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Posts posted by Unimira

  1. I've been playing the new Railjack missions and every time I land anywhere sentinel dies from random aoe (really bad in the sentient outpost) or pet runs off and dies in 1-2 hits from anything. The only way I've been able to keep sentinels/pets alive is by using stealth.

    I'm wondering if companions are intented to be about as durable as soggy paper or if I just should go stealth in every mission if I want them alive?

  2. Frequenty crash in Veil Proxima with the same Assertion Failure error, not sure about earlier planets since I haven't farmed them enough.

    Log says:


    Sys [Error]: Couldn't create ship /Lotus/Types/Game/CrewShip/Ships/DeepSpace/GrineerDSDestroyer because there are no free ship slots.

    Error [Info]: Assertion Failure

    Happens every few missions but only for the host, clients can continue mission after host migration.

  3. Please let us keep collected resources/mods/wreckage even when abandoning missions, lost a crapton of stuff having to abandon bugged missions and it's seriously eating into my fun.




    Wreckage has a bit too wide range between min and max values in my opinion, the other Mk III I have has almost 4x Flux and 5x Avionics capacity

    Finally I'd prefer that scrapping wreckage gave useful resources instead of Dirac, would give a bit of value to trash rolled wreckage...

    • Like 1
  4. Also confirmed, seems host get whatever beat I have set but I as client only get the default one

    On 2019-12-14 at 6:58 AM, GodTheAlmighty said:

    Confirmed. Octavia is unplayable 😞

    It's impossible to play Octavia in any mid/high level content at the moment as the default song is way too inconsistent on the beats

    Illustrates a problem with Octavia, hitting the beats is way too strict and missing one makes you lose charge towards the buff.

  5. Crew ships and silly enemy speed makes me not even consider the other Archwings, need invulnerability to not get one-shot past Saturn and you also need to be able to empty the entire magazine into enemies to kill them in Veil.

    Also for the Crew Ships, it's not actually the forward gun that deals silly damage but the side turrents. Actually give me one of those for my railjack, homing aoe flak with good firerate is better than anything I can equip 😞

  6. Repaircosts are way too high, I've cleared almost everything (missing 3 nodes in Veil Proxima) as well as farmed some nodes plenty of times and can barely afford a single Mk II repair.

    At the same time I have more Dirac that I can spend (literally can't use it, all slots and mods I use are maxed) so perhaps move some of the cost of repairing stuff to this?

  7. Encountered this with Infested Ancients too, they lose interest in attacking and barely bother to respond even when I shoot at them. Also had the issue in Corrupted Defense, enemies would just hide behind cover and remain there.

    I played solo Frost every time so Titania probably isn't responsible.

    Edit: Remembered the same thing happened in a Sortie Defense when I got the defense target stuck with Lokis Switch Teleport, the issue may be that enemies lose track (or fail to find path to) of the target.

  8. Bullet jumping (slide -> bullet jump -> mid-air roll -> slide combo) is probably what I like most about this game. It makes moving around enjoyable and doesn't really do anything else than allow faster movement for all frames, why complain about going fast anyways?

    Perhaps make sprint speed also affect normal movement to make it somewhat useful but keep bullet jumping, DE isn't Blizzard so they don't have to nerf fun.

  9. Use Loki with Switch Teleport to move him wherever you want, add the immunity augment to make it extra easy. He will still try to kill himself but at least you have some control over where he goes, in a party the Loki will probably have to play babysitter for the entire game while the rest is clearing mobs.

    Laggy hosts may cause Switch Teleport to drop him off the map and fail the mission though...

  10. I usually do arbitrations solo without Nekros.

    Find a corridor that isn't connected to a big room from more than one direction and stay there (starting area is often good enough), may have to activate a lifesupport (or three) in a 30 min game but usually spawns are enough to keep going.

    Infested are best though, the other factions try to find cover which forces you to go find them which spreads out the spawns. This is my problem with Survival, moving around is bad but standing in one spot for even 30 minutes is extremely boring. Would prefer much more aggressive mob repositioning (like in Killing Floor 2 where they are in your face all the time) rather than just increasing numbers.

  11. Wish the things didn't give mastery past 30, having to burn 5 formas just to be able to vendor trash weapons isn't something I enjoy. MR doesn't matter much but I want to complete stuff I start on, extra important with Kuva weapons because of the RNG involved in getting them. Currently not touching Liches at all, it's not like I need anything from them...

    I do worry that this is something we can expect to see more of in the future (or if DE has financial trouble to warrant increasing pressure on the store).

  12. 21 minutes ago, nawjauhg said:

    To """fix""" the nukers you have to fix the entire game and rework the entire enemy roster to not be 50 brainless mobs running at you at all times. Take notes from Killing Floor or some other good horde shooter and add variety to the enemy types instead. Nox is a good addition but it's just one unit.
    Cooldowns, nerfs and other things won't change anything but will make the game progressively worse.


    Going around killing enemies one by one is just tedious when they all have the same set of abilities and die in 1-2 hits anyways. The AI for non-Infested mobs is extra annoying too since they tend to hide behind obstacles and just sit there until you go looking for them, it's mostly for these enemies I want a map clearer (and corpus Moas, I hate those things).

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