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Posts posted by Rettycombine

  1. first off... none of what you say is true, second of all, rejuv aura, physique aura, equilibrium mod, rage mod and quick thinking work great together, sentinel mods like sacrifice and guardian go a long way... how much more survivability do you need exactly? please think a little before you post.

    Please stop thinking that every player in the game is a MLG pro who has every rare mod and were lucky enough to to get the transmutation mods before they were removed, and having enough cores to max the mods so that they can reach any degree of usefulness.

  2. just make it so Enemies have a deploy point in the middle of map, and that they actually have to capture the point instead of standing infront of a terminal for half a second and instantly turning it over to their side, i just ran around the map having to recapture every tower because as soon as i would capture one tower, the enemy would capture the one i just capped, and then when the enemies cap all 3 towers at the same time i just gave up.

  3. One of them has a energy drain really? that sucks oh well yet another reason to use rhino and just stomp them.

    Keep in mind that they have an insane amount of health and shields, Oh and Hyena TH also has a charge that removes 500 health instantly.

  4. it depends on what kind of damage kills them.

    if the puncture kills them, they stand for a second, then faceplant.

    if impact kills them, they fall backwards.

    if slash kills them, they are cut in half and ragdoll.

    im not sure what kill animations the elemental damage has.

    I think elemental death animations are just the regular death animations but the enemies sometimes get the effect of the element.

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