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Posts posted by Histori

  1. 52 minutes ago, AzureTerra said:

    Knowing when it has been helps extrapolate when it could next be, its been out recently so possibly not for a long while yet and i would hazard a guess that the next time its out it would be a Baro offering

    Hope so, they said that Braton Vandal will be exclusive but u can still get it .

  2. This is "free to play Beta" where game kinda forces you to buy in-game currency "platinum" if you don't want to waste a lot of your time.

    I don't like this to loooooong Beta stage and i think that this game will stay in Beta for a long time.

    Look at Day Z the game is still in Alfa i think for long time to, DE's like there games in Beta they got better control of things i guess.

  3. I dunno World Cup in Brasil starts in few hours and DE is just making this game less enjoyable they only know how to screw up the players, maybe they find this funny when the do it over and over again,or they just know how to do it right. I'll stick with WC for now, reading all the topics and posts about this new grindfest make's me not even download this %%$& .

    GL to all of blind playerbase, and i must say this game was great once i want to remember it like that so i want to quit.

    GL DE with money making.

  4. I remember that Shade was best sent in game and Acrid best gun eventually the nerf it,i've invested a lot time and forma to get those things to max Shade is broked that 10 sec cooldown is just ret...

    And then they interduced Brakk so again i've spend a lot of forma and time to get it to max after week or so they nerfed it a little bit, now we got Boltor prime and som other weapons i don't want to tell you which ones but they are powerful eventualy they are just making OP weapons so that players can spend forma and when they do they just nerf old weapon and interduce new that is way better and people start crying on forums, this whole thing is just going in circle.







    WOW you got a lot games that are more fun and enjoyable to play and there are not "free to play" i see that spend a lot of money in Steam though, why do you play "free to play" game rather that other games that you bought.

  6. HD6Io2V.gif



    You are just a sad lonely guy that want's a little attention, so sad.

    I get the picture but the sad thing is hat guys like you use those weapons against max 30 level mobs and then normal thing is that those weapons are OP to you wile other players use them against harder mobs,play yours casual things there's a lot of weapons to chose from.

  7. FIX'D



    Yea sad picture you take that weapons and that set up and you call that OP, look he's playing against level 1 mobs, no words for guys like you really.

  8. Honestly, I would rather see new frames than re-releases of existing frames in a new skin.


    Look at how overhyped Loki Prime currently is. 


    Yet we all know it is basically the same Warframe with the same abilities under a different skin. All the work put into primes are simply redundant.

    I will like to see them as a skins or something rather that this ones same by only painted with gold, i need another slot for something that is just painted.

  9. Boltor will always be Op to the Braton cus it's shooting bolts and there's a lot of different weapons in WF by damage type, clip size, reload speed, recoil or even ones that need higher MR and there will always be a weapons that are different or Op that other ones.

    And som of the weapons costs more resources and credits to build that other weapons so making them all the same as you said balance them is not a good idea IMO.

    There is a a lot of weapons to chose from so play or use the one that you like the most.

  10. So you DO like to cheat at solitaire... Your opinion is moot and pointless now. Thank you, drive through. 

    I like to play survival 1 hour yes and i like to play high end defence and you call that a cheat.

    You are just a guy that from forest can't see the tree and i really don't want to discuss with you anymore i feel it's just waste of my time.Good luck.


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