do not like being deceived,So yeah,I expect DE to be honest and since THEY made this verbal contract I EXPECT them to honor it. It has NOTHING to do with keeping Excal Prime out of any players hands.

    Maybe STOP assuming that? Maybe realize that if you enter into a contract with someone that them breaking it would say a LOT about them not being trustworthy?


    See the thing is,as I said before, I am disabled,it took a TON of effort for me to fork over as much money as I did to get to be a founder. You could say I had to work to be one.I didn't do it for the items,though they are nice. I did it because after playing for a bit I WANTED THE GAME TO SUCCEED. I did it because I wanted to HELP THEM. I just HAPPENED to get something from them for helping.


    As for those people saying that the Plat we got was something special too.....Just stop....You get bonus Plat in EVERY Prime Access.



    Basically just stop acting like Founders did something to you when DE makes the rules,and we ALL just play along.


    The biggest reason we want Excal Prime buffed is because we want him to stay viable and on par with other Primes.....You know,those Gold Plated versions of our frames that despite being released at later dates by DE,were created by the Orokin in the same era.....so there literally is NO REASON they shouldn't ALL be on the same level of power as each other.

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