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Posts posted by HillsAndTheSea

  1. No it's not. If I take away one of the Latos does my other one suddenly stop working too?


    If I would call every single weapon a prototype of a dual weapon then there is something wrong.


    i think he meant "why doesnt the lato have an easy credit upgrade similar to the mk1 braton"


    aklato and lex are sidegrades, the closest thing to a straight upgrade is vasto/bolto, and those are a bit harder to acquire for a new player

  2. we have been mercenaries since day one, this is taken right from the main website


    "Fragments of history suggest that discipline and chivalry are the cornerstone values of the Tenno: is this true today? The Tenno are emerging into a world unfamiliar to them. One sees a noble warrior, building his strength against an oppressive regime. Another sees an opportunistic mercenary, exploiting the Warframe's superiority for wealth. Regardless of their future, the Tenno stand united against a common foe, loyal only to each other."


    and yeah a tenno's life aint free, guns/ammo/killing tools can cost serious credits

  3. Call me silly but I'm in it for the damage multipliers and element bonuses. I only want it to be useful against all the factions instead of it being a single-faction weapon. Plus the Grineer don't really have a weakness to an element except for the puncture damage type. 






    every faction has elemental weaknesses and even the "lower" stats will perform better on every enemy.


    not to mention all elements scale better with higher base damage and ignore IPS, IPS mods are mostly irrelevant as they offer minimal buffs, especially on rifles.


    the "unbalanced" stats only really matter if you arent using elemental mods, and if you arent using elemental mods, chances are the enemies you are fighting can be overkilled by virtually anything

  4. someone suggested that elemental effects only appear while your weapon is NOT sheathed.


    considering this is now possible with the Heat (fire only appears when you charge) weapons, we should petition DE to attempt to apply this to all the weapons.


    that way we still have elemental effects, but they are as not as intrusive during combat

  5. Just stop. I knew a long time ago that those two abilities could be used for movement but it's different than what I'm suggesting here. So just stop.

    Dashing isn't in parkour or ninjitsu? Uh okay then. It may not be called dashing, but fast movements is pretty much the same thing. And the dash is not for speed, it's for dodging. Like rolling. Basically the only thing it'd be is replacing an animation for the same effect. Dashing isn't ninja? Come on.


    stop because i dont agree with you? why even bother replacing something for the same effect?


    a "dash" would not add to warframes gameplay as 90% of major threats are ranged attacks and a quick dash where you are not invincible does not help against those. a dash were you are invincible, be it attack based or otherwise, is something that is better suited for a warframe power. maybe instead of saying "we need to dash to be more ninja" instead you should say "ash should dash instead of teleport because he is a ninja"


    personally i like rolling. its an seemless movement that can be done while crouching to move quick short distances. it is in no ways broken nor needs changing. if anything, there should be a slight invincibility frame but thats an entirely different subject.


    warframe does not conform to being a game about ninjas fyi

  6. 1.  its shown in "The Call" trailer that vor's psuedo-immortality is a result of his "prize", he magically glued himself together after being bisected by excalibur. this explains how vor isnt dead even though he was defeated on mercury and is still relevant to the story.


    2. all (reworked) bosses already have signature weapons



    Ruk: Flamethrower


    Alad V: Zanuka

    Kril: Hammer

    Lephantis: Scythe


    3. It should be assumed that all the old bosses are mostly placeholders, especially the ones without dialogue/cutscenes, they all will probably be reworked and arent final, otherwise "darvo" would still be the pluto boss.


    if you ask me, I like the way the DE is giving all the bosses overhauls, sure, not everyone likes them, but they definately have more personality than the one-liners accompanied by random noise. that and the new hek is probably my favorite boss so far, a good combination of silliness and seriousness

  7. you can easily control it with duration mods.


    you want shorter dash? fleeting expertise


    you want longer dash? continuity/constitution


    its also not excalibur only as rhino can dash(charge) as well.


    also there is no reason to replace the mostly smooth rolling animation with a jerky dashing one, a roll is a very fluid motion that is actually used in parkour/ninjitsu, a dash is not. besides, we can already slide to increase momentum, we dont need dashes just like we dont need double jumps

  8. Yeah honestly I've got no idea WTF is going on there anymore. Since it seems to be working OK I s'pose it's all good.


    And yeah it's intended for Miasma to lose DPS with power duration. Total damage is constant.


    so assuming this is right if one were to use fleeting expertise and chrola helmet (-65% duration) would the DPS of miasma increase? not sure if my math is right but would it be something like this?


    (375/.35)x(1.4+1) = 2571


    aside from all her other skills suffering, it seems you can get some pretty hefty miasma builds if this is the case

  9. im not sure if this has been mentioned, but while oberon's first ability requires a target to use, it actually can still be used while moving/reload/switching weapons similar to many other warframes abilities post u11.


    im assuming this is a pattern DE is testing, and hopefully they at least apply it to soul punch and decoy next, would be much appreciated.

  10. 1. gorgon doesnt needed to be added to clantech, it doesnt need an arbitrary increase in its build requirements, nor does it really need a buff, the weapon has served its time and there are many weapons that succeed its roles (supra, soma, karak). the only reason one would want the gorgon (or any retired weapon) is sentimental reason, which goes against DE's want for people to try (and buy) many new different weapons. the same can be said about the other retired weapons, and those are even less useful than the gorgon.


    2. No, we dont need any more rocket/grenade launchers at the moment, penta/ogris already fufill the need for explosions and both fufill the roles of the weapons you described. however, a gun very similar to the one you described is already planned (the corpus flak cannon mentioned in one of the livestreams, it is however closer to a shotgun)


    3. DE has already said no to grenades as we have warframe powers. incidentally,  if you really want grenades, play vauban


    but yeah, i agree new clan tech weapons would be cool

  11. I do not want to see the gear field turned into a potion bar.


    Just my humbe 2¢, but I really feel like it subtracts from an action game. I greatly prefer preventing/curing/dealing with conditions with actions and skill rather than just guitar hero style press the right color potion button.


    warframe at its core is an mmorpg, it is not an action game. yes, it is a third person shooter, yes it a space ninja game, but no, it is not a pure action game ala killzone halo cod etc.


    and we already have guitar hero style "right color potions" they are called medium team restores. i dont see how adding more situational items that you can carry just in case going to subtract anything when you have those, and can carry x99 of each per mission

  12. it would be overall better if you couldnt proc bleeding through shields, the only enemies that are reliably shielded are the corpus, who in the case of moas are resistant to slash, and crewman arent really difficult enemies to begin with. armor wouldnt prevent bleed proc, so bleed would still have a use on most enemies. if you want a DoT proc that bypasses shields, there is already poison.

  13. the main problem here is there is effectively no way to prevent these status effects, or even reduce them really.


    once you are bleeding, you are forced to suffer and its not like we have bandages as a gear item to stop it. sure, you can heal, but that still doesnt stop the bleeding


    you ask me, gear items would be the best way to slightly circumvent the issue, notice im bleeding? press F5 to to apply gauss. noticed im poisoned? open gear menu to drink antidote. this rewards being prepared and helps eliminate the more random aspect of it. this way im not forced to watch my self die after fighting an eviscerator who bleed procs me for 300+ damage. it also gives us more of a choice on what to carry, instead of "99 medium (xx) restores". there need to be more useful gear items anyway

  14. How many times does it need to be repeated...the problem with Contagion isn't the damage but the survivability. No amount of damage will help survive a bulletstorm from high level ranged enemies or poison ancients.Using Contagion at higher levels is suicide because the skill doesn't provide any kind of protection for going into melee. In other words the skill lacks the utility to make higher level melee play viable for Saryn.


    this is less of a problem of contagion itself and more of a problem with the broken warframe armor and enemy damage output. saryn is supposed to have at least above average survivability due to having the highest hp with the 3rd highest armor, and molt not scaling well enough to be a legit decoy for quick assualts. contaigon is supposed to be the butter, not the bread

  15. im not sure why everyone is saying contagion is so bad. its honestly pretty good as far as a melee skill. also it can be used for combine elements now at least, and adds a pretty significant amount of toxin damage if you have blind rage. grab yourself a galatine slap on focus energy, and watch how contagion helps the medium grineer into a grave

  16. the bleed proc is utter nonsense. eviscerators are currently OP and are extremely frustrating. 


    its bad enough they resemble light grineer but the fact that they have high RoF ricocheting weapons that barely have to connect to ignore your shields and kill you is complete and utter nonsense. how the hell are you supposed to "stand in cover" when even stray miter blades can bounce off walls and rip through all your 300 hp long after you've already killed the enemy. this is almost as bad as when J3-golem dropped fart clouds when he died and they instakilled you when you tried to pick up the bps. this just reminds me of the old damage 1.0 scorch who the second you turned a corner would instantly barbeque you before you even had a second to react.


    the damage chance for bleed proc needs to be lowered and the amount of damage it does needs to be lfixed as well or they could actually fix armor so warframes reliable protection other than shields 


    DE seems to be taking baby steps when it comes to the strength of enemies vs the durability of warframes.

  17. She only needed a change in Fireball and a different skill than Fireblast. She was fine with Overheat and WoF but now there is no Overheat and WoF is visually disturbing and only damages 1 enemy/tick (been like this since 21st June) if you are the host.


    Stop wrecking her please.


    fireball is fine, you can use it while reloading and or switching weapons for quick ranged attack that offers damage/stun/aoe. it does everything a first ability should.


    but fireblast is kind of in a weird place. imo it should have a faster cast, cast delay, and lower energy cost. the long cast time and high cost just makes it "weaker world of fire but standing still". it should cost 50 energy and be a bit more a defensive spell than it is,

  18. "Excalibur launches high into the air, delivering shockwaves upon landing"


    Boosting this ability increases the jump height and shockwave potency


    I applaud your idea, but they might have to increase the energy cost a bit to compensate. They should also factor landing directly on one foe, Mario-style.


    10 energy is fine for what is essentially a jump + possible stun


    im not saying it should do 600 damage still, but maybe 50 if in the radius and 200 if landed directly on top of. power strength still effects jump height,  and now increases the damage, range can be 5m or something similar.


    this is assuming the conditions for the jump are event met to begin with. currently a max rank super jump wont even activate unless you have something like ~30 power strength


    they can simply make it so that only a max rank super jump has the aoe stun, that way super jump is actually worth the 9 mod points it costs, and heavy impact works like it should have in the first place, instead of wasting a slot and 9 mod points

  19. soul punch needs the following changes


    - AoE in radius of target

    - Target faints in place (soul particles go into the air instead) gives a slightly shorter stun than currently,

    - nearby targets (2-5m) are pushed slightly and stunned


    since it requires a target, has a medium cast time, it would be much more useful if it made the soul "explode" from the body and push the enemies around. the cost would be a slightly shorter stun on the selected target but much better ease of use in a pinch, this way the move would be less about damage (lol) and more about cc, in what is basically a targeted, longer range, slower, and more damaging version of banshee's first ability


    terrify also needs some work. i get that they dont want it to be "nekros radial blind" but it shouldnt have a target limit if it costs 75 energy and cant even be recast.


    aside from that, i love nekros, im glad they showed him at least a bit of love by fixing shadows of the dead.

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