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  1. Bleeding Body Ephemera shows all black / very dark colored bubbles regardless of the colors used for attachments. This applies to many of the warframes I've tested this on. Changing the colors to another color and back to the original I was using, does not change the color of the currently solid black bubbles.
  2. "Network not responding" "Could not update account information. Retrying in 30." stuck in loop after a relic mission
  3. I want to start by saying I am a decently experienced player with 4500 hours in the game currently sitting at LR2 and wanted to give some thoughts that I took the time to put into writing, hoping DE / the Warframe team would get a chance to see if enough players agreed with my thoughts and or suggestions. As someone who does all types of content and actually tries to enjoy Hydroid, below are some of my thoughts. Most of these were noted in my Notepad app, so please mind some grammatical errors and such. NOTES: 'Press & Hold' abilities are unfortunately inconvenient (hydroid has 2 of these), especially in higher level missions. I would love to see the 'hold' completely removed and just press to use the ability. As a Hydroid enjoyer, I love the theme and visual effects of his abilities, though other warframes tend to perform his role better. That being said, slight tweaks and additions to his abilities could make him hopefully more fun and convenient to play. passive: enemies affected by hydroids abilities suffer additional effects based on the type of status the enemy takes ie electricity: enemies take additional electric damage when wet from hydroid's abilities and chain damage to nearby enemies cold: enemies suffer radial cold damage in an X radius, and possibly freezing all nearby enemies solid for X amount of time Ability 1 Tempest Barrage: A cool ability but again, one of the 'press & hold' abilities that is just inconvenient. I wouldn't mind using this ability more often if I didn't have to hold the button down. Even with extra casting speed, the 'hold' just unfortunately ruins the flow of a warframe's kit. Ability 2 Tidal Surge: With 1 slight tweak I think this ability could still be very cool and convenient to use, and that is to remove hydroid from the 'surge' itself. Why not just have Hydroid send off a giant 'tidal surge' wave at enemies, doing exactly what it does currently, maybe with some additional damage. Ability 3 Undertow: This very unique ability reminds me of when I first unlocked Hydroid, and why I really care to see him want to be played more often that he is currently. As for tweaks, I think removing Hydroid once again from the ability itself, would make this ability more convenient to use. With the overguard addition to Warframe, even changing the invulnerability to adding some overguard for him and his teammates when he uses this ability I believe would make him more useful and convenient to play. Again I want to stress that I think the idea of sinking enemies is very cool, but the ability just doesn't do enough currently. Ability 4 Tentacle Swarm: This is why and how Hydroid is known. "Tentacle daddy". This super awesome and unique ability is still I think one of the coolest looking abilities in the game. Though once again, a 'press & hold' ability that becomes more inconvenient due to the 'hold'. For tweaks, I'd start by obviously removing the 'hold' and just like ability 1, reap the full benefits of the ability with the press of a button. Now I personally do not mind this part, but have heard from other players that another inconvenience of this ability is the fact that the tentacles slip and slap around obnoxiously while holding the enemies that you're trying to shoot. When being compared to something like Khora's Strangledome, Khora's dome is nowhere near as obnoxious when holding and slapping enemies around while they're crowd controlled. To finish, I may also change the additional magnetic proc from this ability to maybe whatever emissive color your Hydroid is using at that time ie yellow=electric red=fire etc. If all of Hydroid's abilities get reworked from the ground up, I wanted to add some cool things I thought of that may be cool to see... An ability where Hydroid puts up a gigantic tsunami wall that stays in place for a duration. Maybe this can block projectiles? An ability where Hydroid summons water elementals or even fish / ocean creatures to do a specific thing (not just attack things) An ability involving a trident of some sort, possibly throwing down for a buff like some other weapons in the game do. Why during underwater missions does Hydroid still use an archwing??? I mean c'mon, he is literally Aquaman... If you've gotten this far, thank you very much for taking the time to read.
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