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Posts posted by Wahooo

  1. I really don't find overextended worth it in survival.  You are either close enough or waaay to far away in my experience.  The benefit to overextended is really a handful of corpses over a ~15 to 20 minute period.  Yes overextended nerfs fear way too much.  It is the smaller defense maps that overextended is awesome because people are hitting mobs coming from the doorways on opposite sides of the map where if you are standing on the pod you are just barely out of range of all of them.  Overextended grabs them all.


    Fear can be situational and in long survivals yes the team usually has one or two better CCs but stuff happens, like when the radial disarm'd enemies stat to overwhelm a bit too much, the debuff from fear is outstanding.  Also with the short duration, if you are caught with lifesupport failing and needing to make a mad dash to the exit, it is really nice to have and can be cast 2 or 3 times.


    Soma, I personally find the HC accuracy issue to be not there.  Basically if the opponents head (be honest heavy gunners are the only issue, or other heavies in straight Grineer missions) fits inside the reticule you will head shot them.  If their head doesn't mostly fill inside the aiming reticule then there is probably closer targets to focus on and come back to that one in a couple seconds.  But even at the longest ranges I only see 3 or so rounds go wide.  The bigger issue is that by 40 minutes no matter the build it is taking a LOT of rounds to take down targets with the Soma, but it is an overkill beast before that.

  2. Did you Intend for this to be an empty build? Because it is.


    Edit: Put below quote


    Edit 2: Made text readable

    Nope pure fail on my part, I didn't check the link, and well... I don't normally link to that site even though I look at it a lot.

    Build is everything maxed

    Serration, Heavy Caliber, Split chamber, Shred - The basics, but I also prefer Shred for both the fire rate and punch through.  3 round burst taking down 5 mobs is nice.  Just remember to burst fire and not go full auto bullet hose

    Vital Sense, Point Strike - The Crit mods. 

    Infected Clip and Storm Bringer - Corrosive for infested and Corrupted

    Lots of math here and there on the forums, and well... I pay attention to what others say but don't normally try and figure out a min/max myself but go with what I feel is working best for me or suits a play style.  Therefore I prefer the 2 elemental combo rather than Hammershot, and Critical Delay is a no go for a gun that can't go beyond 100% crit.


    I agree with most of this, but I'm not a fan of Flow. Also Soul Punch is great for weapons with long reloads, stagger to protect yourself during the animation.

    Well i normally like your advice on builds, and i've totally re-done some based on what you have posted in other threads.  My Nekros is kinda my own independent build from trial and error, but I probably check out one of your suggested builds to at least make myself feel better about what i'm doing.

    Flow vs Soul Punch I guess is personal preference.  It would take some getting used to for me to use the soul punch but for late game survival I normally run a Penta and Brakk so if I do get stuck reloading the Penta I actually switch to the Brakk.  Not something do very well with other weapons or games actually. 

    Strange also I often find myself in little energy droughts, and having the increased amount seems to help, or at least make me feel like it helps.

    Nekros does start with a relatively small energy pool and I've always preached to mod to increase the strength of a weapon or frame rather than try and overcome its weakness.

  3. Lemme just clarify something again:

    immediately Before lube (and dust clean-up): odd fan noise (temporary remedy being a light collision) - normal temps

    immediately After lube: higher temps - no odd fan noise.

    Key thing to note is the dust part as well. Not sure what could've caused this...

    If the fan is lubed and the dust is gone, then temps shouldn't be going up, right? (with same loads). Must be either something to do with airflow (internally - external conditions are unchanged; internally should be improved cuz of hte dust cleanup...) or the lube itself, i think, but idk.

    So many variables, anyone giving PC maintenance advice over a forum is just guessing.  Our guesses are based on experience so a PC tech that has worked on many different machines with many different owners and working conditions will have likely better advice.

    I have experienced fan failure and speaking to friends who have as well it is a general consensus that a noisy fan is a broken fan. 


    The dusting and lube and whatever else you've done.  I can't say without being there.  Coincidence?  Moved a connection or broke a connection with a heat sink?  Something moved, got inside to mess with the airflow? 


    Things I know.

    Dust is bad but can easily build up.

    Getting rid of the dust is not always as easy as it might be.

    Taking apart a lap top can be dangerous for that laptop if you don't have a proper work station and some experience.

    A fan that makes noise might not be broken, but I would replace it.

  4. Search this section of nekros builds.

    The equilibrium/vitality stuff doesn't really work like you would hope, it can be ok on low tier but not at all endgame, and you need Rage and Quick Thinking to make it work at moderately high level.


    I personally feel shadows and Soul Punch are throw away skills if you talking end game levels.  Some still like Shadows, but the way i've modded for desecrate Shadows becomes a bit weak.

    I've Forma'd my aura to a -- bar, I use energy siphon when solo or for most random runs.  "end game" or full team survival on Ceres or ODS and T3/4 survival go with Corrosive Projection at least one other on the team should have that and the other two same or rifle amp.  By the time it is important there are so many enemies energy balls are not in short supply, just keep desecrating.


    Fear - under-appreciated IMO

    Redirection and Vitality - mine are not maxed because I need to forma 2 more times to do that and just haven't.

    Natural Talent because Desecrate is a slow animation, and hell fear should be more instant

    Fleeting expertise maxed and Streamline at 2 (or 3 never remember what gets you to 75% the efficiency cap) Fleeting shortens the duration which is actually good for Fear.

    Stretch - a lot of builds also have Overextended, I find Stretch to be plenty of range for the desecrate if everyone is killing at least near everyone.  For some defense maps I have a Separate build that has Overextended and gets rid of Fear, I then have to go with a near zero rank Vitality, also E-Siphon on that build.

    Intensify - good for fear to grab more targets, actually without Intensify the power is pretty - meh at best

    Flow - because I absolutely spam 3, even in the times I can fill up on energy I want to be more full.


    As far as Soma, however many forma it takes for this:


    I trade Infected Clip for Hellfire for Radiation against Grineer. 




  5. ESC



    If that's the case, the description should reflect that. It implies that it comes back after being destroyed.




    Coming back with 1 hp doesn't make sense; if it died suddenly the circumstances more than likely just ensures a quick second death. You both made the case that this mod is effectively useless, if this is in fact how it works.



    This is the case, and pretty much as it has always been.  The description has always been misleading.

    99% of the time regen is useless because whatever did enough damage that brought it down, ends up killing it after the HP return anyway.


    It might be better if it worked more like the current description after a bit of a delay.

  6. And now you experience the glory of pvp gameplay.

    How sweet it is.


    What i always suggest when poeple quit matches..... every time you do you get a debuff that wont let you enter another match for 5 minutes. So the more you do it the more it builds up so you are going to have to balance it or else you can end up with a 30 minute wait.

    I've always been a fan of this type of thing, also making it scale so that multiple rage quits results in increasing debuff time.


    They better not nerf warframes cause of PVP. I am sick of PVP becoming a huge factor in changes cause some PVP morons.

    Every thing that is done to frames and powers and weapons for conclaves have been conclave only.  Don't worry those bad old PVPers aren't going to be touching you in bad places if you don't want them to.


    S#&$ content is S#&$. DS PvP conflicts need to be removed or simply optional until DE employs someone who knows how to make a game.

    Well, DarkSectors are optional. 

  7. I think he is trying to say the XP from ODD has been nerfed and it isn't fair to new players because that was all that mattered in the game was leveling all of your gear with as little effort as possible quite quickly.  Now it is a little harder, and less XP?


    I"m not 100% sure but it does seem like OP needs to relax a bit and try and play to enjoy more of the game.

  8. Well that sounds like some S#&$ luck, I guess a ton of people were running it. 


    It can be frustrating, but I've learned to accept it. Perhaps that's why I don't think it's a big deal. We'll see if DE does anything about it.

    It isn't just bad luck, it is a #*($%%@ up system.

    The battle pay needs to be subtracted from the reserve and then RESERVED for those who are actually in the mission, that way if you are playing to support a rail offering a certain pay, then you actually get paid.  If it were done this way then you could watch the reserve amount go down, and know if you click accept and run the mission you know you are getting paid.  If it ticks down before you click ok, then you know you aren't getting paid.

    It is something DE can fix, and it has needed to be fixed for the entire time the rails have been around.

  9. I did notice the fan was slightly loose (like, pressing it might lodge it a bit?), but the thing is, it sounds like the fan spins normally, if not faster/better.

    Pretty sure that's the case since, at those high temperatures, it kind of sounds like a jet. Oh and I can slightly feel the vibrations (first time that's happened), but maybe i'm just deluding myself since the fan does sound a bit different then.

    Basing off what you said though, you're implying that the lube.....slowed my fan down? eh?

    (Bit more context for the prior problem - i simply hit the side vent area to, uh, "rebalance" the fan i guess, so the sound isn't audible. Temps weren't as high either).

    Not that lubing it slowed it down, just that lubing it is preventing it from making the sound that is indicating that it has gone bad.  The lube didn't make anything better or worse it just covered up the symptom letting you know.  Like putting black tape over a warning light.  The warning light isn't the problem, and covering it up doesn't address the problem, just lets you ignore it.


    I dealt with fans a bit a while ago, and funny I don't remember everything I had learned when I did it, but basically the motor spins but there is connections with the magnets that wear out, or something along those lines.  The motor spins but fails to transfer the movement to the fan's spindle and thus the blades.  The clicking is basically the fan spindle rattling rather than spinning, or spinning slowly with no real power.


    As far as the update, I went back to the original U14 notes to look.  And basically it just said Optimized CPU performance and several lines about upping performance on lower end PCs and certain tiles.  There were certainly changes made, and I think it was clarified in the last Dev Stream but don't recall exactly what they said.

  10. I'll have to admit, I renamed Warframe.exe to Ember.exe because I have a similar issue, though slightly different.

    (Running a laptop)



    (If anyone can explain why the following may be the case, do tell)

    Recently I've noticed my fan "clicking"; just today I've decided to open up my laptop (warranty aside - already expired) and investigate it myself. On the way I've seen 2 years of dust everywhere "All over the prestine insides" (heh ordis) and brushed that off. After getting to the fan, I simply added lube to it, let it rest for a bit, and reassembled. Clicking = poof; fan seems normal......


    Before all of this (still in U14), if I ever overheated (reach ~85℃ on CPU cores), I'd finish the mission and wait in my ship for it cooldown. It's still possible now, but it actually reaches that threshold just by doing that to begin with!

    Question being: why would the laptop have a harder time cooling down when i've cleaned out the insides of dust? (I couldn't have brushed off the thermal paste - didn't even touch that).


    ^ THat aside, before/after it, warframe was indeed running hotter than ever before for me in U14.

    Could be that lubing up the fan masked the problem rather than fixing it.  The clicking sound is basically the little fan motor failing.  It would spin a little then not, or it is just not spinning properly and is off center a bit.  You lubed it and it still spins but not fast enough, but now you can't hear it struggling.


    Not saying 100%, but there is a good chance your fan is failing and simply not doing its job.  Generally dusting out the insides will help everything run better/cooler.

    Fans in laptops are a bit funny, that when they start to go bad and your CPU/GPU starts to heat is not good for the fan physically just like everything else in side.  Fan starting to go bad, comp gets hot, fan gets worse, computer gets hotter...

  11. I believe it's Mastery Rank and not frame rank. The assassins will not or should not, don't remember which, attack players under Mastery Rank 5. If you are anywhere above that then if you have a death mark from them, they will attack you. But I could be mistaken.

    No, it is frame rank, and yes it is 5.


    They will not target you means that when the dice roll at the start of the mission goes to see if you will have one of the assassins come for you, one of the checks is if your frame is above level 5.  If it is not then you are not a target.  IF they do happen to spawn in on another player, once they are in the mission everyone is fair game, no real change to their behavior based on your frame at that point.  It is all about the initial call.

  12. I thought part of U14 was a performance pass that moved some of the load off of the GPUs and onto the CPUs.  They mentioned something in the live stream or another vid that talked about some of the Y2K style mistakes like having the client load in every single weapon in the game even if you were never going to use/see it. 


    2 things.  1 if they did move some of the games operating load onto the CPU then, yes it will be running hotter, BUT it should not overheat your computer unless you are destined to be having issues.

    Think of this as more of an early warning rather than a failure of the game not running properly. 

    Cleaning your laptop would be first.  Checking that your CPU fan/fans are running.  Get a cooling pad or some other way to increase the airflow through the computer isn't compromised.  Check the thermal paste on the heat sinks.

  13. Please keep the volatile runners exploding when shot. It actually makes them useful for something and makes infested more difficult

    as long as we can get something left over to desecrate it would be ok, but for now it is an issue in farming and a bigger issue in infested survival considering the number of mobs these represent and they are unable to be desecrated at all.  The number of health orbs and life support that is not being created is noticeable and significant.

  14. well..


    I sell 1000 sandwhiches every 12 hours.


    everybody lines up and waits for their sandwhich.


    the 1001st person waited just as long as the first person. I'm sorry but you don't get a sandwich. Life just isn't that fair.

    Horrendously bad analogy is plain stupid.


    If you are standing in line you can see all the people in front of you.  And this isn't just about standing in line. 


    They made it somewhat better showing a reserve but that still doesn't solve the issue.  You have NO idea how many battle pays are in front of you.

    Plain and simple the battle pay needs to be subtracted from the bank when the mission is accepted and the reserve amount shown goes down every time a new person enters the match, then when you finish you get your pay.  If you fail or DC or quit or abort or whatever the money is returned to the pot.  It is plain and simple bullS#&$ that there is a battle pay listed, you run a mission and get zero at the end.  If you see the battle pay reserve counting down, you can hurry or see that it is gone and not play for it.

  15. Argon crystals are fine, man Argon is a noble gas and I think it's not supposed to form crystals.


    Ar can crystallize but it is pretty damn cold.  I've used liquid Ar plenty for different lines of work and it is pretty similar to liquid nitrogen but even colder, like dry ice, it sublimates, goes from solid directly to gas since the pressure and temperature conditions to keep it liquid is pretty extreme as well.


    Anyway.  Having one resource degrade and need small amounts is not a big deal at all.  The amount i've seen float away with nothing to spend it on is pretty large, and I'm not exactly a hardcore player.

    As long as it doesn't move to more and more like it I don't see a problem.


    As far as Kubrow goes I haven't made one since I haven't had much time to jump through the hoops since the update, but that is kind of a lot of credits on a regular basis.  I know the game needs a credit sink, but i just blew through a million right before the update on some large trade taxes and fusing some high ranked mods.

    And since Kubrow are on earth and something low level players are going to look at, that is a LOT of credits.

  16. @ Disciple: The power duration was the core of Trinity. All the power duration mods maxed out on her, including the helmet for 75 plat that increased power duration and decreased health, aren't useful anymore. If you built your warframe around power duration, then you have to rebuild the entire mod set for the warframe because of the nerf and all that comes with it. That's too much of a change in my eyes. It changes the warframe, not just nerfs her. It's not that I can't accept it. I just don't see myself playing her much anymore when all the new warframes are conveniently OP. I don't want to invest in her again, but maybe I'll come around. Ha.

    I kind of agree, but it isn't really a nerf.  Yes I maxed Narrow Minded specifically for Trinity so it feels a bit like a gut punch seeing that in my inventory and knowing it is useful, but just not on any of the frames I use.


    Search for Trinity in the players helping players section there are some good threads with suggestions on play style and builds.  I can't say I enjoy the new play style much but she is still really powerful and in the right hands I can absolutely LOVE having a trinity on the team.  In T4 and the like she allows everyone to carry rifle amp and/or corrosive projection instead of defaulting to energy siphon.  In the right hands she also is a great healer, she just doesn't make everyone perma invincible.

  17. As a last... "complaint" I also wish to state that people may have maxed the mod in favour of something like Focus Energy, which is now superior to Shocking Touch despite also being easier to max out.


    This has always been the case actually

  18. I ran an Alad V right after the update, before the first hotfix, thinking the four legged pest might be zanuka rather than jackal.  It was brutal.  I was in a group of randoms, but yeah it was as if it were nightmare.  I stomped and he was out of suspension before I could get Alad V's shield down, the whole team was wiped and two of us used revives while we were abused in chat by someone who also died but didn't use a revive, for being the "worst team ever.  Anyway I spent all 4 revives and no one else respawned, got him down to a sliver of health.  My iron skin was gone within moments of applying it, several times.


    Went back and tried a couple more times solo, kiting zanuka around and simply could not get him down, I couldn't get away from him long enough to get AladVs shields down.  Basically unlimited dispel.  I'm pretty sure he has always had that power.

    I'm not sure if it was bugged out over board level scaling or if that was the intended level.

    Went back right after the first hotfix, solo and downed them both in 1/2 second with a non-forma boltor prime. 


    Not sure about the scaling, but i'm 99% sure Zanuka has always had a dispel, in fact i don't recall exactly but it may have been right before that event when he was introduced that the stalker gained the same power.

  19. I"m putting together a large new UI feedback post, and this point really highlights a lot of what I think is a major part of the issues.

    It seems like it was added in after the fact, like oops we forgot about this, well shove it in there somewhere.

  20. I could like the new UI more than the old.  But I don't yet, there are many issues.  Mod screen is a disaster, navigation screen, planets look nice but the mission choice is clunky at best.  I still think a star chart is better than the circular planet thing but don't need the old one.


    But really... people just hate change.

  21. I simply have not been able to play a group mission with randoms.  Host DC's and we get kicked back to the ship, someone is lagging so bad the mission never starts, we finally do get to the end of a mission and then it just spins out and never gets to the end of mission screen.

  22. Sometimes exploits are integrated into the game, like coptering, and as Steve has related it, skiing in Tribes1.  It was a bug/exploit that ended up defining the game, and rocket jumping and such.


    Other things a dev team can say don't fit with the vision and design of maps and the game and they are fixed/patched out.


    Sucks because I use it all the time, but also nothing I did with that is impossible without it, but certainly makes some things harder.

  23. I disagree. Warframe is a free to play game full of trolls and people would absolutely cherish the opportunity to spam others with macros if they were given the chance.

    /ignore playername problem solved


    i've played Tribes1 with maps of 120 people the spamming can get bad, but also can be part of the fun, same goes for Tribes 2 with 60 players and Tribes ascend with 30 and Planetside 1 with hundreds in an area.

    All had some great and useful voice macros with a system that all started with Tribes 1.


    Warfame has 4 other Tenno you are dealing with.  1 spammer every several matches isn't really a problem.

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