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Posts posted by GunRaptor9000

  1. As someone who plays a lot, and would easily get all "time limited exclusive items," I never want to see anything exclusive in this game other than the three things that DE can never bring back, namely the Founder items of Excal Prime, Lato Prime, and Skana Prime.  I would indeed want those to be available again if at all possible, but there are legal issues preventing that to my understanding, and if I am okay with anyone getting to have something unique that no one else can have, then it's the people who made the game viable back when it wasn't my cup of tea.

    Beyond Founders, and really ONLY Founders, I am happy to see less exclusivity in this game.  Exclusivity alienates people, and it's already hard enough to get friends to pick up a game that's this much of a time investment starting out.

    • Like 3
  2. On 2020-02-28 at 1:17 PM, Voltage said:

    Riven Dispositions - As time goes on and Prime Access releases alter Rivens, more players feel time has been devalued in some form (atleast from reading [DE]Connor's posts every 3 months. This is an inevitable battle in the current system, and it seems Rivens have fallen into a rabbit hole that hurts player investment and the feeling of the system. Riven disposition as a mechanic should be considered for removal and instead players see "Catchmoon" type change to weapons that are simply out of line (way too powerful), the reverse for weapons like Stug, as well as some better finalization being applied before launching weapons like Rubico Prime, Catchmoon, etc. No disposition would make pre-nerf Catchmoon less desireable (as the stats DE gathered proved), and no Disposition makes Stug worth your time right now. Balance is a tricky thing in this game, and it would be difficult to get right of course. Currently the state of Riven dispositions have unfortunately become a weapons balancing system of sorts by accident, and this sort of rocky road just won't be great for players and developers alike. The effort balancing Dispositions could be spent tweaking base damage and simple base stats on weapons to create a shifting meta and more interesting game that rewards those who try out many different weapons and invest in the hundreds of weapons the game has to offer.

    You note dispositions, but you don't consider the effect of the [currently] 120 riven limit.  Placing such a limit on players removes the incentive to keep and use rivens for the weaker weapons they are meant to bolster.  As you mention above, there are literally HUNDREDS of weapons in Warframe, but with a riven limit, we are forced to choose rivens for only the most desirable and "meta" weapons.  The Law of Unintended Consequences therefore comes into play, as this leads to only those weapons that least need rivens having their rivens preserved and used, and thus these same weapons are used more by players who own their rivens because they don't have a riven to bolster up the weaker rivens for which rivens are really meant.

    Rather than focusing on riven disposition issues, instead simply remove the riven limit entirely, and see how that leads to changes in weapon use by the community.  You may find that this one change will not only allow rivens fulfill their intended role more effectively, but will also increase your sale of Riven Slots and by extension platinum.  Further, it makes riven collecting a viable part of content, and will provide those who enjoy collecting rivens, but not selling them, with actual content to enjoy with endless riven earning, revealing, and rolling.

    There is literally no downside to DE in removing the riven limit, and it will make players very happy.

  3. This was a good move by DE, and anyone who thinks that a mod that has been expected to be released for six years but hasn't due to implementation challenges and whales moaning is a gatekeeping jerk.

    I have zero sympathy for those who bought this mod for large amounts of plat / actual money in the form of plat, as ownership during that 6 year period (no matter how short) is itself the value of this mod.

    So good on DE.  Don't let the whales push the rest of your dedicated players out of experiencing the game....even if it's a mediocre one-trick-pony mod that works on one gun.

    • Like 3
  4. This is going to be a bit personal, but I feel like Digital Extremes needs to know about how this update is affecting some of its most ardent fans.  Thus, I will share the experience that my girlfriend, two clan-mates. and I had during our Railjack misadventure this evening.

    All four of us are at least "decent" Warframe players, though it would probably be fair to say that we are on the upper end of "average" to the lower end of "high-skill" in this game.  My girlfriend got me into the game about two years ago....right around the time of PoE's release.  After experimenting and getting the Vectis Prime from the Twitch drops that were going crazy for that release, I was hooked.  This game gave me something that few other games could in my substantial library on Steam...it gave me an ever growing and never ending universe to focus on when I was in extreme pain.  I was in an aviation accident years ago, and ever since, I have lived in progressively worse physical pain due to the injuries I sustained.  Similarly, my girlfriend grew to love Warframe because it provided her with an anchor for her own, very different, medical difficulties.  When she had to move away for professional and family reasons, Warframe became the replacement for going out on dates together and whatnot.  As such, there is a large degree of emotional attachment that goes with playing Warframe, as it has become "our game," for lack of a better term.  We have both purchased, and have continued to purchase, Prime Access when it's something we're interested in, and have multiple Clem noggles and other Warframe merchandise decorating our home now that we have moved back in together.

    With all of the above considered, the past year's relatively sparse content has been frustrating for both of us, but there was the light at the end of the Solar Rails in the form of Railjack for which we were holding high hopes.  Further, "The New / Old War" and "The Duviri Paradox" also had us looking forward to the future of Warframe.  We prepared our Dojo, helped our clanmates to level up, farmed liches, and did all kinds of prep in excited anticipation for Railjack, while still tempering our expectations because we recognized that DE was basically giving us a whole new game.  Obviously, bumps were expected for launch, but while watching Dev Streams and Prime Time we could see the confidence DE staff maintained throughout the "content drought," and figured that it was due to their confidence in the product they were cooking up for a year-end release.  I won't lie, this may have somewhat inflated our expectations, but not ridiculously so.

    Come Rising Tide....and DE gives us a chore.  Fine, whatever, we need a way to get introduced to Cy and such, but it would be kind of impossible to call it fun or rewarding for players with hundreds of hours spent in the game.  I got it done, she....didn't.  She described it as being as if DE....an entertainment company...was bossing her around.  I would kind of have to agree, as Rising Tide felt more like it was a quest given by "DE" rather than any in-world entity, with ridiculous time gating and little actual reward.  I got it done, we had a Railjack to use, a couple members of my clan mostly got their own Railjacks together, but mine became something of a go-to.  I suppose I got it done mainly because I wanted someone to have one in our clan, as more than one said that they would "get the ship when they could actually use it."  So, rough roll out, but it built some excitement.

    Eventually, the Game Awards came around, and we could guess what was coming that night.  We were more excited than Tyl Regor.  While I certainly don't thing [DE]Reb at all poorly represented the game at the Game Awards, it was kind of apparent that most of the stream-chat was Warframe fans waiting for the word to update (which then immediately slowed down), and very little in the way of "hook" for potential new players.  It felt unnecessary, but, who could care?  Railjack was released!  Time to be SPACE NINJA PIRATES!

    We try it out....and it's incredibly buggy (a tad more so than anticipated, but DE always fixes their stuff with time), the Railjacks have weaker weapons than the Viper (surely it's just the starter gear), and we get multiple crashes (the real killer) resulting in a very-upset bed partner that evening.  As a result, and in legitimate respect for DE, she decided to avoid the game too much during the period of instability, while I tested out the waters.  Within very short order, I have an almost all MkIII Railjack (despite multiple painfully frustrating crashes and progress-stops that caused a large amount of loot-loss), and she and my clanmates are getting more and more into it.  To add even more excitement, we hear word of a new quest hidden in Veil Proxima, indicated with a blinking icon. 

    Come this evening, and I'm having multiple runs that play flawlessly following the hotfixes.  The day was physically taxing for medical reasons on both of us, and seeing that one of our favorite shared experiences had a major event occurring, I got her and two clanmates together for our first Railjack run of the evening together.  Low and behold, I have a blinking icon on a mission node, and ALL OF US GET EXCITED.  We felt as if we were going to get to be a part of the history of our favorite video game....or, honestly, hobby, in the case of gallantblues and I.  The mission starts off great, our teamwork and communication is strong, and we're knocking enemy units out of the sky one by one.  Then, the first sign of trouble appeared, as one of our clanmates encounters a glitch that prevents him from exiting Archwing, and he ends up stuck outside of the Railjack.  As I'm piloting us through the clouds of enemies, I compensate for this by directing my other clanmate and gf to shift their roles, while our glitched friend takes on full Archwing duty.  It's looking like we'll be able to work through this when suddenly I get the "no HUD glitch," making piloting essentially impossible.  Alright...fine.....I have no ship info, no aiming reticle, no target boxes, and no waypoint markers....I can't pilot us anymore because enemies are naturally small and space is big.  To deal with this I have my gf man the gunner's seat and engineering, place my un-glitched clanmate into the cockpit despite his lower skills and unfamiliarity with my ship, and start using myself as a cannonball with the Archwing Slingshot.  This is working *okay* and we cut through most of the enemies that remained, up until the final straw.  During the final phases of the battle, my girlfriend gets the dreaded "black screen glitch" while moving around the ship using her multitool. At this point, all that's left is to go to the anomaly and whack it with a Paracesis or whatever...the big finale we were planning to all do together when all threats were put down.  However, at this point I can't see where it is, one of my clanmates can't land to go in, and my girlfriend can't see ANYTHING.  Of four players, three were critically glitched, and what we expected to be an awesome experience of Digital Extreme's greatest update yet....ended up in all four of us to agree to abort, restart....and give up for the day....or maybe week....or however long it takes to fix the mess we just suffered.  All of us left deflated.  One of our clanmates decided to stop playing Railjack to focus on his lich for the rest of the evening.  The other went back to selling his Ivara Prime sets, putting what just happened behind him for the time being.  Probably being bigger Warframe fans by a large margin than either of our clanmates, my gf and I turned Warframe off and played other games for the evening, as our hype had been thoroughly killed.  I would not be exaggerating in saying that it affected my gf to such a degree that I became concerned about her medically.

    I've taken over 30min of my evening writing this not because I am angry at DE, or want to hate on what they have published; quite the opposite.  If I didn't care, i would have just gone and spent my entire evening playing some other game.  I took the time to write this because the relatively small team at Digital Extremes has created and maintained one of my favorite fictional universes, which has in a real way both made my relationship with my partner better, and positively impacted me in dealing with my physical disabilities.  I took this time to highlight that when you release something to your dedicated fans that's unfinished, or even broken, it can impact them in ways you wouldn't expect while pushing release schedules to the left, and figuring that hot fixing will solve the problems. 

    I want to see a Warframe that lasts longer than even certain MMORPGs, but if SteamCharts following this update is any indication, I may not see that hope fulfilled.  Unlike with PoE, my introduction to this franchise, there was no celebration around Railjack....it was just kind of slowly....there.  The gaming media only took mild notice of Warframe effectively doubling in size.  But most troubling of all.....in game, while playing.....many random teams I'm with essentially leave the Railjack behind as a liability, and complete the missions mostly with their Archwings.  Railjack, as a mode, is being bypassed. Or, worse, it's not even bringing back old players because they aren't seeing its potential.

    As a newer fan of this game, with only two years spent playing, I doubt anyone could call me anything less than one of Warframe's biggest fans.  I know DE ALWAYS fixes their product with updates and hotfixes.  You proved this with Sanctuary Onslaught, with Arbitrations, and dozens of other additions.  However, I feel this was different.  Tonight, we felt failed by DE, as we were denied entry to view the future of the game....and not through paywalls or low-brow milking techniques of other games.  We were denied our part in this game's future for the evening by a poor quality product.  While the other methods would have assured that we never would have been fans, the latter makes us concerned as fans.  We know you'll fix it, but tonight, our experience to be part of two years of buildup died an ignominious death, withering on the vine in hopes that this entire harvest will not be similarly consumed by blight.

    So, to the amazing team at DE, I ask you to please push your schedules out farther to the right if you need to in the future.  Your fans cannot and will not be your beta testers.  They will close the game and do something else, for the most part, while a very, very few will come here to tell you that they did not have a good time because it was too full of glitches to play.  We want you to succeed, we actually want to give you our money....but you have got to give us something that works and doesn't cause our significant others' evenings to be ruined, and provide a capstone to already bad days.  We already waited two years to play Railjack, what makes you think we won't wait another few weeks / months / even years? Perhaps calling this "Empyrean: Beta" would have been more appropriate, with a full release in 2020?  I know that would have left me in a far more forgiving place this evening, even if literally everything else had played out the same.

    I'm too tired to edit this, and while much of this is "emotional feedback" rather than "technical feedback," I felt the team at DE deserved whatever I could provide this evening for how hard they've worked over the past year.  I want you to have the best shot you can....and so, as one of your biggest and most consistent fans of the past two years, I wanted you to know how you missed the mark rather heavily with this one.  Here's hoping that it's only a matter of days before I get to come back to this post and edit it saying "hey, we tried again after the hotfix and had a great time!" but I won't be overly optimistic, so as not to have unrealistic expectations.

    Please feel free to contact me if you would like further remark.  I'd be happy to lend what hand I can.

  5. I'm surprisingly meh on the cosmetic look of her....like, when they revealed her in the Dev Stream, I straight up had no idea who I was looking at until they said.

    As for the AkSomati Prime and Baza Prime.....it's obvious that Baza Prime should come out with Ivara Prime, but it's a bit early for it to get primed.  Its stats are still good in non-prime form, but because it's THE weapon you use with Ivara, it had to come out now.  As a result, it's quite underwhelming stat-wise.  The AkSomati Prime needed to happen, but....they're actually worse than a rivened base version, which makes them pointless.

    So, overall, I'm glad I got Deth Machine Rifle (and by extension, Atlas) Prime Access, because this one is a hard skip for me.  Which I'm sad to say, tbh, because in concept I like everything that's in it.  But when I get Ivara Prime, you can be sure I'll be using the base Ivara skin.

  6. The way I see it, Titania is the ultimate fire support drone of death.

    Ironically, Warframes are already unmanned, so....she's literally a UCAV.

    All of her support abilities are more or less unnecessary and wasted....and go mostly unused.

    She's in the game to be the Tenno answer to the need for close air support, able to get a lot of firepower aimed at unexpected angles toward otherwise unreachable enemies.

    If I were to change her kit, I'd make the Dex Pixia able to switch into different fire modes (guns, missiles, bombs, etc), and give her damage buffs that she doesn't have to contact certain enemies to give....she's a fairy, make her buffs based on fairy dust that she sprinkles down to allies as she buffs herself.

  7. I'm calling it now.

    The Tenno are in a stable time loop engineered by the Orokin, the Archimedians, Lotus, and/or Teshin.

    The Tenno and Ordis cannot remember the Old War because, for them, they have not experienced it yet.

    With the antediluvian setting of Warframe, the hints that the Tenno of old were more powerful, and the transdimensional nature of the Tenno themselves, not to mention the necessity of Void energy to damage the Sentients, it would appear as if our current operators are building up to go back in time to battle the Sentients in the past.

    So, follow me here.

    • Zariman Ten Zero incident occurs.
    • Separately, the Warframes are developed
    • An archimedian named Morgulis, who happens be intimate with the executor Ballas, takes care of the Tenno, accepting being apparently blinded by them.
    • During this time, Natah, a Sentient mimic infiltrator, is tasked with the mission of killing the Tenno.
    • Morgulis speaks out against the Orokin for weaponizing children.  She faces the Jade Light.  Her Oro is supposedly destroyed.
    • Natah observes this, but is captured, and supposedly reprogrammed.  She takes on the form of Morgulis.
    • The Orokin manufacture more Tenno in the meantime, meaning to use them for war.  They are taught the basics of their focus schools.
    • An unknown Archimedian figures out how to use transference to make the uncontrollable Warframe bio-weapons into unmanned combat surrogates for the Tenno's use.
    • At some point, the mercenary Ordan Karras rejects becoming an Orokin, and is made into Ordis.  Karras' combat style is used as the basis of Tenno combat, and his mind is used as a Cephalon assistant to the Tenno.  From this point, he is placed into storage for thousands of years.
      • Hopefully Ballas saw fit to turn Ordan Karras' body into a Warframe.....
      • Secondary prediction, the Tenno meet Ordan Karras before he becomes Ordis.  This may be why his combat style is suggested to be that the Tenno use....because he mentors the Tenno at some point.  His pseudo-destruction may be an additional impetus for the destruction of the Orokin.
    • The former "Natah," now "Lotus," places the Tenno into the Second Dream. 
    • The Sentient threat continues, and the Old War continues to rage on, consuming Dax and Grineer lives in droves.
    • Thousands of years later, perhaps to allow Lotus to finish the details of the Void-based technologies that the Tenno will utilize, she awakens the Tenno.
    • This is the first conscious thought the Tenno have had since before the Warfame project was completed....and they have thus never been in a Warframe before.
    • We go through all of the events up until this point.
      • Of note is the following:
        • Teshin's superior understanding of the Tenno's abilities during The War Within.
        • The lack of any memories of the Old War by the Tenno or Ordis.
        • Ordis being on EVERY Orbiter, helping EVERY Tenno, and his ability to recognize mimics instantly.
        • Lotus' ability to command thousands of missions at one time.
        • Lotus' lack of ever giving explanations for the past, other than the memories the Tenno has of the Zariman and the Focus Schools....but no apparent memory of Warframes, even after the reveal of The Second Dream and The Sacrifice.
        • Ballas identifying Lotus as literally being Morgulis during the Apostasy Prologue, despite knowing that Lotus is a Sentient.
        • Lotus keeps leaving bread crumbs behind for the Tenno to follow, leading to The Sacrifice and The Chimera Prologue (and thus the Paracesis).
          • During the Ropolalyst fight, Lotus directly contacts the Tenno in a form similar to how Captain Vor used the Ascarius during the opening mission...meaning there may be a similar device intrinsically in all Warframes.
            • She takes this chance to outline her hopes for peace through amalgamation, and spills the beans slightly on the Man in the Wall and her views on the Void.
    • As we approach the Duviri Paradox, our operators refine their powers, especially thanks to new lenses and the last two Focus Schools finally being "rediscovered" / revealed by the now supposedly traitor Lotus.
    • The Tenno find a way into the Void...the so called "Duviri Planes," and beyond this a path through time itself....a way to engage in transference with Warframes in the distant past.
    • The Tenno, with all of the power they have developed in the distant future, safe from the Sentient war machine, take control of the Warframes of the past.
    • The Tenno proceed to fight in the "Old War," or rather the "New War" from their perspective.
    • The Tenno does this, over and over again, changing appearance, age, etc....even fighting beside itself....
      • There was only ever one single Tenno....one operator.....looping through time endlessly.
      • Every player is the same Tenno, hence why everyone goes through the same story missions, and often times without the option of other Tenno joining them.
      • Every other Tenno other than your Tenno is your Tenno....just at a different point in time.
      • There are thus, infinite potential Tenno.  Tenno, as a word, is meant to convey the singularity of the Tenno.
      • Rell is the end of all Tenno.
      • The Zariman had many children.  None actually survived.  Their Oros were used to forge the Tenno, which was the true horror that Morgulis objected to.
      • Lotus, having knowledge of the past and having already endured the Void before, travels back in time with the Tenno.  She takes the name Morgulis.
        • Morgulis was never human.  She was always future Lotus, who opened up the Planes of Duviri to the Tenno with stolen Sentient tech...her reason for turning traitor.
        • To assure the success of the Tenno, she protects them, endears them to her, and passes her knowledge of the future to Teshin and past Natah....both of whom guard their knowledge of the future.
          • As a side note, the skulls in Teshin's cave are literally all from the one Tenno....immortal, yet still learning in an environment where death is meaningless.
    • The Tenno beat the Sentients back to Tau Ceti, and close the gates from both sides.....no matter, the "ones" trapped on the other side all know that in just a few thousand years, they'll hitch a ride back to Sol when they arrive with their Railjacks for the invasion of Tau.  They're immortal, and can cull Sentients in the mean time.
    • Those Tenno who remain, with the help of the newly briefed Lotus and Teshin, execute the Orokin for their misdeeds, and to clear the path thousands of years later for Lotus to unify the Sentients and Humans.
    • The future Tenno leave behind their Warframes in the past, returning to the future to invade Tau, and either unite with or destroy the Sentients, the Lotus having given her life as Morgulis to assure their ability to choose the future of the two races.
    • The "Man in the Wall" is the Tenno from even farther in the future, looking back over himself in the past.  Just like our own Tenno character's ability to change appearance, voice, gender, etc....he simply reflects whatever he looked like at that time back to us.
      • He occasionally messes with Lotus, freaking her out.
      • Lotus, having foreknowledge of the Man in the Wall's identity, uses Rell to prevent him from causing a causal paradox, up until his time of release by the player's character.


    So, in summary:

    • There was only ever one single Tenno, just looping through time, taking on new appearances.  The Man in the Wall is just you from the future popping back in to look at his past selves.
    • Lotus, Natah, and Morgulis, are all literally the same being, just at different points of their lives.
    • The "New War" and the "Old War" happen at the same time for the Tenno, accessing the past through time traveling transference.
      • Teshin already knows they can do this....hence why he seems to know more of your powers than you do in The War Within.
    • The reason the Orbiters all look the same is because they are all the same orbiter, being used at different times.
    • The reason Ordis only ever recognizes a single operator, even when multiple Tenno are present, is because there is only one Tenno.
    • Lotus is neither loyal to nor a traitor against the Tenno.  She has her own objectives, and ultimately travels back in time and gives her life for them while disguised as an Archimedian named Morgulis.  Ballas finds out....somehow....that she was always a sentient, and thus goes turncoat.


    So....that's a lot to take in, but I'm curious if anyone has any thoughts on this set of theories.

    Am I missing any clues?

    Are there any forgotten plot points that should feed into this?

    I'll edit this post with lore corrections in response to replies that make good points.  Otherwise I'll make note of incongruent info in bullet points below here.

    Thanks for reading!

    • Like 1
  8. In November of 2018 I bought a GPD Win 2 almost exclusively for the purpose of playing Warframe.

    I was able to get it to run using DirectX 9 with low graphics settings, and it did quite well.

    However, I was unable to get the game to start on the device using DirectX 10 or 11.  The game would start playing the log-in screen music and crash with the entire screen rapidly blinking, requiring a forced shut down.

    Running it in DirectX 9 worked, until support for it ended earlier this year.

    I did a lot of troubleshooting trying to get DirectX 10 or 11 to work, made sure the device was up to date with DirectX 12, checked all of my drivers, etc, etc.

    No luck.

    So, I set it aside for a several months as I had lots of IRL things happening, and I could play Warframe on other machines.

    But, today I had some time to mess around with the device, as I was waiting at a doctor's appointment and had time to kill.

    I got it updated, and still had a failure to start up.

    I uninstalled and reinstalled (on Steam), updated again, and still, unable to launch, regardless of the launch settings I selected.

    Interestingly, the crash is now slightly different than it was before.  Now, after I hit the start button on the Warframe launcher, the screen goes all white, the "Games for Windows" insignia flashes over this white screen, the screen then turns black for about 3 seconds, and then I am booted back to my desktop.  When I click back on Warframe from the Windows Taskbar, I get an all grey screen with a small blue-on-white Windows title bar reading "Warframe" in the top left of the screen; the login screen music will play in the background while this screen is present.  From here, all I can do is force-close the program by Alt+Tab-ing out and hitting the X in the Taskbar preview icon.

    Could someone please offer some assistance in getting Warframe to work on my GPD Win 2?  This appears to be a software issue rather than hardware, but I'm open to troubleshoot as needed.  I am physically disabled, and bought the GPD Win 2 so that I could play my favorite game when I couldn't get out of bed, so it would be very nice to have the game functional for those times.

    Thank you,


  9. Okay, not even kidding, but the "Ninjas Play Free" tagline made me think it was a crap game scumming for money until I was FORCED by my girlfriend to try the game....and that was like 600 days and 27MR ago....

    So, yeah, had it not been for my gf, I never would have fallen in love with this game, and a contributing factor would have been the tagline.

    So, all jokes aside, maybe it is time for it to change...something that reflects the game itself rather than how it's monetarily responsible [until you spend like a grand or so on plat, Prime Access / Vault / branded clothing].

  10. 5 hours ago, ChaoticEdge said:

    What?  Are we still going with this stuff again?  I thought we already resolved this type of propaganda issued for it seems lollygaging is still on the process in everyone mind about the cap and riven mods that is being defy amount.

    Not to be rude at all, but I take it English is not your first language?

    I'm just having trouble understanding if you're annoyed with people still wanting a reasonable and small change to the game, or if you're annoyed at DE for not implementing it yet.....

  11. 8 hours ago, ___Grim___ said:

    That is such a false premise.

    New players already have the entire bloody game with all its content to play through.

    How about we actually reduce the number of players leaving the game because they don't have anything more worthwhile to do.

    I totally agree with you, and this thread hits on the point that "riven collecting" is an activity that people who have completed most content would enjoy in this game.

    • Like 1
  12. 10 hours ago, Ejnaer said:

    Happy Zephyr is kinda fun, Frame fighter is buggy and Wyrmius is fun but t0000 harrrrrdddd. How about a new mini game? An RTS should be easy to make.

    - Nothing too fancy, just 2 maps: Plains of EIdolon & Orb Vallis. Tenno VS Grineer & Corpus.

    - Plenty of resources to pick from just cut it down to 4-5 (like Rubedo, Argon etc).

    - You can only spawn 1 warframe 'hero', 2 if you scanned all Framefighter orbs.

    - Enough existing models to make out their roles (like workers, fighters, heavy units etc)


    Star Wars (Galactic Battlegrounds) had an Age of Empires game, why not Warframe.

    I love this idea....I could see this even becoming an entire game mode, not just a mini-game.

    • Like 1
  13. 7 hours ago, BETAOPTICS said:

    I knew full well why you would think that, but how you come to that conclusion that people who say things X, Y and Z must be because A, B and C; hence projection. I also read your previous post before, and I can understand why you would feel that way about Rivens and having a collector mindset, you want to have them. Not simply because of the economics you wish to improve but for you the thought of owning Rivens to guns you use regularly is a great addition to your enjoyment of said weapon. Who doesn't like variety, right? Yeah, but nonetheless that is the emotional Self speaking. Mind you there is nothing wrong with those wishes at all, in fact they are quite welcome since they do drive a game forward.

    But the rational side of you might observe that sometimes it is complicated. I am sure if you ask most people if they'd intuitively like more Riven slots, they would enthusiastically answer yes. I know I do. Even DE has nothing to gain from the cap as others noted they would spend the plat they have and thus be more keen to buy even more. But maybe it is a bit more complicated than that, a goal for the future. And if Scott is anything to go by, they wish the same thing and they will do that when they can. It just might not be tomorrow, but maybe next week metaphorically. It isn't like DE seems to like the Riven market economy currently either, it is ultimately bad for them.

    You know why I asked you to estimate how I earn my platinum, how much I make by selling items and whether or not I follow the meta? The correct answers would've been: Prime Access, 80p in 6-years (I dislike trading and I only ever buy but never sell, rivens I turn into endo; I am busy and lazy, and my 80 plat only because a clan mate insisted to pay it for giving them Maiming Strike) and no I do not follow meta (last Riven few weeks ago was for Amphis for experimentation reasons, enough plat to allow me that luxury to do that). None of those are virtues of any sort, least is my plat count, but what they do reveal is a conflict with the description of greed/jealousy for the motivation to describe DE's answer to that question or the persons motivation to bring up that statement. That is all to say that we humans tend to be complicated with varied and often complex motivations for doing a lot of things. One persons duck is another persons tiger. And sometimes a description of something is simply a description of something without making a value judgement about the nature of it. 1+1=2, is a description that says nothing more about the speakers motivations than to simply be informative.

    But I understand these emotional reactions. Trust me I understand that pain. Being somewhat of a perfectionist myself I understand that rush to want to have it all because you can and that rush of adrenaline is your fun and passion for the game is your fuel. However maybe the world is colorful and not everyone is the devil your experiences might make you inclined to believe they are. Sometimes they may be just a duck.

    Dude, you're so smug, that I can just imagine you driving around in a hybrid like:

    south park thank you GIF

    • Like 2
  14. 13 hours ago, BETAOPTICS said:

    I do not find either of these commentaries insulting, but their " psychoanalysis" is unfounded. Unlike armchair psychologists on the forums, I am one by my education. [Therefore, by implication, I'm better than you, and will proceed to flaunt my education (but apparently not profession?) by disparaging anyone who has a reasonable desire for a minor, yet high impact, change to the video game they love that will keep the sinking ship afloat via new avenues of monetization during an over year-long period of essentially no content....because collecting things is a silly hobby.  Also I'm better than you.] 

    This is basically what I read.  Therefore, category 3/4.

  15. 12 hours ago, Psianide73 said:

    Evil? Maybe, but no-one needs more than 90 of the damn things, and anyone stating the limit stops them from playing doesn't really want to play anyway, they want to collect stuff.

    Thank you for proving my above stated point.

    • Like 2
  16. As a small aside, my girlfriend doesn't want to play Warframe tonight SPECIFICALLY because of the Riven Limit.

    DE, for the love of your fans most likely to buy Prime Access and who have gotten roughly a dozen people to get into the game and also buy Prime Access....ELIMINATE THE RIVEN LIMIT.

    (like, seriously, the Steam Summer Sale is on right now, and money that would have ended up as Prime Access is going to purchasing other new games, even though this is my favorite game....announce ending the Riven Limit at TennoCon, or something....just get rid of it.)

    • Like 1
  17. I made a similar post a while back.

    From a gameplay perspective, you're entirely correct.  The player is stifled in their progression and collection due to this limit, and it adds a straight up source of anxiety which leads to less desire to play.  From a business perspective, it's a disincentive to buy plat, which is [quite honestly] idiotic on DE's part.

    Now, given how obvious it is that the Riven Limit should be abolished (note: note simply "expanded," as this only pushes off the problem without fixing anything), there will be many who disagree with you.  Those will mainly be DE database apologists who think that the storage necessary for rivens or the I/O capability of it will be utterly overwhelmed, those who think the point of rivens is to trade them, those who will say you're playing the game wrong, and those who will say "you don't *need* more riven capacity, you want it."  All of these people either have ulterior motives (like keeping riven prices high so they can abuse the riven limit), while others just want to sound better than you because "they play the game the right way."  All of these people will post in this thread trying to call you out as a fool for pointing out an obvious point, which if implemented would instantly improve the game.

    So, don't worry when most of your replies are people telling you you're wrong.  Keep the flag of obvious improvement to the game flying in the face of these sophomores and punks, and let's push to eliminate the riven limit.

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  18. 8 hours ago, [DE]Glen said:

    @GunRaptor9000 most of your wall of text is inadmissible; please review the rules in the original post and cut it down to size. 


    Sorry, I was not entirely coherent at the time.

    I will post a fixed version tonight, if able.

    If I do not, please only worry about section 1, as I think it's (a) the most relevant to my interests and this thread, and (b) it follows the set rules.

  19. I just have a few questions......yeah...a "few" questions....

    Also, please excuse me if I did not follow the formatting rules for all of my questions...I'm recovering from medical stuff this evening, and am not thinking entirely clearly.  My apologies.  I'm kind of loopy......

    1. Game server and database questions
      1. As we know, there is currently a restrictive 90 riven limit for players, supposedly due to suspected storage and I/O issues with the database at the time of release of rivens. Thus....
        1. How do rivens interact with the servers and database that houses Warframe?
        2. What issues have rivens caused on a technical level, rather than a game design level?
        3. Could the game at some point support the removal of a riven cap on players?
        4. What network infrastructure improvements would be required to make the removal of the riven cap a possibility?
        5. Is the removal of the riven cap currently on the radar of DE at all?
        6. How much income do rivens generate for DE through plat and Prime Access purchases?
    2. The background of Warframe's setting is still quite vague, spanning the entirety of the Sol / Solar / Origin star system, and therefore scale is hard to estimate.  Thus....
      1. How many Tenno exist in canon?  One for each IRL account?
        1. Seeing as the Tenno all see the same events of the quests, does that mean that narratively the Tenno share experiences through the Void in some way?
        2. The Lotus notes that only "the first" Tenno were from the Zariman 10-0, implying that more were manufactured.  How did the Orokin "manufacture" Tenno during the Old War?
        3. Can the Oro of a Tenno ever actually be "killed?" Even Rell didn't exactly "die," he just went off to rest somewhere in the void.....
        4. What would happen to a Tenno if their Orbiter were to be destroyed?  Can an Orbiter even be destroyed in a normal sense of the concept?
          1. Do Orbiters remain safe because they are always in the Void, or are they merely conventionally stealth from other vessels?  Also, just double checking, Orbiters are stealth, yes?
          2. What would happen to a Tenno and his warframe if the Lander were to be shot down during insertion?  Would Ordis just send another Lander with another copy of that warframe?
        5. Are the specific warframes technically disposable, meaning that if it is destroyed and unable to be recovered would the "warframe slot" it occupies simply produce another one?  Is this funded with the "Ordis Tax" that Cephalon Cordylon described?
          1. Is every copy of a warframe just a copy/paste of the Oro left behind by the original "blueprint" individual, as is hinted at by Ballas?  Does this effectively make every "copy" of that warframe literally that individual?
      2. How many Grineer are there?  Seeing as they span multiple planets and massive space-faring vessels and utterly dwarf the numbers of Tenno, would the number be in the trillions? 
      3. How many Corpus humans and proxies are there?  Similarly to the Grineer, billions or low trillions seems possible, but with several proxies for each human...
      4. How many Infested are there?  They hold the fewest planets, only derelict space hulks, and the Dark Sectors, so a number lower than the Grineer or Corpus seems appropriate.
      5. How many non-affiliated human colonies exist, and how do they maintain their sovereignty against the Corpus and Grineer.  We see how one uses the Infested as a form of protection and a source of income, and we've seen the newly Tenno-affiliated ones, but  few signs other than offhand mentions in missions of others.
      6. How many Corrupted are there?  Are Corrupted temporary guardians of the towers, dying from lack of ability to execute life processes normally after a time, or are they permanent?
        1. How many Derelicts and Orokin towers likely exist throughout the Sol System? 
      7. How many Sentients are there?  Considering they are a single faction occupying the entirety of the Tau Ceti star system, the number would appear to be in the quadrillion range....a horrifying prospect for even the Grineer....
        1. What are the Sentients made out of?  Are they fleshy, and if so, are they related to the Infestation?
      8. Where is the body of Ordan Karras?
        1. Could it have been made into a warframe after his mind was made into a cephalon, or does the cephalon process require the body / the warframe process require a mind?
          1. If Ordan Karras did become a Warframe, and he was indeed the archetype for the "Tenno method of warfare," would his resultant frame be an exemplar of fast assault tactics?
          2. Would Ordis be able to "pilot" the Ordan Karras warframe due to some form of physiological similarity retained after the he was split?
          3. What is that awesome looking sword thing Ordan Karras has on his back in his videos?  Can we please get that one day?
      9. Will Samodeus ever get the content he/she was meant to have?
      10. Considering we can already see fully built and utilized models of the Orbiter in the Relay skybox from our front window, will we ever get to see our Orbiter more from the outside?
        1. Why, when friends join our squad before a mission, do we see their Landers outside of our Orbiter's window, but when they look at us from their Orbiter, they see us in our Lander, not our Orbiter?
          1. Does this imply that the warframe is teleported into the Lander after launch from the Orbiter? 
          2. Does this imply that copies of all warframes and weapons are stored on the Landers, and the Lander is able to select these for the Operator before each mission and drop them as desired?
          3. Does this imply that the Lander stores a Universal Constructor that's only limited by "slot" quantities, and generates all warframes and equipment onboard for each mission?
          4. Is this just a leftover from the old days of Warframe, and the relatively tiny team over at DE has bigger fish to fry?
        2. Where did the Tenno or Orokin build the Orbiters?
          1. Were / are the Orbiters staffed by anyone other than Ordis, the Operator, and Helminth?
      11. Who inherited Lotus' netword of agents, spies, operatives, logisticians, recovery crews, etc?
        1. It was Ordis, wasn't it?
          1. This would actually be both reasonable and narratively sound.
        2. Did Lotus provide command and control to all Tenno simultaneously?
          1. Given her physical nature, this seems reasonable.....
        3. Obvious voice acting reasons aside, why does Ordis continue to provide the "Orchid" simulation when we know she's a traitor?  No Tenno wants to be reminded of her while murderizing.....
      12. Does each Tenno have a "copy" of Ordis, or is Ordis simultaneously tending to every Tenno at once?  The latter somehow seems more reasonable, given that he's a powerful, if glitchy, cephalon linked through the Weave.
        1. Is Ordis more "powerful" than the Lotus / Natah?
          1. Was Lotus ever really in control to begin with?
        2. Is Ordis' voice actor aware of how good his voice work is?  Because he needs to be reminded if not.....
      13. What happened to the Tenno left in the Tau System after the Old War?
        1. Considering Tenno kind of can't die, are they prisoners or are they holed up somewhere in the void, still fighting?
        2. Given that after five-ish years, the Tenno we control haven't aged at all, will the Tau Tenno still appear as 19 year olds?
        3. Can Tenno reproduce?  If so, is it possible that there is a Tenno nation in Tau Ceti?
          1. Would Tenno even reproduce the way normal humans do, considering they aren't exactly human anymore?
      14. The "Tau System" is meant to be "Tau Ceti," yes?
      15. Teshin is roughly as powerful as a Tenno, so would it be possible to reproduce the capabilities of the Dax for current era humans, such as those of Cetus, to aid in combating the Sentient threat?
      16. Why have no Tenno stepped up as leaders in the Solar System?  It only seems natural that they would, like how Gara did, and as the Arbiters of Hexis desire.
        1. Who are the Tenno Councilors?
          1. Are they even Tenno?
        2. There appeared to be Tenno in command positions during the Old War.....
          1. Have these Tenno simply not been awakened yet?
          2. Did these Tenno simply die?  If so, how?
    3. Future Gameplay Questions:
      1. In lore, we hear of Tenno being used in conventional warfare....in pitched battles.
        1. Will we ever see a gameplay mode where Tenno command allied factions against Sentients in combined arms style conflicts?
          1. Will we ever be able to use transference into weapons systems other than the Warframes and the Golden Maws?
            1. If so, CAN WE PLEASE GET GIANT MECHA!?!?!  This game needs giant mecha....because we're space ninjas.
              1. I want to punch an Eidolon in the face on a scale where I can rip and tear his building-sized synovia off....and then FORM BLAZING SWORD on him.
                1. I realize that's not a question....but seriously, what are the chances of Tenno Mecha in the next couple years?
    4. Merchandising Question
      1. Has DE ever considered a tabletop game for Warframe using 28mm scale (ie: like Games Workshop's, Privateer Press', or Fantasy Flight's products)?
        1. Warhammer fans would eat this up, especially...however you would have to work with the right company to create the molds and cast the minis, not to mention getting the rules fair and balanced....in all seriousness, contact me if you want to start somewhere on making this happen.
      2. Will we ever see Warframe cross into other media, given the success of the comic book?
        1. A Warframe movie, web series, Netflix show, etc?
      3. Will Warframe merchandise ever be seen in brick and mortar stores like Game Stop, or even Target / Walmart?
      4. Will there ever be spin-off games from Warframe, perhaps where you play other factions or types of characters?
        1. Perhaps a mobile game where you spawn enemies into other people's live games of Warframe to try to stop them as a Grineer or Corpus commander of some sort?
      5. Will Warframe costumes ever appear for general sale, perhaps around Halloween?

    Thank you for reading!  

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  20. 2 hours ago, sinnae said:

    i think you overestimate your worth, babe.


    you're already invested enough in this game that you're supposedly fed up with to be posting about a niche issue on the game's forum. you're already as engaged as you're gonna be. you're not suddenly gonna start dumping tons of real money into plat or microtransactions past buying a few more riven slots. you are, in fact, not worth the server costs.

    I would say player retention and encouragement to buy Prime Access is key to company health.  There's plenty more they could get out of customers like us.

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