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Posts posted by Wahooo

  1. Would it be a bad thing to buff Sanctuary to a point it was useful?


    Right now it basically is at a point you can probably tank whatever damage that shield stops anyway on most frames, and if you are in a real S#&$storm you will use whatever kind of CC you may have to reduce or eliminate enemy fire or lose aggro before starting a revive, but when it comes to a point you NEED a shield to revive a teammate Sanctuary gets 1 shot, then you die. 


    Basically it is nice to keep some shields at a low level, but by the time you need a shield it is worthless.


    Maybe instead of a set amount of damage shield it could have significant damage reduction for the whole time it was active?

    Or just put a zero at the end of the shield values... or more?

  2. For starters I would say really focus the potatoes on the 1 frame and 1 primary you love.  Then as they trickle in you can add them where you would like them.

    Forma... yeah if you don't need them they drop like rain from most void runs.  When you want them?  They end up being kinda a rare drop.


    I would say don't worry about being carried or being a burden on a T3 run.  If you see them pop in recruit channel jump on them.  If you solo'd a T3E you are doing better than 50% of the teammates I've had on various T3 runs.  Even if you are lowest damage/kills and need to be revived a couple times it shoudln't be that big a deal most of the time.


    As far as the mods, just take them one at a time.  Look on the wiki for what drops it.  Then go to a mobile defense or survival that has the enemy that drops what you are looking for or defense mission that rewards it, and try and farm that then move on.

    If you or one of your friends can get on a Nekros it makes the job of farming that ONE mod a bit better. 

  3. OP is the type of player that made me stay at MR4 for as long as I did.  The judgmental comments, or people backing out of void groups (back when MR was visible in the pre-mission group) and other ideas that maybe they were moar worthy than I was because??? they leveled up a bunch of crap weapons?  I decided not to do the MR tests but had the gear to do anything in game. 

    or even more laughable that,

    This game has anything above rudimentary skill in aiming and shooting.


    There is no "not worthy" IMO.  But there are bad players and there are also A******s who for some reason think they are good at a game that hardly has any skill requirement.

  4. I will agree that the new player experience is meh.  It could really use a story and better sense of progression through the planets... or take it all away and give us a lots of better grouping functions.


    Right now the new player experience is really very slow, and I don't think without knowing people who are already playing, if I started now I'd make it past mercury.


    But, that being said, you will always find more negative comments about other games on a forum.  Sometimes people really committed to a game will come to its defense, but really why set yourself up for that when there is a horde of haters out there?

    Some of the most played games are also the most hated, WoW and CoD games (though I've played 1 cod game myself and never touched wow) are bashed endlessly on many many forums, yet they must be doing something to have the numbers of players right?


    Sometimes the criticisms are justified, but usually they are overstated because a game didn't appeal to them and now they will bash it for life.  Too hard, too easy, Pay2Win, bad graphics, to bright, no story, no character development, too much like X game, not enough like X game.  The list goes on and on for what they are going to say.  And it is all hard to defend.  I wouldn't take it as a bad sign for Warframe really.

  5. Though I still don't know what's so hard about creating a fake one.

    Absolutely nothing.  go to gmail or free email service of your choice and make an email account, hell make one with your WF IGN name.

    Go to FB make an account with your WF IGN name.


    You dont' have to share any actual information, you don't have to play farmville with aunt Becky, you don't have to click on the ads.

    Use that to log into twitch and become part of the comment spam that will, likely, not be seen by anyone.

  6. Anyone use metal auger in addition to shred?

    Just too damn expensive for all of my builds, i've thought about it but never seriously considered putting it on.


    Been curious if i maxed it what I could shoot through having both on, but in all practicality it costs too much when Shred seems to have as much as i've ever needed.

  7. no, i just want to know since everyones complaining about like everything, y not just change everything OUTRAGEOUSLY ONCE, and everyone will just shut up


    You don't understand how change works, do you?


    It is a process.  The game is evolving, which can be a slow process. 

    I like the idea of some UI customization, I like it in any game, but it takes a lot of time, some engines are better for it than others.

    And personally only ever used charge attacks with glaive.  Hate slow melee.

  8. They changed it again today, now it the damage reduction is for the whole team, based on whoever was healed the most. If your team mate goes down to 10% health, once Blessing is cast, all the team gets 90% damage reduction, doesnt matter if they have 100% health.

    Yeah, i'm seeing this now.  It fixes a lot of the concern I had.  Still not 100% sold but a lot better than the first description.

  9. Blessing was:  I cast it while playing trinity for -

    A) to make me invulnerable and use my Penta and Link as a massive close quarter AOE damage dealer and simply let me be lazy as I run through any mission.

    B) To allow my teammates to be lazy and take no damage through whatever mission

    C) To grant immunity to my teammates who need to go rez an overly aggressive player that thought they could be lazy because the trinity on their team.

    D) To heal the one guy taking a bunch of damage in a mission I didn't really expect anyone to be taking much damage.


    Frankly blessing needed to be changed because A and B were an issue in design, but right now I'm worried about how it works.

    If i'm watching health (and usually I do) and I see someone start taking damage to their shields by the time they start taking health damage they more often than not are down by the time I cast blessing.  Now that cast is good to no one if the other players had no health gone?  It does them literally no good.  Can I cast it again right away?

    If I did get the cast off in time and saved the 1 player taking damage, then what about the rest of the team?  They have no protection.  What if stuff is starting to get hairy?  Should I let one guy just die so I can make better use of blessing with an incoming storm?


    I'm basically worried blessing was, yes essentially abused and made the game overly easy mode.  But with this change?  where blessing as it was, was a skill that was more needed or took effort to use correctly?  It won't do much good.


    Instead of damage mitigation or immunity maybe it can buff shields and health for a time and give them a continuous recharge.  So say, if someone is taking damage that the damage rate would have to overcome the recharge rate to be noticeable.  At higher level enemies this will get noticeable quickly but you can run, take cover and recharge?


    Something to make Trin more of a healer and less of a tank is needed, but the change as it is suggested doesn't make her a very good team healer.



    *Edit* I was typing when you posted this.  But you said it more succinctly than I did.  Though I do think reactive healing can work, you need a LOT more healing focus.  Like a healing gun, or an ability to target players.  Basically it becomes your ONE job to heal.  I'm ok with that, but this change to blessing doesn't do it.


    Reactive healing is bad in a game with fast pace non stop actions. Especially in this game where there's no level and damage cap on enemies.

    My solution for blessing is, give it a fixed short duration invincible (3~5sec), and turn the old blessing invincible duration into a percentage based rapid health, shield regeneration.

  10. You assume the vocal minority should have precise, unanimous preferences or they don't know what they want.

    There are general things that are commonly agreed upon such as the stat scaling stupid enemies, overpowered players, etc.

    More people are going to complain than praise? Guess why? Obviously there is absolutely nothing to legitimately complain about?

    Don't do this. Don't group the vocal minority all together as not knowing what they want. This is an insult to their efforts.

    Not exactly.  What i'm saying is that there is only a minority of the vocal minority who have sensible thoughts.  Many might agree with those sensible thoughts, but many also agree on horrendous ideas as well.  I'm not talking really about the ideas that a large portion of the community supports, but just the various ideas that the community comes up with.

    This isn't the only game, nor the only community that i've seen this.


    I'm not saying people don't know what they want, i'm saying MOST of the vocal minority doesn't understand that what they want is a bad idea.  Again not unique to Warframe, and frankly there are many more good ideas coming from the community than for most games I've played.


    This community is actually pretty good.  I think there are more individuals in this community with good ideas and who express there feedback in a proper beta fashion.  BUT that being said, yes it is true that more often than not the only reason people actually speak up is to complain about something.  I know i'm sure as hell guilty of it, and many many first posts i've seen on this forum come from people who've played for a while and become fed-up with a certain aspect and come to the forums to rage.  Most of the reason people become vocal at all is to complain about something.  Then maybe ideas about something develops, but that is going to be a smaller %, and MAYBE the idea is worth while and that is going to be an even smaller %.

  11. Well the happiness of the community a factor of DE's choices. I think DE should do more polling to determine what is a general opinion of the community and what is a vocal minority. Jagex (Runescape) makes most of their content based on polls, it's quite smart. If 75% of the community votes one way, they make the change... its a lot easier than people screaming at each other on the forums and most people like the direction the game is headed because most people got what they wanted.

    I'm saying this because I think the issue is a side effect of guessing what players want instead of trying to find out. I think people want the same things more than you might think but neither one of us has data.

    There is still the issue that a vast number of the vocal minority really doesn't know what they would like.  A lot of people have ideas, but very few ideas would actually make good game play or a fun game, even for those that had the original idea.

    This goes for voting as well.  If the person with the original idea doesn't truly understand the impact on game play, will the voters?  And how much of the games population will take part in the vote? 

    The vast number of mostly satisfied people may not even know, but would certainly be put off by a move that pushes the game in a different direction.


    In general, more people are going to complain than praise.  Those who care or feel invested are going to be more vocal.  It is just a matter of basic numbers that there will be more pointless complaint threads than anything else.  The best thing DE can do though is what it would appear they do.  See them, note them, move on.

  12. A very typical response, but a really unhelpful and mindless one.


    Napalms are "OP", relatively speaking. That is, they are wildly and disproportionately more dangerous than other Grineer units, particularly Grineer heavy units. I don't think anyone can actually argue with that. The explosion they produce is large and does not match the visual at all (frequently I've been right in the fire and not been hit by it, or meters away and hit, and that's in solo, let alone MP!), and at higher levels the DoT can easily chew up a 'frame very badly. The OP is not wrong to complain about dodging the explosions being a problem - if you try to do that, and appear to succeed, you will typically still be hit by the DoT, in my experience, especially Online.


    Heavy Gunners and Bombards are far less threatening, typically, I would suggest.


    The question is, are Napalms meant to be the most dangerous of Grineer units by far? If so, good job. I get the feeling they are meant to be on-par with Heavy Gunners and Bombards, though. If the visuals for their attacks were accurate, this would be less of an issue, as others have noted.


    This has nothing to do with "manning up" or other silly nonsense. It's about game design. No-one is more or less of a "man" (lolz) because they dislike a game design element (I can't imagine a more pathetic test, myself). Personally, I feel like a lot of Grineer units could do with buffing, but Napalms could do with taking down a notch.

    Because whiny posts like this keep coming up every few months and everyone who seems to have the inability to move the mouse in another direction and press W for a 1/2 second complains about how OP this or that unit is.


    Napalms, all Grineer Heavy Units with their smash, Scorches, Eviscerators, Scorpions with how long their knockdown is, have all been called OP.  Basically someone dies a few times in a match because they are bad, they come to the forum and start a thread that the unit is OP.


    All of these things have come up repeatedly, and the simple fact is the REAL problem is the players.  Every one of these threads has talked about how much time they do over XX amount of time.  Which says flat out, that person was standing still.  Move aim and shoot FFS.

  13. If anything this shows how shortsighted DE is when they try to implement different elements in the game.

    As I said, maybe this thread maybe another on the same subject.


    It isn't exactly short sightedness as much as giving the playerbase too much credit for not being either stupid or a-holes.


    Time and time again the ideas that go into a game's development are quality, the end result is ruined by the players.  Whether they mean to F*** it up or not doesn't matter, don't hate the game hate the player.

  14. if you utilize W-A-S-D and left mouse button, with an occasional space bar or 'C' and Shift key?


    Nothing in this game is OP.  Quit standing still and getting shot 3 @(*()$ times seriously.  If you get shot 3 @(*()$ times you should be using a revive.

  15. Grineer Prosecutors are the only way to find Vay Hek.


    Ceres is the only place to find Grineer Prosecutors.


    Corpus have already taken over half of Ceres.


    Either the players or the developers haven't thought things through well enough. I'm willing to put a wager on both.


    (Including me. But I neeeeeeeeed fieldrons!)

    My guess is this was brought up internally by DE, and the response was something like, 'no the player base isn't that dumb, they'll keep the survival nodes Grineer at pretty much any cost.'


    oh game developers, how you overestimate those who play your game.

  16. It's not that easy, Llyssa.


    People play video games for different reasons, and "having fun" is only one on the list of many.

    But, I've seen in other games, and this community is no different, a very large portion of the people who are active 'New Idea' posters and those that like their ideas, really don't have any @(*()$ clue as to what makes a game fun. 


    Yes people think different things in games are fun, but I have seen games from small developers who DID listen to their player base, the vocal ones and it turned the game to utter S#&$, and even the people who's ideas were implemented were complaining.


    Frankly it is a reason I don't make many suggestions and what *should* be done in a game unless it looks broken to me.  I know the developers, in general know better.  That doesn't mean there are bright people out there and from what i've seen they are very few and far between the people who, when they think of something for the game, TRULY understand the impact of the idea and what is and isn't a good idea to implement.

  17. Show me anyways or post it in the Color Sharing Program topic, i'd love to see it regardless


    meh, not something i'm all super proud of, and doesn't really vary much from my non-Prime, but here 'tis



    Still don't really like the way the game's shading turns the dark areas a little green, you can see under the left arm and the skirt area on the left leg, that is the same color as the tail portion under the skirt.  I don't see any of that when playing though.


    Still undecided on power color, you can see by the helm it is dark blue right now.  Weird that it just takes experimenting as a lot of light and some dark colors make damn near opaque snow globes and some light or dark they can be seen through.

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