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Posts posted by GunRaptor9000

  1. 2 minutes ago, (XB1)Oussii said:

    sometimes its a bug, you need to forma it,

    Do it anyway, nothing to loose

    On the other hand, only who have the founder pack on PC can reach for now MR 26

    If only Founders can reach MR26 at the moment, then that solves the issue.  I thought I saw some non-Founders getting MR26.

    Also, I'm pretty sure I already formaed my Skiajati.....but I'll check.

  2. 6 minutes ago, krc473 said:

    Do you own the founder exclusives? That is probably the issue.


    Otherwise, some weapons do not appear unless owned.

    As I mentioned, I'm not a founder.....I'm just under one year in the game, actually.

    So it could be that, plus the lack of two of the login reward weapons....but I don't think some of the people I saw were Founders.....and those two login reward weapons are still only worth 6,000 MR....less than half of what I'm short by.....

  3. 1 minute ago, (PS4)AleDiorio said:

    do u know it, right?

    Zaws have to be gilded to earn Mastery Rank points, with their progression tied to the weapon's Strike alone, e.g. if a player levels up a Gilded Zaw crafted with the Balla Strike to 30, any future Zaws forged using the Balla Strike will no longer provide Mastery regardless of what combination of Grips and Links they have.

    I have built several dozen zaws....so I know this well.

    I have even gone into my profile and confirmed that each strike shows up as "mastered" in my melee weapons list.

    But I leveled them up (gilded as well) as soon as they all came out, for those that came out after the initial release.

    The same goes for amps.

  4. So, as we all know, MR26 is now available in game.

    I'm currently sitting at MR25, and I am 14,387 MR points short of MR26.

    Looking in my Codex, however, I can't seem to find where I'm coming up short.

    To include special variants (primes, prismas, etc), I have every warframe, archwing, arch-melee, arch-gun, sentinel, kubrow, kavat, helminth charger, and secondary ranked up.  Among melee and primaries, I'm only missing Sigma & Octantis and the Zenith.  I've gotten the Lato and Braton Vandals from ESO, I even got the Machete from Daily Rewards by some miracle.  Unless I'm badly mistaken, I have leveled up every zaw strike and all five of the amp prisms.  I also have the Dex items.  I've built War, the Paracersis (up to level 40), Umbra, Orvius. Zylok, etc.  Besides the two remaining login reward weapons and Founders Pack items, I'm not missing anything, to include usually masked items.

    I have every node unlocked, proven by the fact that I can play Arbitrations, and it goes without saying that I've unlocked every junction.

    So, I'm having trouble finding where I'm falling short.  Is there another source of MR that I'm entirely spacing out on?  I've been trying to research what I'm missing on the wiki, but I haven't found much at this point: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Mastery_Rank

    The two missing login reward items are only worth 3,000 MR each, and I'm pretty sure Excalibur Prime, Lato Prime, and Skana Prime aren't owned by many of the YouTubers I've seen do the test.  It would take the frame and plus at least three of these items to make up the remaining difference to get to MR26, so I think I'm missing an entire category of MR points somewhere.  Do Codex scans, or something count for MR?  I only did one of the two Trials before they were discontinued, but I don't think they count as "nodes" as far as MR is concerned.

    Anyway, thank you for the help....this disparity has been bothering me for a few weeks now.

  5. So from what I can tell, this is like a "split bamboo" style weapon, but it includes viral damage to boot.

    Staff or polearm, either way is cool to me.  I'm just happy to have some new unique weapons.

    But what catches my eye about this weapon is that it claims to "rend," which to me says "slash damage."  And "slashing" in the form of ripping and grabbing is exactly what split bamboo does when it his a target's flesh.  This further would help "viral" infections grow.

    Anyway, just my two cents. It just struck me as odd that this thing only did impact in terms of IPS.

    Example of the kind of weapon I'm talking about, from the amazing Jackie Chan film "Legend of the Drunken Master."

    Minor blood warning.


  6. On 2018-10-09 at 11:53 AM, LightningsVengance said:

    in my current head canon, Operator's follow my current IRL age, however, due to the Void they don't physically age, thus keeping the appearance of youth forever.

    Is that not literally the canon? They became something of 4th spatial dimensional beings due to Void exposure....and no matter what physical damage they take, they don't bleed and they don't die.  To still call them "human," even if Grineer fit your definition of human, would be inaccurate.  They don't eat, sleep, breath, bleed....they got turned into something that Kratos would fight in one of his games.....don't forget that they're already thousands of years old....and their containment chambers did not appear to be preservation or life support pods of any sort.....that appears to be an intrinsic capability of the operators.

  7. My take-aways:

    • Man in the Wall
      • He's now voiced by Rebecca, apparently...implying this is a different "Man in the Wall," or rather a "Lotus in the Wall.
        • This may mean there is no "Man in the Wall," and that there are multiple entities associated with the concept.
      • We can't shift into Operator mode for most of the mission, with the following possible implications
        • We are playing as the warframe, and chasing the operator while he's in a dream-state; we cannot summon our operator.
        • The operator (each one) may literally be the Man in the Wall
        • "Man in the Wall" may be the interpretation that the autistic Rell gave to himself, as the "Man in the Mirror."
        • Every Tenno has an individual "Man in the Wall / Mirror," who looks identical to themselves.
        • Every Man in the Wall is possibly a "Void Reflection" of any entity with Oro.
        • Tenno are called "Void Demons."
        • Tenno may not be the Void-exposed children...the children may simply be "daemonhosts," and thus a "Third Dream"
          • The real entity...the "Void Demon" who controls the Operator and the Warframe...is an extradimensional entity.....possibly even the players themselves.
        • A "Third Dream" may exist, and the various "Men in the Wall" may be a brief lifting of the curtain, showing a third entity (besides the operators and the Warframes) who make up the collective entities known as Tenno.
          • Perhaps everything experienced up until now has been a simulation for the still sleeping Tenno, preparing them to be reawakened and launched at the Sentients....thus why every Tenno experiences the same key events.
      • The Man in the Wall may not be a "reflection" of the Operator, but possibly represent some kind of new third party.
        • I'm basically thinking Warhammer 40k chaos daemons.
        • He may take on the appearance of the Tenno because that's something they can relate to.
        • Leading the Tenno to Ballas may have been an effort to entice further conflict, and thus weaken the Origin System's forces and the Tau Ceti System's forces, in preparation for an extra-dimensional invasion....or the Void entities may just be jerks.  
    • Lotus
      • Lotus is Revolver Ocelot.
        • She is an infiltrator...her loyalties are likely not even known to the Sentients.
        • She is either a double or re-doubled agent at this point...it's unclear.
      • The Lotus helmet may hold the Oro of Morgulis.
        • The Helmet has helped us out TWICE now.  First to find Umbra, and now to find Ballas
        • It appears to still be "Lotus" in there....or possibly Morgulis
        • The Helmet may have been what bound Morgulis and Natah together into the Lotus.
          • Now that they are separated, the Helmet seems to be aiding us however it can....and mainly through the Void.
      • Natah may still be loyal to the Tenno and working in conjunction with what's left of Morgulis....which now rests with all 33 million Tenno.
    • Ballas
      • Ballas got "played like a **** fiddle!!!!"
        • Yeah, he's basically McDonnell "Kaz" Miller now...even down to the lost eye and the mutilation.
      • Points out something I've been bothered by for months....Tenno are killers of the potential saviors of the Origin system: the Corpus, Grineer, and even the Infested
        • Natah may have played the long game to use the Tenno for just this purpose, mimicking Morgulis.
      •  He is literally a chimera of Sentient and Orokin...and he realized that he derped....possibly new ally.
        • This hints at new mechanics that we may see soon.
      • His own eye now betray him
        • The "eye we see is apparently a surveillance device installed by "space grandma" or Natah....it's not clear as the pronoun "she" is used a lot in his monologue.
        • He's hardcore an ally now, but has to hid his sight to allay attention.
      • His new sword is weird
        • It goes up to level 90
        • This is the Super Saiyen 3 of weapons in this game
        • He calls it the "Sentient Slayer" while covering his eye...he's running a risky gambit from within the enemy's camp.
        • This sword will have some kind of significance to the plot....we'll see where this goes.
      • For some reason, he didn't perform Continuance when he was [mortally? we stabbed him in the gut, not the heart] wounded...
        • Now that he's part Sentient, he may have lost this capability
      • We just went to the Tau Ceti System for the first time in game.  We've seem it in the "The New War" trailer for a moment, but very little else.  This is a pretty awesome point that I think a lot of people missed.
        • The Sentients and Ballas have some kind of "Void Portal" based interstellar FTL travel, that is dissimilar to the Origin / Sol System's "Solar Rail" technology
    • Tenno
      • The Tenno are no longer the underdogs that they were five years ago.
        • The number of Tenno has swelled from a mere several thousand to tens of millions.
        • They are obviously becoming the dominant force within the Origin / Sol System.
        • They are harming their ultimate goals by continuing to kill humans and destroying military assets of Grineer, Corpus, and Infested, which otherwise could be used against the Sentients (very "Game of Thrones" -esque with the "white walkers" vs all of Westeros)
        • The Tenno need a leader to unite the various forces of the Origin System, and reach out diplomatically to their enemies.  This could also lead to a new mission handler to replace Orchid.  Ordis, any syndicate leader, or even former enemy bosses (who survived / were cloned back to life) could fill this role. 
      • It is becoming clear that Tenno have a limited "shared consciousness...possibly some sort of "convergence" or "focus" through the Void, where they can experience key experiences in a personal way.
        • This explains how 33 million Tenno experience the events of the Second Dream and other quests as if they were the only ones....despite the lore explicitly showing that the Tenno are numerous and growing. (remember, only the "first" Tenno were on the Zarihman 10-0....this implies that the Orokin manufactured them after the fact, too).
      • There is another layer of secrecy to what the Tenno are.
        • The Tenno "lost their memories" of the Old War.  I propose that our Tenno were never even there.
          • Our Tenno are literally the "Void entities" that live withing the un-aging teenager-like bodies that we "summon" at will.
        • The Helmet of the Lotus is able to temporarily take control of or cause hallucinations in the Tenno
          • The Apostasy Prologue and the Chimera Prologue cause the player to lose control (lose consciousness?) when activated, and we appear in a random place on Lua.
          • This implies that something else has control
    • Helminth
      • We see something new in the Chimera Prologue: Chimerization of "human" and "sentient" body parts.
      • The Helminth Infirmary maintains our warframes....and has the ability to alter their physiology (the inoculation) 
      • Helminth, when he is strengthened, may be able to chimerize our warframes with:
        • Sentient parts (the Sentient arm weapon we've seen shown off in the past)
        • Other warframes (mixing powers and capabilities between different frames...just like Zanuka)
        • Other factions (perhaps Infested or robotic body parts, like Solaris United's heads)
      • Helminth knows more than the Tenno about what the Tenno are.
        • Nidus, for whatever reason, is familiar to Helminth
        • The Operators are again called "Void Demons" and are feared.
      • Helminth may allow for the "construction" of "Zaw Warframes"
        • Different body parts have different stats and powers.
        • This has already been done with Zanuka
        • We have seen that Warframes can be "constructed" in various ways...out of bodies that appear human or are human
          • Umbra WAS human....but human bodies are cheap in this universe, and we ever can reach into the Void to copy/paste the very soul (oro) of a dead man (Umbra) and fully rebuild him....mind, body and soul
            • If we can do this, it explains how many enemy bosses can keep coming back from what looks like perma-death.
        • What else have we been protecting in those "warframe cryopods" all this time if not non-sentient human bodies ready to be made into warframes, or cut up and harvested to repair warframes?
    • The Origin System and the Scale of Battle
      • Warframe has been mainly about small special ops teams doing swift strikes up until now.
      • The lore (Mag Prime's Codex entry, for one...others as well) demonstrates that Tenno were used in pitched battles during the time of the Old War.
      • With the release of "The New War," we will see a MASSIVE increase in scale, leading to almost a "Battlefield: Warframe" style of combat
        • Expect "combined arms" battle, utilizing those mentioned "potential allies" (Grineer under the Queens, Corpus under their various executives, Infested under Phorids or an unknown "commander," and even Corrupted under an immortal Vor...not to mention our syndicate allies) lending their forces in pitched battles against the Sentients
        • We've already seen Alad V stand with the Tenno against the Sentients...expect Alad V to take a leading role in support of the Tenno, and to mutually benefit from it greatly.
      • We will soon see NPC Tenno characters
        • The Tenno need leaders amongst themselves.  So far, Rell is basically the only NPC Tenno we've met....we'll probably see some step up to leadership now that the Lotus is gone.
        • Non-playable allied warframes that provide non-combat or low-intensity combat roles that aren't gameplay friendly (scouting, command and control, teraforming, etc) could be utilized by these Tenno and their subordinates.
      • Tenno will be produced once again from human children
        • A point of lore that many people miss is that only the first Tenno were or the Zarhiman 10-0.  The Orokin produced so many of them that they formalized their schools, created massive support infrastructures to make them viable (orbiters, reservoirs, copies of Ordis, landers, archwings, their vast panopoly, etc).
        • The process apparently isn't the worst thing, and their may even be "willing recruits" in a Jedi Order kind of way among the children of Cetus, Fortuna, and other cities.
      • The entire system is on a war footing, and ready to be lead by a unifying, dominatingly strong third party leader....one from the Tenno
        • While the obsession of the Corpus, the xenophobia of the Grineer, the voraciousness of the Infested, and the mindlessness of the Corrupted won't necessarily be disposed of, we have seen the Tenno ally in some capacity with at least two of these factions....Vey Hek has even at times shown admiration for the battle prowess of the Tenno
        • Without the Tenno, even the combined forces of the Sol System would likely get wrecked by the Sentients...and they all know it.
        • The Tenno have potential ambassador options for every faction
          • Grineer: Vay Hek himself....he seemed quite happy to give the Tenno the Brakk back in the day (before my time, but I found his dialog quite telling)
          • Corpus: Several....Alad V would be my top choice because I love the dude, but Glast, Solaris United, or even a profit-enticed Nef Anyo could rally the Corpus to the defense of the Sol System.
          • Infested: A strengthened Helminth from one of the Orbiters, or from a refuge on Lua, could speak with the already "peace-seeking" Infested and convince them to point their hoards in the right direction
          • Corrupted: The only choice is Vor, as he still has his sanity thanks to the special super Void Key he has (the Janus Key)...he's torn between his xenophobia and his new station within the masses of Corrupted....when he gets a better hold on what his Janus Key is, he's likely to become the entire faction's leader.
          • All: Ballas, now regretful of his betrayal and his naivete, could redeem himself by taking on the role of the "Grand Commander of the Origin System Forces."
            • I could see him doing quite well in this role.
    • Railjack
      • Railjack is interesting from a military perspective...it's a warship that carries its own solar rail, and possibly lays solar rails for other ships (such as Orbiters) to follow in from behind.
      • Railjack is a spearhead unit, likely capable of "Void Steath" similarly to Orbiters and Landers, meaning they won't necessarily get "destroyed," but rather "sent back into the Void" if defeated in combat.
      • Railjack is an intrinsically offensive and interstellar vessel.
        • All other factions will likely have to follow the Tenno forces into battle in the Tau Ceti System, as no known solar rails exist connecting the two star systems presently
          • Railjack may lead to a revival of the "Solar Rails" type gameplay.  Rather than clans competing for solar rails against other players, clans will instead gain benefits and detriments for allowing the various frienemy factions to utilize their solar rails.
          • Specter Regiments would be used in battles against assaulting Sentients, or to uncover infiltrated Mimic saboteurs
          • PvP is the "Bane of Gameplay"
      • Railjack is as much a "cruiser" class ship as it is a "gunboat.:  Expect the Railjacks to provide orbital fire support, and possibly even to launch heavy-equipment carrying drop pods....perhaps Tenno mecha for that "Titanfall" style tactical augmentation?
    • Ordis
      • He's a bro
      • We want more of him
      • He's probably the ship cepholon of all 30-something million Tenno....it would be cool to see him acknowledge separate instances of himself at some point.
      • I'd love to see him effecting the battle with Ordis-controlled fightercraft or the like in the skyboxes or backgrounds of missions.
      • Where was he during this quest?  The Lander was in any conceivable comms range up until you go through the portal...but he was oddly silent.

    Well, that's everything lore-wise I was able to synthesize from this quest at this time.  We'll soon be going to the Tau Ceti System, and possibly other star systems where war resources can be gathered.  Expect a new Star Chart soon, and expect the return of Solar Rails with the launch of Railjack.  Conventional warfare weapons (tanks, fighters, allied non-Tenno infantry squads, etc) will likely join into the fun with the invasion of the Origin / Solar System, and the counter-attack into the Tau-Ceti System.  Morgulis and Ballas will likely be reunited at some point after his rescue and greater exploration of her helmet.  Expect stories from this point to reflect the Tenno as the new anarchic (every Tenno governs his own ship and affairs) hegemonic (so dominating that other great powers are enticed to follow them) power uniting the Sol System, and creating a WWII style USA-USSR type rough but grand alliance.  Further, expect that the Tenno's numbers and individual immortality will become a further story point (as it was in "The War Within," but expanded).  An explanation as to how every Tenno experiences certain key events would also be appreciated, but it's such a trope that I expect it'll just be handwaved....unless we see a "Third Dream" scenario.

    As a side note on the numbers of the Tenno as a people, even if there were only a few dozen, given their capabilities they should have conquered the entirety of the Origin system by this point in the story.  They basically can't be opposed, even by the best tech and troops any enemy has to offer.  They destroy entire starships in tiny, lightning fast boarding actions.  They can gain free reign over even the Grineer capital...at will.  Regardless of how many Grineer or Corpus exist, eventually they would fold to the will of a few dozen immortal super soldiers....warrior gods in all but name.  Religions have been based on less.  However, it seems clear that the canon number of Tenno is in the tens of millions, reflecting player account numbers, and more realistic for any military program that could have won "The Old War" as the Orokin would have engineered it.  The recent Relay reconstruction event even alluded to how many Tenno there are, and Ordis noted that they exist in real-time when he sent us the "Dexcalibur" skin this past March...."Five years have passed since the *first* Tenno were awakened" (which leads to an off-topic question of "how are they still children? Do their Void-based bodies no longer age?).  From an effectiveness standpoint, @[DE]Rebecca said it herself when she said that less than 2% of Tenno missions fail.  Plot-wise, it simply makes sense that the Tenno would become the leaders that the Arbiters of Hexis think they should become.  And to place some context on how strong any given Tenno is...I would estimate that if something like forty Tenno entered Earth orbit today, and every weapon of every nation were employed against them (including nukes), the Tenno would win.  They're too powerful not to recognize from a story perspective, if their military capabilities were to be taken seriously within said lore.  Thus, the implications of ALL of this info regarding the strength of the Tenno faction reflects upon this quest in saying "mass invasion, and new hard-counters to Tenno should be expected in the upcoming quests.

    Anyway, I've gotten really broad in my ponderings on this quest.  My new sword is still several hours away, and I'm yet to try out an Arbitration.  If anyone actually reads my wall of text, let me know what you think.

  8. The ability to equip multiple Dragon Keys at once makes me SO HAPPY.  I usually game with my girlfriend, but any time we try to get people together for a Vault Run, we get a bunch of MR 5's out of recruiting chat who don't realize what a "Dragon Key" is in comparison to a "Derelict Key."  Or some other such time wasting nonsense that makes her rage quit for the evening.

    Now, we can just play as the two of us and take two keys each.

    Frustration removed, and thanks to the new feature our gaming date nights will be improved!

    DE, please keep this change.

  9. While I understand some people dislike the way DE announces things with a "maybe next week" kind of deadline, I find it quite endearing in its honesty.

    Compare DE to other developers....like Ubisoft or EA.  Those companies will hide their development process and actively not include their customers, often leading to *paid* DLC taking over a year to come out, or to just be cut entirely.

    DE on the other hand, they actually *read and interact* with their forums.  They don't filter out negative opinions....they *eat them, and use them to improve." Further, they share the bleeding edge of their development cycle, and hold what are essentially talk shows to share their work with their customers.  They don't have to do this, but they do in order to make the more die-hard fans feel included, and to feel the momentum of their company.

    The way this company allows transparency to their fan base is amazing, and while it can be frustrating when (like with any company) project deadlines are exceeded, this company gives us status updates like we're actually on the team....or the project manager. Sure, it opens their projects up to frustration and criticism, they NEVER jerk our chain about content like DICE is doing right now, for instance.  And this is why I almost always get Prime Access.....because this game, its dev team, its community, its content, its gameplay, and its ever-growing universe and rich lore keep pulling me in deeper.  So, I'll take the minor frustration of a deadline missed by a day or two....because they let us see how the sausage is made, and even sometimes let us make some of the sausage ourselves (Tennogen even allows fans to make money!).  So don't go saying that this is "unprofessional," just because you're used to "professionalism" being defined by the likes of EA, who will lie to their customers and never communicate.  I would say quite the opposite.  They go out of their way to be more than professional, and set a special standard like no other company.  I'm not saying "give them a break because they're a small indie developer," because they aren't anymore; rather I'm saying that they have built such a level of trust and expectation within the fanbase that even a day or two of delay on an update garners attention.  I remember when CoD was supposed to have new updates with maps and weapons, and the fans would hear NOTHING as deadlines passed by for weeks. So....yeah....I'm more impressed right now that DE has made a free update to a free game such a big deal to so many players.  Yeah, I'm disappointed the Mainline Update didn't come out today, but I'm more in awe of how they have managed their public relations, and have used it to build a community, and elicit emotional reactions when programmers need a day or two to finalize an update.  Many companies would consider such an ability to connect with their customers to be some kind of unknowable alchemy.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is, complain all you like....it won't bring the update sooner.

    • Like 3
  10. 33 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

    We gotta call it a night sadly, thank you everyone for your patience! See you tomorrow. Feels like old times with these late night calls!

    Reb, I'm glad the team decided to call it for the evening...you guys will have a lot of work this winter, and there's no sense in stressing now when there are no super-pressing deadlines.

    To all of the DE team, get some sleep and have a restful night.  We as your customers and fans appreciate your hard work.

    We'll see you all in the morning!

  11. 4 minutes ago, electric4pie said:

    they're working on final issues according to the last edit

    I'd rather they take a break and start fresh again in the morning....shipping early so that hotfixes can be deployed as issues are discovered throughout the day.  At this point, if they deploy tonight, they'll have to stay even later monitoring for bugs, and we get an evening of bug-frame with tired/exhausted devs trying to put out the fires.

    • Like 3
  12. DE team....don't "press" for this update....go home and have dinner with your family / pets / Netflix / however and whoever you live with.  You guys have been working hard; it's not CRITICAL that this ship tonight.  We, as your customers and fans, understand that you need more time.

    Please don't make a corporate culture of "pressing."  That's how your best talent ends up leaving and the game we love starts going the way of the "Assassin's Creed" franchise.

    You guys are DE....work late if you want to (I know I have because I've loved my job in the past), but don't strain on this.

    We, your fans, will be here in the morning.  Take tonight to rest, and hit debugging the update hard in the morning.  Take until Monday if you need it.

    As gamers....it's just kind of a common thing to see the developers we love overextend and degrade their products....and I myself would rather see your company keep a steady pace and stay awesome.  Everyone needs sleep and personal time.

    • Like 8
  13. It was late last night, my girlfriend with whom I usually game was in the hospital (nothing serious), and I found myself exploring the forums for kind of the first time.

    Being new to the forums, I stumbled onto a post in "General" called "What concept for a Warframe would you like to see introduced?"  That thread can be found at this link: 

    After getting to know the forums a tad better, I realized that this is the proper place to actually present this kind of content....thus a re-posting with some editing and refinement. 

    I've had a few ideas kicking around for a while, but I only now got to writing them down and presenting them to the forums.  A thing about my personality to frame (pun intended) these concepts, I used to be a competition marksman...and I spent all of my professional life doing the things I loved in the military.  Whereas some people's imagination and immersion are hooked by noble swordsmen or dark revenants, what really opens up my mind are unique reinterpretations of modern, recent past, or near-future military concepts.  Something that is severely lacking for someone like me is representation of such military concepts in Warframe....Vaubaun is great, and Rhino kind of turned into the "rifleman" of Warframe, but there's no sniper, there's no dedicated rifleman (in the same vein as Mesa is a gunfighter), etc.  Thus, when my imagination got going last night, I put a few of these concepts into rough outlines in ways that I could see fitting the amazing universe of my favorite video game.  If any of these were ever to see reality, I would have to ask for "Carl" / "Carla," as we have no frame that synergizes with sniper rifles fully....and it's the one I could most identify with as a player.  Even if I get around to outlining an idea for a "marksman frame" (which I would call "Lones" after Olympic champion Lones Wigger), I would prefer to see Carl in game.

    Further, I could see the "need" for frames like these increasing if we start to see content that places players into larger scale pitched battles in open world environments, presumably with "The New War," "Railjack," and "Fortuna."

    Anyway, let me know what you guys think, and without further adieu, I present my first four "tactical frames."

    • A sniper-themed warframe, called either "Carl" or "Carla" in honor of the father of the American sniper program, Carlos Hathcock.  Also, the name "Carl" is something of a military meme, in general....
      • Powers
        • Passive: Recon - Stealth while stationary, grants a radius of stealth to allies. Also increases damage of "dagger" weapons similarly to Excal with swords.
        • 1: Spotter - Similar to Mesa's 2 in that it boosts firearm damage, but instead of jamming enemy weapons it will show enemies through walls similarly to "sense danger."
        • 2: Suppressor / Compensator - Switches between modes that either silences all weapons noise or increases crit chance on firearms.
        • 3: Sniper Crawl - Carl goes prone (able to crawl at a bit less than Ivara-speed), becomes invisible by deploying his Void-enhanced ghilli suit, and increases weapon accuracy, range, projectile speed, and punch through significantly for all firearms.  Unlike other "stealth" frames, Sniper Crawl will be cast once without channeling, toggling, or being timed.  The limiting factor would be the decrease in mobility rather than power usage.
        • 4: Drag Bag: Carl becomes stationary and deploys his exhaulted sniper rifle, "White Feather."  White Feather is a bolt-action single shot large caliber sniper rifle meant for use against enemy commanders at long range.  Imagine it as a slower Vectis, with more power than a Lanka, and a unique "sniper combo effect" that counts every kill throughout a mission (non-deteriorating), applying a small base or true damage multiplier based on the number of kills with this weapon throughout a mission.  This is the .50cal of Warframe, and changes the mobility conventions within the game by limiting movement when used.
      • Weapons that are released with him
        • A silenced medium power pistol, which would stand somewhere between the Lato and the Lex, but be highly crit-focused as to encourage single-shot headshot kills at medium to close range.  This pistol would be geared toward "sentry removal," and based on the H&K Mk 23.  Bonus point for adding a laser aiming module.  Clever names for this pistol would be plays on "Heckler and Koch," such as "Comedian," "Bad Audience," etc, or a Metal Gear reference like "Snakebite," the "Hayter," or with Kojima's latest presence at and long time inspiration of DE, the "Hide E.0."
        • A dagger, modeled after one of the famous blades of snipers.  Many people don't realize that in many ways, a sniper's knife is as or more important than his rifle, mainly used for utility purposes.  As the only "utility" we have for knives in Warframe is boxcutting, I'd recommend it be innately optimized for boxcutting, but this being Warframe it should be the best backstabbing option in the game....exceeding the current Balla zaw and the Rakta Dark Dagger.  Perhaps it should represent "utility" by allowing users to pass through booby traps and lasers while crouching with it deployed....like a less effective "Infiltrator" augment that any frame can use.  In-game model inspiration could come from the TOPS HOG 4.5 (designed for snipers, by a sniper / bladesmith), the Strider MT Mod 10 "Chuck Mawhinney" (at one time given at graduation of sniper training), almost any Busse or "Busse-kin" blade of appropriate design (Busse makes the best blades in the world, IMO), the Blackhawk / MOD Nightwing (a classic design the saw much love in the early years of OEF and OIF, and set a new standard for modern tactical blades), the Chris Reeve Green Berret / Yarburrough knife (not *entirely* appropriate as it's an SF thing, but it is a classic), the Cold Steel SRK or Recon Tanto (less flashy, but both blades are THE baseline benchmark for modern utility / combat knives, while holding that 1980s charm), or a Mercworx Sniper (because it seems to fit the Warframe aesthetic, though it's not one I've every owned or used).
        • A secondary weapon or gear item called a "Designator."  This is effectively a "spotting scope" mixed with a AN/PED-1 Lightweight Laser Designator Rangefinder (LLDR)...but we don't *really* have air strikes in Warframe yet, so think of the idea as more of a "Tau markerlight" from Warhammer 40k.  This weapon / item would not actually shoot, but would fire an unlimited range beam at a target, and increase the crit chance of other players while the beam was on it.  The affected target will appear "illuminated" to other members of the squad.  This would be great for Eidolon hunts and boss fights, and it balances itself out by effectively removing 1/4th of a squads firepower while it's being used. 

    My next concept will be one that might kind of seem similar to my "sniperframe" suggestion "Carl / Carla," but it's very different.  Namely, we have frames that help replenish health, shields, and energy, but there's no way to keep ammo-hungry weapons going without either ammo mutation mods, or a potentially killable Carrier sentinel....the rifleman frame will aid with that, and more.

    • A "rifleman" themed warframe named after one of the most famous riflemen of all, Sergeant Alvin York.
      • Powers
        • Passive: Ammo Bag - York will slowly regenerate ammo for his primary and secondary weapons, and the ammo of allies within affinity range.
        • 1: Hustle Up! - York will increase his movement speed, and will continue sprinting even while shooting.
        • 2: Bayonet Charge - York summons an ethereal bayonet, which attacks a single enemy similarly to slash-dash, but with more puncture damage and having a 100% chance to knock down a target.
        • 3: Entrenchment Tool- Using his E-tool (carried like Harrow's Thruible, at Yorks side), York produces a "trench" of chest-high cover for himself and his comrades, from which they may more safely unleash the fury of the Tenno upon their enemies.  These will basically be "Tenno Blunts," and thus shorter than Atlas' 2, and deployed at variable lengths; the length of the cover would determine the amount of energy usage.
        • 4: Automatic Rifleman: A toggled ability, while active York's primary and secondary weapons receive a large increase to fire rate, draw from an infinite ammo pool, and do not require reloading.  Further, York will persistently and automatically throw out ammo packs to his allies while laying down heavy cover fire for their advance.
      • Weapons released alongside this frame
        • A Tenno assault rifle, similar to the Karak (the "Grineer M16," as it was once called), but with a 30 round magazine, a 0.7 sec reload speed, a focus on slash damage, and high status chance.  This rifle would have three selectable modes.  Semi will provide a scoped view and a sniper combo meter, and will be something of a "SCAR-H" designated marksman mode.  Burst mode will remove the scoped view for a standard rifle view, and fire a simple 3 round burst at an enemy for balanced damage.  Full auto will be unique in that it will slightly zoom out from the character while in ADS, replacing the crosshairs with an area-of-effect circle.  This weapon should feel very "tight" and "tactical," and make players want to move around corners like they're playing an old Rainbow Six game......but while being a crazy space ninja and clinging to the walls.  Clever names for this rifle might reference the designer of the AR15, Eugene Stoner, and go for names like the "Stone," "Stonewall," "Smoker," "Toker," "Midnight Joker" (okay the last couple were not serious, but you get the point).
        • A Tenno 1911.  Literally a 1911.  The joke being that the 1911 is still used that far in the distant future.  The Lato is already the Tenno M9, which would be more fitting for a rifleman, but seeing as his name is "York," a 1911 would be SUPREMELY FITTING.  But yeah....literally no changes, and it should even just be called the "1911" for the memes.  And to be entirely honest, I could totally see the 1911 still being used in some form (maybe using detonite rather than gunpowder?) at that point in the future.  Its description in the codex should read something like "A relic from a long lost Republic, deep in the ancient lost memories of humanity's past wars, this venerable sidearm has withstood the millennia to serve the Tenno."  Trust me, gun aficionados will love this.
        • A Tenno mortar deployed as a gear item.  We did finally get one of these with the Phantasma's secondary, but the Grineer "Mordas" make me want retribution.  This item deploys a 10 shot mortar that the player can interact with.  It launches a targeting drone which allows the player to target and fire on enemies when out in open areas (PoE, Fortuna, the maps that have high or no roof above you, etc).  This will be the first Tenno artillery piece.  Also, the drone in and of itself could be useful....perhaps a drone could be another gear item for another release....one that marks enemies, has a limited payload of sniper bullets, or can be flown at an enemy and blown up?  There are many possibilities, and the programming of one could be used in the other, thus decreasing work load for DE.

    My next concept will be more traditional for Warframe, but will fill gaps that I see in gameplay.  You may see a theme that I would like more "tactical" gameplay with my space ninjas, while not at all detracting from the "science fantasy" aspect.

    • A "commando" based frame, which could be named after any number of people, but I'm going to go for something esoteric and old: the man who basically lived the life of "Big Boss" from the "Metal Gear" series in real life, the mercenary "Mad" Mike Hoare.
      • Powers
        • Passive: Lightning Reflexes - Mike specializes in close quarters battle (CQB, not CQC which is more thought of as a hand to hand thing), and will automatically duck and dodge the gunfire and melee attacks of enemies.
        • 1: Flashbang Grenade - Similar to "Radial Blind" and other such powers, Mike throws a grenade that stuns all enemies within a room.  These enemies are open to finishers and easy headshots.  Alternative Option: make this ability similar to Vaubaun's grenades / Ivara's 1, and have several selectable types of grenades, such as frag grenade (for anti-flesh), "molte-grenade" (similar to the "moltecoil" from Kuva Fortress Assault, but in grenade form and for anti-armor), smoke grenade (breaks line of sight with enemies, providing limited stealth cover), detonite grenade (napalm, anti-infested), and EMP grenade (anti-robotics, possibly temporarily shuts down beam weapons like Corpus Flux Rifles).  This could be a simple ability or a very in-depth one depending on balance issues.
        • 2: Double Tap: When activated, for 20 seconds Mike will produce 100% additional multishot to all firearms, and melee attacks will randomly produce finishers on enemies (bypassing shields and armor).
        • 3: Ballistic Shield - Mike will expand an ethereal ballistic entry shield from his left arm, which he will use in conjunction with his primary and secondary weapons.  Melee weapons will be locked out while this channeled ability if activated, but this shield will block 95% of head-on incoming gunfire, and 50% of head-on melee damage.  When the melee is used, Mike will perform a shield bash, with a 100% chance of knockdown.  Further, if a secondary weapon is equipped while channeling this ability, Mike can use the "interact" button to grab an enemy who gets too close, and use him as a living shield; taking a human shield hostage will cease draining energy for as long as the hostage is still being held / alive.  Enemies will decrease their rate of fire while engaging Mike when he has a human shield.
        • 4: CQB Master - Mike summons an exhaulted silenced submachine gun (please not modeled after the old, overrated, and boring MP5...just a matter of personal taste), called the "Ten-Commando" (a play on Mike Hoare's units, named "4 Commando" and "5 Commando," with "Ten-" obviously being a pun linking "Tenno" and "Commando").  While active, the Ten-Commando acts similarly to Ivara's Artemis Bow, expending energy only when firing.  Further, Mike's Passive "Lightning Reflexes" is massively boosted, dodging incoming fire at a far higher rate.
      • Associated Weapons
        • A Tenno carbine, similar to the a Colt Commando in concept, and focused on slash damage.  The weapon will always be fully auto, but will switch between two fire modes while with secondary fire.  The first mode will be a silenced mode, which will boast higher crit damage (for potential one-shot headshot kills) and a slower rate of fire.  The second mode will be alarming/loud, and will provide a higher fire rate and focus on status damage and a much farther damage falloff range.  A 1.0 sec reload speed and 60 round mag should make this weapon able to specialize in long range combat or short range sentry removal, depending on mod loadout. Potential names could be in reference to some of the users of this weapon in real world conflict.....which is basically every western special forces and security unit out there in some form....the many USAF units used a variant of the Colt Commando back in the days before the M4, from the old USAF Security Police (now "Security Forces" after the police and airfield defense roles were combined decades ago) to USAF SOF elements (TAC-P's, Special Operations Weather Technicians, STOs, CROs, pararescue, etc)......an aviation-sounding name could work....but that's just one tiny slice of the users....while I love the concept of this weapon in terms of gameplay for Warframe, it would be more appropriate to give "Mad Mike Hoare" in Warframe form a Tenno "FAL," but that's covered by the Latron and the Veldt....plus, battle rifles are better represented with the SCAR-H these days, anyway, and this is the "commandoframe," not just the "mercenaryframe."
        • A Tenno dagger.  I know I already had a dagger with "Carl," but this one is different.  This will be based on the Fairbairn–Sykes fighting knife, and be mainly meant for use in quick attack.  Its attack speed will be exceedingly fast, with high puncture damage and very high crit chance.  However, it will have extremely short reach compared to other melee option, and thus synergize well with Mike's passive.  This is a "knife fighter's" knife, meant to kill enemy sentries at extremely close range.....and while stealth is always preferable, this dagger will be meant to directly tangle with an opponent who got too close.  Bonus points for an idle animation where the Tenno passes the knife from hand-to-hand, referencing one of the iconic motions of using this knife as designed.  Potential names would reference its origin with the SAS and OSS (in V-42 form), perhaps the "Sasser," or the like?
        • An equipment item that acts as a tenno satchel charge.  Hit it one time in your inventory wheel, and your character will throw it in an arc toward your crosshairs.  Hit the icon for the satchel charge again in your inventory to detonate it, for the biggest explosion by an exponential degree of all weapons in the game....however, it will self-damage, and it does additional damage in confined spaces (like in a room vs out in the PoE).

    Though I have more ideas, this may be my last for the evening.  This one is one that I feel is sorely lacking, as our ONLY real option for an "infiltrator" warframe is our glorious thief, Ivara.  But not all stealth is thievery.  We also have Loki, who is a tricky support from with lower than average killing ability (none of his powers do actual damage), and while he was king for a long time, he's getting a tad long in the tooth.  Then we have Ash, who is VERY killy, but his niche is being a slower aromor-ignoring Mesa with the ability to slip out of notice and reappear for the attack...he's the literal "ninjaframe" in a game about space ninjas, yet you don't see him as much as you'd expect, nor is he as iconic as Excal or Rhino.  This is all great, but there's another kind of stealth that I try to have with Ivara, but just isn't there: the "black ops operative" style of stealthframe.  I want a Sam Fisher / Solid Snake style infiltrator, who mixes the best elements of a stealthframe, a gunfighter (Mesa), a backstabber, and a rifleman.  I want the Snakeframe, on a certain level, but this is Warframe....we don't just take things as they normally are....we put them through the Void and transform them into something amazing.  So, here is my take on an "black operative frame," inspired by history since WWI, and transformed into something Natah herself would have in her arsenal.....because this is a reflection of what she was.

    • This is the "black operative frame," the frame who breaks into the Corpus' Watergate hotel and shoots Sentient Mimic spies to death in back allies.  I think I'll call it "Sadoss," in reference to the mysterious Special Activities Division of the CIA, and the progenitor of the CIA at large, the OSS.
      • Powers
        • Passive: In Obscura - Sadoss appears disguised to all enemies beyond 15 meters, however Sadoss is not invisible.  Enemies can see Sadoss, and will react to hostile actions by Sadoss immediately, but so long as Sadoss is non-hostile to enemies, no aggression shall be incurred, and no alarms will be raised.
        • 1: Cloak - Sadoss becomes invisible until taking a hostile action towards an enemy.  This invisibility is neither timed nor channeled.
        • 2: Dagger - Sadoss performs a takedown with a dagger of pure void energy, silencing the target, and causing them to remain standing for several seconds allowing Sadoss to slip away from the scene of the assassination before witnesses realize anything is wrong.  This allows Sadoss to perform stealth kills directly in view of witnessing enemies without raising suspicion.  Upon discovery of the dead enemy, witnesses will see no obvious wounds and assume a heart attack has occurred.
        • 3: Surveillance - Sadoss launches a micro-drone swarm.  This Void-powered swarm provides vision on all enemies throughout a given area of a structure, or an extremely long range in line of sight.  The void drones are masked within the Void, and invisible until the power is toggled off, at which point they attach to their surveiled targets and provide one of several selectable effects (in the same way as Ivara, Vaubaun, or Kora).  The first selected effect is to apply a status effect to the enemies, who will immediately become partially alerted (the status effect will be equipped via primary weapon mods in the loadout screen before the mission).  The next ability will be to have the drones subvert security devices, like lasers, door traps, panic buttons, cameras, even Grineer Sensor Regulators.  This would provide an option other than Ivara with which to infiltrate Spy mission targets with relative ease.  The third ability of these drones would be a mass sleep-bomb, causing all sentries to fall asleep (like Ivara's Sleep Arrows and Equinox's Rest).
        • 4: Direct Action - Sadoss discards her passive ability, and instead gains partial stealth, cloaking her beyond 30 meters.  She draws an exhaulted silenced pistol, named "Discretion," that auto-targets enemies' heads with guided ammunition (similar to the Titanfall "Smart Pistol").  She may lock onto 5 separate targets at once in multiple directions, and eliminate them in a near instantaneous shot.  This ability will be channeled, and expend additional energy when firing.
      • Associated weapons
        • A Tenno Mac 10 as a secondary weapon.  It could be called the "Mc 10-0," and described as the weapon used by the Zarimen 10-0 security staff before the ship was lost.  For context, the Mac 10 is THE black ops weapon of the Cold War (on the West's side) due to how cheap it was to produce and how effective it was in close quarters surprise attacks.  The Tenno Mac 10, let's call it the "Gift," because it's always a surprise for the enemy, should be extremely high RoF (more like a Mac 11, perhaps), and produce balanced base damage.  Mag size should be 45, and reload speed should be almost Phantasma level....let's say 0.6 seconds.  The key of this weapon will be high RoF, low ammo economy, low crit chance, moderate status chance....but it makes up for its lackings with a wall of lead....it might be considered akin to the Viper, but more balanced in terms of damage.  It would have a secondary fire mode which makes the weapon silenced, at the cost of a degree of base damage.  This weapon should be an ideal weapon to dual wield with a melee weapon.  I'm torn on whether this weapon should actually be silenced or not....Mac 10s were commonly silenced, and if they weren't, then they would have a visually silencer-like handgrip that connects the same way a silencer would.....but at the same time, the heart-stopping horror of being in a random calm place, and suddenly hearing the rip of two or three Mac 10s tearing up a target is also iconic.  When not silenced, they would often have "hanger straps," which look like foregrips made of straps, but were really meant to hang them up for storage in an aircraft or other location.....well, I guess you could have the suppressor or foregrip, and still have the hanger strap attached.....but it wouldn't hang up quite as well.....I'm getting off topic now.....perhaps having two version of the same gun would be a solution....and allow for more visual creativity in their design. One could be a suppressed Mac 10, and the other a louder, lower damage, and faster-firing Mac 11.
        • Alternative for a secondary: Make it a Tenno MP7, which puts almost the power of a primary weapon into a secondary weapon style package (yes, I realize secondaries are generally stronger in this game....I find that weird, still).  A Tenno MP7 would provide rapid and precise firepower at relatively close range.  The weapon could have multiple fire modes, with single shot allowing for a scoped view (like the Arca Scissco), and full auto providing a conventional open sights view.  The weapon would be crit based, with balanced damage, a 50 round mag, an extremely fast reload of around 0.8 seconds, with extra crit damage from scoped headshots.  This weapon would be innately silenced, like the Baza.  The Baza would outperform this weapon in crit chance, but lack the versatility of making scoped shots.
        • A Tenno machete, as a melee weapon.  This one is a bit obvious, I suppose, due to machetes being so associated with all of the most messed up areas of the world.  This machete would go with Cyclone Kraken (the better stance), and would be 90% slash damage....rivaling the Galatine Prime in slash percentage.  This machete would synergize with the Tenno Mac 10, providing rapid surprise assaults even on alerted enemies.
        • A Tenno Karambit as an EXTREMELY short range and EXTREMELY fast high slash melee weapon.  This isn't necessarily connected with this frame, but this is just something I've desired ever since I started playing this game.  IMHO, the karambit is one of the best utility knives ever made, and it opens boxes like nothing else....but it is also used in martial arts (obviously), and is stylish as all get-out.  I was partially satisfied with the Balla zaw from an aesthetic standpoint, but that's just a "hawk-bill" knife, and not a true karambit....also, it does puncture damage, whereas a karambit should do slash.  In truth, karambits may require an entire separate category of weapon and a unique stance category....they certainly aren't daggers.....so I guess I'll probably have to wait on this one..... 😞

    I [was] obviously getting tired [at this point], and I think I could have done better with this one....and I haven't come up with any gear for it yet.....but this is the rough concept for the "operative frame."  If I have better ideas, I'll post it as a new post later in this thread.

    So, those are the four "tactical frames" I came up with last night.  As earlier alluded to, I also have ideas for other frames of similar ilk, including the aforementioned "marksman frame" which would focus on precision shooting and crit chance, an "artillery / fusilier frame" which would specialize in indirect weapons fire at long range, a "demolition frame" which would be about setting bombs and making massive explosions, a "radioman frame" who would be a buff-bot focused on team coordination and extending affinity range (Bless Trinity's best friend), an "officer frame" styled after 18th and 19th century infantry officers who would be mainly a support frame but also a duelist, a "SEAL frame" which would differ significantly from the Mike and Sadoss concepts, an "analyst (Jack Ryan) frame" who would show allies what enemy AI is about to do, a "Spetsnaz frame" which would admittedly be for the memes and super effective at sheer dps, a "musketman frame" who would summon massive volleys from the void, a "hashshashin / sicarii frame" which would be the stabbiest of the stabby (daggers and dual daggers need all the love they can get) and would be reminiscent of old "MLC" gameplay in CoD, a "hacker frame" which would cause environmental effects within entire tilesets by hacking the enemy's various systems, a "saboteur frame" who would debuff the enemy's equipment (think Mesa and Nova, taken to the next level), and many more than this one sentence can contain....there's room in Warframe for many, many more frames that diverge from the classic MMORPG tropes of tanks, support, and DPS.  I mean, I'm only looking at things that are conceptually out of modern-ish military concepts.....but imagine a "Roman legionary frame," a "Spartan frame," an "Aztec warrior frame," a "frontiersman / scout frame," etc....they would all have a place in the lore, too.  Need a scout in an austere environment?  Send that frontiersman frame to establish the initial beach head and map the land.  And while some of these frames may seem less player-friendly, that opens up a new concept that DE has yet to explore beyond the "Tenno Operative:" NPC Tenno.  Some frames could potentially be NPC-only, and provide a supporting role to the players throughout missions.  Say a "hacker frame" gets captured and its Tenno is stuck in a Continuance loop caused by the Worm Queen...send a player squad to rescue him.....you could even partially reuse the current rescue mission assets, and just make the rescue target a warframe.  Anyway, I'm getting a tad off topic, here.

    Let me know what you guys think of my above concepts for warframes, weapons, and equipment.  Carl is my favorite by far, but I could see the others being great additions, too.  Also, feel free to share any "tactical frame" ideas you might have that I haven't thought off.  I'd love to hear about them!

  14. I have so many times where my character is taking up 75% of the screen, including directly in front of my crosshairs, and I can't aim as a result (both while ADSing and not ADSing).

    I would LOVE an option for a Mirror's Edge style FPV mode option.

    I'm not a huge fan of third person view to begin with, and after thinking about it I have realized that Warframe could be conducive to a hybrid perspective mode....

    Imagine a camera setup that kept you in a third person view while doing parkour, perhaps making your character partially transparent, and while shooting or otherwise standing still, you smoothly zoom into a first person view.  Or, perhaps you get a "stabilized" first person view, where even though your character's body is spinning and flipping, your perspective stays mostly static.

    As it is, the third person view feels a bit clunky for a modern game (compare it to MGS5, for instance), and could use some serious refinement after DE gets some breathing room post this Mainline Update and Fortuna.  I'm tired of staring at the back of my own head while trying to headshot a tiny-headed Grineer.

  15. Though I have more ideas, this may be my last for the evening.  This one is one that I feel is sorely lacking, as our ONLY real option for an "infiltrator" warframe is our glorious thief, Ivara.  But not all stealth is thievery.  We also have Loki, who is a tricky support from with lower than average killing ability (none of his powers do actual damage), and while he was king for a long time, he's getting a tad long in the tooth.  Then we have Ash, who is VERY killy, but his niche is being a slower aromor-ignoring Mesa with the ability to slip out of notice and reappear for the attack...he's the literal "ninjaframe" in a game about space ninjas, yet you don't see him as much as you'd expect, nor is he as iconic as Excal or Rhino.  This is all great, but there's another kind of stealth that I try to have with Ivara, but just isn't there: the "black ops operative" style of stealthframe.  I want a Sam Fisher / Solid Snake style infiltrator, who mixes the best elements of a stealthframe, a gunfighter (Mesa), a backstabber, and a rifleman.  I want the Snakeframe, on a certain level, but this is Warframe....we don't just take things as they normally are....we put them through the Void and transform them into something amazing.  So, here is my take on an "black operative frame," inspired by history since WWI, and transformed into something Natah herself would have in her arsenal.....because this is a reflection of what she was.

    • This is the "black operative frame," the frame who breaks into the Corpus' Watergate hotel and shoots Sentient Mimic spies to death in back allies.  I think I'll call it "Sadoss," in reference to the mysterious Special Activities Division of the CIA, and the progenitor of the CIA at large, the OSS.
      • Powers
        • Passive: In Obscura - Sadoss appears disguised to all enemies beyond 15 meters, however Sadoss is not invisible.  Enemies can see Sadoss, and will react to hostile actions by Sadoss immediately, but so long as Sadoss is non-hostile to enemies, no aggression shall be incurred, and no alarms will be raised.
        • 1: Cloak - Sadoss becomes invisible until taking a hostile action towards an enemy.  This invisibility is neither timed nor channeled.
        • 2: Dagger - Sadoss performs a takedown with a dagger of pure void energy, silencing the target, and causing them to remain standing for several seconds allowing Sadoss to slip away from the scene of the assassination before witnesses realize anything is wrong.  This allows Sadoss to perform stealth kills directly in view of witnessing enemies without raising suspicion.  Upon discovery of the dead enemy, witnesses will see no obvious wounds and assume a heart attack has occurred.
        • 3: Surveillance - Sadoss launches a micro-drone swarm.  This Void-powered swarm provides vision on all enemies throughout a given area of a structure, or an extremely long range in line of sight.  The voiddrones are masked within the Void, and invisible until the power is toggled off, at which point they attach to their surveiled targets and provide one of several selectable effects (in the same way as Ivara, Vaubaun, or Kora).  The first selected effect is to apply a status effect to the enemies, who will immediately become partially alerted (the status effect will be equipped via primary weapon mods in the loadout screen before the mission).  The next ability will be to have the drones subvert security devices, like lasers, door traps, panic buttons, cameras, even Grineer Sensor Regulators.  This would provide an option other than Ivara with which to infiltrate Spy mission targets with relative ease.  The third ability of these drones would be a mass sleep-bomb, causing all sentries to fall asleep (like Ivara's Sleep Arrows and Equinox's Rest).
        • 4: Direct Action - Sadoss discards her passive ability, and instead gains partial stealth, cloaking her beyond 30 meters.  She draws an exhaulted silenced pistol, named "Discretion," that auto-targets enemies' heads with guided ammunition (similar to the Titanfall "Smart Pistol").  She may lock onto 5 separate targets at once in multiple directions, and eliminate them in a near instantaneous shot.  This ability will be channeled, and expend additional energy when firing.
      • Associated weapons
        • A Tenno Mac 10 as a secondary weapon.  It could be called the "Mc 10-0," and described as the weapon used by the Zarimen 10-0 security staff before the ship was lost.  For context, the Mac 10 is THE black ops weapon of the Cold War (on the West's side) due to how cheap it was to produce and how effective it was in close quarters surprise attacks.  The Tenno Mac 10, let's call it the "Gift," because it's always a surprise for the enemy, should be extremely high RoF (more like a Mac 11, perhaps), and produce balanced base damage.  Mag size should be 45, and reload speed should be almost Phantasma level....let's say 0.6 seconds.  The key of this weapon will be high RoF, low ammo economy, low crit chance, moderate status chance....but it makes up for its lackings with a wall of lead....it might be considered akin to the Viper, but more balanced in terms of damage.  It would have a secondary fire mode which makes the weapon silenced, at the cost of a degree of base damage.  This weapon should be an ideal weapon to dual wield with a melee weapon.  I'm torn on whether this weapon should actually be silenced or not....Mac 10s were commonly silenced, and if they weren't, then they would have a visually silencer-like handgrip that connects the same way a silencer would.....but at the same time, the heart-stopping horror of being in a random calm place, and suddenly hearing the rip of two or three Mac 10s tearing up a target is also iconic.  When not silenced, they would often have "hanger straps," which look like foregrips made of straps, but were really meant to hang them up for storage in an aircraft or other location.....well, I guess you could have the suppressor or foregrip, and still have the hanger strap attached.....but it wouldn't hang up quite as well.....I'm getting off topic now.....perhaps having two version of the same gun would be a solution....and allow for more visual creativity in their design. 
        • Alternative for a secondary: Make it a Tenno MP7, which puts almost the power of a primary weapon into a secondary weapon style package (yes, I realize secondaries are generally stronger in this game....I find that weird, still).  A Tenno MP7 would provide rapid and precise firepower at relatively close range.  The weapon could have multiple fire modes, with single shot allowing for a scoped view (like the Arca Scissco), and full auto providing a conventional open sights view.  The weapon would be crit based, with balanced damage, a 50 round mag, an extremely fast reload of around 0.8 seconds, with extra crit damage from scoped headshots.  This weapon would be innately silenced, like the Baza.  The Baza would outperform this weapon in crit chance, but lack the versatility of making scoped shots.
        • A Tenno machete, as a melee weapon.  This one is a bit obvious, I suppose, due to machetes being so associated with all of the most messed up areas of the world.  This machete would go with Cyclone Kraken (the better stance), and would be 90% slash damage....rivaling the Galatine Prime in slash percentage.  This machete would synergize with the Tenno Mac 10, providing rapid surprise assaults even on alerted enemies.
        • A Tenno Karambit as an EXTREMELY short range and EXTREMELY fast high slash melee weapon.  This isn't necessarily connected with this frame, but this is just something I've desired ever since I started playing this game.  IMHO, the karambit is one of the best utility knives ever made, and it opens boxes like nothing else....but it is also used in martial arts (obviously), and is stylish as all get-out.  I was partially satisfied with the Balla zaw from an aesthetic standpoint, but that's just a "hawk-bill" knife, and not a true karambit....also, it does puncture damage, whereas a karambit should do slash.  In truth, karambits may require an entire separate category of weapon and a unique stance category....they certainly aren't daggers.....so I guess I'll probably have to wait on this one..... 😞

    I'm obviously getting tired, and I think I could have done better with this one....and I haven't come up with any gear for it yet.....but this is the rough concept for the "operative frame."  If I have better ideas, I'll post it as a new post later in this thread.

  16. My next concept will be more traditional for Warframe, but will fill gaps that I see in gameplay.  You may see a theme that I would like more "tactical" gameplay with my space ninjas, while not at all detracting from the "science fantasy" aspect.

    • A "commando" based frame, which could be named after any number of people, but I'm going to go for something esoteric and old: the man who basically lived the life of "Big Boss" from the "Metal Gear" series in real life, the mercenary "Mad" Mike Hoare.
      • Powers
        • Passive: Lightning Reflexes - Mike specializes in close quarters battle (CQB, not CQC which is more thought of as a hand to hand thing), and will automatically duck and dodge the gunfire and melee attacks of enemies.
        • 1: Flashbang Grenade - Similar to "Radial Blind" and other such powers, Mike throws a grenade that stuns all enemies within a room.  These enemies are open to finishers and easy headshots.  Alternative Option: make this ability similar to Vaubaun's grenades / Ivara's 1, and have several selectable types of grenades, such as frag grenade (for anti-flesh), "molte-grenade" (similar to the "moltecoil" from Kuva Fortress Assault, but in grenade form and for anti-armor), smoke grenade (breaks line of sight with enemies, providing limited stealth cover), detonite grenade (napalm, anti-infested), and EMP grenade (anti-robotics, possibly temporarily shuts down beam weapons like Corpus Flux Rifles).  This could be a simple ability or a very in-depth one depending on balance issues.
        • 2: Double Tap: When activated, for 20 seconds Mike will produce 100% additional multishot to all firearms, and melee attacks will randomly produce finishers on enemies (bypassing shields and armor).
        • 3: Ballistic Shield - Mike will expand an ethereal ballistic entry shield from his left arm, which he will use in conjunction with his primary and secondary weapons.  Melee weapons will be locked out while this channeled ability if activated, but this shield will block 95% of head-on incoming gunfire, and 50% of head-on melee damage.  When the melee is used, Mike will perform a shield bash, with a 100% chance of knockdown.  Further, if a secondary weapon is equipped while channeling this ability, Mike can use the "interact" button to grab an enemy who gets too close, and use him as a living shield; taking a human shield hostage will cease draining energy for as long as the hostage is still being held / alive.  Enemies will decrease their rate of fire while engaging Mike when he has a human shield.
        • 4: CQB Master - Mike summons an exhaulted silenced submachine gun (please not modeled after the old, overrated, and boring MP5...just a matter of personal taste), called the "Ten-Commando" (a play on Mike Hoare's units, named "4 Commando" and "5 Commando," with "Ten-" obviously being a pun linking "Tenno" and "Commando").  While active, the Ten-Commando acts similarly to Ivara's Artemis Bow, expending energy only when firing.  Further, Mike's Passive "Lightning Reflexes" is massively boosted, dodging incoming fire at a far higher rate.
      • Associated Weapons
        • A Tenno carbine, similar to the a Colt Commando in concept, and focused on slash damage.  The weapon will always be fully auto, but will switch between two fire modes while with secondary fire.  The first mode will be a silenced mode, which will boast higher crit damage (for potential one-shot headshot kills) and a slower rate of fire.  The second mode will be alarming/loud, and will provide a higher fire rate and focus on status damage and a much farther damage falloff range.  A 1.0 sec reload speed and 60 round mag should make this weapon able to specialize in long range combat or short range sentry removal, depending on mod loadout. Potential names could be in reference to some of the users of this weapon in real world conflict.....which is basically every western special forces and security unit out there in some form....the many USAF units used a variant of the Colt Commando back in the days before the M4, from the old USAF Security Police (now "Security Forces" after the police and airfield defense roles were combined decades ago) to USAF SOF elements (TAC-P's, Special Operations Weather Technicians, STOs, CROs, pararescue, etc)......an aviation-sounding name could work....but that's just one tiny slice of the users....while I love the concept of this weapon in terms of gameplay for Warframe, it would be more appropriate to give "Mad Mike Hoare" in Warframe form a Tenno "FAL," but that's covered by the Latron and the Veldt....plus, battle rifles are better represented with the SCAR-H these days, anyway, and this is the "commandoframe," not just the "mercenaryframe."
        • A Tenno dagger.  I know I already had a dagger with "Carl," but this one is different.  This will be based on the Fairbairn–Sykes fighting knife, and be mainly meant for use in quick attack.  Its attack speed will be exceedingly fast, with high puncture damage and very high crit chance.  However, it will have extremely short reach compared to other melee option, and thus synergize well with Mike's passive.  This is a "knife fighter's" knife, meant to kill enemy sentries at extremely close range.....and while stealth is always preferable, this dagger will be meant to directly tangle with an opponent who got too close.  Bonus points for an idle animation where the Tenno passes the knife from hand-to-hand, referencing one of the iconic motions of using this knife as designed.  Potential names would reference its origin with the SAS and OSS (in V-42 form), perhaps the "Sasser," or the like?
        • An equipment item that acts as a tenno satchel charge.  Hit it one time in your inventory wheel, and your character will throw it in an arc toward your crosshairs.  Hit the icon for the satchel charge again in your inventory to detonate it, for the biggest explosion by an exponential degree of all weapons in the game....however, it will self-damage, and it does additional damage in confined spaces (like in a room vs out in the PoE).
  17. My next concept will be one that might kind of seem similar to my "sniperframe" suggestion "Carl / Carla," but it's very different.

    • A "rifleman" themed warframe named after one of the most famous riflemen of all, Sergeant Alvin York.
      • Powers
        • Passive: Ammo Bag - York will slowly regenerate ammo for his primary and secondary weapons, and the ammo of allies within affinity range.
        • 1: Hustle Up! - York will increase his movement speed, and will continue sprinting even while shooting.
        • 2: Bayonet Charge - York summons an ethereal bayonet, which attacks a single enemy similarly to slash-dash, but with more puncture damage and having a 100% chance to knock down a target.
        • 3: Entrenchment Tool- Using his E-tool (carried like Harrow's Thruible, at Yorks side), York produces a "trench" of chest-high cover for himself and his comrades, from which they may more safely unleash the fury of the Tenno upon their enemies.  These will basically be "Tenno Blunts," and thus shorter than Atlas' 2, and deployed at variable lengths; the length of the cover would determine the amount of energy usage.
        • 4: Automatic Rifleman: A toggled ability, while active York's primary and secondary weapons receive a large increase to fire rate, draw from an infinite ammo pool, and do not require reloading.  Further, York will persistently and automatically throw out ammo packs to his allies while laying down heavy cover fire for their advance.
      • Weapons released alongside this frame
        • A Tenno assault rifle, similar to the Karak (the "Grineer M16," as it was once called), but with a 30 round magazine, a 0.7 sec reload speed, a focus on slash damage, and high status chance.  This rifle would have three selectable modes.  Semi will provide a scoped view and a sniper combo meter, and will be something of a "SCAR-H" designated marksman mode.  Burst mode will remove the scoped view for a standard rifle view, and fire a simple 3 round burst at an enemy for balanced damage.  Full auto will be unique in that it will slightly zoom out from the character while in ADS, replacing the crosshairs with an area-of-effect circle.  This weapon should feel very "tight" and "tactical," and make players want to move around corners like they're playing an old Rainbow Six game......but while being a crazy space ninja and clinging to the walls.  Clever names for this rifle might reference the designer of the AR15, Eugene Stoner, and go for names like the "Stone," "Stonewall," "Smoker," "Toker," "Midnight Joker" (okay the last couple were not serious, but you get the point).
        • A Tenno 1911.  Literally a 1911.  The joke being that the 1911 is still used that far in the distant future.  The Lato is already the Tenno M9, which would be more fitting for a rifleman, but seeing as his name is "York," a 1911 would be SUPREMELY FITTING.  But yeah....literally no changes, and it should even just be called the "1911" for the memes.  And to be entirely honest, I could totally see the 1911 still being used in some form (maybe using detonite rather than gunpowder?) at that point in the future.  Its description in the codex should read something like "A relic from a long lost Republic, deep in the ancient lost memories of humanity's past wars, this venerable sidearm has withstood the millennia to serve the Tenno."  Trust me, gun aficionados will love this.
        • A Tenno mortar deployed as a gear item.  We did finally get one of these with the Phantasma's secondary, but the Grineer "Mordas" make me want retribution.  This item deploys a 10 shot mortar that the player can interact with.  It launches a targeting drone which allows the player to target and fire on enemies when out in open areas (PoE, Fortuna, the maps that have high or no roof above you, etc).  This will be the first Tenno artillery piece.  Also, the drone in and of itself could be useful....perhaps a drone could be another gear item for another release....one that marks enemies, has a limited payload of sniper bullets, or can be flown at an enemy and blown up?  There are many possibilities, and the programming of one could be used in the other, thus decreasing work load for DE.
  18. I have several ideas that I've been meaning to bring to the forums.  I'll do each one as a separate post.  Here's the first.

    • A sniper-themed warframe, called either "Carl" or "Carla" in honor of the father of the American sniper program, Carlos Hathcock.
      • Powers
        • Passive: Recon - Stealth while stationary, grants a radius of stealth to allies. Also increases damage of "dagger" weapons similarly to Excal with swords.
        • 1: Spotter - Similar to Mesa's 2 in that it boosts firearm damage, but instead of jamming enemy weapons it will show enemies through walls similarly to "sense danger."
        • 2: Suppressor / Compensator - Switches between modes that either silences all weapons noise or increases crit chance on firearms.
        • 3: Sniper Crawl - Carl goes prone (able to crawl at a bit less than Ivara-speed), becomes invisible by deploying his Void-enhanced ghilli suit, and increases weapon accuracy, range, projectile speed, and punch through significantly for all firearms.  Unlike other "stealth" frames, Sniper Crawl will be cast once without channeling, toggling, or being timed.  The limiting factor would be the decrease in mobility rather than power usage.
        • 4: Drag Bag: Carl becomes stationary and deploys his exhaulted sniper rifle, "White Feather."  White Feather is a bolt-action single shot large caliber sniper rifle meant for use against enemy commanders at long range.  Imagine it as a slower Vectis, with more power than a Lanka, and a unique "sniper combo effect" that counts every kill throughout a mission (non-deteriorating), applying a small base or true damage multiplier based on the number of kills with this weapon throughout a mission.  This is the .50cal of Warframe, and changes the mobility conventions within the game by limiting movement when used.
      • Weapons that are released with him
        • A silenced medium power pistol, which would stand somewhere between the Lato and the Lex, but be highly crit-focused as to encourage single-shot headshot kills at medium to close range.  This pistol would be geared toward "sentry removal," and based on the H&K Mk 23.  Bonus point for adding a laser aiming module.  Clever names for this pistol would be plays on "Heckler and Koch," such as "Comedian," "Bad Audience," etc, or a Metal Gear reference like "Snakebite," the "Hayter," or with Kojima's latest presence at and long time inspiration of DE, the "Hide E.0."
        • A dagger, modeled after one of the famous blades of snipers.  Many people don't realize that in many ways, a sniper's knife is as or more important than his rifle, mainly used for utility purposes.  As the only "utility" we have for knives in Warframe is boxcutting, I'd recommend it be innately optimized for boxcutting, but this being Warframe it should be the best backstabbing option in the game....exceeding the current Balla zaw and the Rakta Dark Dagger.  Perhaps it should represent "utility" by allowing users to pass through booby traps and lasers while crouching with it deployed....like a less effective "Infiltrator" augment that any frame can use.  In-game model inspiration could come from the TOPS HOG 4.5 (designed for snipers, by a sniper / bladesmith), the Strider MT Mod 10 "Chuck Mawhinney" (at one time given at graduation of sniper training), almost any Busse or "Busse-kin" blade of appropriate design (Busse makes the best blades in the world, IMO), the Blackhawk / MOD Nightwing (a classic design the saw much love in the early years of OEF and OIF, and set a new standard for modern tactical blades), the Chris Reeve Green Berret / Yarburrough knife (not *entirely* appropriate as it's an SF thing, but it is a classic), the Cold Steel SRK or Recon Tanto (less flashy, but both blades are THE baseline benchmark for modern utility / combat knives, while holding that 1980s charm), or a Mercworx Sniper (because it seems to fit the Warframe aesthetic, though it's not one I've every owned or used).
        • A secondary weapon or gear item called a "Designator."  This is effectively a "spotting scope" mixed with a AN/PED-1 Lightweight Laser Designator Rangefinder (LLDR)...but we don't *really* have air strikes in Warframe yet, so think of the idea as more of a "Tau markerlight" from Warhammer 40k.  This weapon / item would not actually shoot, but would fire an unlimited range beam at a target, and increase the crit chance of other players while the beam was on it.  The affected target will appear "illuminated" to other members of the squad.  This would be great for Eidolon hunts and boss fights, and it balances itself out by effectively removing 1/4th of a squads firepower while it's being used. 
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