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Posts posted by xcenic

  1. I would recommend that you let Vauban out there. You initiate the way to other itenes and passively you obtain the items for vauban, for the time you will have enough material to manufacture it little by little.

    If you choose to start farming materials for him directly you will simply go crazy. Do not focus on it, warframe has others and a lot more itenes that you could come in better benefit.

  2. I am in total support to begin or continue with the purge of the constant and annoying satires of this pseudo POP culture.
    The trap nezha
    the oWo or whatever
    The nice on Fortuna 69
    And any other garbage that becomes fashionable. If you do not want to be banned from the chat, simply use the chat for communication and not for culturing memes.
    I'm never going to complain about being banned from chatting because I just do not use it, or I follow the simple rule of not spamming.

    You just have to mature and use your memes on facebook and twitter.  

  3. 6 minutes ago, DogsConkers said:

    Clever move by DE to make a quick buck. Exploit people's eagerness to get to level 26 by selling the boards without clearly warning at point of purchase that it wouldn't count towards MR. I fell for it. gg.

    Im asking a total refund today. Platinum are a premium currencies and there is nothing wrong if i choose to use them to skip all the BS of vent kid. 

  4. Good day.
    With the change in the staticor more and more scr ... players are using this weapon as -meta-.
    You go to a spy X3 staticor
    You go to an extermination scaticor X3
    You go to a Bounty staticor X3 even in archwing.

    The problem is not the weapon itself, it's just its horrible sound, its constant and thunderous sound. TOC TOC TOC TOC TOC TOC TOC TOC TOC TOC TOC TOC TOC TOC TOC TOC TOC TOC TOC TOC TOC TOC TOC TOC TOC TOC TOC TOC TOC TOC TOC for 10-20-30 minute is simply annoying.

    In my case I started my reprimand by simply leaving on the first rotation if it was in my capacity, the second option was lowering the sound in the options but every time I changed the group had to go back up and it was getting annoying to go down, although in the last cases there is a 70% probability that you will find a staticor in the group, no matter the mission.

    And my last form of this annoying sound is simply to leave the group and find another since I see a staticor, I know it is not gentlemanly or friendly to do that, but I prefer to find another group to endure that annoying sound so unnecessary and redundant.

    Please reconsider. Or at least add an option to lower the sound of allied weapons as well as Octavia's. It would be very reassuring

  5. 1 hour ago, Captain_Fronk said:

    oh yeah... btw remind me please how much would that cost me?

    well OP, we all farmed and grind our way to max all focus school and unlock all waybound. If 1 could do it 1,000,000 can do it too.

    Good speed on you grind road tenno, those 1MM focus and eidolon sharp wont get farme on their own.

    Edti: Oh also you need to FARM focus to unlock moar Space for nodes. 

  6. -everyday i do my daily bounty for cap with a different frame to feel different.

    -Sortie for my daily sculpture.

    -After daily cap i do my endless void fissure, 4-12 wave for enough relic to BAROS THE TROLL. 

    and hit the bag. never burned.

  7. 23 minutes ago, Irmdall said:

    How about Excalibur? He still has no "Deluxe skin", only a Proto-Skin which Nyx also has (Nemesis) and she's getting one. Dex-Excalibur doesn't count since it's timegated and only obtainable in a certain time of the year...

    Excalibur have over 6584 skin and even season skins. We need to stop praying excalibur for GOD sake and start using the other 52 rest of frame. 

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