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Posts posted by xcenic

  1. CBNaXLJ.jpg

    Now i have to wait to get home and farm some kuvas....Jesus christ and my bad preparation. 

    But i can say, Garuda is one of the easy frame to come, she come to me and i never farm her directly. Im just chilling Opticoring Everything in Orb vallis.  

  2. 15 hours ago, Hastrer said:

    Marquise Thyst 5p each = 15p for System

    I have over 38 Marquise waiting for my sweet sweet BP, but im tempted to buy from market and use all that standing on fishing bait and Kit guns. Also Marquise thyst are 4p. 12p to spend for 3 day of worth farm reputation is totally worthy. how much Kit guns i can complete...

  3. Incredibly garuda although it is behind a wall of progress, it is the only frame in my mind that you acquire playing pacifically the content of fortune.
    From the beginning my goal was the Moas, and slowly Farm some reputation making bounty, after reaching the daily limit step to my fishing cycle, to be precise two cycles, then I make a round in a circle of caves to extract minerals.
    I'm going back to fortuna and extract all the servo fish.
    I go to my ship and I create all the minerals, I put to make what I have available and I make sortie. Then hit the bag for another day. 
    Up to now I have everything up to rank 3. I only need the blueprint for the garudas gems and I have never taken the time to farmearla directly.
    in two days I am rank 4 in I can create all the gems and have garuda pacively.

    My night gameplay so far its:

    8:00PM to 11:00PM between dinner and bath 

    -Fortuna Bounty to cap my standing

    -2 time circle fishing section

    -1 round of mineral extraction from caves. 10-15 caves at max.

    -Extract servo fish

    -created mineral on foundry

    -Fabric anything available for me.


    -Hit the BAG.


    No pressure and no rush and im just 2 kit-gun behind to gild, the rest i have everything gilded 

    According to my calculations in 1 month or less I will have everything that is currently available in fortune. and I only play 2-3 hours a day. No pressure.
    I do not understand what the urgency is, a lot of content means a lot to do.

    I have not even begun to farm materials for the new weapons of the dojo, wow I have a lot to do.


  4. 1 hour ago, Misgenesis said:

    With a 243% Damage riven it can kill armored level 155 enemies in around 10 bursts, including non eximus Nox and Bailiffs.

    RIven aka 5 forma.

    I can meltdown level 155 enemies with an amprex with 3 forma. You can get amprex for chocolate and candies.

  5. Soy latino y juego en servers gringos, y he comprado miles de veces, de hecho ayer me gaste unos pesos convertido a dolars comprando los unvault de nova. Nunca he tenido problema, siempre y cuando use mi tarjeta de credito internacional.

  6. 11 hours ago, Akisohida said:

    Seriously, I have to be rank 4 out of 5 to get the proper blueprints to refine the gems to make the new warframe.

    For the record, going from rank 2 to 3 takes 44,000 rep.

    ..I have a cap of 15,000 rep a day. I can meet this cap in 15-20 minutes, tops.

    That's a FORCED 3 days wait just to rank up from 2 to 3. 0 to 1 took one day. I think 1 to 2 took 2 days..ish. I literally have EVERY material needed save for the bloody Marquis Thyst & Radiant Zodian blueprints and 4 varying Toroids (and getting the Toroids is basically random luck, it seems)

    I get they'd rather have us spend Plat to buy the thing but please don't pull an EA or Activision and drip-feed new content behind a frustrating grindwall to 'encourage' plat purchases. Most of us buy plat because we want to support one of the best free to play games out there. Some of us even used to say 'It was microtransactions done right'.

    But when you start showing off the shiny new warframe, then lock it behind 7+ days mind-numbing grind while innocently pointing at your plat store..Well..it's disgusting.

    I want to have fun playing a game I enjoy, not be punished for not giving you more and more money, guys. That's what the jackhole triple-a devs are doing, and they are tanking the games market with stupidly predatory practices.

    Please don't be like them. Be the final, shining bastion of a proper F2P model in a world of wildly out-of-control corporate greed, where making 'only 500 million' is seen as BAD these days. (Christ, if I had a QUARTER of that money, I could get me & my family out of this hole and invest in a good future for us)

    I don't know about anyone else, but the more a game slaps me in the face for playing it, and points at its store to 'skip the grind', the less I want to actually spend money on it.

    So please stop putting up bigger and bigger grindwalls. All it does is punish us for being loyal consumers.

    Laughing under my Profile MR 26.

    Who laughing now "Rank does not matter" Dude?

    If you have a limit of 15k standing you must be MR14, you have many Items and frames to get before Garuda if we go on the timeline. I do not know what You complaining about,

    You could farm vaulted relics, sell them and buy Garuda.

  7. 12 minutes ago, HellDevil said:

    she isen't hard to grind, u got to be lucky with mining, or going to areas which players pointed out where to get those orb parts. plus grinding fortuna rank isen't hard. 

    Solaris reputation is the same as ostron reputation. I dont see the difference apart form the location of the bounty. People are just loosing they minds due a content that only have 4 days. in one month there will no be a Garuda is too expensive or this rep cap is too un-fun thread anymore. 

    4 days people, only 4 days....

  8. I'm not used to disagreeing with the improvements, but in this case I have to defend Digital extreme. As?
    Giving my humble opinion:
    This content, incredible and beautiful content given to us for free is a work of art which we must appreciate, to run it on the side would not be fair to admire this beauty called Fortuna.

    I repeat as I said in other posts, bounty, fish, mining, skate, play without being aware of a goal rather than having a good time.
    I play 2 hours a day and have only played 3 days since my fortune was released, in total I have less than 10 hours of games and with that time:

    1. I have rank 3 solaris
    2. I have enough materials to build garuda, I have garuda plans.
    3. I have 2 moas
    4. I have a level 12 skateboard
    5. I have 3 kit guns
    and a lot of materials, plus the entertaining time I spent.

    Passively playing will reward you with what you need slowly, Rushing to a goal leads to anxiety. Remember also that in the future they will be giving touches to improve their fortune.

    Have a good day my dear Tenno.

    Edit: if you are below the MR20 you are supposed to have a lot of content to visit, many more things to ask and try, I see many MR under 15 claiming fortunately, when we know that from MR15 to MR20 there are around 30 weapons or more.
    I'm MR25 almost 26, and fortune is a pilgrimage to my MR26 which I assume as a religious experience.

  9. 5 minutes ago, -VM-ROSKE said:

    I understand why they did this with Garuda and made the new weapons from Clan Labs able to be researched only 1 by 1 not all 3 in the same time. They did this so people who spent platinum on Garuda and the weapons have some kind of "short" exclusives before everybody, but did you see the crafting cost of the new Melee Weapon called  KRESKA, that's the first weapon you can craft from the Clan Labs and it's too expensive to craft...



    20 FIELDRON and 20 LATHE COOGUALANT (you get this from Longwinder fish, that spawns only in lakes when the weather is warm, but from 3 fishes that spawn in lakes when the weather is warm, this one is the rarest)

    we have 1 year before the next expansion so take it easy and dont burn out whole content in a week. 

  10. Just now, AEP8FlyBoy said:

    Two Cyan Stars, 100k Creds, and 2 Vitus Essence.

    So yeah, it really isn't worth it if you think about it. You need to do two rotations of Arbitration to make one star for any sculptures you earn outside of Arbitration. Problem is you may earn two more sculptures (most of them needing at least 1 Amber star, or 2 more rounds of Arbitration).

    You can see what's happening here.
    Every Amber Star you craft, you'll likely just end up needing more and more.

    1 hour of crafting too.

  11. since I got tofortune, I've been playing casually, I make my bounty until I get to the maximum daily, then I do a section of mineral extraction, then a fishing section, I start to manufacture what I can at the end of the night, and until the other day.
    So far I have been casual and patient getting what I need to build what is at my level of reputation with solaris And from what I saw I have enough materials to manufacture garuda although I never focus on it from the beginning.
    I think that passively playing rewards you with the necessary without having to rush to the content.

    remember that we will not have more content for at least a few months, so it's better to take it easy.

    I just need to manufacture the gems of Rank 3 of Solaris, which will come with time. At the beginning I tried to buy it with plat, but Garuda will come in passively. My focus is moas, and so far the remnant has given me for kituns and garuda without problem.
    My only problem will be the medical tickets to rank up the other level with solaris, those say they are difficult. In my case I have no idea why I have not yet burned them.

  12. We are still in need of the new Amps of Fortune, I suspect that it will have something to do, also the point that maybe D.E. I do not want that on the first day there are videos of intellectuals who spend 24/7 playing with titles of * SOLO SPIDER BOSS, NO DAMAGE, SPEEDRUN, NAKED *

  13. I have not found that case yet, my helios prime scans everything on the map, including the poop, the containers, plants, enemies I have even scanned the mining stations. I have not done anything but select it and done. But in my case I use my sentries without arms always in passive.

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