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Posts posted by HillsAndTheSea

  1. topic.


    mod should be:



    -fire rate


    it honestly should have been switched when heavy calibur was, i am going to assume DE just forgot about it



    basically it should work like the shotgun equivelent, (i even care if the polarty has to be changed)


    we have plenty of fire rate mods, not enough weapons affected by recoil (that cant be fixed with stabilizer) and this would be a great way to make this mod actually useful

  2. what really confuses me is why so many elements have more drawbacks than they do benefits


    im not saying they should be realistic at all, but they should at least be practical.


    and i swear the infested not being weak to slash is some sick joke, i mean seriously thought "serrated blade = cleanse infested" better go swap the descriptions for ether sword and fragor.


    but seriously, the elements (IPS included) should have more bonuses than resists (or at least a balance), that way they are actually worth thinking about and using.


    seriously, whats going on with viral? lol

  3. from my expierence it works similar to the way it does on warframes


    the armor basically acts as a buffer and reduces the damage done to health


    and no, they dont work like corpus shields (aside from bosses). Grineer typically only have one health bar.

    the higher your armor penetration, the less damage the armor reduces, and easier it is to do damage to health

  4. So now we need to visit a fan-run wiki to get all the ins-and-outs of a damage system.


    DE really didn't think this through did they?




    you are aware that this information is in the codex, right?



    but the main thing that bugs me about this update is slash not being useful against infested, feels like DE just pulled a loki switch teleport on us. 

  5. -weapons shouldnt have a trend of "one being way stronger than all of them", weapons shouldnt also be getting steadily stronger at the rate they were

    -Have you forgotten abouto the strun wraith? it has been nerfed MANY times, it is no longer the 170 damage 50 crit chance shotgun it was on release. its still a fanatisic gun however and fits well into the arsenal of shotguns while not being max dps. if anything, the strun wraith is a great example of where event weapons should be, DE should have just made it that way on release

    -as for higher mastery weapons "what mastery exactly is the brakk?"

    -weapon balancing should be done with all the weapons, that takes times, look at when damage 2.0 came out, that was a great step forward in terms of weapon balance, even if it wasnt perfect

    - if one weapon is so strong that it makes all other weapons almost entirely irrelevant, it should indeed be nerfed, then all the weapons can be considered and buffed appropiately.

    -when the time comes for a higher tier of weapons, DE should decide them with choices, and while yes event weapons should be near/on that tier, they should not be better. that way, event weapons are still unique/viable, but we actually have a choice on what weapons we want to use. the nova(rhino)/soma/brakk/galatine loadout shouldnt be the only loadout needed ever 

    -damage 2.0 is a HUGE work in progress and obviously there are oversights, weapons will be nerfed/buffed constantly, but you cant expect a weapon (or anything really) to be a tier above everything else and be immune to nerfs, advantages should come with drawbacks, no matter the weapon


    -BE PATIENT, the brakk and every other gun/warframe may very well see numerous changes, give DE a bit more time to see where things are going.


    -at least you enjoyed the easy mode of having an exclusive gun that was better than the rest right? or is that fun non appliciable because you have to move on to another weapon for the time being 

  6. its calculated on a per weapon basis for balance reasons and because some guns have perfect accuracy, there would never be consisenticy because of that. it was the same thing with recoil, and lowering accuracy is much more balanced for a mod that grants an extra damage buff.


    and those weapons that "gain" accuracy that you mentioned, are all said perfect accuracy weapons, so it makes sense their accuracy doesnt change. if you wanted the accuracy changes to be consisent, then you would have to expect consisent accuracy among the weapons, which is far far from the case.


    aside from that, heavy calibur is a great mod. if you really have a problem with the accuracy loss, feel free not to use it. im glad heavy calibur effects some weapons so heavily, it wasnt meant to replace serration, or even be necessary like it and multishot, however that doesnt mean its a mod that shouldnt be used, or is in need of fixing


    magnum force is the same thing, it just offers less since pistol mods are ALWAYS better than their rifle counterparts


    my only real gripe with heavy calibur is that when it was changed to accuracy instead of recoil, that vile precision wasnt changed as well. hopefully thats something DE would consider changing, even if not, ill still use heavy calibur on some builds, but not all of them, and thats a good thing.
  7. loki is less powerful? next you are going to say trinity is weak too?


    if you think loki is weak, then you are playing him wrong. it took me a while to realize myself how amazing loki actually is


    loki is the fastest warframe, has 2 abilities that scale infinitely, one troll ability, two great helmets, AND is a starter frame ( he only costs 75 plat instead of 300+)


    i tried ash, and honestly it boiled down to him being only good for invisiblity (which loki does better) but it did make me realize how much i missed having a loki. so yeah ash, is kinda lacklaster, aside from his pure ninja aesthetic. he could use some fixing


    both of there 3rd abilities need slight auto aim or some sort of aim assist, and aside from that ash really only suffers problems that all waframes currently suffer: damage abilities dont scale that well and health/armor is garbage right now


    Edit: I think it was actually Physics Impact on Kunai and Serated on Hikou. Still meant Kunai did full damage to Infested vs the 50% of AP against them.


    yes, but it should be noted that despair did aslo did an extra 50% damage to (medium?) grineer, who were arguably the toughest faction in damage 1.0


    DE should have just shifted the values like so


    kunai: impact

    despair: puncture

    hikou: slash


    then we would have the holy trinity like we should have had in the first place, and the throwing knifes retain some of thier 1.0 uniqueness


    at this point, once you have despair, the other throw knifes can go straight in the garbage lol

  9. scopes are nice, its great that they added them


    i dont think the scopes should be removed, but the scopes we have could be better, maybe if they were less opaque, but i agree the current scopes could use some redesigns


    i dont think the scopes limiting your view (in moderation) is too bad a thing, considering scopes tend to that. the main issue happens to be that warframe is such a fast paced game that sniping in itself is quite difficult. the zoom on most snipers is mostly unnecessary save for a few very specific engagements 


    the best alternative is when get alternate fires (with u11.5), we also get adjustable scopes, that would greatly improve the versatility and range of sniper rifles

  10. "i dont like the supra" =/= "supra is a bad weapon"


    i would even go so far to say "because the soma is easier to use, the supra isnt worth using"


    yes the gun is inaccurate, yes the gun has slow lasers, but people like the supra for its lasers, its what makes it unique


    "recoil is a problem" ? get a recoil mod, you can remove recoil %100 if you really want to 


    the supra has the highest base damage of all the automatic rifles (remember that all mods scale from this), so of course thats going to come with tradeoffs, and i would like to point out no matter how much you forma a weapon, you can never improve the base damage which all mods scale from at the end of the day, 


    granted, this problem is worse since supra takes soooo long to get and has no polarities, while the soma can be bought from the market with 2 V's, but trying to compare anything to the soma is silly at this point


    saying the supra isnt balanced because the soma is better, means you have a problem with the soma, not the supra.


    imo the easiest fix is the mod "vile precision" should add accuracy, not recoil. DE clearly missed forgot to do this when they changed heavy calibur to accuracy instead of recoil. DE has actually microbuffed the supra with damage 2.0, the formula that lowers accuracy with heavy calibur is a bit lower than it was previously, not saying thats helping, but clearly they have been trying to adjust the weapons, albeit somewhat slower than they should be doing.

  11. the supra is fine the way it is, if you want accuracy and bullet speed, go get the dera, the supra isnt clearly for you


    if anything, there should be a mod to increase accuracy, but aside from that supra is a great weapon, ive forma'd mine 6 times and i dont regret it at all

  12. the old poison weapons should have been switched to corrosive to begin with instead of toxic,


    a cold weapon sounds cool and all but honestly wouldnt even be that useful, cold generally does poor damage and is more for cc (albeit worse in damage 2.0) and yeah, a liquid nitrogen weapon would be cool for slowing things down and removing shields, while thats cool and all they are eventually going to unfreeze and you will be out of ammo


    and yeah, elemental weapons are in dissarry at the moment, they offer niche roles, but then are outperformed by basically any other similar weapon. . to make matters worse, gas, viral, toxic, and cold are elements that cannot stand by themselves right now, and pure elemental weapons suffer from not having IPS values, nor being able to be adjusted by them. the nail in the coffin is unreliable proc chance, i think the lanka is the only elemental weapon with decent proc chance currently,

  13. the main issue with saryn,(and anything poison for that matter) is the poison damage type got a HUGE nerf since damage 2.0, as in it no longer ignores armor,


    its even made leagues worse in the fact that poison itself actually does reduced damage to enemy types now. sure, it bypasses shields, but it still doesnt do nearly any damage to infested (i think robotics are resistant to poison) and even grineer due to their high armor values. currently all the poison based elements are utter garbage aside from corrosive, whats the point of "toxic AoE" if all it does is make 1's appear, whats the point of "reduced hp" if it doesnt even stack?


    basically, anything that was poison in damage 1.0, should have been switched to corrosive, while the other poison elements are fixed, even if they doesnt have bonuses or does reduced damage, they should at least ignore armor, 

  14. in his defense, most damage skills fall off pretty hard at a certain point, and most frames only have 1 (2 in some cases) useful skills at that point anyway


    but yeah, the elemental warframes should  have ~100 proc with their respective elements, it seems volt was the only one where this was paid attention too, hopefully the other frames are next, i want enemies to bleed with i slash dash their guts out, and actually burn when they step into fireblast,


    also freeze shouldnt break with damage, the duration can be short, but it should be a better panic > kill one enemy button, avachalce should absorb the current freeze, where afterwards, as long as you dont attack the enemy, they cant move for another 3~5 seconds,

  15. its confirmed that it works,



    the claws are a regular melee weapon with independent IPS damage and crit chance, it basically just uses your warframes power strength in place of a pressure point mod, they are a fully functional weapon, although uniquely animated


    also, since auras effect all the warframes in your party,  you can stack x4 steel charge for increased hysteria damage, this is probably intentional and maybe the reason there is no "charge" attack during hysteria 

  16. it was abundantly clear that brakk grossly outperformed every other secondary (and many primaries) in the game, if anything, the brakk nerf should have been sooner, but its was probably overlooked since DE were so busy on Alad V and valkyr, and the thousands of other changes/updates that came with u11/damage 2.0. them doing it this late makes it seem kind of random, but they need to be cut a bit of slack. 


    do you remember the 170 damage 50% crit chance strun wraith? the strun wraith isnt nearly as strong as it was at release, but is it a bad weapon now? No.


    remember the 87% crit chance soma? how about the 67% crit chance one?


    remember when weapons didnt ignore armor and where total garbage? at least now its possible to fight a level 50 enemy and do more than 1 damage


    and so what those items cost stupid amount of platinum, its not like its not entirely possible to farm the item your self, and rushing costs far less platinum, hell, you can even farm items then trade them for platinum to rush things if you really wanted too. there are even plenty of deals/discounts for platinum that are quite frenquent, and many updates/events that offer wonderful rewards



    if DE just keeps making weapons stronger the powercreep would be so bad that soma would probably be midgame by update 11.7


    imo the prime/clan weapons should be the best (since they are the hardest to get), and the random event ones should be on par with them, but by no means better

  17. while yeah the nerf maybe too much, its not the end of the world,


    DE has "overnerfed" before and has even buffed weapons because of that, i can imagine damage 2.0 is somewhat complicated, and their are alot of problems they have to adress with it, (status procs are an example)


    the brakk needed a nerf, yes


    was it nerfed too much? maybe


    but if you guys remember, soma and even acrid got HUGE nerfs when damage 2.0 originally came out, and they where both buffed again


    granted, acrid ran into common damage 2.0 problems, status procs not happening enough, and toxin generally being inferior damage as of damage 2.0 since it no longer ignore armor, both of which are problems not even unique to acrid, but poison in general, saryn's venom is a great example


    damage 2.0 is still really fresh, so buffs/nerfs to anything really really shouldnt surprise anyone at this point and people shouldnt be so mad about them. annoyed, yeah, but there definately needs to be less rage about it. DE is quite kind to use, and im sure if we actually give constructive criticism, they might actually go back and try and get it right next time. Im sure it will go much further than "OMG BRAKK IS TRASH TO THE GARBAGE PILE IT GOES QQ". weapons should be better, but not by the margin that brakk was, especially since its a weapon you cant even get anymore, an item shouldnt be considered useless if it isnt "leagues better than everything else"


    that being said, 20m is way too short for such a serious damage falloff, and i think it will probably be adjusted, just give DE some time, remember, this was a quick hotfix, not a major update

  18. if you really think autoroll should be removed, what do you propose to actually fix it?


    while auto-roll is annoying sometimes, it does provide much more fluid movements, and the fact that it slows you down slightly isnt entirely a bad thing, can you image a loki w/ max rush if he didnt have to autoroll to slow down? he would probably magic slide or even worse do that god awful movement of when you land a jump and just kind of hop about


    clearly DE is working on making the movements more fluid, the vaulting was a great way to start if you ask me

  19. fairly certain they changed that. not sure how that works exactly though.


    it still locks your damage to 250, but it doesnt replace the damage your arrow does anymore, but instead adds 250 blast damage, for better or worse. not really worth the mod space but its useful on level 1-5 enemies i guess lol

  20. for the most part, all mods are addivite based on the base stats of the weapon/warframe they apply to



    valkyr has a base shields of 50


    so redirection +320% for example, would add +160 shields


    this is why shield mods are more effecitive on frames like volt, and mag, armor mods are more effecitive on rhino, valkyr, frost, and health mods are more effective on saryn, also why frames like loki are expotentially faster than ones like frost


    so in short, when a stat is garbage, mods dont help, valkyrs shields being a great example. use mods to improve what your frame is good at, to make it better. 


    hopefully the next hotfix fixes warframe armor so that valkyr isnt made of tin foil, its sad how level 1 enemies can make ~300 armor meaningless

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