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Posts posted by TommY27

  1. I'm using korean client so i do not know the exact name of the error but i think it is

    "cannot use session"


    after this error the squad menu(bottom left : back, galaxy map menu) becomes unclickable, and the whole UI becomes stuck. No way to fix this except restarting warframe.

    Very annoying bug

  2. Original survival maps(during the survival event : same as defense maps) were way better than current maps.


    1. Enemies had much better pathfinding AI

    2. Maps were good enough for defending(since they were based on defense maps)

    3. Enemies always rushed to no matter where you are. In current maps, they just wander and have no will to chase you down. It's like exterminate mission. You have to find them!


  3. Just a question, what if you bought a 3rd affinity booster? Will the stack be x6 or x8? Is the stack additive or multiplicative? 



    x8 would be good, but too OP xD


    In that case it would be x6(2+2+2) not x8(2x2x2)



    Maybe the max stack can be set to 2 to prevent OP

  4. Instead of increasing the duration of booster effect when buying multiple boosters at once,

    i think booster stacking would be nice.


    For example, if you buy 2 3 day affinity booster at once, it doesn't make it 6 day long,

    but it makes it 3 day long with x4 affinity(instead of x2)



    The best item for those who don't have enough time to play games through the week

    but wanna level up(or earn credits) fast



    If you still wanna increase the duration and not want to stack it, you can just wait until the first one expire and buy another.

  5. We have 

    Affinity booster and

    Credit booster

    but we don't have Resource booster.


    This might be a really nice item.





    Same price like other boosters(40 plat for 3 days,   80 plat for 7 days)

    Doubles the amount of resource you get from drops.





    The fact that double resource event ended without any patch or update(which means doubling the resource drop isn't done by changing client, but rather simply activating a switch), the DE might already have thought about this and having it ready for launch.

  6. You mean the single-target version? Certainly there was a lot of utility in that, but my preference for Pull most certainly has to be V2. Though in fairness, anything is better than the current version - which does not even do what the name suggests, and deals quite frankly ridiculous amounts of damage for a first power.


    Not the single target.

    The multiple target but no damage version

  7. Super forma : an upgraded version of forma(can be obtained from market for 40 platinums)



    Features :


    Can be used on any weapon, warframe, sentinel (regardless of rank : target doesn't have to be 30 rank)

    Does not reset rank when used





    Super forma : an upgraded version of forma(can be obtained from market for 40 platinums)



    Features :


    Can be used on max ranked weapon, warframe, sentinel

    Does not reset rank when used.

    Does not change polarity immediately, instead, polarity will be changed after the weapon, warframe, sentinel has earned enough affinity.





    Just because you don't wanna buy it(or can't buy it) doesn't make this item a bad idea.
    If you don't wanna buy it(or can't) just don't. You don't need to hate this idea.

    The decision is up to DE. Not you.

  8. Well, if you've only done a survival mission for 5 minutes, what do you expect to get? If they put anything good in the 5min mark, then why wold you bother going up into 10min or 15min or even longer? 5min in a mission is easy, esspeciialy in surival where you can hit that mark just by using up the Lotus oxy drops, you won't even have to kill anything. 


    And I'm not sure how you can think 10k credits is tiny.


    Im saying this because i got 2000 credit rewards and steel fiber at 30min reward. this must be a joke.


    And the previous drop table for survival was a lot better than current version.

  9. My first 12 corrupt mods here always one that i didnt have, so i think the system doesnt even know what you have or dont have, i also had tough that the vault drops here somehow improved from the rest of the game.

    The last few here the most dificult to get (Overextended/corrupt chance), but still, in 32 mods i got, the 16 are amoung them, so i think its better than other parts of the game.


    Edit: my runs here always solo bc i wasnt in home and using wi-fi connection didnt want to host crap games.


    So you have been carrying E key right? It's the most likely the vault type you encounter.

  10. Did you guys notice the drop tables of survival missions changed? in bad ways?

    Now it gives you 2000 credits(notice how many 0s there are. it's not 20000. it's 2000), or S#&$ty mods like steel fiber

    (except 15min reward)





    I'm pretty sure DE dont play warframe before publishing patches.


    Affinity for 7-day-in-a-row login rewards? which can be simply earned by killing a heavy grineer?

    Tiny credits for 7-day-in-a-row login rewards? which can be simple earned by finishing a stupid mission?


    They surely don't know what players need. 

    They just set rewards what they think players need(which is in fact, 100% pure garbage)

  11. I disagree with the last sentence, and pretty much the entire post. I doubt the drop table somehow prioritizes those drops you already have. Its all random, you're just getting the short end of the stick. I've heard people complaining about not getting all the parts they need for Nekros, I got all mine in 3 runs.

    I know it's all random, but it makes me feel like the chances are adjusted as if DE wants to make players angry.

  12. They never give you the ones you need the most.

    They always give you the ones you already have a lot.

    I currently don't have heavy caliber and fleeting expertise,

    so i have been doing vault runs for more than 50 rounds and still.........


    I think DE have made the system to drop those you already have more and those you don't have less to drive us crazy.


    Orokin void rewards and BPs too.



    If you needed system, you keep getting stupid helmets and chassis.


    If you needed orthos prime blade, you keep getting orthos prime handle.



    The drop system should be revamped so that it prioritize those you don't have at the moment.


    If you agree with me, vote this post up and leave a comment below!

  13. What about using grand masters as beta-testers for new mods or weapons or warframes?


    The DE can save Grand masters' time and effort to farm those mods and warframes and weapons,

    and Grand masters' can give feedbacks like balances, drop chances or so before they are officially released.


    It's win-win right?

  14. I think the OP was more concerned that the experience rewards and blueprints seemed to be rather &!$$y for loyal players.  It would be nice if the experience was more than killing 2 enemies would give you (at least scaling to your currently held weapons or something).


    You keep logging in for 7 days or more and all you get is affinity which can be earned by killing 2 silly enemies.

    This is real sh!t

  15. Login rewards should be revamped.



    7 days in a row login rewards should be more rewarding


    you keep logging in for 7 days or more and get 2400 affinity for Warframes and weapons???? fu**!!!.

    10000 credits?? sh!t  Gorgon blueprint? WTF!


    You can get all these things with 5 minutes.

    2400 affinity- killing 2 heavy grineers. thats all you need.

    (What can you do with 2400 affinity? you can level up your UNRANKED weapon to 2!!!  You can't even level up your weapons higher than level 2)


    rewards for hard work should be something useful. not these junks.





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