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Posts posted by Anduvriel

  1. 1 minute ago, Highresist said:

    Why would you ever do that?

    Thats why no one sane without a capable build is doing uber elder in Poe. 

    And a reason to do it is simple cause its really hard, thou one might argue about fun. The greatest reward that game is supposed to ever give you is fun and challenge. Thats what you pay for. 

    If you don't remember that, you can get stuck in a cycle of grind to accumulate so much opie cheese shyt its hard to challenge you. Most single player games have that after like 30 hours. Online games pushed the bar higher so we have huge expectations, but i kinda understand where i am, 1300 hours in warframe, it will be really difficult to challenge me and create something fresh.

    I can see True difficulty only possible in human interaction, the rest will probably last a day or two or will be almost impossible for most of the starting community and called uber endgame. I would like to have Such aspiring content even if i wouldn't be able to do it at first, but the problem is, what will happen if only 1% of players will ever play it? Raids where played by 2% and they werent even hard.. (loved them btw).

    How much resources should DE put into it? They are a company.. It kinda works for PoE in that way that streamers go ham hardcore on endgame content for 12h per day that is heavily gated by grind or trading, people watch it, try to aspire, play the game more..

    But will it work here? I don't know. They tried with wolf, he was harder to kill, you had to adapt a bit, sometimes when unprepaired use an ammo plate or stack some combo counter and the community hated it and he did scale with mission level. In no way extremely difficult, just hard. Harder grind? Look at the cosmetic mask or ephemeras.. They had to adjust those droprates and they were not that bad tbh (i have 5 crafted ephemeras and i am not a crazy grinder and i have terrible luck) 

    If they put new difficulty whining starts that why would anyone play it if rewards are the same. If they are not the same whining for nerf will come even faster. DE fix, unplayable. True endgame, new raids for example.. Same thing.. Maybe as a whole community, or the average tenno we dont really want aspiring content. 

  2. Just now, Highresist said:

    How can you even compare the 2. Eidolon is a "Stack VS - 1 shot the shield, Chroma 1 shot the joint, repeat". Uber Elder has 8 different types of attacks that you should avoid and 2 add phases with half of the boss abilities in between. There is nothing in common between the 2 things. One is a boss encounter that represents a real danager of failing, the other is "how fast can I kill that thing, so I can do more runs in one night cycle". Give me a break 😄 . I can discredit everything after that statement, because it just ruined your credability.

    I compared uber elder fight for an average Poe player to a solo tridolon capture with banshee and a mote amp.

    Sick challenge isnt it?

    Is tridolon hard? Nah when you cheese it in party... or as Uber is cheesed with uber farming builds that laugh from everything he throws at them, i am waiting for snooze afk build for it.

    Read before judging .

    And Gary and Harry have a lot of attacks, most will oneshot you. You just probably never did a solo tridolon 🙂

    • Like 2
  3. 3 minutes ago, Atekron said:

    maybe cos path of exile is a pile of unoptimized garbage? maybe most players quit not cos difficulty but from frustration of constant freezes, glitches, crushes, disconnects?

    maybe cos about 10% can run this game with satisfactory performance level?

    I understand you fully, played this season as well, at least tried. The statistics are from few leagues ago, the developer themselves gave them somewhere,.. like one from previous league i "loved" - 40% average time spent in hideoutXd. 

    And sry for putting so much of PoE here, dont want to derail the topic, just i see it as a great opportunity to show how a game that basically is build around what OP wants fails in it and why and how it can be used in the disscussion about warframe.

    I really feel after probably like 2k hours in Poe and 1.3k in warframe, around 2k in d3 and many in other looters that the only way to produce challenge is through self noncheesing and mechanical/timing challenges of party play. 

  4. 1 minute ago, Highresist said:

    I disagree. PoE has mechanics that are so hard hitting, you can't ignore them. The whole idea of the game was to have boss encounters that do not end with "I'm going to kill you in 3 seconds" (even though here and there the crawles out a build that do, cough cough Divine Ire, cough). Uber elder is a grueling and unfair fight that people take pride in doing it deathless. 500+ Depth Aul will kick your ass even as the most min-maxed character if you try to ignore his mechanics. PoE has a great balance of a lot of one-shotable trash and encouters that need skill and knowledge, something that Warframe lacks and desperately needs.


    The best way to farm currency in PoE is with 5-6 people parties. I have over 1k hours in PoE, with 96-98 characters in 4 different leagues and altough most of the content is soloable, partying greatly benefits the players, something that Warframe again fails to balance. Partying in Warframe is mandatory if you want to be efficient, while in PoE it is mandatory only if you want to be cutting edge.


    I dont agree, there is actually no difference.

    Bombards lvl 3000 are far more hard hitting than any hard hitting thing in Poe or any Aul 500. They oneshot you 3000 times XD. I know Poe advertising, the great idea, it is long gone.. Same as in warframe, i imagine it was a difficult game when it started. Uber elder is cheese on the developer side. There is nothing difficult about it nor requiring skill, just basic abilities like be in, not out of this gigantic circle. It has a gear and build check ofc same as.. an eidolon. Take banshee with mote and do a tridolon solo. That is your uber elder right there for an average warframe player, undoable.. almost? If you do that you can be proud.. And i mean it. 

    Grindy to get cheese? Aye. Difficult with cheese..? Nah. Difficult without cheese? Aye as much as you want them to be. 

    Does 99% of the community in Poe and warframe use 1 to maybe 2 buttons to destroy everything? Aye.

    Does all but literally few endgame bosses are getting one shot and only because they have stages or similar disabling mechanics? Aye. 

    Are there cheesing mechanics that most of endgame community use to cheese all danger besides oneshots? Aye. 

    Is basically the only threat in the game forced on you with ridicolous one shots that basically cant be skillfully dodged most of the time? Aye

    Same games regarding difficulty. No skill, just knowledge and grind. Poe just requires more of both and instead of time gating like wf, gates content with huge amount of grind or trading as it is the "hardcore" one. 

    Party play is non existant in Poe. Its running simulator where you mostly are not even allowed to kill if you are not the quantity culler, thats endgame, and lower is a shytstorm of fireworks that makes you want to puke eyeballs out.. that is similar to volt capture speed running competition if volt had triple the speed, equinox damage and range and mobs exploded in mirage discoballs. Warframe has 100 times better party play than Poe which has the worst out of any looter i played. 

    Tldr. If you want challenge dont use cheese.. Every looter is easy (and tastes good ;p) with cheese. And warframe can be actually difficult if you dont resort to opie stuff. 

    The only thing i want is something like raids so there is more endgame party activties. Maybe difficulty lvls for enemy scaling and its fine. Looters dont have overcomplicated AI that will challenge your "skill" that just scales poorly with better and better gear as when you oneshot stuff its AI.. Well doesnt matter. 



  5. That is the main theme thou no one will ever say it is.

    Warframe is not a hardcore looter, its a casual looter. 

    The difference is quite simple actually. You can compare 2 successful grind games that strive to be on those polars. Path of exile - wants to be the hardcore looter, Warframe the casual one. Both are f2p. 

    In warframe anyone basically can see and play almost all of the content excluding minor things, so endgame is like 5% of the content. In Poe its the other way, statistics show that 90% of its playerbase have not even seen 90% of the content.

    This changes drasticaly the way content is created and how endgame works. Droprates for rare in warframe are around 5% in PoE around 1/3000 or less.

    In both games enemies are easy if you have the knowledge and difficult if you don't, and both require almost zero skill like.. well most looters do.

    In both endgame content is easy if you put enough hours to the grind and aquire cheesy gear that is in abundance. The only difference is that in Poe you either grind 10 times more for it or play the trade game as a madman.  

    I have yet to see a difficult content in a looter, based on skill and i think.. It wouldn't be apreciated by the playerbase. If it was really wanted it would be here already.

    You have difficult content in both games if you stop using cheesy mechanics that are there for people that dont want challenge. Its quite simple actually.

    What i think warframe could improve and get better is endgame party content. The only mode right now specially designed for full party is eidolons. Its not enough imo, thou Poe has none XD.. literally. 

    • Like 2
  6. I did play a lot during Nightwave, lvl46 almost and have seen wolf 10 times actively looking for him. 9 rewards were mods that i have in hundreds. 1 sledge head and thats it. Day before yesterday i bought the weapon. It is my first and only mr giving item in the game that i have obtained by buying and not farming (mr27) which "was" my personal goal. I did it because there is only a week remaining and i dont trust my awesome luck that when he gets even more rare (or disapeares completely) i will get the rarest parts.. and i didnt want to pay 1-2kp someone in few months, might as well do it today. 

    Whenever they introduce new boss i dread that it will have those hated stupid rng mr weapons that will leave me in despair for years of war with broken myself - buy and brake my rules or stay like i stay in forever despair(lessness).. 

  7. I honestly think that the changes are in the wrong direction. No one wants less choices that will be more rewarding, ergo more required to completes something. Its not less is more its just less is now more crucial. 

    I would go the very opposite. Give us 100's of options and scale the standing. Bare with me:

    Lets say i just started the game i am running low level missions i get 10 series standing for every mission i do, if i go to survival it starts to scale: 10 first 5 minutes, 15 for 10minutes etc...  

    I am vet only doing long survivals. I do 3h mot i get 20000 standing, i have all the captures, invansions in total disregard i dont have to do them at all. 

    And on top of that challenges that are more gimmicky that reward you with added standing, changed weekly. No "put forma" , "equip a weapon" , do sorties with friends, but similar to those that unlock rivens with many dificulty brackets. The top ones almost impossible to do, the first ones challenging a bit to new players. Expotential curve , for 30 "easy" 5 "hard" 1 "super hard".

    You need to do 66,6% of the challenges and play around 66,6% of a normal newbie playtime to reach max standing for the whole event. For vets easy to max with they normal playthrough. After 30lvl the standing scales semi expotentially as well as the rewards. So 10k standing for 10k "kuva", than 20k for 20k kuva, than 40k ..1mln for 1mln and so on. After reaching lvl 40 you get a sekhara for that series and 3 rivens for weapons of choice. Lvl 50 is 10 rivens for the weapons of choice and a glowing sekhara and a "Nightwave series X destroyer" rank. Sekharas never returning again. 

    And on top 1 "series" normal and uber challenge lasting for the whole duration, uber being crazy difficult that spawns the boss of the event specially overtuned to ridicolous level not 1000 but 30000 with special properties, like immunity to True damage, % damage, status and cc and guarantees the special weapon and cosmetic drop from him with a unique skin and completes the whole 30lvl of the series in one go. Adds a sekhara and a rank of "Master ::boss:: Hunter " rank. The normal one lvl 1000 with same immunities., sekhara lower tier and "::boss Hunter" rank. Gives less completion only weapon no mask no unique skin. First should be almost impossible to do even by the very best of the vets, 2nd really hard for the vets, almost impossible for normal players. Boss still normally hunts and has its drop tables as they are now. 

    The amounts of rep and so on are examples. Please dont write 10k is too much, 1mln is too low. Not the point of my idea. 

    My point is you can accomodate the whole playerbase, their way of playing the game and give out rewards that will match their current point in the game if you try to do that. I really hate i need to do invansions to get just anything, a newbie will hate hunting a tridolon, you wont find a middle ground telling us what to do. Giving us something special for doing what we love, but doing it also with some quirks is imo a better way. Nightwaves are here so we play the game more.. Let us just do that and give players something to aspire. I personally want something where i can show off my accumulated power, knowledge and skill and have the bragging rights with a sekhara after i succeed. 

  8. 23 hours ago, (NSW)Sniperfox47 said:

    Not if you're a new player. A new player, the people who actually need wolf Creds cannot do the Elite challenges. 

    There is chat and shytload of helpful veterans that dont mind taking a newbie.

    I dont know, maybe i am different, but as a mr 5-10 player i was doing long 100m+ survivals, 6k cryo runs cause i needed all that shyt in tons and the vets they didnt mind, ty - - Q-'s. I did have to hide behind my "older brothers" backs against those 300lvl grineers, but it was awesome, different experience and i contributed as a frost for example. It felt great and i learned a lot. I remember taxi, recruit group resource farms, players helping eachother was a thing. In mmo coop if you cant beat something you find someone who can and learn from them or google the shyt out of it. If you want to get somewhere you put some effort into it. I have never said no to a newbie when he asked for help. Maybe it is just my experience with this game.. 

    Thats one and the second is you dont need the elite challenges to get to 30 lvl. If i recall correctly i needed things like slots far more than nitain as a new player and you can get 150 creds easily in 10 weeks with some effort which is 50 nitain.. Thats a huge amount. Not time gated as previously, just requires playing and some effort.

    It is true that getting everything from the series and all bps and large amounts of nitain and potatoes on top is.. hard even for vets as the later levels give only 15 creds which is lame to be honest, but you dont have to get everything right away. Its new alerts you can do them at your pace, when you actually have the time to play and they will return. Nothing really lost if you dont do that 60 minute survival. 

  9. 31 minutes ago, ThumpumGood said:

    I keep asking for a starting NPC level selector. Normal=mission untouched. Medium- NPC start at 100. Hard= NPC start 150 and insane=200. I agree that time is a factor in getting it to that level now, but isnt part of the challenge being able to slog thru all of that and come out the other side with the end challenge?

    It is a challenge and if you like it i am happy for you. Your idea, i am all for it. Doesn't block anyone, provides challenge. Superb. 

    For me thou playing for so long utilising same abilities and usually same melee combos without any scenery change nor any other change but numbers floating and mob levels gets boring kinda fast. As said till 100 minutes its kinda fun doing it from time to time, later it just gradually stops being fun starts to become work.. and if there is no chase or something to change the pace i kinda dont feel the fun part, only the work-grind part is there and this kinda stops me there as there are no rewards for doing so as well.

    I prefer shorter missions, if a heavy survival would last 10 minutes but really difficult i would prolly run those. The problem is the scaling would basically force me for certain combos of gear/playstyle which i might not like as well, but it would be far more likely to apeal to me. 

  10. 2 hours ago, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

    Without Nightwave this wouldn't be an issue at all. 

    This came from alerts. If you count in that what you really needed from them was nitain and few bps and you get enough standing to get 150 cred which is 3bps or 50 nitain for basically just playing the game for 10 weeks (those are early you dont need any elite done), which would probably net you similar or less nitain in old alerts and you get other really useful stuff for new players like slots on top of that.. The only gating is fashion here.. Which is.. well supposed to be gated. 

    I think nightwave is not a problem. The problem is everyone takes it as an event and wants to max it out.. When you dont have to. Those series will never stop, when this ends next is coming right afterwards and wolf is returning somewhere in the future,  everything will be obtainable later. This is new alerts, did you do all alerts, did you do even 10% of them?  I can tell you i didnt even bother looking there if there was no cata/reactor. 

    You are right that those missions are not really unique, but alerts were? It is an upgrade, not perfect as all things are, but an upgrade. I dont think you can convince me that alerts were better, they were garbage. 

    OP burned out from a different thing. He run just too many long survivals. It would burn me out as well. 

    They want also to reward those that dedicate themselves more than just doing anything and those get an umbral forma and some fashion. You dont need umbral forma:) as well as the fashion. To be honest its far more forgiving than i thought it will be. 

  11. 7 minutes ago, ThumpumGood said:

    This game is what you make it. If you arent being challenged, then you arent trying to be challenged.

    When you play with friends spiting as far as you can is fun. When you challenge yourself everything can be made challenging even sitting on a chair. 

    100 minutes in survival is enough for me to lose it, my brain shuts down and i fall asleep, i double checked. I could go there for days regarding ability, but i just cant stand something as repetetive for so long. Especially if there is no chase behind it and is it actually difficult? 

    With scaling starting earlier it might be a thing, but to be honest.. Scaling is bad in wf and still i wont be sitting there 100+ minutes. Fix for scaling is super difficult, requires tons of work as someone already tried to cover it here..

    And the worst part is de would probably actually lose a shyt load of players if half of the items they grinded for 1000 hours gets toned down even not that much (case of ember). There is outrage on each disposition nerf, each frame/weapon nerf is a huge backlash even if totally justified. 

    This game atracts a lot of players that want to be opie, hell even i love mesa and saryn. Look at how the game does in sales and number of players, if people really wanted a total nerf it would be there already. Thats the truth, but maybe not a sad one. Maybe that is what warframe is and should be. 

    That is why i think the only way to get difficult stuff is through coop teamplay means. Something not really intrusive for the casuals so they dont have high urge to do it, but still can get some of it (somewhere like raids before), something that elitist and hardcore will apreciate and what streamers can show on twitch cause that is actually really important for the devs and atracts players. Something that should be easy to develop as you dont have to overhaul everything for it and easy to keep fresh by just adding new ones. 

  12. Someone mentioned Path of exile as a game with difficulty, but it isnt, in any way, time scales stuff there, you need crazy amounts of grind and trade to get on a level where you still one shot endgame. They failed as well in it and they nerf things all the time. And talk about convoluted not newplayer friendly mechanics. What they acomplished thou is that only a small fraction of community bothers with that endgame, less than 10%. To put it in warframe perspective in Path you need to pay 200p to have a chance to kill a boss that has 20% to drop something you can sell for 1500p. Thats the "challenge" there. I dont want it here to be honest. 99,99% of stuff there is pure worthless shyt that you dissolve instantly to get more useless shyt or dont even pick up. 

    Grinding games by just plain idea cannot be really hard as you basically need to stomp that 1mln enemies to get your loot, that is basically the deal. You cant have meaningful mobs or the game would be something far off from a casual looter. And wf is a casual looter. Killing anything for a 150th time will be boring and repetetive and easy. 

    What they can do and should do is gating some of the content as pure endgame teamplay:

    1. mr 20+ locked, or by a solo some kind of test you have to take to unlock it to show you have the skill and game knowledge to do it. 

    2. arcanes are a good example of rewards here, in no way obligatory giving nice buffs and a good chase stuff.

    3. It should use eso tactics to put abilities on timers or other way to dissallow ability spam, like no warframe ability mods for frames can be used. 

    4. The thing should be big as an orb and basically require a team of 8 players to be there. I loved raids. They were easy if you knew what to do, but never easy with people that didnt and even than they were challenging at points. It was a good base of what endgame in wf could look like. 

    5. Mobs invulnerable or set spawn to ridicolous lvls really quick (no exp) , so you need cc for them or you die, that would enable all sorts of out of meta frames and ofc the meta would be there, but broader. In raids you had at least dozen of viable frames and few more that a skilled player could use. In no way every frame will be viable, its plain impossible or it will be to easy. 

    6. Boss similar to exploiter mechanics but with more in depth mechanics like, yeah throw thermia but also someone else needs to throw a bottle of sticky glue first so it stays on the armour and you also need to shoot it and someone else needs to keep some of his parts broken by shooting at them. And others need to take care of the mobs others need to keep the boss occupied shooting at them. Just mash many things together.

    What is fun and challenging imo in mmos is the coop part. Doing many things together, requiring all to do their part on a timer. If you switch off ability spam make it so you need to jump really well to get somewhere fast, and aim good you don't have to make something a sponge. Take what works in all those bosses and mash it together. Eidolons have really well designed weak spots that dont require ridicolous damage, exploiter has fun throwing and aiming mechanics with fun phase mechanics. They are not difficult, but if they are all set on tight cooldowns that presses the team to coordinate thats where wf difficulty can shine imo. It should have two or even 3 tiers thou, like normal, nightmare, arbitration nightmare so everyone can get to the fight and earn something but not all of players will be able to do the last tier. What i think should be 95%, 45%, 10% ratio of players that can do that.

    And you have an endgame that is hard. Will it be fun.. Depends on the team to be honest. Will the community like it? Hell no, too grindy, too hard, bad matchmaking, unplayable, whatever. Is it needed - desperately. There needs to be some chase for elitist always, right now wf doesnt really have that thus fashion frame and twitch shows what..? And btw put it on nightwaves, 5 runs per week allowed and you have something special you earn for completing a set through the nightwave series that is untradeable, has 3 tiers, and is never coming back. You just created endgame from everything that is/was in the game. 

    As someone said difficulty is an illusion, if you make something occupying 8 players that will have to coordinate to be successful it will be hard enough. Doesnt need to be 1000lvl. 

  13. And i am sitting here with lvl 45, no burnout.. XD My clanmates have the same. I did all of them except for 2 daily 1kers during my time offgame. 

    If you think its useless grind dont do it. Its a game for first, and you dont need umbral forma for 2nd, you dont need that armour, its not really that awesome at least for me (i got all of that dont use any). 

    1h survi can be a 1h kuva survi with some friends for shyts and giggles and kuva which is useful, be on discord, speak with eachother, that 1h will be gone before you realise. I can do that few times a week np. I do sorties everyday, cause as baro says "an ananas a day keeps zanuka away" so those i would just do normally . The rest were basically play a bit with something while doing your normal shyt and that is completely fine. The fishing and mining i disliked cause i have no use for any of that anymore.

    If you overloaded yourself and your clanmates with 60min survi all day long thats kinda easy to spot where the burnout comes from. Its not nightwaves fault.. 

  14. 1300hr ingame, mr 27.  The ones i cant forget. 

    No despair to this point.. I do have everyting else including ephemera. It is what the name suggests. I recently realised i am already fine with that 800p pack with it. Still havent bought it as i really wanted to farm all weapons and frames by myself as a personal goal. 

    I did 120+( i stoped counting at around 110, i felt it didnt help with my will to go again) t3 perfect spy runs solo for ivara bp. Droped 8 neuro or systems, what ever was there with bp in that time.

    More recent: I have 45lvl at nightwave, saw wolf 8 times total, 7 times common mods, 1 wolf sledge head part. 

  15. As a semi experienced eidolon hunter (100+hydros) and a teacher in my alliance i can say this is wrong on many levels. 

    1. To get basic stuff you can hunt terries in pub. Even 4 motes with any frames can do that easily, no one ever gets booted from terry runs, if you write just anything you will learn how to do that. Few nights and you get a 223 amp. With 223 you can easily do a 1-2x3 with no school on you. Thats not much work for what is supposed to be endgame. For sorties you need half of the maps and shyt load of quests done and noone is saying its too much work to unlock that. If you get into a decent clan you will also find people to help you with that. I post every night i am ingame on my alliance page that i am doing the hunt. I require nothing, i dont care about amp, school or frame nor weapons, the only thing i require is a will and ability to listen. 

    2. I will gladly carry and explain everything to anyone ingame as long as i know that someone needs and wants that. There is a huge difference between taking a mote amp as Harrow pretending you are stacking madurai for half of the fight than writing i lost stacks and get carried by others.. Or actually asking politely "i am a newbie, i know how to terry can you show me how to do the rest". For me and i think most of hunters its a gigantic difference. We can easily carry and explain when we know we are doing it and we run 3x3 chill runs. Just not when we want some challenge and are posting 5x3+ and we get pms from people with 1 terry kill. What did you think will happen? 

    3. I have never ever experienced a newbie shut down when he asked politely to be taught, but i did experience runs when trinity not telling anything died 4 times when catching lures and wasted a trio run before it really even started. Yeah it can be that bad.

    4. Just a tip if you are newbie already with terry experience and a useful frame and maybe some of the focus school done - write in trio capture. Tell everyone that you are here to learn and need some guidance, in 99% cases you will be astouned how good the community is. Some will leave but most will stay and show you the ins and outs and you will probably get few friends on your list for the next night. 

    If you are a newbie and you have troubles you can message me ingame (same nick) and i will help gladly. 

    If you don't write truth and want to be carried by random people on an endgame you are the problem, not the activity nor those that dont want to carry you. If you want to be carried all the way up it is also your problem, not the game nor the community. 

  16. 17 minutes ago, .OwOkin. said:

    if enemies die to spores after you shot them with your weapons

    will the xp goto your warframe or your weapon ?

    If the enemy dies to spores tick its ability, all goes to frame. Doesn't matter how much life the tick will take. 

    If your shot will kill (take out the remaining hp) it goes to weapon and frame evenly.

    You can easily tell when what happens initally cause when spores kill they do not spread themselves, when weapon/something else kills, spores spread. That is why its hard to spread spores on low level enemies. They kill them to fast and dont spread. 

    It kinda starts to work crazy by itself later, cause of spore detonation spreading, thats the chain reaction you can usually see. You can ignite it with your 4, miasma which is considered something else for the spores spread. 

  17. 12 hours ago, PhoenixFury said:

    You're wrong, though. I suppose I'll explain.

    If you go into ESO as a support Trinity and nobody else is a DPS frame, then it doesn't matter if you can't pull your weight because nobody can.  If you're an EV Trin and there is an Equinox, congratulations, Equinox will now kill everything better than Saryn can.  You'll look terrible, because you might get 6% damage, but as someone who actually does this, let me say that without EV your Equinox will not be popping Maim nearly as often, having to rely on Zenurik and being at the mercy of parasite eximi, a common feature of infested, which she essentially can kill by sneezing otherwise.  With infinate energy however, everything that dies contributes damage to everything dying again.  If you have two, congratulations you win forever.  They aren't carrying you, because without you they can't do nearly as much killing.  The extra killing they do is technically your killing.

    Hell without you everybody is at the mercy of parasite eximi. Except maybe Saryn, and that's only because spores is a cheap ability, as is her four with streamline.  Still she's going to struggle keeping her 3 up while spamming spores on unspored enemies and occassionally miasma-ing.  If you have a Mesa, well Mesa should've probably chose another frame, but she can 4 at will as long as Simaris allows it.  Saryn is popular in ESO not because she's good at killing things (I mean, she is, so yeah.) but because her abilities are pretty self-sufficient and not hard on energy.  She can also use rage and get her HP back reliably with her own kit (regenerative molt).

    Point is, Trinity's a force multiplier.  She multiplies force by allowing you to use your abilities freely, and I do mean freely. She also keeps you alive, gives you DR, and if you have quick thinking, even better.  She isn't supposed to kill 25% of the enemies, although she probably could if you actually let her, but you're Saryn/Equinox/Mesa/Whatever and doing eighty billion damage to everything in line of sight and most things that aren't.

    So no, Trinity isn't a DPS frame.  Obviously.  Unless she's got a Catchmoon anyway.

    I dont think i am wrong:)

    I know what trinity does. It is my beloved frame and when raids were a thing i was almost always trin in the squad. 

    The discussion here as i understand it, is not about what a meta premade builds roles are and how affinity works in such groups. What you wrote is totally true for a premade group, equinox, saryn and volt when built for top damage have usually 45% eff and they almost dont work without ev. Even my 4 forma saryn build for eso premade would suck without her. My volt and rhino cant cast even once without her. 

    The point i am making is when you go eso PuG with trin Ev with just 0lvl skana with no mods you are counting that a damage dealer will come for you to support, wheater he needs your support or not, which in my opinion is the definition of a responsible leech. The responsible part is cause you try to put something to the table. Your are generating energy, but it turns out that the carry is meme strike nekros, or there is no carry, everyone in your team just use ignis or melee. You dont give them anything tbh that would contribute much to the kill count which is the mission goal, they would do around the same damage without you, compare it to taking ev to a spy mission. That is my point. There is no lobby, you dont know who will come, if you go PuG you should be able to do your part of the mission counted as 25% of simaris required efficiency (that is not much tbh, any frame with a decent weapon can do that) as in every other mission or you are leeching (which i dont really consider as something really bad).

    That 25% kill distribution is what is intended and a situation where affinity distribution works perfectly. If you leech and there is one ability carry he wont level his weapons like OP wrote.

    OP would want that to change i dont really see a reason for it. And i see it could harm current state of the game more. 

  18. 6 minutes ago, Datam4ss said:

    Then you realize Premades and PuGs share the same EXP formula...

    Not to be an ass about this but it seems really weird to say that such an assumption even exists in any context.

    Thats why meta for premade is 2 dps in eso not one and 2dmg supports.

    Game is designed around PuG, not around premade, nor carry.

    Meta premade is always based on how it works the best. When you take half of the meta XD it might not work anymore in some regards. 

  19. 43 minutes ago, Datam4ss said:

    If this was true Trinity wouldn't exist. Harrow wouldn't exist either. Support is a thing you know? It's unreasonable to expect a single target DPS to kill as much as a trash clearer and even more unreasonable to force the supports to do 1/4

    The topic of this thread is affinity share in Solo queue in eso. Bare that in mind. I will try to put my point more clearly this time :). 

    Are you going as support on PuG eso without knowing who will come and without any chance to do your 25% kill share, counted as simaris's 25% required efficiency? This is a mission with a goal to meet. Who do you support than, what if noone comes? What happens when 4 people like you meet? Pure supports are for premades, if you go pure ev trin without any kill potential to PuG , my point is you are a leech even if it works out cause there will be a carry that does your share of killing. There are weapons with which you can kill mobs, support frame just means abilities. You dont need saryn, volt nor equinox nor any other carry to do 8 waves of eso easily. Not the same efficiency and exp of course, but the mission will be a success. 

    Solo queue is designed having in mind a semi equal kill distribution, than it works excatly as you would think it should regarding exp distribution, 25% of Total exp goes to the thing you deal your damage with, if its a weapon 25% of that 25% goes to frame, 75% of the total mission exp is evenly distributed among all your slots, thats your teamkills. And my point is that this is a good thing and shouldn't be changed. 

    OP wants to go premade nuke meta dps build into solo queue and get the same results as written above. It is not possible cause his choice of frame and build for that frame, extreme range/power doesn't allow other teammates to do their share. His share should be 25ish is 90ish, so almost everything goes to "what is killing" which is his frame saryn. It is his choice of build and playstyle that changed the PuG party into a carry party which is not a playstyle the game is built around. Which is still good in my opinion. 

    Changing this game mechanic would have consequences. If experience gained through my frame goes to my weapons in the same distribution as if my teammates would do the kill i dont need anyone anymore.. I dont need a premade, nor a team in solo queue i will just take saryn and level everything all by myself. You dont even want to know how many people would chose to just play solo all the time.. Do you want that? Where would be the tipping point, 25% of exp, 50%exp? 

    It is a coop game, it is built around "take any frame you like and join 3 others and do the mission". It should and usually is built around just that, only pure endgame should be catered to a different aproach, but there is none now to be honest (eso is not endgame imo, maybe heavy eidolon Hunt 5x3+ still not really).

    Meta and efficiency is our choice. If you want to cheese a gamemode taking something clearly overpowered for it expect to have to think about aspects you normally wouldnt, like affinity share. If your friend would have equinox and got 40% kills with yours 50% you would level those weapons at around the same time.

    I don't see anything broken here besides saryn ofc, but we love our opie frames, its wf's "thing" and a different topic.  

  20. 1 hour ago, Test-995 said:

    Saying "It doesn't work in PuG" and "Nothing wrong with exp distribution" at the same time seems bit strange.

    Where did i write it doesnt work in PuG?It works when you play excatly as PuG is intended to be played when everyone is doing his/hers around 1/4th part of the killing. 

  21. Switch saryn with your friend or let him take equinox with your saryn. A good build for equi will net you about the same number of kills as saryn, thou you have to time your maim unleash well, saryn spores are kill thieves. Doing this will split the exp distribution far better. If you allow your friend and others to leech fully thats on you. If you go solo saryn thats on you, when you make a full premade squad you will get your fair share of exp and focus on frame, there is a reason the meta is 2dps frames. There is nothing wrong with exp distribution, its actually really well made, one of the best things in wf.

    The bad thing with eso is there is no lobby. You either recruit (usually damned for 8waves), go leech, have a friend or be damned to just focus farm and I have maxed focus tree. With a lobby where you can show your team what roles you want/can fill and they can adjust would mean i actually could run eso again. 

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  22. Well you are wrong in many aspects of arcanes trade especially energise and grace.

    1. 10 rank zero have a trade cost of 10mln creds r3 has one zero less. For a buyer it might be worth to give plat for just that. Convenience buyers hate certain grinds, 2 hours in index.. That alone is a huge added value. 

    2. Time is money, and in game its fun lost. When i need to go to a browser, find 10 people go to their dojos and wait, load trade, half wont respond.. I would waste an hour for that 9 additional trades. For people that want to pay for convenience that is huge. Somoene is doing that for me. Great, i can pay for that. 

    Dont sell for the price you dont want to sell, i sell for what i think something is worth to me, sometimes it doesnt sell for weeks and i dont care, i buy the same way. Simple, if you think your energise is 190 or 200, not 160 post it for 190, you will sell it eventually just not instantly . Flippers will flip even 20p prime parts, there is absolutely no way you will change that and have an economy. That is the nature of free trade as a process, 100g of trade is worth more than 1kg of production, its a saying in my country. 

    An all out auction house in this game, you dont know what you are asking for. Its true it would solve a lot of issues long term and economy would stabilise, but 95% of the stuff in game that has value now would have zero value for a long time, for old wolfes like you or me, i dont care, for new players, horror. People think energise is rare, its not by a long shot, its mediocre. Prime parts.. 10% for a rare lmao.. 10% is common. Trade we now have in this game with the droprates it has is extremely good all things considered. Plat is easily earned, you can get for a decent price everything you need. A good site for rivens, seperate chat for riven trade maybe and we are golden. 

  23. Hi,

      i encountered this problem 2019.04.11 at around 01:30 CEST, the number on the log screen 2019. All updates were done to that point.

    1. What.

    This regards MR 27 test unable to be finished normally.

    2. How i did it

    How i think i did it. I started it from Kronia Relay. Did the mission without any problems,(no bugs glitches, everything was fine). Finished it with around 2 minutes remaining on the clock and 116 points in the bank. I think i pressed "Tab" button in the wrong moment just before the end scene was loaded (that is what i do in all of the missions, its a reflex) and i think it broke something.

    3. Issue description  

    I was not loaded back to Kronia. There was no endgame mr test completion screen. The mission panel was showing that i just started the mission (tab panel) and was counting time from zero upwards. There were no enemies, beacons, but the bank was operational, i could move, use abilites and gear. There was no way to end the mission normally. Droping from the tiles was just bringing me back up, i didn't have any self damage abilites so i couldn't die. I closed the game via alt+f4 and once i logged in i see the right mr 27 on my account. 

    4. Image

    Thats the screen i was stuck on, there was no way to get rid of the progress and rewards tab 


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