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Posts posted by --F--NerevarCM

  1. 19 minutes ago, RLanzinger said:

    Lotus is a special sentient redesign by Ballas; She choose to support Tenno, make it back to void and drains the powers of Archons (a Sentient-Tenno Hybrid).

    Lotus does not drain Archons. She drains Archon Shards as a substitute power source because she lost hers to Ballas.

    Thats how Archon Shards work. An alternate power source that can bring dead Sentients to life or in the case of the Lotus, capable of giving her more time to live until she can get her power back.

    22 minutes ago, RLanzinger said:

    As such Lotus, she was tainted by the Void like most Zariman's crew but as she reject the Madness of the Void she does not "HOLD" the void power.

    The Zariman crew is dead. They are remade by Void energy using Conceptual Embodiment. They are beings of the Void now. Lotus, just like any Sentient that attacked the Origin System, suffered damage to its reproductive capabilities. That's it. No such thing as being Void tainted.

    The Lotus and the Zariman Crew are completly different in how the Void modified them.

    • Like 1
  2. She was trying to close the Void portal. Because with Ballas dead, she's is the queen and controls Praghasa. The thing that its actually creating the portal.

    No such thing as powers or pushing The Man in the Wall back. She just stopped the process of opening the portal by using the Sun as fuel.

    • Like 1
  3. Just now, Roble_Viejo said:

    I can press 1 single button and do more DMG with the Kuva Bramma or the Zarr
    I can press 2 buttons and do A LOT MORE DMG with the Glaive Heavy-Attack Explosion


    Do you know what is hard to do? Play Street Fighter and do a Kara Demon cancel with Akuma, that requires pressing a sequence of 5 button while dashing during a 2 frame window.

    This is not hard dude.

    • Like 4
  4. 5 minutes ago, Roble_Viejo said:

    I can prove it actually requires Skill and Mindful use of Mechanics


    5 minutes ago, Roble_Viejo said:

    - Fully Equip your Melee by Holding the Swap Weapon Button
    - Press the Heavy Attack input
    - Aim Glide by Holding Right Click
    - Slide Mid-Air
    - Move Backwards

    Holy S#&$! That's some insanely hard stuff you need to do! Did you guys know how hard it is to press the Heavy attack button?!?

    • Like 5
  5. 1 hour ago, ShadowFire6700 said:

    So a spellbook weapon type for warframe. I AM SO EXCITED!! But i do hope that it isn't just a normal weapon with normal mods.

    How about -instead of mods- we equip spell pages. These spell pages won't just increase damage and multi shot, but they'll change how the weapon behaves. Think of it like the wands in noita, you have the projectile (i.e rapid fire; homing with higher multishot but lower damage;  BIG ball; Etc.) one for primary and another for alternate fire. Then you have on hit effect (i.e. guarantees status proc. but lowers damage; explosion/chaining range up but damage down; life steal) you can equip multiple of these per 'Projectile' and lastly reload (i.e. slow recharge; consuming ability energy for reload; etc.) 

    This idea is maybe a little bit too different and comlex, especially for balancing.

    Thanks for reading my exceptional grammar.

    It is a normal weapon with normal mods. In this case a secondary.

    Like DE said, its a new weapon type, not a completly new mechanic/system

    Might have a built in Incarnon or something but thats it.

  6. 14 hours ago, luc0301 said:

    Quais são as armas que o volt prime usa?

    Já sei que ele usa a Latron prime pq está aparecendo na imagem dele na forja e a Odonata pq veio junto nas relíquias.

    Qualquer Warframe pode usar qualquer arma.

    Se você ta perguntando quais foram as armas que vieram com ele, não veio nenhuma. Ele só veio com a Odonata Prime.

  7. Isso aconteceu denovo? Quando eu comecei la em 2013, foi perguntado a nós se queriamos este tipo de tradução ou se os itens/mods mantivessem o nome em inglês para melhor compatibilidade com a wiki e outros servidores. E a comunidade pt/br pediu os itens em inglês.

    Acho muito estranho isso ser colocado agora, depois de anos da comunidade estar acostumada com o outro estilo. Isso explica muito o porque eu, que jogo em inglês no server americano a 5 anos, tento linkar algum item para alguém do meu clan (que é PT-BR) e eles nunca sabem o que é que eu to linkando.

    Isso no caso não é algo que a DE comande. Quem decide é a comunidade e quem representa ela, no caso os admins. O @MaestroLima deve poder ajudar vocês nisso

    • Like 4
  8. 56 minutes ago, FaeuUw said:

    Eae Nerevar! Há quanto tempo, seu tópico me ajudou mto em 2016! Mas de lá pra cá muita coisa atualizou, será que agnt poderia reiniciar esse tópico? e atualizar tudo de Second Dream até hoje? Se quiser me add pra eu ajudar eu adoraria, gosto mto de escrever e ler sobre a lore desse jogo!

    Eu posso sim, tentar começar hoje. Deve demorar um tempo pra terminar mas eu vou fazer sim!
    Realmente faz um tempão, vo tentar as 2 threads em uma e colocar uma primeira parte especifica para falar sobre as facções e suas historias e depois uma linha do tempo, mas vai demorar um baita tempo. Mas com a pandemia eu tenho nada pra fazer kkkk

  9. 8 minutes ago, ShadowStarx1 said:

    Damm things are undodgeable 1 hit will that repeatedly down to wipe most of the party.

    Do you know Parkour? Do you know you can literaly jump in the fcking wall and evade all lasers?

    • Like 4
  10. I kill every sentient with my Latron.

    Rhino can tank any Grineer inside objectives.

    I min maxed my railjack alone without any problems and now it never dies in Ruse War Field.

    I check the starmap to see where is the murex so I can avoid it.

    Looks like its a case of "git gud".

    You entered a mission without any preparation, got killed and now is complaining on the forums.

    • Like 19
  11. 51 minutes ago, Joezone619 said:

    im noticing more and more and more and more bugs daily. DE needs to stop making new content for a while after this "deadlock protocol" and start actually fixing their game before it bugs itself out of existance *cough cough* sanctuary onslaught upon release *cough cough*

    Do you know that Deadlock Protocol is exactly a update to rework old content right? Or you don't have nothing to do and is just trolling?

    • Like 7
  12. Use them on the victim in the crime scene. They make you enter the Cephalon weave. There, the glass maker will show names and items related to the crime scene.

    If you choose the right option, another platform will appear, if you choose wrong, you will fall, go back to the crime scene and to enter again you need to use another 10 resonance

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