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Posts posted by (NSW)Archaeopteris

  1. About 1 year has passed since Cross Platform Play was introduced in this game.

    As a Nintendo Switch player, I'm enjoying this experience, but I'm also aware of a problem with Cross Platform Play.

    There are huge performance differences between platforms that this game is available. Nintendo Switch has particular low performance and therefore takes longer to load missions than other platforms.

    As a result, I'm frequently in trouble with loading when I use Cross Platform Play.

    An example of a typical problem is "while I'm loading at the end of a mission, a squad member starts loading another mission".

    When this occurs, I am sent to the next mission without being able to return to the orbiter.

    To prevent these problems, I think that the loading progress of each player should be clearly displayed on the UI.

    That's all about this problem. Thank you.

    *I wrote this topic with using Google Translate. So this may contains mistakes about English sentences, please forgive me.

  2. ゲーム機本体のスペックが低いNintendo Switch版は酷い状況です。Irupon氏が書かれているような状況の他にも、開始ロードが終わった時点でミッション目標が完了していて、自分以外は既に脱出地点にいて強制脱出のタイマーカウントが残り数秒なんて状況にも遭遇しました。




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  3. I confirmed that "Gilded (Ja: メッキ済み)" act is shown in this week's weekly Nightwave act.
    This act is clearly stated to have been removed "based on feedback" at the beginning of Intermission II (Source: Nightwave: Intermission II).
    Therefore I consider this a bug and have reported it.

    Note: I've been playing PC Edition mainly till 1 year ago. Currently I mainly play Nintendo Switch Edition, and I have confirmed the same bug there. This suggests that the same bug may occur on PS4 and Xbox One edition.

    Screenshots are below:


    PC Screenshot:



    Nintendo Switch Screenshot:


  4. After I downloaded the Update 23.2.0, The loadout name was made change to "u521du671fu30d3u30ebu30c9". In former update, this loadout's name was "初期ビルド" (Means "Default loadout" in Japanese). I thought this problem is like "Mojibake", the issues with character encoding,  but I could not decode from "u521du671fu30d3u30ebu30c9" to "初期ビルド". Therefore, I can not guess the cause of this problem.


    The screenshots are below:



    In the changing loadout menu in Origin System map



    In the Arsenal

  5. When the player don't receive Supply Sabotage Incursion, Lotus says "手樹が補給投下を成功させてしまいました" currently.


    The word "手樹" does not exist in Japanese, it seems to be a mistake of Kana to Kanji conversion.

    I think the correct word should be "敵". This word means "enemies" and has same pronunciation with "手樹 (Te Ki)" .

  6. I can't set the symbols on scores of Hydraulus if I try to click it. So I can't proceed the Octavia's Anthem Quest.

    I verified the integrity of game cache, but this bug has not fixed.

    I see that I'm using low performance  computer. I think it may be one of the causes of this bug.

    But I could complete former missions at Stephano, Uranus and Tycho, Lua. So I think there is also another causes on the game client.

    I think the game operators must be busy because it's right before Tennocon, but I hope that this bug will be fixed someday.

    I'm sorry for mis-report. There is no bug  in this mission.

    I didn't noticed that I must click under the rectangles.

  7. As shown in the screenshot below, it is wrongly written that "Collect the Mandachord components (Saturn) starting in [n]" despite the mission is located at Neptune.


    Also when I abort this mission, I return to the Saturn  instead of Neptune.


    I'm normally playing this game in Japanese client and this bug occurs in the Japanese client too.

    It is written "土星" instead of "海王星".


  8. The sentence "An unused, unfused artifact." Is inserted in the description of Ammo Case mod. In Japanese client, the translation of that sentence "未だ使用されていない未融合のアーティファクト。" is inserted. 

    Despite the word "unfused", it is also displayed in maximum-ranked Ammo Case mod.

    I have memorized that there was not this sentence on former update. And there is not this sentence in other mods. Therefore I think that this is mistake and I report it.

    Following is the screenshots:


    On the English client



    The maximum-ranked mod's description



    On the Japanese client

  9. ウィークリーAyatan トレジャーミッション中、Maroo からの通信が表示されます。その翻訳において、少々の違和感を感じる部分があったため報告させていただきます。なお、私は深い英語翻訳の知識は持っていないため、間違ったことを報告していたら申し訳ありません。


    原文: "And yet, I wouldn't set foot in this place for all the Ayatan in the System. You on the other hand..."

    現在の翻訳: 「それでもこの太陽系のAyatan全てのためにそこに乗り込むってのはアタシはしないけどね。ソレに対してアンタが…」

    この部分の「ソレに対してアンタ…」は「ソレに対してアンタ…」としたほうが、Maroo がテンノに対して呆れていることがわかり、しっくりくるように思います。






    原文: "Oh wow. This looks dangerous. Uh, for me. I mean... You'll be fine. Promise."

    現在の翻訳: 「うへぇ、こりゃ危険そう。あー、アタシが思うになんていうか… アンタなら大丈夫でしょ。約束してくれよ。」

    ここの「約束してくれよ。」は唐突に約束を求められていて、何を約束してほしいのかよくわかりませんでした。前の文から考えると、「アンタなら大丈夫」という内容を「約束するよ。」と言いたいのかな、と考えました。しかし、原文では "Promise" 一単語しか言っていないため、命令形なのか、"I promise that."といった文を、くだけた言い方にするために一単語で表しているのか、私には断定できませんでした。






    原文: "Don't look now Tin-Stuff, there's a Ayatan  nearby."

    現在の翻訳: 「今はブリキ系のに目を向けてるんじゃない、近くにAyatanがあるんだよ。」

    この部分の「ブリキ系のに」という言い方ですが、現代の若者言葉のようで、Maroo の性格や立場に合っていないように感じます。「ブリキのモンに」などのほうがMaroo らしく感じられました。





    原文: "That's what we came here for. Your job's done."

    現在の翻訳: 「ソイツがアタシらがそこに来た目的のだ。お仕事はお終い。」






  10. I have same bug. I'm using Japanese client but this bug has occur.

    I also confirmed that this also occurs in other landing crafts.

    However, I can't confirm this bug with the Xiphos because I don't have it.


    Following is the screenshots:


    At Maroo's Bazaar



    At Larunda Relay



    At Kronia Relay with the Mantis



    At Orcus Relay with Scimitar

  11. Lanzo モリを使用中にLuminos Dye を3キーを押下して投げたところ、すぐに沈んでしまい機能しませんでした。


    Gara Toht 湖や海など、他の水場で使用した場合や、昼に使用した場合については不明です。





    Luminos Dye を9回投げて、効果を発揮したのは1度だけでした。


  12. エイドロンの草原からシータスに帰還し、シータスに入ろうとすると、ゲームクライアントがクラッシュします。



    バグレポートの送信後、"WAR-1809759" という番号が付与されました。

    後ほど、EE.log とDxDiag.txt を送信させていただきます。



  13. Since update 22.20.0 has been installed, sometimes tenno fires his gun while I'm not clicking mouse left button.

    It occurs not only with a specific gun, but with all guns (Including Operator's Void beam).

    Firstly, I thought that this may be occurred by physical breakdown of my mouse. Then I changed the mouse, but this bug continued.

    In addition, clicking malfunction has not occurred in other applications.

    From the above, I thought that this is a problem of the game client and I reported to here.

  14. This bug occurred in alert mobile defense at Ani, Void (Prize: Orokin Reactor Blueprint). The time was around 4:00 p.m in Japan Standard Time.

    Our squad (4 members) carried out the mission without any problems up to the second terminal. However, the yellow marker indicating the location of the next terminal was not displayed after completed hacking second terminal.

    Immediately the host member disconnected the session and the host transition occurred. It made me the host, but the bug was not resolved.

    Then the second and third member disconnected the session. After they had disconnected, I walked in the map for a while to search the third terminal.

    As a result, I was not able to find a third terminal. Although I went to a place where the third terminal was supposed to be generated, there was nothing.

    Also while I was looking for a terminal, enemies did not spawn except three corrupted crewmans (One is synthesis target, two are normal).

    I took some screenshots and aborted the session.

    After this, I re-ordered the mission, but at that time this bug did not occur.

    Following is the screenshots:


    -At the second terminal which was completed hacking



    -At the map where the third terminal was supposed to be generated



  15. 12 minutes ago, Merovo said:

    This happens to me too. Support suggested switching to 32 bit version (in the launcher settings) - it still crashes there sometimes but occasionally I can get into the room. So that might be a temporary workaround if you need to hand in some cores.

    Thank you for your information.

    I always use 32 bit version because my computer's performance is low. but I can not avoid crashing.

    Perhaps the performance may be too low to use the Cetus.

  16. When I try to enter the Quills' room, the game freezes after the door opening sound is played back.Then the game crashes.

    This crash has already occurred since the era of Hotfix 22.17.4.

    In the crash report submission window, the number "WAR-1730251" displayed.

    Here is the video:


  17. When I use the charge attack of melee weapon (holding E key),  sometimes the animation of weapon freeze and don't occur the collision detection.

    On gunblade, this phenomenon happens at gunshot in quick melee mode (holding E key while using primary or secondary weapon).

    This phenomenon has occurred at the latest since November of 2017.

    Following is the video of this phenomenon:



  18. 金星のRomula にて、防衛対象を示すマーカーが表示されませんでした。また、防衛対象があるべき場所に行っても、敵のウェーブがやってこないという現象が発生しました。


    以下 スクリーンショットです。


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