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Posts posted by Rakawan

  1. 14 hours ago, (XB1)WaterJewel94694 said:

    "I think the best thing to do is check the power levels running through the wires.  The ones that have more power running through them will most likely to be the ones to keep.  As for those that have fused will need to be looked at more closely.  But the most important thing to do is to clean the oil off to and check the ships systems for layout data." Pele said.


    "Well this is most interesting, wonder what kind of research they are referring to.  I should check the base's database for information on the location and this Mr. Marrak and Clarise." Gaia said a bit worried what they mean by research subjects.


    At the mention of infested Mira quickly grabbed her weapons and tried to rush over to where the infested are in hopes of gathering information on the infested since she's been in a cryopod for so long.


    "I have sensitive corpus information that i thought would be useful and I wanted to... uh General my sensors are reading two infested in the hangers would you like my help in handling them?  Because with part of the information refers to the type of infested that my scanners are picking up.  They are known to be quite dangerous." Aria said worried by the information she had managed to get about the boards special plaguewatch program.

    “We’ll clean.” The technician says. “Could you interface with its system?”


    Unsurprisingly that information appears to be restricted. However the base personnel reveals no entries for Marrak or Clarise.


    The sweat harness refuses to release, trapping you in the chair the ships begins to move. It appears you will have to wait.


    “The situation is under control.” Darrin says. “I have subdued one, and the other does not appear to be a threat at this time.”

    His signature is almost on top of one of the infested ones. 

    “Any information you can provide may be helpful.” He says.

  2. 14 minutes ago, Almighty_Jado said:

    Kapak hobbled over to Mercy’s body, still dripping blood. When he reached her body, he pulled his Tigris Prime off of his back.

    ”I was hoping it wouldn’t come to this.”

    Kapak raised the barrel of the weapon, but instead of pulling the trigger, he opened the breach and dropped the two shells onto the floor. He turned to face Cressa Tal and her soldiers.

    ”That’s... that.” He coughed, sending another gob of blood onto the floor. He leaned down on one knee, his large size resting now in a kneeling position.

    ”Enough proof that I’m not the bad guy?” He said, waving his empty gun. “I mean, I’m COUGH not that good guy either, I’ll COUGH COUGH admit.”

    (( @Rakawan))

    Darrin tosses out a health restore pad, sending pulses of walog energy over both of you. 

    1 hour ago, -Platinum- said:

    *The hilt of the sword flying out his back, staggers her, given she didn't have enough time to react. his fist slams into her chest, throwing her across the room. she lands flat on her face and hands, crying out in pain, she just lies there, did a punch kill her?* "....."

    Darrin kneels on Mercy’s back, slapping a pair of prismarite cuffs onto her wrists. 

    The Manticore are nowhere to be seen. It seems they made their exit when the fight broke out.

    “You have earned a chance to explain.” Darrin says to Karpak. “Proceed.”

  3. 19 minutes ago, Daakjenaar said:

    Frez thought of a plan, very proud of himself for a moment for doing so. He input coordinates to the colony for the teleport pad, and walked over to the button for lockdown. Taking a deep breath, he pressed the button.

    "What's going on? The door just locked!" Frez thought he sounded pretty convincing with his lie, and hoped he actually was. "I can't reopen it! See if there's anything you can do on your end!" He accessed the console, and used whatever tech expertise he had to try and delete the security data in the room. No one would find out about this.

    "Wha... what's going on?" He did his best to sound like he was panicking out of his mind (Which he was) and ran over to the teleport pad, activating and entering it. If everything went to plan, they would think he had been attacked and taken away.

    The computer returns an error when you enter the Mycona Coordinates. It makes sense that a place that could offer sanctuary would not be that easily accessed. The computer’s error message states that the teleporter can only be used to teleport to locations inside the facility. Getting off planet will likely require stealing a ship. Thankfully it appears the hangar has several ships. One appears to be powered up and idling.

  4. 1 hour ago, (XB1)WaterJewel94694 said:

    "I see, well then let's take a look at the wiring." Pele said while moving towards the mess of wires.


    "Finally, now let's take a look at what is so important that they placed it under one of the most difficult and annoying encryptions." Gaia says as she opens up the message.


    Mira walks over and then places her Hate scythe, Sybaris assault rifle, and her Fusilai.  Hearing slight whispers she shakes them off thinking it was the infested but then realizing the chance of infested this close is ridiculous.


    "I see.  No reason to disturb her then, could you let General Darrin know that i want to speak with him?" Aria said not wanting to distract Mira due to the fact that they haven't seen each other since the corpus ship they were on.  At the very least she would be able to let the general know about the info she could get and thank him for getting Mira off that ship.

    The wires are coated in so much oil and it’s that all of them appear black, making tracking an individual wire almost impossible, several seemto have fused together and others seem to loop back to the start without connecting. 


    The mesage reads as follows.

    ”Mr. Marrak,

    The last shipment was disappointing. If I wanted malnourished street rats I would simply kidnap them myself. I pay you for good, healthy subjects. 

    It is hard enough to work with stolen research, I do not need defective materials. 

    The location of the next drop is included. The payment for both shipments will be transferred once the quality of the merchandise has been verified. 




    “Transport 5-5 ready for takeoff.”


    ”What do you mean diverted?”


    ”Infested on the runway, right... now tell me the one about the Lotus and Tyl Regor.”


    ”The General is there? No, I trust he has a reason. Diverting now.”


    “You are speaking to him.” Darrin says. “How can I help?”

  5. 13 minutes ago, Daakjenaar said:

    Nononononononononono... This isn't happening... enough supernatural stuff has happened... please... just let me leave... Frez's thoughts were a bit muddled by his newfound panic. He just wanted to be somewhere safe again. What if... I could hijack a ship, get back to Eris... Say there was some sort of misunderstanding... No. That would never work.

    Could it?

    You can see a teleport pad next to the console in the room with you and several ships in the hangar. 

    The button controlling lockdowns gleams at you from the console. The rest of the team is in the room with B-04, or what’s left of him. None of them are close enough to the door to stop it if it were to suddenly close.

    Of course it’s likely they would try to hunt you down. 

    You remember hearing stories about the Mycona, a group of colonists protected by the Perrin Sequence. They may be willing to provide shelter.

  6. 18 minutes ago, -Platinum- said:

    *Victor awaits, silently, looking over at the back of the cave* "...?"

    “We found him further in.” The Dax says, not waiting for you to enter the cave. “Life-signs are erratic. We think we can bring him out of cryo... but...”

  7. 7 minutes ago, -Platinum- said:

    *He perks a brow* "All Tenno? damn" *He opens a file on the bracer, via his implant* "I got a visual of Brandon, if you need it, I doubt just asking, whuold be ideal, any ideas?"

    “Hello.” Sena says. “Is this the colony school.”

    You can only hear her side. 

    “Oh, but which school is the best?” She asks.


    ”The Chancellor’s grandson. Well that is impressive.” She says. “That’s okay sir, I can wait.”


    ”Not yet, probabaly going to be a few more months before I do.” She says. “Of course. Yes I’ll take a brochure.”

    She exits the school and makes her way back to the school. 

    “Well now the receptionist is probably going to be fired and the principal thinks I’m pregnant.” She says. “But I did get some info. Brandon is enrolled there, but he didn’t show up this morning. His mother said he would be absent for a doctor’s visit.”



  8. 8 minutes ago, Daakjenaar said:

    "The... blood is some sort of access code. For a comm channel. Something about some plan, as well." He was having issues processing all of this. He wanted to go back to his quarters on Eris even more now. This was getting way too out of hand. He just wanted to be safe somewhere. "It could help us track the Tenno."

    B-01 seems visibly shaken.

    ”B-03?” He asks.

    “No radiation, no void energy signatures.” B-03 says. “I hate to say this but that wasn’t a Tenno.”

    ”Then what, in the holy name of Profit was it?” B-01 demands. 

    B-03 hesitates.

    ”A while ago a friend of mine managed to breach a Tenno forum board.” She says. “He read about something, something the Tenno had found. Something called the Indifference. The Tenno claimed it could posssess people. They were scared.”

    ”The Betrayers, The one’s who brought down the Empire, were scared?” B-01 asks. “What the Hek is this Indifference?”

    B-03 spoke slowly. 

    “They claim it’s an entity of the void.” She says. “An avatar of its power.” 


  9. 23 minutes ago, -Platinum- said:

    *He holds his hands up a bit, in respect to show his allies* "Are any of you wounded?, my captain has some medical skills"

    Instead of answering the Dax that emerges bows to Felicity.

    ”Mistress.” He says. “You are going to want to see this.”

    He turns and heads back into the cave. 

    “That’s strange.” Felicity says. 

  10. 19 minutes ago, -Platinum- said:

    *He parks it as close as possible, he shuts down the engine to preserve power and waits for her* "Do you know who we're looking for?" *He says over the coms, he leans forward, opening a few parts in the dashboard, to give the idea he's repairing something, while waiting*

    “I got a name.” Sena says. “We’ll see if it comes up.”

    She walks inside.

    ”Crap.” She says. “All the teachers are Tenno. This complicates things.”

  11. 43 minutes ago, Daakjenaar said:

    "..What's going on?" Frez asked, staring at B-04. "What are you doing?" He stood there for a moment, just staring at B-04. What happened? Why was he acting like this? He clutched his weapon harder, not wanting to meet the same fate.

    “I’m trying to help.” It says. “Now listen closely, this vessel won’t last much longer, and as fun as it is to mess with you fleshbags this takes precedence.”

    B-04 draws out a combat knife and slashes open his finger, kneeling and tracing something in the floor. 

    “This is the access code for a comms channel. It’s users will help you. It’s conplicated but they have a stake in this.” He says. “That frequency in the video can help you track the official. And the Tenno that took him.”

    B-04 looks up at you with hollow eyes.

    ”This is Plan A. For your sake I hope you remember it.” It says. “Plan B requires a lot of bodies. Yours among them.”

    The door to the room with B-04 bursts open and he suddenly drops. 

    The image reminds you of a puppet whose strings have been cut. The implications are disturbing. 

    “B-07.” B-01 says. “What did he do before we entered?”

  12. 1 hour ago, -Platinum- said:

    "My Captin wants him alive to explain his actions, to try to reclaim whats left of his family, I just want him dead for putting our family to shame"  *He says* "Our Admiral wants to tear his augs out and keep them, and our Archimedean wants his body for study" *He sighs* "So, Yeah" 

    “Hmm.” Felicity says. “Complicated.”

    Lasers play over your chests. 

    “Friendlies.” Felicity says. “Here to provide extraction.”

  13. 2 hours ago, -Platinum- said:

    *He nods* "Of course dear, I'll just mess up"

    “No, it’s just that a guy asking questions about children and safety measures draws attention.” She says. “Whereas if I do it everyone will just assume I am either a mother or planning to be one.”

    The village comes into view. The buoldings are spaced out and most are farming stations or greenhouses. You can also see a cafe and a parking lot. 

    Sena jumps off the transport as you near the school. 

    “Park it close to the door.” She says over comms. “I’ll head inside and check it out.”

  14. 43 minutes ago, Almighty_Jado said:

    “She’s not my queen!” Kapak snapped back, saliva dripping from his jaw. His hands formed fists, his legs spread apart, showing clear aggression against Mercy. “We’re both more than puppets! Or at least, I am. I only decided to play along with the whole boil plan to save my skin!”


    ”Shut it!” Kapak spat. “There are too many innocent lives at risk. I’ve had time to think about it, and I’d rather not have the blood of countless, helpless people in my hands.”

    Kapak’s gills and bone armour quivered violently as he stares down Mercy.


    1 hour ago, -Platinum- said:

    *she shakes her head, still aiming towards Kap* <If we tell them, our mission will become harder, the Nemesis will kill us, I will not let this happen!>

    “I’d like to point out that Nemesis probably has very little chance of letting us stay alive after she has what she wants.” Sai’ah says. “And that I could probably rip whatever secrets she promised from her mind once she is beaten.”

    Darrin and the Manticore troopers seem perfectly content to let Mercy and Karpak tear eachother apart.

  15. 5 minutes ago, LightningsVengance said:

    *He pulled out cipher complements* ((assuming I have them) and coupled the power coil together, after waiting a few seconds to see w hat happened he plugged in the transmitter*

    “Alright now we’ll need to cobble together a detonator.” Xane says.

    Tania interjects.

    ”A detonator?” She asks. “Isn’t that a bit extreme?”

    ”Yes, unless you think them finding and tracing said device would be a good idea.” Xane says. “Always build in a self-destruct so things are harder to trace.”

  16. 11 minutes ago, Daakjenaar said:

    For the time being, Frez left the packet in one of his pockets, not wanting to remove his helmet, given the situation. He took another deep breath, and tried to mentally prepare himself for the possibility of Tenno. He didn't succeed at this, but at least he felt a bit more calm.

    “This... this can’t be right.” B-04 says. “I’ve got a void signature, but it’s weak. Too weak to be a Tenno. It’s heading towards me. Cameras have no visual. Motion detectors... negative. Whatever this is it’s.....”


    “B-04.” B-01 says. “Report.”

    He walks to the panel and begins cycling through cams. 

    Finally he finds one of the room where B-04 is. 

    B-04 is standing in the middle of the room, his helmet off, his eyes covered with a metallic film, staring directly at the camera. 

    “Hello.” He says, waving. “B-04 is not here right now, but you can leave a message.”

    His voice has an echo to it and seems... hollow.

    ”B-04 stop joking around and report in.” B-01 says.

    B-04 turns until it appears to be looking through the screen at you. 

    “Not very smart is he?” It asks. “Not like you. You know this isn’t a prank.”



  17. 9 minutes ago, -Platinum- said:

    "Geez, I have to admit, I was loyal to the Orokin back then, but geez I'm not gonna be someone's puppet or slave" *He sighs* "Well, now I want to shoot him, really badly"

    She moves towards the caves.

    ”The Arbiter wants him brought in alive so he can be put on trial.” She says. “Richard just wants an explanation from him before he decides.”

  18. 1 hour ago, -Platinum- said:

    "You know, I have to ask: What kind of idiotic reason, does my twin-brother have for going that far to get the galxey wanting him dead?" *He asks*

    “He wants to live a life of luxury as a puppet of the Orokin.” She says. “He has no other ambitions.”

  19. 1 hour ago, -Platinum- said:

    *He nods* "Lets get going" *He heads to the school*

    According to the civilians the school is outside the city, by the Tenno village. You will need a vehicle to reach it.

    Soon you find yourself driving a rented two person four wheeled vehicle across the hill-filled plains.

    ”Once we get there.” Sena bellows over the wind. “You park, I’ll inquire. 

  20. 24 minutes ago, Almighty_Jado said:

    Kapak looked at Mercy, then lowered his sword.

    ”We need to tell her everything.” Kapak said solemnly. “About Nemesis. About all of it. I’m tired of being stuck under somebody’s thumb.” He knew full well that Mercy’s motives were different than his own. She may have happily destroyed entire colonies for power, but Kapak preferred only to kill those he needed something from.

    Kapak swung his sword around, gripping it by the blade so that that point was facing toward himself. He threw it onto the  ground before him, the massive weapon sliding forwards, stopping on the ground a few inches from the shield.

    ”Cressa Tal,” Kapk said, saluting her. “I know that my former rank means nothing since it’s been stripped, but I implore you to listen to what I have to say. We might be able to help each other.” Kapak’s Nidus’ mutated skeletal mouth gave as pleasant of a smile as possible.


    13 minutes ago, -Platinum- said:

    "No!" *She snaps* "Kap, if you betray our queen, I will kill you myself!" *She exits her frame, and aims her hand, filling with void engrey, knowing it deals more damage, then warframe powers* "These grinner dogs...will pay for dare threating our hive!"

    “Those are manticore troops.” Sai’ahs voice says. “If you fight them, without a frame, you will die. Karpak’s shotgun May breach their armor, may. Not that you'd have much time to react.” 

    She takes a breath. 

    “Meridian are not fools, and neither is Darrin.” She says. “Boil is in atmosphere, Fortress is engaging Grineer ships. Golem is on route to provide extraction if you need it. Until the. You could do worse than trying to explain.”

  21. 13 minutes ago, Almighty_Jado said:

    Kapak flicked the blood from his two fingers which had been inside Mercy’s throat. He lifted his Claymire up, tip aimed at the enemies, but remaining still and unmoving.

    ”What questions?” Kapak asked, his guard still raised.


    7 minutes ago, -Platinum- said:

    *She lowers her weapon, for now,* "Fine, ask..."


    “Let’s start with what you are doing aboard our fortress.” Cress Tal’s voice says, emanating from the massive armor equipped with a riot shield. “And when you stopped defending human colonies in favor of infecting them.”


  22. 5 minutes ago, -Platinum- said:

    *She sighs and shakes her head* "How charming"

    *Victor reads up* "You two don't get along so well huh?"

    Felicity joins Victor on the ground, courtesy of the ships teleporter. 

    “Dax are in those caves ahead.” She says. “Should not be any hostile left.”

  23. 4 minutes ago, -Platinum- said:

    *She throws herself away from Kap, and begins to open fire on the weaker armoured unit, she casts Lava behind her, to try to swoop up the other guy, hopefully, the Lava will grab the Arcwing too* "Urgh!"

    The frost throws out a globe, blocking the Larva’s tendrils. 

    The Hema in your hands explodes as the Frost fires. 

    “I have gone though a great amount of trouble to capture the two of you.” Darrin says dryly. “Bear in mind I only need one to answer my questions.”

    The three troopers brace themselves and aim their weapons. It appears any further agresssion will not be well received.

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