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Posts posted by Praesagium

  1. For mobile defense, interception, deflection a CC frame its pretty much everything you need, i use nyx, rhino or even ivara.

    Defense i only use mesa with peacemeaker.

    Rescue-spy ivara for infiltrate and for cloaking arrow on the objective.

    Exterminate i use almost every frame, you just need to watch for the conditions (sniper only, meele etc) so you can decide what frame use.

    Assassination ivara, valkyr, rhino, nyx, depending on the target.

    For weapons, opticor, dread, tigris prime, lanka, akbolto prime, asktilleto prime, lex/aklex, guandao, galatine, a zaw with good cc and status etc.

    The builds are simple, for nyx use max range, duration and efficency for chaos and mind control (personally i use asimilate aug when i panic), rhino range and duration for cc or full ps and duration for assassination, mesa duration a bit of range and ps, ivara you can use two builds depending on the mission, for spy/rescue i use duration/range with infiltrate and for assassinations ps and efficency and again infiltrate for the movement speed bonus.

    The weapons builds really depend on the faction (corrosive/radiation are the only i use) and sortie conditions, example: for elemental enhancement you maybe want a hard hitting weapon like opticor or aklex/lex prime build on puncture dmg.


  2. hace 26 minutos, giglyfoot dijo:

    There's no evidence to support it 'killing' the economy. Especially when drops fluctuate so often.

    Yes, because you cant farm the plat to buy the items you need from others like farming gold on every other game. Players need to get it first from DE, and you need to get it from players who pays DE to get their plat. If prices drop too much, people will stop purchasing plat because it will be pointless to own high amounts of plat for purchashing arcanes, rivens, maxed mods, primed mods, rare mods, etc.

  3. hace 45 minutos, giglyfoot dijo:

    With more than 30,000 players on steam alone, trading via the tradechat exclusively is just a nuisance....

    Players shouldn't have to rely on a site that isn't even associated with Warframe/DE if they want to buy/sell something....

    Tradechat is filled with Rivens, Frames and Arcanes which makes it extremely difficult to buy/sell anything else....

    Tried to 'buy' concealed explosives via the chat for over 45mins...

    Finding people on warframe.market took less than 30s, and I had my mod in less than 2mins...

    Having a marketplace in-game would've meant being able to search for and purchase the mod in maybe 5s...


    I never had problems selling/buying things on the trade chat, maybe the price you ask/offer its too low or too high, so people dont bother on pm you.

    Market in-game, like an AH? that would kill the economy for reasons some others already posted here.

  4. En 20/5/2018 a las 18:05, Schadenfreuder dijo:

    Waaaa Waaaa DE i cant get top kills to artificially inflate my E-peen please ruin another frame so i can feel good about myself again since i seek validating from a kill feed at the end of the game

    Yeah, i like the way the community thinks, instead of asking to DE to fix scaling, spawn rate, bugged ai, efficency drain on SO and ESO, they ask for nerfs that make the gameplay more smooth for some people.

    They ask for nerf the way someone else plays because for them its not fun, because they cant kill a thing, because for them its not creative, because for them its a waste of time.

    And when you tell them to play solo they say "i dont want" or "i shouldnt play solo to evade this things", but in pubs its what you get, people try to make the game mode more easy for everyone and what they get? Bashing because you shouldnt cheese a game mode that its for cheese or because its a low level mission.

    Seriously, some people have a lot of ego and want to be the number 1 killer and show all their weapons with rivens that worth more than 1k plat.


  5. hace 28 minutos, TheHarmlessPanda dijo:

    I am a good player , Even have a proper lesion and atterax build , many hard to grind frames etc. The only problem is my platinum. Sometimes I find that my platinum is like 200 and soon It all goes down to 0. Like I can't even afford a prime set. Also , Many people in my clan hate me and have me ignored. I was wondering , How can i fix this?

    Please tell , Thx.

    You can try to fix your relation with your clanmates, but not everyone will understand/think like you or even stop ignoring you, its how people are.

    For plat, i recommend farming prime parts, getting ducats, max primed mods and sell them for crazy ammounts of plat, farm a lot of mods that worth 10p or even 50-100p.Dont buy things when you get the plat, wait to see if someone sells more cheaper than others, that how i got a nyx prime set for 200p. Dont buy cosmetics too soon, because you will need more weapon slots or frame slots, orokin reactor/catalysts or exilus slots.

  6. hace 4 horas, Valaska dijo:

    Again... Stop using onslaught to test abilities, especially ones with LOS.

    Yup, pretty much this, you cant only use one game mode to test an ability, same with simulacrum.

    Only people who "main" saryn were praising DE about the change on spores.

  7. Well they "fix" the energy cost, but they didnt update the information in game.

    Just put streamline and fleeting expertise for a cheap cost of 25 energy, you can recover that with 5sec zenurik level 4 or 5, its not that bad for low level i believe.

  8. En 14/5/2018 a las 2:19, Kyryo dijo:

    Now wipe away those tears. Just because you can't be the star of the show it doesn't mean that you are bad or anything. 

    This defines almost every warframe player who wants nerfs.

  9. hace 1 hora, Sky_Gamer_Ufficial dijo:

    Is me or is not possible to cast Spores on Molt? I've tried a lot of times to cast it, but nothing....... sometimes Spores don't want to go on enemies. Please DE fix this...

    They removed that, cause people spam molt + spores on defense and DE doesnt like that.

  10. Starting plat its enough for 2 warframe slots or 3 weapon slots or one frame slot plus two weapon slots. As a new player i never had problems using the starting slots, i didnt care for having more frames until i reached sedna and started sorties. 

    You dont need every weapon/frame on the game, so if you want you can sell it, and you will have a free slot for other weapon/frame, collecting weapons/frames its not mandatory, just if you want.

    Also, earning plat its not that hard, you can make 20 easly in one day if you are not lazy.

  11. hace 49 minutos, (XB1)Cash201293 dijo:

    A shotgun might last you longer. But It really depends on your mod collections for each weapon to get the max dmg potential. 

    Yup, if you have the right mods doesnt matter if you choice hek or boltor for star chart, but the hek its powerful with his syndicate augment.

  12. Well i dont see S4 League offering a better melee "feel", for me it just make warframe meele 3.0 look so much better. My best meele weapon experience so far its on DS series and the meele 3.0 its something a bit close to that experience (enemies getting staggered and ragdolls but thats a bit too much on warframe)

  13. Primed pistol gambit, Primed target cracker, pathogen rounds, convulsion, primed heated charge, barrel diffusion, lethal torrent, hornet strike for corrosive

    Primed pistol gambit, Primed target cracker, convulsion, primed heated charge, barrel diffusion, lethal torrent, hornet strike + elemental of choice for radiation/index

  14. hace 3 minutos, Tuoweit dijo:


    I don't understand where you're coming from.  You can stealth through many missions (not all missions - some auto-alert all the enemies) with any frame, not just a stealth frame (though they make it a lot easier).  Is it fast or efficient?  Nope.  But it can be done, and it can be fun.  I'd love to see more rewards for stealthing, but  I don't think the fundamental gameplay of it needs changing.


    Yeah, you can make every frame stealth with the right weapons/setup, just not be as efficent as ivara/loki. Its more slow but a bit more fun if you really like stealth games.

    The rewards... just more affinity gain if you are leveling something/focus farm. Playing ivara gives you an extra drop roll with prowl.

  15. Yeah man, the incoming "reworks" are because some people cheese onslaught with saryn and maiming cuse its the only way to maintain high efficency. If you want to farm khora i recommend this setup, but if you only want to have fun idk what to tell you, for me onslaught was fun before the scaling enemie fix (hp and armor bugged), after that, its just spin2win spread spores because its the only way to make it to zone 8 with out dying or losing a lot of efficency.

    Gonna think seriously what DE wants, "balance" the game only around his new game mode or what.

  16. Dunno man, maybe you need to play the game and farm for items/buy the blueprint from the market with credits? its not that hard, on the time i have playing i have almost everything i want, im sitting here withf plat i get from selling items to other players.

  17. if you want warcry with more duration on the debuff part use range and duration mods

    hace 3 minutos, Cook-EN- dijo:

    It was never meant to be a CC tool. 

    This. Its a damage/mobility tool, for cc you have paralysis

    Hysteria its fine, u can run a whole mission without losing energy and slashing everything

  18. hace 1 hora, Knight_Ex dijo:

    People who are brimming with excitement have not experienced how Saryn works first hand, but again there is nothing wrong with her kit, as I said this is what I believe is DE's response to the Onslaught and at the same time a nerf to Saryn's kit due to map clearing prowess, again those of us that are experienced with Saryn and understand how her abilities synergize with eachother enjoy the way she plays, she was one of the VERY limited frames that requires actual skill to maximize her damage potential, when the map was suddenly killed or constantly dying when the enemies were over level 150 you could take pride in knowing that you were the cause of that, I really can't find anything else to say without actually trying out the rework, I honestly don't trust DE to not completely bork everything with their special touch of nerf this nerf that and then make some balance adjustments afterward, so my response # leaveSarynAlone

    Yeah its a joke, looks to convenient that two weeks after onslaught release and people playing more saryn they say "saryn rework". Saryn doesn't need a rework, a lot of frames need a rework but hey, lets rework the frame people use on onslaught because we dont want you cheese things. But spend plat/time getting maiming strike/equinox.


    hace 1 hora, noah33noah dijo:

    The proof is the first thing they show at the beginning of the stream, rebb shows a screenshot of what seems to be a small logbook entry from 16 feb. Do you really think pablo came up with this rework in under three weeks?


    They can show a SS showing that the rework was on the way since feb, but i can show a SS showing im mr 24 with more than 5000 hours in game and thats dosen't means its true.

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