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Posts posted by SinKershel

  1. Chains of Harrow is my favorite quest ever. Any Game. So different.

    They made a sci-fi quest about a cast-out Tenno with autism and brought space-horror to the table (which fits very well in Warfame in my opinion, and a nice change of vibe).

    It's weird, it's troubling, it's different, it's original.

    The lore is getting better and better and the Fortuna reveal is showing us that there is plenty of emotions to live still.

    You could have posted something much shorter like "I don't like operators and their lore, I like warframes lore".

  2. Bigger magazine required.

    bump the 16 rounds to 24 or 32.

    Even with 32, @ 7.0 rounds per second, it's 4.5 seconds between each reloads. (Without fire-rate buffs)

    Still better than 2.5 seconds.

  3. 16 hours ago, ZBanx said:

    Nox, as they currently are, are simply too powerful, there is no way around that. I thought long and hard about what made this so, and came to the following conclusion: the problem isn't how powerful the Nox are at their core; it's the fact that they aren't doing what they were designed to do.

    Nox, along with Bursa, Manic, and Juggernaut were essentially created as minibosses. yet the Nox has characteristics that should only apply to regular enemies. here are some proposed changes:

    • remove Nox Eximus from the game: Eximus exist solely to allow tougher versions of regular enemies to exist. Nox, on the other hand, are already extremely powerful, rendering Nox Eximus redundant and overpowered.
    • severely limit the number of Nox per mission: Nox are simply too common compared to their power level. if they were, for example, limited to a maximum of one in every 5 waves of defence, or a maximum of one every 250 seconds in other missions, this would not be a problem.
    • this logic should also apply to other enemies of the same tier which currently only includes Nox, Manic, Bursa, and Juggernaut. for example, currently, alarms attract a bursa far to often

    What MR are you ? Do you play with fully modded frames ? What weapons do you use ? Are they modded ? Do you like playing games that challenge you ?

    I mean, they ain't even hard, they just require a bit more skill (a headshot...) compared to the trash mobs. And that's if you don't have a good weapon. My Amprex eats them. My baza eats them. My hystrix eats them. Astilla. Tigris Prime. etc.

    I never had a problem with them and I just LOVE when they do get me with their charge because I get lazy or rank weapons up. First time I was like "WHAAAAT"

    One of the best enemies in the game.

  4. that's where knowing the market comes into play.

    Choosing the rare piece is most of the time the better choice since you can sell it for 20-100p, then buy whatever piece you wanted for cheaper, and keep the extra plat.

    For the forma, you can get a forma for 20p and 3 for 35p I think ? Same thing, if the rare piece is worth more, you win by selecting the rare piece, selling it, and buying the forma.

    I think the system is fine and being able to select two rewards would flood the market and make it harder to sell something.

    Choosing one piece over another requires sacrifice.

  5. Woke up singing the song in the shower.

    One of the best video game songs ever, if not the best.

    Nailed it.

    "and we all lift, and we're all adrift, together
    through the coldest, till we're lifeless, together"

  6. 1 hour ago, Insizer said:

    So he is trolling JUST because he chose limbo to leech with?  What kind of logic is that?  How is trolling vs leeching frame dependent?  If I go Loki and swap teleport out of enemy range and do nothing but refresh my invis then am I leeching but not trolling?

    MR doesn't mean anything.

    And during those ESOs was the Limbo just physically standing there doing nothing or not even shooting?  If they got anything but maybe 5-10% damage then quite frankly you could chalk it up to the fact you were using Saryn.

    I'm not against your hating people who just leech.  Screw those guys.  What I'm against is your insinuation that leeching is trolling only if they choose Limbo and that somehow it is the frame's fault rather the actual player's behavior.

    That's how I feel tho. I have all frames. And personally, If I log in right now and decide "well I wanna be able to AFK and clean my dishes during this mission", which I never will, I won't choose Limbo unless I wanna piss people off even more than by just being AFK.

    The only reason to do that is to troll people. Especially if you are MR25, you KNOW how the game works.

    Also, this time the Limbo didn't answer but most of the time he does answer and laughs at people in chat, doing everything they can to piss players off.

    You've seen it. I've seen it PLENTY times.

    I've never EVER seen another frame being a prick in Warframe. NEVER. I'm around 450 hours in, been playing since October. MR22. NEVER SEEN ANOTHER FRAME TROLL.

    I thought the rework would've changed things but nope, they still sit there and don't do anything.

  7. 2 hours ago, Insizer said:

    I understand, and I agree he can be more disruptive than other frames sometimes.

    Regardless, we have been on a tangent for a bit.  What OP was dealing with wasn't trolling but leeching

    He's MR25, he can leach with any frame he wants. Choosing Limbo to "leech" is trolling. That's how I see it.

    btw, just got out of two Elite Onslaughts and both runs had high MR players with Limbos with max range not doing any damage. Both runs everybody left except me and Limbo and I carried with my Saryn.

    I ain't the type to whine. This is a problem in my opinion. Gameplay takes a big hit.

  8. 5 minutes ago, tCartmant said:

    Trolling isnt the word I would use, more of a lecher but it should be reported.  Its always annoying when you have people in your squad not at least trying to help.

    A leecher wouldn't be MR25 and playing Limbo. Not answering messages and staying at start is trolling in my book.

    I rarely see leachers in Warframe. It's a fast pace space ninja game. Most players want to actually play.

    Saw leachers a couple time doing Bountys, they fishing and stuff, but I don't really care since bounties are super easy.

  9. 6 minutes ago, tCartmant said:

    I dont honestly see how he was trolling. if he is using stasis it means all the enemies are just sitting there for the kill. You may not like it but thats how it works, its not trolling.

    Unless I am missing something.

    0 % damage while we are 3 going crazy on them infested ?

    One dude was getting carried (barely doing damage, still he was playing) so it was me and Mesa.

    Also, he wasn't replying to messages from the squad.


  10. Tried my first report today because enough is enough.

    Realized I can't report trolls.

    Why ?

    Maybe if we could report them, DE kick them for a day each time, they would actually stop.

    And yes, I'm talking about Limbos in sortie.

    over 50 % of my sorties have a troll Limbo. Today in the last defense mission, he didn't even move from starting point and kept spamming abilities (Yeah i know i can make my own group but...Limbos are really the only problem)

    Enough is enough.

    And if you a troll Limbo, why are you even playing this game ?

    Those guys are having fun by pissing people off, not playing the game.

    Let's put an end to this.

  11. Dude was using the Amprex in a sortie boss fight who had ELEMENTAL RESIST condition.

    You had the Arca Plasmor.

    Probably why the fight was hard. Took my squad a couple seconds.

  12. 35 minutes ago, (PS4)Stealth_Cobra said:

    Still, actual user data shows there's a huge retention problem with new players.

    Sure there's 26 millions registered losers, but if you look at actual trophy and achievement data on PS4 (Since I don't think steam and xbox show percentages) , you start to see the bigger picture :

    Only 20% of the userbase played more than 10 hours.

    Only 7% of the userbase cleared uranus.

    Only 5% cleared sedna.

    Only 5% players put a single forma on their gear.

    3.5% completed the war within.

    1.8% cleared more than 10 cetus bounties

    1.9% completed chains of harrow

    1.6% killed a teralyst

    So yeah, hardcore vets will go "it's fine"... But to me when you're desigining new content that's only being accessed by 2% of your userbase, maybe you have a retention problem and you might need to make it easyer for newcomers to stay, unlock the starchart and get to play said content... Cause if 80% of your userbase doesn't make it past the ten hour mark on a free game, maybe you're doing a poor job at giving them the impression they are progressing and that the goals are attainable to them.

    I'm not expecting my proposed changes would fix the new player retention , but when you have 98% of your userbase that is no longer playing the new content, surely there's room for improvement in that regards too.Giving a couple free catalysts and junk mods to help player get started and making their leveling easyer woudn't hurt, that's for sure.

    But alas, DE still designs new cinematic quests that unlock with a full clear of the starchart required and that only 1.9% of the userbase will have access to.




    I don't know where you get your numbers from but you shouldn't base your thinking using registered users. Use the daily users number.


    for the rest of the thread, I think it's similar to RPG's, in the way that you hit a wall on the starchart. And I'm fine with the wall. Grind, Go find some mods, get weapons, get your MR up,get better weapons etc. RPG's have that wall that you need to say "ok, I'ma get back to the zone before and farm the hell out of those mobs until I'm two level higher or whatever".

    I personally didn't really have a problem with the starchart, you can get the Hek at MR4 I think ? With the right mods you can clear the starchart with it.

    You can get free reactors/catalysts during the week. You shouldn't need a lot of reactors unless you play with a lot of frames. You shouldn't need a lot of Catalysts until end game.

    You can level up a frame/weapon doing 1-2 defense mission like IO on Jupiter or Helene on Saturn. That's like 20 minutes gameplay.


  13. 12 minutes ago, TwoWolves said:

    I've been playing for five years, and my highest MR reached is 7. I have 0 plat and made 0 plat during that time. So what? I don't look at hours played, plat collected, and frames farmed. One frame is good enough for me. Don't need plat. Don't give a flying jek about skins or cosmetics or anything else that DE comes up with to drain the pockets of fan boys everywhere. Is a skin going to make my Nezha hit harder or faster? No? Don't need it, then.

    So basically, you weren't playing, you were sitting in trade channel all day selling crap whereas I was busy enjoying playing the game over and over. Still has nothing to do with the wait times.

    Trade chat ?? There is a website called Warframe Market you know ?

    Also, you actually need to play to get your MR up. I ain't got to MR21 by sitting in trade chat (shouldn't have to point that out)

    Also, Why are you on this thread if you don't want more than 1 frame ?


  14. If you were a Veteran you would have enough plat to actually buy Ivara.

    I have so much plat after 400 hours that I started buying frames instead of farming them because It was quicker to spam fissures and sell loot for plat than farm Harrow or Ivara.

    And that I realized like a month after I started playing.

    Most people that complain are people that don't understand the game. Don't know how to be effective, don't read wikis, dont watch youtube videos etc.

    I know I sound like a prick but...get good.

    800 hours is double my playtime and I have more stuff than you...

  15. I really don't understand how players play this game.

    damn bois.

    I'm 400 hours in, MR21, started in October, never felt like I was waiting because I always had something to do. (I still have things to do !!!)

    Also, how can you be 800 hours deep and "suddenly realized that even if i got her, i would still have to wait 12 hours for her parts to finish building, and then 3 whole days for the warframe itself to finish". ???

    I mean, I realized this the first day I was playing.

    I understand your opinion, but you sound like you just started playing.

    Also, you contradict yourself a lot, to the point where I doubt your original post was serious.

    I mean...read this again : " i do like the game, but frankly, i do not tend to recommend this game to my friends for this reason, which really ruins the game for me. "


  16. Guys above gave good answers.

    I'll add :

    I never spent plat for a Forma. It's not like you really need them early on. Just play Fissures a LOT. You will open your own relics, get a chance at getting stuff that is worth a lot of plat from other players that play with "vaulted" relics, and get Formas.

    I know the other guys said it but...Save your plat for Frame slots and weapon slots. Also Reactors/Catalysts. And completing the star chart is important for alerts.

    When you are out of relics, just run a couple "IO" mission (it's on Jupiter). It's one of the best early mission to farm relics and rank up frames. Helene on Saturn is another hot spot, plus you will get Orokin Cells from mobs, enemies are a bit higher level tho.

  17. On 2018-06-10 at 2:53 AM, Dawson1917 said:

    Nuking is the only reason I can stand doing anything in this grindfest the single most enjoyable thing in this game for me.

    You'll find that the sole reason people bring nukers is to compensate for the grind. Literally no sane person on earth wants to spend over 1,000 hours minimum on a game to gain access to its content, especially when that content provides only an hour or two of entertainment for every dozen hours of grinding.

    When DE overhauls Warframe so players don't feel like they have to be as efficient as possible, then you'll see people actually use the frames they want to. But, as we all know, it's more profitable to pile grind upon grind onto players so they'll spend money on boosters and buy frames outright, and to then nerf everything that makes it easier for other players to access content and enjoy themselves (ie nukeframes).

    Got nearly everything in the game in 300 hours. 3 frames missing. 3 frames i don't care about. 5 % of weapons left to build. Only thing I havent done is Eidolons so i'm missing Arcanes. And Rivens.

    Never felt like I was grinding except when I was killing bosses for frame parts.

    If you guys feel it's so painful because of the grind, why play Warframe ?

    People keep saying you need 1000+ hours. How are you even playing this game ?

    Maybe if ya learned how to be effective you wouldn't feel you NEED a nukeframe.

    You say nuking is the most enjoyable thing in the game for you. What do you do when a Ember World on Fire any content bellow lvl 50 ? Because that's what my Ember do, suck the fun outta everyone. You just run around maps and that's your most enjoyable thing in the game ?

    Or you leave when you ain't the one nuking ?

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