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Posts posted by (PSN)kfrancis902

  1. 17 minutes ago, SergeantSunshine said:

    Well you did ask about the nerf, that was really the only question, the other one was sort of a request. According to this reddit post this guy capped in 2 runs

    you can follow it for further information if the OP decides to post his build and load out.

    Nice thanks much. Now we talking lol. Well this is still great for focus so we are looking at an average 40 min run with 2 greater lenses, which means efficiency can improve with 2 Eldion Lens

  2. 10 hours ago, Dawson1917 said:

    It still isn't viable for gaining any meaningful amount of focus. If you max out your daily cap (lol good luck without a microtransaction for affinity boosters and eidolon lenses and hours of your day dedicated to just this mode) every day you'll still have to do that for months to fill out a single focus tree.

    Your argument makes no sense to me you reach your focus cap way faster and can do other things instead of spamming an area for hours(for people not good with Equinox focus farming). Its suppose to take long to fill the focus tree the problem was the length of time it took to reach your daily cap.

  3. 5 hours ago, Fallen_Echo said:

    The first orb has spawned 64 times that means you got 32K focus from this.

    The second variant spawned 25 times giving 25K focus.

    The third variant spawned 20 times giving 50K focus.

    The fourth variant spawned 10 times giving out 50K focus.

    The fifth variant spawned atleast 6 times giving out 60K focus.

    We are now at 217K focus for one 2K run on hyeracon and the additionals are not counted in yet.

    If he only killed half of the avarage enemies with the multipler per objective that means he got an additional 640 focus per first level orb the final number for the first level orb is 44.8K.

    The second variant spawned 25 times and if he only killed half the avarage enemies he got an additional 9.6K focus what means the total here is 59.6K.

    The third variants bonus is now applied with the assuption that he did not died at all.

    The first variants bonus is now 960 per first level or and the new final number is 41.6K focus.

    The second variant gets this too and now its 86K focus.

    With these applied we have capped focus and the fifth variants bonus and the lens bonus has not been applied yet, its also affected by resource boosters too.


    Now to how good is this i dont know, i do know that there are videos out there where someone with sleepynox caps focus in 15 minutes so i leave the judgement to you.

    If you think the initial numbers are too low feel free to suggest them to be higher.

    I see........ I calculated wrong if we go with these calculations Im onboard

  4. 6 hours ago, Emulad0or said:

    Looks interesting, but how would it actually change from the current "gameplay"? What I mean by this is, wouldn't it still be easier for someone using, let's say, a Banshee on Hydron to farm Focus? Kills tons on enemies, spawns several orbs with this, etc. What would actually change?

    Agreed i love the changes he discussed but the amount of focus is still to little a person would have to do on average 40 casual missions to cap focus. The problem with focus farming is the time it takes to cap. It already will take roughly a year to fully max your focus so the grind is there lol, but making the focus so tedious where people wont get to the cap without cheasing I think is the main problem. The Idea should not be thrown away I think he is on to something, focus farming should be capped by playing the game casually. Capping your syndicate is never a chore at times I dont even know when I cap it. Not saying focus farming should be too easy but I dont think the correct balance is set. 

  5. 17 hours ago, Nameless said:

    Bring back raids, leave them in the game but stop working on them. Let them break we can work around the bugs. At the very least give us a timeline of when we can expect them back and if you ever intend to return them..


    Nightmare Sorties great Idea, a revamped/renamed Dark Sector is coming and new open world Venus as well. Wanting those bugged raids I must disagree. I do think raids need to return but its clear that the resources necessary to give a quality Trial was lacking, so let them bring the stated content add Nightmare Sorties and free up resources to focus on quality Raids that everyone can enjoy. I started playing WF with PS4 launch and fell off and I must say WF has come a long way. I too am having issues with current content not being challenging, (I have no reason to use arcanes, rivens etc because i am OP for almost everything in the game.) however I do see content coming and old systems that has been changed for the better so give them time. Growth is coming might be slow for us but its getting there.

  6. 22 hours ago, Gweredith said:

    Both are horrible, unfun and grindy ways to get a CHANCE of obtaining the relic you require, which will then require another roll of the dice for you to actually get the item you need. Putting the relics in bounties was just the lesser evil of the two.

    People complain about the grind but the AXI relics drop really frequently (Probably to good lol) and its really only the Lith G2 that can be a pain but they are always in rotation and is a 3 stage Bounty. It doesnt take more than 3 runs before I get the desired relic and then in some runs you get 2 or even 3 in one bounty. I think the other rewards should be a bit more appealing because stuff like 100 kuva or Shimmering light after finishing a close call bounty (finding that 3rd cache with 3 seconds left in the final stage) really makes me cringe. Please note I dont start opening my relics before i have six in a particular relic and i always get six way before the 2hrs 30 min finishes.

  7. After farming for Zephyr this week I realized going to a set place for a specific relic is way more convenient than farming on the star chart. I usually farm six of each relic and then open them(Raidant if need be) when I farm for frames. I literally had to trade for Z1 relics  in the trade chat because I apparently was getting everything else except Lith z1 lol. So for vaulted relics that are time constrained I think farming them in a specific location was a great move. I know people were having problems with loading Plains etc but i think that it is the best option for vaulted relics and should continue, while working on ensuring that everyone can access Plains of course. Having the Void Trader selling the relics during the unvaulted period may also assist with people having problems accessing The Plains.

  8. 21 hours ago, Agentcheese said:

    Here's a list of some of the things I like to do.

    #1 visit places like the plains of eidolon and take screenshots of it using the HD screenshot option. I would tell you its F6 but you play on PS4 so that wouldn't work.

    #2 make platinum. when I get tired of just killing stuff I listen to smooth jazz while sitting in trade chat trying to make platinum. I find it quite relaxing.



    #3 challenge myself in the simulacrum. Since I find sorties less of a challenge and more of a lesson at making OP builds I go into the simulacrum sometimes and make my own challenges. One time I went up against the max number of level 30 hellions. I didn't get anything from it but man was that fun.

    #4 try to find new and stupid ways to kill enemies. one time I was playing on earth and shot my penta at a grineer. the pellet took his leg out without exploding.

    since they I have constantly been on the lookout to find more utterly stupid ways to kill enemies. like playing a really high health frame and gas procing yourself so you can run in like a suicide bomber.

    #5. make modern art. I haven't tried this one myself but I've seen other people do it. you just go into your liset or dojo and stick decorations together to make something else.

    one person made a jackal using ayatan sculptures. 


    #6 make your own games up with your friends in warframe. One idea I've had for a while now is grineer golf. you just load up a captura scene turn the enemy A.I off and smack grineer into whatever you choose to be the hole.  Best part is you don't even need 2 warframe accounts if your friend is physically next to you. just swap turns on the same PC.

    #7 start scanning enemies to fill up your simulacrum. Personally I find it pretty fun to just laugh at how terrible the enemy A.I is in this game. they do all kinds of stupid stuff. 

    Like grineer commanders putting themselves in horrible situations with their teleport. 

    #8 get your own pet. If you don't have a kubrow or kavat yet I highly recommend getting one. they are extremely useful and can basically pay for their own DNA stabilizers if you get the locker opening mod and take them to Jupiter.



    #9 speedruning bosses. Again I haven't done this one as I don't like rushing or getting worked up about a time limit. but if you like the idea seening how fast you can down a boss could be pretty fun.

    #10 train youself to become an expert with certain weapons. Throwing a kuni to headshot a falling dargyn pilot, one shot killing an enemy with the slam move while upside down in a archwing. those sorts of things. and if you start getting really good at that sort of stuff you could even record yourself and put it on youtube. I know I would watch that.

    That's everything I could think of. Also it just felt proper to end the list at #10. Anyway I hope you find something you like from my huge wall of text. And don't worry if you didn't read it all. I don't mind.

    Read It all mate. I got a pet already(well 2 but I use Lady L only lol) this was a good list and mastering different weapons while finding new ways to kill enemies/bosses fast is appealing. Thanks again.

  9. 20 hours ago, nickelshark said:

    Experiment, experiment and experiment! Variety is the spice of life and of Warframe. Try different builds, and not just ones you find on the internet, but mess around with different things to come up with something new, like my melee ember build. Try revisiting weapons.

    Definitely reviewing weapons there were some I just burnt through for mastery fodder.

  10. 21 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

    the only point in playing Warframe is to complete and fine-tune your arsenal and do it stylishly and efficiently. Its not about challenge or pvp. The challenge is just enough to test your gear, but there to make you fail. look at it like a racetrack. You don't necessarily want a harder and harder track when tuning hobby cars. You only need one interesting enough to test your latest setup. It's the same with Warframe. 

    Interesting look on the subject.

  11. 20 hours ago, (PS4)LubzinNJ said:

    Don't get involved in Division. I'm a diehard fan of the game but at this point there is nothing to get from it, and it is a complete mess as far as balance goes.

    That alone is a reason to have spice in this game.

    But what keeps me interested is playing content with friends. Like you been playing since around October and I put in a good 2-4 weeknights, a lot more than that on weekends. And what keeps me going is spending time with friends.

    Thanks for info that bit about Division is interesting.

  12. 3 minutes ago, (XB1)OTF SERENiTY said:

    Since you can check sorties and starchart off your list, go for: 

    1. All the armor sets, syandanas, skins, you name it.

    2. Expand your arsenal.

    3. Purchase the color palletes.

    4. Complete your entire codex. This will help out very much. 

    5. Grind relics.

    6. Find efficient methods/styles you enjoy 

    7. Do dailies if you can, mess around with your gear to make sure missions never go bland ;)

    8. Enjoy

    Thanks fashion framing is not really my thing but 2 and 4 definitely.

  13. 3 minutes ago, Polterghozt said:

    Fashionframe, creative but viable warframe builds and messing around with underrated weapons.

    Trying to make unusual loadouts completely viable during the endgame is really fun in my opinion, it involves a deeper knowledge of almost all mechanics to be creative and successfully min-max forgotten weapons. Unfortunately, sometimes you'll need to grind a lot of kuva if the weapon needs a riven or has a disposition too strong to be ignored.

    Beyond that, I just try to constantly get better and challenge myself, become less dependant on spamming abilities or raw stats and instead try to take my movement/aim to a higher level, which consequently allows me to comfortably use more varied frame builds and loadouts.

    I see........ I'll look into this, I do enjoy unlocking rivens so seeing how well I can do with lower tier weapons might be a nice option to keep interest as well.

  14. 3 minutes ago, (XB1)motionROTATION said:

    At the end of the day, the people who have done everything and keep playing simply love playing the game. If you’ve hit a wall, then take a break. Come back in a patch or two and see if you’re passion has renewed. If not, take another break. 

    Ive taken multiple breaks. Playing when you don’t want to is how you burn out a game. 

    This is some solid advice, thanks i think it may reach to that. Still have to do some Teralsyt hunting but when that time comes to avoid total burnt out I will give it a rest.



    Thanks again

  15. 1 minute ago, Hypernaut1 said:

    i can at least use forma. Sure, getting 1 forma can sting after a tough sortie (should be 3x for its rarity) but i can still use it. Reactors and Exilus adapters currently have NO use when you have enough. It's easy to acquire enough too. I know its a top tier reward for some, but i do wish there was something vets could do with excess reactors/exilus

    Yea starting to run into that reward for vets problem as well, think I am reaching the end of the road well until Open world Venus lol.

  16. On 3/5/2018 at 12:51 PM, Bakul said:

    i don´t have that much time to play on weekends ;)


    yes,because of magnetize


    i will test it it, if i run out of luck i will use rhino

    Crap now seeing this lol hope you got through.

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