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Posts posted by stormy505

  1. Another event to get arcanes is always a positive.
    Frost buffs. IMO he was already fine tbh but I'm not complaining about buffs.
    I know people were complaining about the deluxe skin but, I'm coming around to it.
    The Ember Heirloom skin (Jebus its so good) buyable for plat is nice.
    Loadout QOL is nice.

    • Like 2
  2. I think the cone of his targeting could be a big larger, rn it's pretty precise, whish just aiming at enemies in their general direction applied a mark. I'd also prefer if it was just continuously being activated like you can mark as the shadows kill enemies.

    I don't mind playing ash in SP circuit or deep dives cause he's pretty solid especially once you have banshee subsumed and a max rank trickery (constant invisibility that doesn't even get disabled by things that disable abilities)

    But I usually don't touch him in normal missions where I have a choice in frame cause he's just a bit too clunky.

  3. 14 hours ago, Chewarette said:

    The market would evolve, as usual. Prime market would crash, and ? Maybe the Riven / Arcanes / Archon mods / whatever would shine. And then what ? Once everyone has sold their Saryn Prime sets for 2 :platinum: , the supply would be reduced to 0 and prices will go up again.

    Primes, arcanes and mods are inelastic goods. The price lowering or increasing doesn't impact demand drastically. The vast, vast majority (99.99999999%) of the player base want 1 of each prime, a select few maybe want 2 for build space, and a very small amount of the player base will buy extra stock to resell at a later date, but the playerbase that actually puts the time to do a market trend analysis on warframe are very, very small.

    If you don't know what an inelastic good is, think of food. If food is suddenly cheaper it doesn't change how much food you buy on a weekly basis, if a milk carton is 50's cents, you don't suddenly buy 10 cause they still expire in the same amount of time and you only need so much. Price will have SOME impact, but not nearly enough to counterbalance the INSANE amount of supply an auction house would add to the market.

    The supply would 10x and the demand wouldn't change causing prices to hit the floor. I think some prime sets would literally be sold for a single plat.

    Like, I have 10 banshee p sets, I've seen players with 100+ sets. The only reason they don't trade is because they find it an inconvenience to use their gaming time to even use WM, if you let them trade while playing, so much inventory gets shoved into the supply side that will grow faster than it gets removed.


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  4. 2 hours ago, Venus-Venera said:

    Because even tanked Inaros with adaptation and piles of armor dies within a second after about 1 hour of play.

    For endurance, better to build for his 2, slash viral melee weapon stat stick, full mecha set for status spread nuke, Huras cloak cause inaros only uses abilities in this build and gives comfort in between Iframes of his 2. Actually has a really high KPM. Pure toxic melee vs corpus.

    Full investment Saryn > Full investment Inaros for health tank. Entirely because of healing. EVERY spore damage tick within glooms radius (30ms on a decent build) heals Saryn to full, you quite literally HAVE to be one shot to die as Saryn. It doesn't go to level cap, but it will outlast Inaros when both are health tanking. Saryn is working with 2502 HP and 1557 Armor and healing to full hp every time spore damage ticks with even mid enemy density and okay spore management.


    2 hours ago, Venus-Venera said:

    and another problem is that not all mods fit because of several good builds.




    1st is for SP to lvl1k usually.
    2st is for single target content.
    3rd is for Endurance. Lvl9999.

    All on the same Saryn. Only deficiencies I've had are archon shards, pure weapon platform doesn't care about corrosive stack cap increase, shield gate builds don't care about armor increases.  (I don't get why they don't let us place shards on specific loadout slots)

    On the third build, rolling guard is a comfort mod, stretch can be placed in that slot if you don't care. 

  5. 9 hours ago, Numerounius said:

    with the triple umbra polarity combined with adaptation you turn him into a tank

    Not really... Health tank frames need a LOT of EHP and/or a lot of healing + decent EHP. Excal has neither.

    Like, Saryn can get away with health tanking in SP content cause you're rocking 3 umbra + adaptation + a max arcane blessing + gloom procing on spore damage + 75% slow + CC from miasma/spores.

    I think even Nidus doesn't health tank well even in early SP content. Like past level 300-400 you have to play extremely careful with a max grace and guardian to not get blown up.

    • Like 1
  6. There's a ton of players with a HUGE amount of inventory just sitting around. If the trading process was a passive system instead of an active one the supply of every market would get flooded and prices would hit the floor.

    Like, it would be easier to trade things but your entire inventory would be 1/10 the fair market value they are now. At least.

    • Like 3
  7. 9 hours ago, aminisi said:

    I love Banshee and Sonar, and I'm one of the people you predicted would be upset. However, since your reasoning isn't clearly stated, I can't argue against it. I don't even know whether you think Sonar is too strong and needs to be nerfed, or if you think it's weak and needs to be buffed.

    If your statement meant that Sonar is too strong and should be adjusted, I feel it has become difficult for me to argue against that recently.  I recently enjoyed using Banshee with a transplanted Pillage, where Combustion Beam showcases devastating destructive power.

    ( Apologies for the Japanese tweets and videos )

    Combustion Beam causes chain explosions like NOVA's Molecular Prime, annihilating groups of enemies. In practice, I don't carry a primary beam weapon; instead, I equip Combustion Beam on my sentinel's Verglas. As a result, with the Duplex Bond, I have three laser turrets that automatically search, aim, and attack enemies with chain-exploding beams, eliminating them for me. Additionally, it generates a large number of energy orbs.

    A Sonar-focused Banshee naturally uses abilities 1 to 3 times per second, as if firing a semi-auto weapon, to maintain shield gating. So, I can naturally achieve this. At the very least, I don't think Banshee is weak, and I believe her evaluation has been improving recently, but I'd appreciate it if you could clarify why you think she needs to be reworked.

    I'll throw my hat in the ring for talking about sonar.

    It's really hard to design content in the game where sonar is relevant but not broken. If we had a single target mission that had a truly leviathan amount of hp where banshee would do a lot of work against by stacking sonar and hitting the damage cap. Then she'd be borderline required for that piece of content which de obviously wants to avoid. But if people can clear with okay weapons + buffs in the same time that it takes banshee to apply sonar and take advantage of it, then she won't be picked for speed and comfort reasons even in hypothetical single target content.

    And in horde content, sonar setup will let you do more damage but it's KPM is definitely not up there cause of application time. Ignoring survivability and comfort.

    There's also the fact that DE wants to design bosses without immortality phases. So they make sonar either not nearly as effective or completely useless in a lot of new single target content.

    Like, the piece of content where sonar is allowed to be relevant is final confrontations with liches/sisters. Banshee will speed up the clear time a bit especially for people with worse weapons and gear. But it's a slim margin when you factor in total mission time cause some frames kill the lich slightly slower but move THAT much faster.

    I enjoyed her back when I was farming kuva weapons. But post eximus rework, her survivability got worse since gloom silence setup got nuked.

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  8. 5 hours ago, pwnSacrifice said:

    After reading the thread through again, and touching on a few frames, this is where I'm at. Pretty much the reason I made the thread.

    I'm still convinced Banshee needs work. Silence is the only good consistently working ability she has. Atlas, Calibad and Valkyrie are all in the same boat to varying degrees. Equinox could use some streamlining or simplification, but she's still working fine. So any one of those I suppose.

    I can't believe people think Nyx needs a rework.100% slept on.

    I don't really think atlas belongs in the same category as the others. He has issues that'd be nice to be looked out. But his performance is pretty solid. Like, he's similar to Octavia where their design isn't great but they clear content pretty well.

    I feel like the people saying he's bad haven't tried to use him post duviri/incarnon/ceramic dagger. 

    Equinox kinda depends how they change the status/armor system. Cause currently her KPM gets neutered if you don't have full armor strip. And from a design perspective, she usually builds for 2 of her 7 abilities AT MOST. 

    but my preference is to fix the frames that have performance problems first before we tackle the frames with just design problems.

    I have an extremely low opinion of Nyx.

    Like, before you could argue that even if her armor strip has an enemy cap of 6, 9 with the augment, it's still better than no strip. But we live in a world where you can subsume Pillage, Terrify and Tharros strike onto any frame. Like... Frost, a frame considered bad by some people (I disagree) has a fairly large AOE armor strip + 200 Crit damage and Crit rate, Freezes them, and it doesn't have an enemy limit and doesn't go away do to the ability getting nullified or casting another 4. It's hard to look at Nyx's armor strip in comparison to like, a frame that people have a low opinion on in comparison.

    Nyx's CC is also... not great. I think CC's are undervalued... but hers are kinda... eh. Like, good cc abilities group enemies, strip armor, give you extra damage on enemies, stop them moving. Nyx's doesn't even fully stop them from moving or dealing damage to Nyx/objectives.

    One of the things she had before was okay survivability, even if your movement was kneecapped. Building for her 4 augment gives okay survivability. But now we live in a world with shield gating. Most frames can use it alright cause they either have ability spam or good innate survivability with CC (or other tools) so they don't have to spam abilities that don't want to be spammed. Nyx doesn't really want to spam any of her abilities. And again her innate survivability relies either on self kneecapping movement or a meh cc that doesn't fully stop damage.

    She's not Cali... but yeah I think she's on the list imo.

  9. Like, maybe new passives to choose from in the helminth system and if choosing one meant you can't have a helminth ability on your other abilities I'd be fine with it. I'm highly against going full modular warframes cause it feels like a bandaid fix over just changing the useless abilities.

  10. 12 minutes ago, Tiltskillet said:

    And he's the only frame I still use Natural Talent on, because unlike it, cast speed shards don't speed up Thurible's channel.

    Yeah that was my first thought on what to replace with shards. But I'm gonna remove constitution for the augment for some duration shards. At least in the co-op build. Although I really wish they would just fix this bug(?) so I could use some cast speed shards instead cause those are more universal for application.

  11. 2 minutes ago, Tiltskillet said:

    And he's the only frame I still use Natural Talent on, because unlike it, cast speed shards don't speed up Thurible's channel. 

    Bruh. I remember doing a bug report back in like, late 2022 for this. I really thought it would be fixed by now. Welp.

    • Like 2
  12. On 2024-05-12 at 4:48 PM, sly_squash said:

    And it doesn't matter anyway because they still wouldn't do it even if they could.  Every Plague Star event, for example, I basically scream from the rooftops that it's way more efficient to buy event-specific mods and other sellable items, wait a few months, resell, then use the plat to buy like 12x built forma for every one you could've bought from the event directly.  No one listens and the market remains wide open for me.

    TBF I feel like most people in plague star are looking for forma now over forma later. Even if its less. Mostly new players too. Cause when you bring in the time frame of a few months.. just log in every day and build a forma. Long term players have a lot of plat built up and if they're like me and farm most things over purchasing, we end up spending plat on the time gated no gameplay stuff.

  13. 6 hours ago, Tiltskillet said:

    Warding Thurible and Tribunal both kind of do this to an extent.

    ooo I missed these. I'll experiment w them and see how they feel.

    6 hours ago, Tiltskillet said:

    Personally though I'd rather he had a little more independence from squad issues without using an augment.   e.g., a small amount of Thurible energy return from squad kills and better ability to charge up Retaliation on Covenant when squad CC is preventing him from taking damage.

    Yeah I'd like for them to be more built into his kit, although he isn't super greedy on mod space, tribunal augment really feels like it should just be apart of the ability cause man without the qol in solo play vs group play is wild. I still haven't fully tested with it. But yeah would be nice.

  14. A. Frames that people think are fine but could use some love: 

    Equinox: Could potentially see new life once armor and status gets changed cause she really, really hates ANY armor on enemies. Although, beyond that, both forms should have separate mod loadouts cause they want different things. A frame with 7 abilities and you use 2.

    Ivara: MAN have exalted weapons aged not great. She's... ok. Cause invisibility is so inherently busted as a survivability tool it's really hard to balance stealth frames. But I'd love to exalted weapons as a whole to be looked at. (let us use ALL mods.)

    B. Frames that have kits people are attached to but could us some love:

    Loki: Yeah, idk... Same issue as ivara except he doesn't even lose invisibility on shooting and has full mobility. That's really, really hard to balance. Also, I get why FULL cc frames aren't going to be in the spotlight for a long time. It's hard to make a mode that wants CC, still has players actively killing stuff, and isn't absurdly difficult. Like really, really hard.

    Nidus: People praise him... but I feel like they haven't touched him in SP circuit if they still see him as a good frames. Holy... health tanking when you're working with such low values I just meh... Like, saryn can health tank with gloom cause you NEED to one shot her to kill her. Nidus dies sooooo fast even with the full umbral, adaptation, tank arcanes etc setup.

    These two are hard af to rework cause they're both pretty well liked despite not really being that good.

    C. Frames that need tiny touch-ups:

    Harrow: Like, an augment that let's him play nice with other people would be nice FOR A SUPPORT FRAME... His buffs are real good, SOLO survival SP his KPM is pretty good with good weapons. And he survives comfortably. His only issue is he hates playing with other people cause he needs to setup on alive enemies. And his squad won't let that happen. I don't really care if the augment gives like worse buffs but lets teammates contribute to his buffs. But let me play him with people and have an ok time.

    Excal: Similar to ivara, exalted weapons need access to the shiny new toys IMO. Also, I feel like we should revert that change to minimum combo duration on some setups. That really, really hurt Excal and Baruuk. (Although barukk doesn't care THAT much, Excal does.)

    D. Frames that could use a large overhaul:







    All of em need a lot of help... these 6 are also pretty hard cause a lot of their core kit just hasn't aged well so it'd be like creating an entirely new frame except with the constraints of trying to keep their theme intact.

  15. 3 hours ago, Slayer-. said:

    isn't Overwolf just bloatware now?

    It's always been bloatware tbh. That hasn't changed.

    Alecaframe was super useful for chasing easy MR I missed when I was on my MR 30 grind. But it took a lot of effort to completely remove overwolf after cause it's a really sticky program that leaves traces behind even after you uninstall it.

  16. 2 hours ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

    As for the last point, I can't imagine our orbiter doesn't decontaminate anything that boards it, including the frames. Thinking your operator is going to run around a place like deimos without a simple decontamination protocol in place is basically painting your operator as fairly naive in a universe like this.

    I mean, the operator has a body that can't get sick, dying from unnatural causes is just really, really hard to do unless their Oro gets destroyed. So catching illnesses probably isn't a worry. Also specifically for deimos, the infestation is depicted as being very afraid of the void, and tenno/operators so they aren't worried about "catching" the infestation.

    They aren't particularly hygenic, otherwise you'd think they'd clean up the helminth room in their own ship to have less leaks and growths everywhere.

    Even assuming they do clean after every mission, in mission you'd still go thousands to tens of thousands of dead bodies before the frame gets washed.

    2 hours ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

    They look like kids but have been alive for hundreds of years, if not more. I tend to land on the "they'd know better" side.

    The teenage operator was put into the dream to stop their aging, so yeah, they're technically centuries old but they haven't been consciously alive that long. And they aren't immortal (normally) otherwise Rell wouldn't have done the permanent transference into his frame. He had to do it cause his mortal body was deteriorating. Drifter is the exception cause of void timey wimey stuff slowing their aging process, but tenno DO age overtime.

    Also explains lore actions. Drifter acts mature. The operator acts naive and coked up on hormones, which they are when you look at how long they've been consciously alive.

    2 hours ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

    As for breathing? Humans can't survive for minutes at a time in the vacuum of space. Warframes can. There are tilesets where ships are damaged and there's no air because of the gaping hole in the side. Yet you could easily just walk from one end to the other without worrying about dying. Warframes "had" human lungs, but the literal evidence presented before your very eyes shows they have something different now. Whether that's Advanced Lungs or something else, we don't know. We do know the majority of frames don't have mouths or noses though, so they're breathing some other way.

    Warframes also die within a few minutes without oxygen. When time on a survival mission runs out, the oxygen gets cut off they start dying. The speed depends on game mechanics but your average warframe dies pretty fast. Mag's entry talks about the archwing having life support in it. It's also the game mechanic behind survival, we kill enemies for oxygen to stay alive cause the enemies shut off the oxygen on their ships. 

    People die in the vacuum of space without oxygen, lack of temperature, and the pressure difference between the air in their lungs and space would cause it to expand if someone tried to hold their breath to live. If you have an insulated suit for temperature, were in an environment where the pressure difference isn't there (like on a sci-fi ship) you could hold your breath and survive in that situation for a decent period (depends on the person a lot.)

    I could totally believe they have improved lungs cause of how they still move well in low oxygen environments, but it's still functionally lungs breathing O-2.

  17. Something I've noticed a lot more recently on Wf Market is bad faith actors raising the price for buyers without having any intention of actually responding to offers. They do this to make other people trying to make buying offers raise their offer to match the fake one increasing the price artificially of items and flooding the site with fake offers. Obviously, DE isn't affiliated with warframe market, this post is more so to raise awareness about this issue so people making offers are more aware of this scam. There isn't a real fix for this issue cause WF market can't enforce people to follow through on trades.

  18. 11 hours ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

    Also, this is assuming a lot, mainly that Warframes have a scent in the firstplace. After what the Helminth Mutation did to their bodies to transform them into Warframes, it's a bit of a reach to just assume they'd even have pores for a scent to escape from. In the meantime we can't even be sure they have mouths.

    They're infested flesh on the inside. They also require oxygen and will die when they lack it. Made of flesh and needing to breath likely means they're meat sacks, and meat sacks smell.

    Beyond that, the amount of blood, guts, oil, and machinery that splashes onto frames as they rip and tear through enemies, I'd lean towards them having some sort of smell.

  19. 43 minutes ago, xslamfox said:

    WHY is Plague star so random, WHY NOT just leave it in the game? why does it rotate out?

    It pulls players back to the game. It's a FOMO strat where if players hear that they can farm built forma they log back into the game. to get said built forma.

    43 minutes ago, xslamfox said:

    Why is Scarlet Spear the same way? These missions exist it would be simple to turn them on forever

    I don't think Reb likes SS, because of how buggy it was and the cheese players did to get around playing the game weren't looked fondly upon by the devs. Kinda why they made Gargoyle's Cry an event.

    Reb and steve talked about bringing back Gargoyle's Cry as a recurring event which has the arcane rewards, the thing people mostly wanted SS back for. With the only change they disclosed for Gargoyle's Cry is looking at how many of a single arcane a player could farm since they saw the playtime of some players during the event as extremely unhealthy and likely caused burn out (which is pretty true tbh.)

    43 minutes ago, xslamfox said:

    Kuva lich and sisters need to show requiems in order, or the amount of murmurs needed needs to be reduced even further. A better change would be the ability to instantly vanquish your lich for kuva and to reset your roll if you roll poorly. This can be added as a railjack mission or something similar. Theres no point in forcing players to play 2 hours to kill a lich when they have to do it an average of 5 times to valence fusion to 60%

    I think the issue is kinda in valence fusion itself more than the lich system. I think the % should be additive when you combine weapons, so realistically it takes 2-3 lich kills of a weapon to max the element instead of TEN, why tf could you have bad luck and need TEN infusions to max a weapon's element... Bruh.

    Although I wouldn't mind a change to either part of the system.

    43 minutes ago, xslamfox said:

    Lastly players time investment needs to be addressed when it comes to a large chunk of weapons.

    Hema & Sibear come to mind. Sibear I got passively over a long, long time but that's because when I joined excavate missions were the best way to get Axi. Players who joined post-disruption probably will take a significantly longer time to passively get the weapon. And Hema I just refuse to do that grind. Even post Deimos its a SLOG.

    43 minutes ago, xslamfox said:

    The new normal/SP Survival Omnia Fissure has problems with how much reactant that spawns. Every single time I que into the mission I see at least one person fail to gather enough reactant to open their relic. The design of the tiles makes people want to search for books and voca. This causes the squad to frequently separate while searching, which messes up enemy spawns and kill frequency. More corrupted enemies need to spawn, or the amount of reactant that drops need to be increased.

    I agree w this complaint, but I will say, a bandaid solution as a player is to bring loot frames, nekros, hydroid, khora, atlas etc cause they effect reactant drops.

    44 minutes ago, xslamfox said:

    You invite someone to your dojo, they join your squad, and suddenly they're off in a completely different phase of the dojo. You have to leave your dojo and reinvite them, or they need to invite you to their dojo, adding a couple minutes to the trade time. Not to mention about 1 in 10 trades fails, closes unexpectedly, or gets this bug when you go to search your inventory where you get multiple overlays and have to close out of the trade to close the overlays. When will we get a systems focused patch? A reoccurring complaint and request from all long term players.

    This isn't actually that bad anymore cause you can use the gear wheel in a dojo to tp to the trading post. Although not a lot of players know about this.

  20. Bullet jump. Or the parkour rework in general. But I probably wouldn't be still playing wf without the movement in this game.

    More of a mindset change then one specific thing but acknowledging that portion of the playerbase that likes to push the difficulty a bit further and getting content based around that. Arbies were the test run for this type of content. And we got stuff like archons, sp, netracells, and deep archimedea etc cause player reception was positive.

    Vacuum changes. Went from a single sentinel, all sentinels, all companions. And man I can't imagine going back.


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  21. Augments good. The ability isn't. The rewind, imo, should only trigger on death or by tapping the ability again. The default ending for the ability should be it just ends without a tp.

    If you are in a mission that progresses, moving backwards is just bad in wf, and eventually you'll forget to cancel the ability one time and do the walk of shame.

    And in stationary missions, dispensary fuels your energy economy more than enough.

    • Like 1
  22. On 2024-05-07 at 10:12 AM, zThulsaDoomz said:

    Robbed with a nerf" is one helluva reach ngl

    A lot of games give compensation for nerfs when players invest time or money into the item nerfed. Most gacha games come to mind. And considering the time commitment for getting max element lich weapon... Yeah a lot of people will feel jaded having all their work be for nothing. I felt it when they nuked the archon one shot setups. I'm pretty likely to never touch the kuva hek again, or honestly farming new lich weapons in general feels really unappealing cause it feels like they're more targeted than others for some reason.

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