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Posts posted by Chaincat

  1. Always available eidolons I don't think is a good solution, but a more balanced day and night is, I think. The only thing of note on the plains during the day is thumpers. Of a night, Dargyns don't harass you and Eidolons can be fought. As such, I say a balanced day/night cycle should be in effect, 2 hours each. Or maybe 1 hour each. Not a lopsided 50 minute night, 2 hour day.

  2. Running ESO for collectively 2 months now, I have still yet to get Blazing Step Ephemera. Meanwhile I have completed the set for Braton and Lato Vandal twice. I'm honestly sick of this game mode. 1% for an ephemera when every other ephemera is 5% on a 20 minute mission is asking a lot from us. Do I need to sacrifice a goat, DE? Because I'll do it. Anything if it means this grind can be over and I can never touch it again. It's not a fun game mode for me. Literally just bring a nuke frame and just play not die. That's it. It's a distilled science for me now, and I despise playing it. All the other ephemeras are infinitely more enjoyable to farm, and probably all look better. Please DE, just revamp the ESO drop table or something. I'm tired of waiting 20 minutes wearing down my 1 and 4 key just to roll a d100 and hope I roll a 100.

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  3. 1 minute ago, GrandLompus said:

    Thanks for that.  I already figured out the operator was key, seeing Ropa is a sentient and having Teralyst-like shields.  Also it's immunity when in void mode is key it seems (every other tactic gets obliterated in one shot).

    Like I said, I wanted to give it another go tonight, but the options keep circling in the back of my head instead anyway 🙂

    Things I want to try to do next:

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    • see if void-dashing a console works (as you mentioned things being involved you didn't knew were possible)
    • see if raising the alarm before going into the arena makes the console behave differently
    • see if I can jump above Ropa so it shoots at the static ring -- must be a pain to pull off without being one-shotted I guess, then again his lasers are semi-timed so I could pop out of operator mode right after a blast
    • shoot the caps with my operator's amp (I think I tried already, but not sure)
    • see what happens when the electric arcs on the wires to the caps touch you (I know, definitely not the solution, but I just want to know much it hurts)
    • try as Valkyr again, so as to be immune due to her ultimate, and see if I can grab Ropa that way after charging the caps
    • fire a sleep arrow at Ropa, but I predict it'll have no effect (then again who knows?) / fire a noise arrow to get some slack when trying things out (anyone picked up already I'm an Ivara main?)
    • in the same vein: let's try Valkyr's ripline on the beast, might be fun


    One of those are indeed what you're supposed to do.

  4. Just now, GrandLompus said:

    Thanks for the positive note -- at least I'm not barking up a totally wrong tree then 🙂  But I guess I'll give up for now, after 1+ hour of trying things out, getting one-shotted too many times to keep my sanity in check and getting 3 AFK aborts on top of that.  Let's see if I can do better this evening.

    I'd like to offer more help but I kinda don't know what else to offer since you don't want spoilers. I guess this should at least help and hopefully contextualize what you did right, you are required to use your operator in this fight.

  5. 2 minutes ago, GrandLompus said:

    And I think I'm in the same boat.  I did spot the console, but it's inactive even after charging all 3 capacitors.

    To get some insight into a newb's confused state of mind, I tried (not really in chronological order):

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    • Soloing as Ivara, but her invis in of no use once you start approaching the capacitors.  I tried a few tactics to see if I could dodge the beams, but needless to say I failed that try, and hard.  End of try one.
    • Tried Valkyr, but got one-shotted anyway.  Valkyr's 4 did bring immunity, but since I still had no clue as to what to do next I horsed around and got AFK-kicked.  Posted here, since it seemed unfair after 20 minutes of trying hard.
    • Went with Ivara again because I'm not in the mood (nor reflex) to do some hard-on gaming atm, and Ivara at least makes the trip to Ropa a lot smoother.  Remembered the Ropapolyst is a sentient, so tried my operator, and void mode also did bring immunity.  I did flunk a few of the trips to the capacitors and switching into/out of operator mode however, so I played less aggressive, got all 3 caps charged at a slower pace, and took too long 'cause got AFK-kicked again.  Posted my update here again.
    • I did notice there is some current below the center platform and also a ring of static above it.  I already tried to shoot it previously, but it didn't do anything.  Also not in the center spot.  Ropa also hovers there quite serenely, so it's not a passive thing that's needed here.  Alad also said something like "bring the flame to the moth" or such, which seems to fit here, but I can't fathom what is needed.  I did see the console there, but it is deactivated?  I tried to jump up to it, but it's just too high up.  The coil below the platform is also out of reach it seems (you just get respawned on the platform).
    • When idling a bit behind a charged cap, I noticed that Alad's lines become different when Ropa keeps shooting the thing.  It looks like it's a hint that the caps need to be charged in multiple stages, and that a final blast from Ropa will blow it or something.  So I circle-danced around it some more, but nothing interesting happened.
    • Not willing to give up that easily, I finally saw the "x" hint when approaching the rip lines to the capacitors as operator, so from there on did those as operator, but the x hint is missing for the 2nd and 3rd capacitor.  Tried anyway, fell out of the map, tried some more, and found out that when pressing x within the first microsecond after falling off the platform, operator does land on them.  But not always, causing some extra failed attempts that one-shotted me afterwards.  I guess I've never experienced falling out of the map as operator before, because my first instinct was to press 5 when back in the game, only to find out I just transfered right into my warframe again and got one-shotted.  Lesson learned after a few failed attempts and some WTF moments: falling out of the map keeps you in the operator / warframe mode.
    • Then (contrary to Alad's hints, but just felt like it) I tried to rip it's shields with my amp, succeeded, but one more void beam blast after the shields were gone and Ropa is indestructible again, in both operator and warframe mode.  I guess this is a bug?  Shooting it afterwards did nothing.
    • After charging all 3 caps (again, xth time by now) I retried to make the ring of static above the center platform work for me again.  I tried to void dash the beast right under the charged ring, thinking that might stun it or something and bring opportunities that way.  But void dashes seem to put you right back into warframe mode atm?  Since when is that?  Needless to say I was one-shotted right there up in the air at Ropa's feet when operator became Ivara again.  I did see a hint to use "x" flash by in that instant, but it was gone so fast I wonder if it's a bug or really something I should do.  Thinking I might be able to grab it's feet or something I tried a few more void dashes to Ropa and pressing x right after, but that only caused swift death every time.
    • I remembered the big central pillar inside the structure, which I also explored previously en route to Ropa (instant extra minutes wasted on the AFK timer), and thinking I might just need to back out of this tile and the fight should be fought there or such.  I tried to reach the building, but there's just nothing there like an exit I think?  Flying around trying to reach it I got one-shotted again.
    • Horsed around some more after that trying to get some clues, got AFK-banned again, for the 3rd time.
    • Lines of text I do not know what to make of as of now:
      • Alad giving extra hints after a cap is already charged but gets shot again by Ropa
      • Natah: "That [sequence?] doesn't work anymore", after horsing around too long?
      • A few more that I only picked up half, because I was trying to save my ass from being one-shotted.

    Ah well, must be one of those days...

    You came close, I'll tell you that much. The one-shot lasers make it hard to do what you have to do next.

  6. Just now, Drachnyn said:

    It's a peer to peer system so if the host leaves of course you need to migrate hosting to someone else. What did you expect? 

    Changing to dedicated servers would take a lot of time and just wouldnt be worth it.

    If you have friends that do missions with you host migrations cant really be a problem since one of you is host anyway so at that point it's the connection of one of you.

    The main problem is that, just because you have to swap hosts, does that really mean they can't transfer the gamestate? It doesn't need to wipe the map clean. Plus it's just as likely to migrate host as it is to disband the squad outright. It's very frustrating in ESO to get a host migration mid wave and lose all my spores and my entire squad and desperately have to rebuild spores with all that survivability I didn't put on her since she's built to work with a squad. It'd be nice if it at least carried over my spores, rather than respawn all enemies in new locations, potentially meaning what may have been a safe spot is now flooded with enemies.

  7. 7 minutes ago, Drachnyn said:

    It's not required, Alad gives you a lot of hints. 

    His hints outright lie to you and don't actually tell you what you can and can't do or how. There are two things that stumped me while soloing it, and the second one I just looked up. It's intuitive to charge the conduits with the laser. The other two things TC doesn't want spoiled, however, gave me a back to back "Huh. I didn't even know I could do that" reaction.

    • Like 1
  8. 4 hours ago, Xzorn said:

    Why are you guys doing this to yourselves?

    I accepted I won't get that Ephemera because I find ESO to be the most uninspired and shallow game mode in Warframe.

    It was a mission intended for something else that DE admitted to abducting and turning into a Focus farm and it shows. There's no variation in play style, approach or objectives.The factions are random so there's not even much team variation. I'd be ashamed to have made an entire game mode that's less than a Breach from path of exile.

    In my case, it's because it's the only thing I legitimately want to farm for. I have most everything else I care about, all the frames in rotation, all the corrupted mods, all the articulas. And it's the final piece for my Ember to be complete. Like I said earlier, once I get the ephemera I'm never touching the game mode again. Then I'll go back to over optimizing my Ember, maybe join the 100 Forma Losers Club with my Ember, and make all the weapons, mastering them in game modes I enjoy like regular survival, or fortuna bounties, or disruption, or just good old exterminates.

  9. 16 hours ago, Chaemyerelis said:

    I don't envy you at all. I've been going there to focus farm for maybe a month now and the ephemera dropped once for me. Those are not good odds if you're focusing on that ephemera.

    The odd drops in ESO are just downright sad. 9.999999999999999 times out of 10 its a Neo N10 relic.

    FTFY. Seriously, I'm honestly more upset that it's always that specific relic. I'd be significantly less miffed if it was a different relic but nope, neo 10 every time.

  10. TBH, I really just made this post to rant into the void. I doubt DE will change it meaningfully, which is why I didn't put this in feedback. Also, you know, I'd probably be a bit less hyperbolic and dramatic about it and try to be constructive about it. Thanks for the replies, everyone. Maybe I'll get it after they rework eso.

  11. 17 hours ago, sleepychewbacca said:

    Don't go in to an active farm thinking about that white elephant. It will always feel like it takes forever to drop. 

    While you're in ESO, use it to level weapons (or test forma-ed builds), gain focus to cap your waybounds, get radiant relics to increase ducats / plat selling. Make that the primary objective, and eventually you'll have the ephemera. 

    I started ESO for focus. Every day for a month. Finally had it drop. Only thing that made it manageable was not thinking about it. 

    I could honestly care less about focus, and I don't even have lenses atm. I have my starting zenurik lens on my ignis I take, but that's it. I get the sentiment, I really do, but the point stands that I despise this game mode, even before ephemeras were added. As much as I hate the eidolons as bosses, they're at least more rewarding to fight, and even at my current level of focus I can pull of a 3x3 with a good squad. It may not be the most efficient way to get focus, but if focus is my goal, I'm going to eidolons. Sure, the relics will be nice for ducats or a bit of plat, but it still stands that I would rather go farm different missions for those things. Locking down Xini with Limbo is barrels of fun, and I get tons of relics, most of which have high demand items inside, and traces aren't terrible to farm. ESO is a monotonous game mode, and I despise it. I'm never going back once I get the ephemera. It could be removed from the game and I'd probably say warframe is a better game for it since that means the drops have to go to more enjoyable game modes.

  12. 20 hours ago, 16Bitman said:

    "Minor Arbitration Drop Chance changes: We've bumped the Ephemera and Aura Forma Chance in Arbitrations. ESO table review is next on our list to do but may not make this Update. We do not have major changes to Arbitration pacing right now, but we are still working on plans. "




    I farmed it myself and it was horrible, but now that they confirmed to buff it (sometime), you should really stop.

    It's not even worth it, it's imo the worst ephemera of them all.

    And it's simultaneously the only ephemera I want since I'm an ember main (I know, but she is supposedly getting a rework so I'm hopeful) and no matter how bad it looks it'd probably be the only ephemera that goes good on her. That said, if the buff is Soon then it may be in my best interest to stop, yeah...

  13. 21 hours ago, Drachnyn said:

    You should post this in the Feedback part of the forum, DE doesnt read GD. I completely agree with you, these low drop chances on 20-something minute runs are murdering every will to play warframe.

    The problem with ephemera was that DE's primary goal was for very few people to have them and the route they took was just to make their drop chances low. So statistically they achieved their goal.

    The only advice I have for you is to play other games here and there until DE does something about that S#&$ty drop rate.

    I didn't post it in feedback because I don't think I'd really be adding anything to the discussion, and DE already has plans to mess with ESO's drops. Plus, they didn't buff this ephemera's drops so at the time, i didn't think they'd even consider it, especially since the braton has been 1% for a while, and I doubt they'd want to disrespect players who already ground *that* nonsense out.

  14. Neo N10 Relic. Neo N10 Relic. Neo N10 Relic. Neo N10 Relic. Neo N10 Relic. Every time I run ESO, all 8 waves, that's all I get. Sometimes I'll get a different relic, but that's bar none the most common. I legitimately despise this game mode. I can get through it, but I hate every second of it. But because it has the Ephemera I want, the only Ephemera I actually care about, I don't have much of a choice. I don't care about focus farming, I don't bring gear to level. I don't care. I just want the Blazing Step Ephemera so I can move on. But every time instead, it's just another Neo N10 Relic.Once I get it, I'm never going back to ESO. If it was rotation C repeating, maybe I'd care enough to keep going, and I probably would have it by now with significantly less burn out. But nah, 10 waves? still getting harder? That should be rotation A, throw a lith relic or a tiny amount of endo at them, it'll be fine.

    Seriously though, I'd honestly rather if the ephemera was a reward for a milestone than just a random drop. 100 waves of ESO over your account, or 20 waves in one run, I dunno. Something that makes a finish line. A "you did it!" instead of a "I got lucky" since apparently people have gotten several. I've been running this since about when ephemeras were added and I still don't have it. It's not even about it being too hard, it's just a drain on my life. 20 minutes of my life objectively wasted. These relics aren't rewards. Endo isn't a reward. The only things that are worth anything to me at this point are the braton and lato parts, the mods, and the ephemera. And even then the braton and lato vandals I already have.

    I know it's just a cosmetic, but it's honestly the only thing I really want to farm for right now. I took a break to get wisp, do the operation, and whatnot, but this is honestly just too much. I doubt DE will ever buff the drop rate. I just hope they give it an alternate location so I can at least spend less of my life hunting it in a game mode I despise.

    EDIT: Why did I say "since about ESO was announced" instead of when ephemeras were added? I was probably tired and just wanted to rant.

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  15. From a lore perspective, it depends on the sentient. Larger sentients seem to be nigh immortal, and will resurrect parts of themselves as many times as it takes, even if it's mostly in vain, to restore their body. In Hunhow's case, I think we did actually kill him since we killed his consciousness. Though, maybe a new seadolon to go with the skydolon could be fun.

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  16. While it is likely we simply missed them, after spending somewhere around 20 minutes scouring sabotage maps multiple times as a catabomb limbo with max loot radar, I've come to the conclusion that, while rare, it is entirely possible for a cache mission to only spawn 2 caches, with the third one simply not existing on the map, or is in a wall I guess according to a few google results from a few years back. I would hope this is an erroneous observation, but the caches being too well hidden for a loot radar limbo to find after scouring every room three times over seems a bit unlikely. I've observed this in orokin tower/derelict sabotages and hive sabotage only, but I would not be surprised if all cache missions potentially have this problem.

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  17. While typing to my squad in ESO, we went through a conduit and I got stuck in an infinite hard landing into a kill plane that shouldn't have been there, and wasn't for my team. I kept falling onto a kill plane only to be spawned directly above the kill plane, at which point I would fall in again. /unstuck did not work, and we attempted to let an enemy kill me so I could hard revive. This did not work, and backfired spectacularly, resulting in me respawning back in the starting room with the initial conduit, where I continued to fall into a kill plane until I was booted for not entering the final conduit to wave 8

  18. Upon getting to the final phase of the Kela De Thaym fight, she will drop down from her box with an empty, grey hp bar. She will not react to damage of any kind, and all attacks will pass through her harmlessly. This renders her unkillable, and the mission impossible to complete. Her AI will also periodically break and she'll just stand around laughing, sometimes rotating in place with no turning animation playing.

  19. 5 hours ago, peterc3 said:

    Where is this the case? Point to something changed solely due to a forum post or a video. 

    I mean I don't exactly gain anything from defending the statement, It's not a criticism of their business practices or an analysis of their direction, just a passing observation of correlation. "seem increasingly more impulsive based on forum and youtube demands," *seem* being the operative word. but there was the jim sterling thing. Granted that was a while ago. I also saw quite a few complaints about alerts just before nightwave but that was probably something in the works for a long time. Again, it's just an observation of correlation. Not causation.

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