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Posts posted by Wahooo

  1. Rage the most when it's only at T3D wave 10 and people leave for the items they want, what a waste of key

    It took me SOOOOOO long to get the Dakra Prime BP because the ONLY time I ever saw it drop is in T3D on wave 5 of someone else's key and I couldn't bring myself to be that guy and leave on that one.

    Finally got it on a T3E the other day and the guys I was running with couldn't understand why I was so happy with what they considered a super common drop.

  2. So i was one to complain in a big way when in Gravidus and on to invasion missions if you started the 5th run before the invasion was over, but it completed before you were done you missed out on the battle pay.

    Still a bit &!$$y this hasn't been fixed, though it seems no to only make a difference on potato alerts is kinda beside the point.


    Now on to dark sector conflicts.  Hey look sweet huge credit amount for a run, guess i'll do that.  Run ends and I see?????

    0 credits.  WTF, go back and see the battle pay for supporting that rail was changed after I started the run, but before I finished and I got the changed amount.  Tried again after they moved to the large payout and I ended up with 1/2 the amount, same thing changed the battle pay during the mission.


    Seems like something pretty shady and ripe for abuse on the dark sector conflicts, as well as a bit of a bitter feeling when done.

    Can we just get the reward locked when we start the mission for invasions and conflicts so if we finish we actually get the reward?

  3. They may have changed the drop tables some, but I've gotten complete sets in 30 minutes of dark sector survivals, and used to get at least two parts in 15 waves of dark sector defense.  It was kinda like a mid run credit cache since they sell for 3500cr.  But yesterday and today i'm going on 0-1 part in 15 waves of dark sector defense.  The spawn rate on the eximus doesn't seem to have changed, 2-4 every 5 waves.


    But could just be RNG.

  4. Still looking for it.



    That made me WTFOL

    If that is not a photoshop I'm sorry.  I've seen harvester 3 times is all and have 1BP and 5 barrels (been on my nekros every time)

    G3 i've only seen twice, the first time they dropped a natural talent, the second time was 1st solo mission on Ceres for rescue 2.0... luckily Loki's disarm works really well on them.  They dropped nothing.


    I just got my first despair yesterday.  I have absolutely no idea how many tons and tons of stalker encounters.  I've sold off a bunch of Hate and Dread BPs but since trading was first introduced and I had hope I might trade BP for BP i've collected around 5 of each, and i'm sure he's dropped nothing in at least 3/4 of the encounters.

  5. I would say yes only because I don't like the current mastery system.

    That said I think the current mastery system being tedious, but only important for anything up to MR8 for weapons and MR10 for extractors and trades, then it just doesn't matter if there are items out there that some people got mastery from that players no cannot.  It doesn't matter at all, so why care?

  6. I've been personally dealing with that question for a very long time.  At one point energy siphon seems like the overall best default for all frames and wanting to put the -- polarity on all auras wouldn't be the worst move.  BUT for rhino the v really is nice.  Steel Charge gives two more points than Rifle Amp and Rifle amp can be very helpful.


    HOWEVER, corrosive projection is also a -- polarity so for higher tier stuff that is very nice to have.


    As of yet the only one i've changed to -- is Nekros, and Trinity is also on my list.  I would say for rhino it really is up to the person, BUT is also dependent on if you run with an organized group as stacking auras is way useful and having 2 rifle amps and 2 corrosive projections is very noticeable.  If you are the rifle amp person then why change?  Other frames benefit much more from Energy Siphon even though it is always useful.

  7. My Desecrate build:

    I forma'd the aura to be a --  .  first for energy siphon, which I still use for doing stuff like soloing defense missions, for most survivals I have corrosive projection also a --.




    Fleeting Expertise


    Natural Talent




    and whatever level Redirection and Vitality I could fit in there.


    I tried the equilibrium and low shield stuff, as well as rage but was having a hard time fitting everything in and late survival you just get too squishy even with all the health orbs around, and requires a max equilibrium to be useful and I have plenty of other mods to max out that are more useful.  Better to have the ability for the desecrate to do more for less.

    Keeping the power strength up and power cost low is the main point.  Spam it.  Also the Natural Talent is an absolute, because you stand still to do this and that is risky.  Bonus to this is the Fleeting expertise lowers the amount of time Terrify works.  Still enough to revive someone but will allow you to cast it again in not too long a time.

  8. A desecrate build nekros with fleeting expertise has a short enough terrify duration to be useful.  It will clear a room and give time for a revive, and if you have an f-up in survival can actually cast it a few times sprinting to the exit.


    SotD and Soul punch are neat but meh.  And just like most frames that have a couple abilities that don't get equipped those two I guess could use some help but, c'mon the whole point of Nekros is because the game is about farming and if you are farming then you want a max desecrate nekros in any mission you will have a lot of kills pile up.  MD, D and Survival.

  9. The point is some people buy computers for other things, but also want to play games.  There are reasons to own a Mac over PC, especially a macbookpro actually.


    BUT, if you want games on a Mac then you need to install bootcamp.  It is simple.  It is just a partition, and windows has finally got there S#&$ together and you can get win7 for a decent price to install on it.

    IF you are doing that however check the video cards (normally pretty sub-par) and look into a program to run the fan because there are issues with the CPU/GPU temperature sensors and fan controls.


    I've been a mac person for a lot of work for a while, but for games?  even if it is made for both mac and PC i'll put it on my bootcamp partition.  Though I really do need to build a gaming rig at some point it is way down the list on S#&$ that my money needs to go to.

  10. The reason the Soma has been the best general weapon is because crits don't get the same resistances as other damage types.  That being said most Soma Builds still use an elemental for the extra punch vs. high levels.  Corrosive is the best all around, but not ideal against high level heavy grineer nor high level corpus.  With a boltor the crit build is very sub-optimal, and frankly if you are doing something like 25+ minutes of survival you are going to want to build faction specific against the tougher mobs.


    If you just want a build to do most stuff in the game without worrying about anything high level.

    Then yeah, corrosive + cold.

  11. Damn... I did the same thing with phase specter, using my nekros desecrate spam build, but i have yet to try it, simply because I had a feeling it wouldn't work as in the conflict runs i've done previous to this update I saw they they only seem to do the lower tier damage powers.


    Though i haven't even bothered to start the cosmic specters but based on how they've performed in the conflicts i think Trinity might be fun, they love to spam link, and it helps that I can make it to 1800 conclave on my trinity.

  12. Elemental damage will be higher, but with melee 2.0 you have a LOT of variability, like choosing channeling mods vs non-channeling.


    Crit is universal damage, so if i'm not leveling anything I have a non-channeling crit build on my dual Zoren.  They aren't primary damage dealers but can be decent oh-S#&$ button for everything upto T3S to ~30 minute mark.  I don't have to worry about resistances or changing builds for different factions. 

    But again i'm not using them as a main damage dealer, they are for movement and occasional need.


    I would say for Dual Zoren and Kogake with the high base crit, a crit build is usable, and decent, but I don't believe it is the best way to max damage.

    Someone that likes to run the numbers would have to step in for proof.

  13. How I did it:

    Went to Ceres Rescue + Nightmare

    Invis build Loki + enemy radar

    Distance ignis (just slap on firestorm and some corrosion)

    despair as secondary



    Use the ignis to safely remove any arc traps (their locations never change in the room)

    Kill Wardens

    Get Hostage

    420 Blaze through the path, setting down a decoy if things get too hairy


    edit: this was BEFORE the hotfix when they removed some of the arc traps

    I dont know how many there are now

    I did this, save i had hush and silencer on a soma and brakk. 

    I did take it a lot slower to the exit though.  At least I got about 5 total orokin cells from being slow and killing stuff on the exit/arc traps.

  14. I died twice to the traps the stug and the penta aren't very good against arc traps, so I had to melee those things.


    They still hit you when you are invisble, they just really annoy me.


    They are the reason I always sneak through the air vent top right of the arc trap entrance.

    Honestly you deserved to die then.


    If DE made it easier because the people complaining are represented by this type of play... I'm not sure what to say.

  15. Now that i've been in game and seen for myself, conclave makes perfect sense.  You are creating a tenno specter that is going to have your load out.


    The higher tier specter is going to need a higher tier of gear or it is pointless and will be easily killed when it is supposed to actually do... something.


    It would make sense if there was a conclave window for them rather than just a minimum.

  16. conclave is stupid ... 


    its literally useless to me (PvP sucks)

    BUT, conclave is a gear score... which seems to be what PVE focused games and players feel is the most important aspect.


    Conclave used to help balance PvP is nice, but it is simply gear score.


    I hope I can do it when I get on, my normal conclave even T3S is quite a bit lower than 1800.

  17. There are many things that continue to be beta about the game not just flawed, and depending on who you talk to the list might even be longer.


    A story, placeholders for tilesets that need to be unique for planets and general further development.

    It has been a slow process but I have a clan mate that just came back.  He played from the day of open beta for a few weeks.  He's been gone almost a year and when you compare where the game is to where it was then, you can see all of the changes, and how there are areas that are likely being worked on.


    As far as buffs and nerfs I blame the community more than DE.  Slight changes are met with chicken little reactions and people losing their S#&$ who happened to spend plat on that weapon or frame.  They did a lot more weapon and frame tweaks in the months before Nova came out, and then with Nova they just said "you know what... we will make balance passes when they seem appropriate but we like where these are."


    Maybe more will change, and I see the game as getting closer to release date, but I really do not agree that they are hiding behind the beta tag for a flawed game.

    It is simply still in development and they have a milestone that we don't know and at that point in development beta ends.  A week, a month a year... who knows.


    However, now we're using a ridiculous 24 ammo per second, plus Soma has a slight spinup time, plus with HCal now you're basically at the same range restriction as Synapse in order to maintain headshots, plus Synapse will pull even farther ahead if we go to higher levels.


    Not going to debate most of your points. i'm certainly not going to take the time to do or check the math, and as you said raw numbers don't matter and I think you've done a superb job of explaining the real usage differences between them all.


    But where Soma/BoltorP are still usable these points on the Soma are pretty meh.  24 ammo per second is a problem if you have no punch through and are just holding down full auto.  With max speed trigger the spin up is almost completely negated, and if you use Shred instead of Speed trigger your effective DPS is increased because by the time these numbers matter when are you not shooting into a crowd?  The spin up is hardly noticeable.

    Max HC is far less noticeable on the Soma than it is on the BoltorP.  Headshots are still realistic at 2x the effective distance of shotguns.


    But yeah T3S past 30mins the Soma just can't keep up.  But anything below that enemy level wise it is all overkill and the only thing that actually matters is play style.

  19. As far as choosing what to build, everything is worth mastery, just some things are more painful to rank up than others.  I found an unpotatoe'd gorgan to be second only to flux rifle so far as being a painful weapon to rank up.  It is pretty good with a potato and a couple forma into it, but that is only excusable if you put the potato on it way back when its magazine size and spray-ability were unique.

    If you are looking for something that plays soma-like until you get the soma I'd say grakata.  Crit build on it is passable up to level 30 enemies where the real difference between it and the soma becomes huge, and even without a potato is a good weapon for 3/4 of the star chart.


    As far as frames it is all so personal opinion.  I personally would farm for mods and parts that you can hit the trade chat for slots and just collect them all.  I have no problem selling weapons... well small problem I have plenty of weapons I can't get rid of but probably won't ever use again.  But i've sold a lot as well.

    Frames I just feel like holding onto but only use a few.  6 slots would actually be enough for me.  In order of current usage:




    Frost Prime


    Nova - but this is very rare.



    It depends on your style of course but I think leveling up and just replacing the frames you don't use or find fun.  Some people love Mag... kinda meh to me.  In threads like this lots and lots of NOVA comments about it being a must have, and yes I have it, yes I use it, but meh not a must have.  You have six slots.  Fill them up, rank to 30 with those frames.  Once you have them at 30, which ones do you still use?  Which ones do you not?  If you aren't using a frame?  Sell it.  Get a new one.

    Also frames for the most part, are far less in need of a potato to level and get the feel for how they play.  My personal opinion is Trinity needs it more than most.  Rhino needs it less than most.

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