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Posts posted by SinKershel

  1. you say Revenant doesnt feel unique, still you want is 1 to be Banshee 1 and his 4 to be a Inaros variant ?

    anyways, my comments :

    1 : no. That's kind of his theme. See the loading screen ?

    2 : 2 feels fine right now.

    3 : Good idea, needs work, a bigger range. Your idea is weird. Why would I want that if I already have my 2 ? 3 definitly need some work.

    4 : 4 is okay. Could be better. But your suggestion I don't like at all tho. Your abilities are very underwhelming and I wouldn't see a point in playing him.

    you would play him with those abilities ?


  2. 45 minutes ago, keturn said:

    Hey, new player here, devstream 115 was the first time I've caught a devstream. I think it's cool that you're able to show work-in-progress like this, so we get to see some behind the scenes stuff and you can keep a lively discussion with the community about where the game is heading.

    But I really hope I caught you on a bad day and that wasn't representative, because there were a couple things that made a bad impression that are still on my mind a week or two later.

    1) looking at it again, I'm not sure if the guy was lying down behind the couch because he can't watch gameplay without getting motion sick, or due to being drunk or hungover, but it's bad that I even have that question. Dudes. Do not come to work drunk or hungover. Especially if your job involves being on camera, live, in front of umpteen thousand customers.

    2) The repeated snide comments about the spreadsheets were disrespectful to the host. I could mention how a game this stats-heavy must certainly have a lot of people who appreciate spreadsheets in the audience, but that's sort of beside the point. Interrupting the host, calling their content boring just because it's not as flashy as the k-drive tricks, made me question whether this was really a company I want to support and a community I want to be a part of.

    I hope that you are all enjoying a well deserved summer holiday, and things go better on the stream when it returns!

    DE is a big family. Steve, the "guy" who was lying down behind the couch is actually Warframe god. If it wasn't for Steve there wouldn't be a Warframe.

    So, he can lie down behind a couch if he wants.

    Still, if you have listened, he said it was because of his new glasses.

  3. You want a solution to a problem that's mostly only there in Lith Fissures. Because new players join them. And they have no idea how the game is fast pace.

    Thing is, Lith Fissures are the easiest, and I never needed anyone else in my group to clear the mission. So what I have to wait maximum a minute at the end ? First, it's REALLY rare I wait the whole minute, unless someone is stuck or super lost (and that's pretty much only in Infested Maps). Second, it's a minute. In 1 % of my games, i have to wait a minute. I don't mind, at all. It's one of the only time you can see other people frames and showcase yours.

    Also, when you get to a point, you don't do Lith fissures because the market price of the parts are super low compared to a Neo/Axi relic. The only time I do a Lith Fissure is when something gets unvaulted or released. I get the parts, then never do them again. I have hundreds of each Lith relics.

    If the minute of waiting at the end of a Lith Fissure is too much for you, I suggest playing another game. The game is already super fast pace.

  4. 42 minutes ago, Souchie said:


    I think I'm starting to understand the people that hang around in fissure missions, at least a little bit.

    To me fissure missions has two purposes:

    1) Open relics

    2) Farm void traces for refinement of relics.

    I do this because I would like to open as many relics and void traces in a short as time as possible to get my prime parts as quickly as possible so I can get them crafting or get them on the market. 

    When I want to level a frame I'll jump into SO or ESO but even doing 10 minute runs of Hydron will get you more XP than the doing most fissure missions.
    When I want to find caches I'll get a group and knock them out back to back and get what I need from it as efficiently as possible.
    When I want resources I'll do survivals with nekros, hydroid and ivara to get the most out of my time there.

    So I guess I'm the type of player that sets goal and does the most efficient thing to get it.
    Then there is another type of player that wants to do all of it in one mission.

    But in my opinion that is not how Warframe is designed and I think your actually shooting yourself in the foot and in the end you actually spend more time to get the same amount of progress I would in that same amount of time.

    This creates annoyance between these types of players one half just wants to pop a relic and get their void traces and go into the next one and the other wants to get the most out of each one of these missions. This is why I think its important to more clearly define the purpose of each part of Warframe which will in the end help players play more efficiently and actually get the best out of their play time.

    Nowhere in my post did I say I wanted to take my time in the Fissure. I told you that I can run the hardest content WHILE leveling so your "Frame/Weapon Rank 30" prerequisite is far from being a good idea. A lot of high MR players do the same as me. No use to running SO or Eso or Hydron. That's just a waste of time because I don't need anything from those missions. I'd rather do Fissures and take my time leveling weapons. Gives me variety, plus I ain't one-shotting everything all the time. I'm doing my sorties and ESO's with my bests frames/weapons already.

    Also, some Fissures are lvl 10-15 enemies and you want people to have a rank 30 frame and weapon to get in ? Why ? Do you feel personally that you need a rank 30 frame and weapon to do those missions ? If you do, you might have to watch some youtube videos on how to properly play the game.

    Also, I said I didn't want fissure containers removed, not because I want to explore the map for hours....but because there is a lot of containers on the "path" to the objective and I just need to bullet jump through them to get resources.. Which you should know after 600 hours in the game.

    You are talking about effectiveness but removing containers would actually force you to run nodes only for resources. Which I never need to do. You would lose a bunch of Ayatan Stars, Mods also.

    Anyways, bad ideas.

  5. 4 hours ago, Souchie said:

    I just passed the 600 hour mark in Warframe making this officially my most played game of all time which says more than any other compliment I can think of.

    If you'd prefer me to split this up between the individual feedback forums just let me know.


    General Gameplay

    • Minimal lvl 30 for relic missions for frames and at least one weapon.

    • Remove caches / void containers and the like from Relic mission, people mistake them as a reason to go full dora the explorer.


    Not too sure you spent 600 hours in the game. You call Fissures "relic missions".

    Your first point : wait what ? Have you ever used Forma's ? They reset your frame/weapon. I'm 400 hours in (that's 200 less than you) At MR22, I don't really care about leveling in 20 minutes so I just do Fissures with whatever stuff I need to level. Meaning I do enter Fissures with MR0 weapons and frames. And still kick ass because my gun has a potato and 4 Formas in.

    Your second point : I run Fissures 90 % of the my time playing Warframe, and you want to remove ressource containers ? Ew. No thanks.

  6. 28 minutes ago, (PS4)Jedi_Arts_ said:

    I'm really just trying to stick up for the little guy, but I suppose people just don't care about this mode.

    It's not that we don't care. If it was more polished, sure.

    Have you played it ?

    I played 4 matches. First one the person left because i was kicking his ass. Second one I won but it was super laggy. Third one I got hit with a huge stutter at the begginning of the 2nd round and wasn't able to fight. 4th won was super laggy also, lost.

    Not playing Frame Fighter until it's hotfixed, if it's hotfixed (DE said they would release 1-2 hotfixes and that's it, no more ressources spent on that small project)

  7. 4 hours ago, --END--Rikutatis said:

    Not quite, you guys are wrong, I just did it solo with Saryn. I think Kimimoto just used the wrong frame, equinox is not the best to solo it. Here's my loadout, I only used the polarities on Saryn that already come with the base frame (you can check the wiki), no reactor and no formas. Same for the weapons, no catalyst or forma on those. As you can see in the screenshots, easy 9 waves. My efficiency was still at 95% by the end of it and I had only died once and that was because of a silly mistake:



    We all know Saryn can cheese Elite Onslaught. One Saryn can do the job while the whole group is sitting. So yeah, solo should be even easier.

    So one frame on what ? 35 ?

    Not a heavy argument.


  8. 8 minutes ago, (PS4)Jedi_Arts_ said:

    If you want to look at it in the most pessimistic possible light I suppose. I doubt people would actually take it that seriously anyway. What I'm saying is that it would be really nice for people just starting out to discover that there is a mini-game corresponding to a genre that they're fond of within the greater context of Warframe. It becomes something else to explore.

    Also there are easily a lot of ways the Simaris Syndicate restricts the accessibility. First, people most likely just wouldn't know about this mode. If it was on the Conclave console they'd probably find it just by looking around the ship. Also the standing grind is difficult to learn the details of etc.

    I won't pretend that Frame Fighter is the most important thing going on in Warframe right now, but restricting it the Simaris syndicate was not necessary, and it misses perhaps the best audience for it that way.

    since the mode isn't that polished, kinda clunky etc. It's better to give it to "vets" that have nothing else to do than make new players waste time in what isn't even 1 % of Warframe.


  9. 37 minutes ago, Kimimoto said:

    Here are the results. Doing it solo I was only able to make it to Round 4, so I grabbed one person from recruiting chat. We just almost made it to round 9, I believe we were 10-15 seconds off.

    Playing in a full group like you normally would, getting the C reward would be ezpz with no upgrades.


    The whole point was doing it solo, but you proved me right. Doing it in group is super easy, because you're actually getting carried by people who invested in formas and potatoes. I know, everytime I do it with Saryn, people in my group barely do 10 % dmg each.

    I can get in there Solo with my fully modded/potatoed Saryn Prime, my fully modded/potatoed Amprex or Ignis Wraith and stay in there for at least 8 waves. (never stayed longer solo since there's no point).

    So yeah, there you have it. You can't get to C rotation alone with stock frames/weapons.

    and a LOT of people play Warframe solo (that's why there's so many frames that work better solo). So formas and potatoes are useful.

    have a good one Tenno.

  10. 14 minutes ago, Kimimoto said:


    Nut up or shut up

    You really want a mission ? Pick whatever frame you want, Bring a non-formaed/potatoed weapon. 30 points max. Go Solo Elite Onslaught (at least 8 waves)

    Then come back here and tell me it wouldn't have been easier with 60 points.

    Tell me "I like how my range was so small and I had to run 3 times more than usual". Tell me "it was amazing that everytime i was casting an ability it cost me 50 energy".



  11. 12 minutes ago, Kimimoto said:

    Well, no S#&$, the point is there's nothing in the game that you need to be that effective for. I'm saying give me a mission/goal to complete with the base 30 frame, and I'll provide proof.

    Nothing in the game you need to be effective for ? Elite Onslaught is all about effectiveness.

    The game is all about farming, and you're telling me there's no reason to do it faster/more effectively ?

    If you only have 30 points, youll throw Flow 9, Vitality 10, Intensify 11,  that's pretty much it ? No efficiency, no range, no armor, no duration, no syndicate ability mods etc.

    that's a sad build. Who wants that ? Who's ok with just that ?

  12. Just now, Kimimoto said:

    What would you like me to do it on?

    What would you like me to do?

    Select whatever frame you want. Tell me which mods/rank you use without forma/potatoes.

    I know some frames are easier to mod but, I'm giving it to you. Still, Select whatever frame you want. Mod it to 30 points.

    99.9 % sure I can be more effective with 60 points after.

  13. 24 minutes ago, --END--Rikutatis said:

    Hmm, you clearly don't get it then, if you think it'd take anyone who knows what they are doing 30 minutes to kill a boss, or that they'd die to it just because they didn't forma their gear. Because you don't. Once you get into one-two shot territory, or ehp that can't even be scratched, anything above that is just overkill. 

    First, some sortie bosses can take a long time depending on conditions.

    second, we ain't only talking about Forma here. OP said Reactors too. That means only 30 points to invest in your frame. that's 3-4 fully ranked mods.

    third, the video is just LifeofRio wanting more end game content and trying to argument without showing examples of how a low MR player with a rank 30 frame without potatoes, forma, etc, would perform in high lvl content.

    We know it's doable, with certain frames, and the perfect setup of mods, but it's far from being the best experience and it limits you to only a couple of frames and weapons.

    the lack of well balanced end game content is the problem, not forma and potatoes.

  14. 16 hours ago, Kimimoto said:

    LifeOfRio made a video pointing out how you don't need any power progression to do the hardest content in this game. Which is true, you can do anything with just a rank 30 warframe/weapon. Which posses a big red flag for Warframe, since power progression is a large reason to keep playing the game. It adds a huge amount of replay-ability. A reason to get on in-between content droughts, which was a major problem over the last year.

    What's the point of all this power progression? Why do we have Catalysts/Reactors/Forma/Arcanes/PrimedMods/Rivens?

    Do you think DE should make some harder content to give purpose to all this power progression? Scaling is obviously broken right now. Should they fix scaling first to make endurance viable, or should they just increase the level on missions?


    Are you serious ? The point is to be more effective.

    The point is to be more viable in a bunch of situations. I can mod for 2-3 abilities instead of 1.

    The point is to have variety. 5 formas in a Ok weapon can make it viable for end game content depending on your playstyle.

    Sure you can do the content and spend 30 minutes on a boss because you can only equip 4 fully ranked mods/and/or you keep dying. I'd rather do the boss in 5 minutes.

    Do you need more explanation ?

    Do you like doing content in 30 minutes that could've been done in 5 ?

  15. Alt-Fire is actually my UP on my D-PAD so I'm all for it.

    Try shooting at things and press UP on the D-PAD to shoot. It's awful.

    I rarely use alt fire because of this, unless it's for switching modes.

    I don't really see how it can be improved since A = Jump, B = Melee, X = Reload and Y = Switch guns. Right trigger = shooting, left trigger = aim, right button = abilities, left button = crouch/slide/roll.

    that leaves only the D-PAD and the joystick buttons. Both solutions are awful for aiming.

    I could switch the reload or the switch guns to UP on the D pad and use a either X or Y but.....no.

    It would be better if we could switch modes on all guns, but I understand that people want to use both modes in quick succession, so i have no idea how to deal with this problem.

  16. The problem I have is, I'm playing a lot, and I barely get a Amber Star per day. I'm getting more sculptures than Amber Stars so I have a bunch of sculptures just sitting there, unfilled.

    And I keep getting them.

    I don't think anybody should need Endo anymore when they reach Sorties, so Endo and Sculptures is a big "why ???" for me.


  17. Big difference and main reason why we can't cross play, and actually don't want it, is the market.

    Prices are very different on PC. Also, console players can buy Tennogen with Plat, PC players can't.

    Example of what would happen if cross-play was allowed : PC player buys a 100p prime part. PC player goes on PS4 market, sells it for 500p, which is still cheaper than PS4 market price. Buy Tennogen. Come back on PC with platinum profit and tennogen. Rince repeat until he has everything. In the process, the console market was crushed by multiple players doing the same thing. Prices are going down like crazy, DE makes less money everyday because people need less plat to buy what they want. I could continue, but you get the picture.

  18. to compare, I can play Mortal Kombat X on medium settings fine without any problems, and the system requirements are higher.

    meaning my computer should be fine at running Warframe at least on medium settings, but even on low I'm getting spikes, or stuttering or whatever that %#%^ is called.

    thanks for the suggestions Tennos


  19. 12 hours ago, diaslinkin said:

    Aww, that's just sad.. 😞

    Have you tried updating all of your drivers? Graphic card driver also?

    Your system is pretty decent, i think it'll run the game quite smoothly, at least in medium settings.

    Oh, that reminds me, what about the graphic settings? What kind of setting do you use?


    Yup updated all my drivers more than once.

    Settings = everything Off except color correction and gpu particles on low (I used NVIDIA GEFORCE experience to Optimize the game). Resolution is 1600x900 which is my default resolution.

    11 hours ago, Pooroldude said:

    Computer seems awfully quiet, might be cpu overheating perhaps.

    Could be using integrated instead of dedicated maybe.


    Computer is always super quiet except when the fan kicks in. And even then it's super quiet. The computer never crashed/froze since I have it. Best thing i ever bought.

    Activated Nvidia "Display GPU icon in notification area" so I know when my NVIDIA card is used by which application, and everything is fine, Warframe shows using my NVIDIA and not my integrated.

  20. DE should change the description or patch the gun or something, because when I read "100 accuracy", i think the gun is a beast at doing headshots. But it's very ineffective unless i calculate flight path with distance to target and speed he's moving, speed my dart travels etc...and that ain't something that's really fun to do in a fast pace space ninja game.

    Pretty sure it's the gun with the slowest travel time in the whole game.

    Like i said, Hystrix is at 14.3 accuracy and i have no problem with headshots.

    That's the point of the thread. Either make the Hystrix MR11 or something, or patch the Tysis.

    Don't touch the Hystrix tho 😄

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