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Posts posted by Rettycombine

  1. Disclaimer: This is not related to the "Buff Brakk" thread.



    Currently the AkBronco P. deals less damage than the single version, even though it states that it deals more damage in the description, the increased crit chance is not really noticeable. Buff it so that it atleast has the same damage as single version.

  2. Those are actually not the muzzle flash, it's the effect for the element itself, if you're looking for the 'real' muzzle flash look at the Dex Furis (it's really flashy)


    Still though, I'd like the muzzle flash to go with the energy color

    If you have an elemental mod equipped, the muzzle flash gets different effects, if you have Corrosive damage on a weapon for example, a green "shockwave" is produced at the muzzle.

  3. There is no discretion in invasions at all, every node except the boss node can get taken over completely by the enemy side, It just seems strange how in 1 day Saturn goes from a Grineer stronghold with elite troopers to a Corpus Bazaar, or how Neptune; current "HQ" of the Corpus is half Grineer now, and of course Ceres, it's really nice of the corpus to help protect the Grineer fomorian cores while they are preparing a counter attack. 


    IMO invasions should only happen on the side nodes, not the "main" path to the boss node.

  4. It's just annoying to be fighting Ruk only to get knocked down by 3 scorpions and then used as a ping-pong ball by 2 shield lancers, and even more annoying is if you fight Hyena and a shock eximus spawns, instantly deleting your energy and shields leaving you open for a world of hurt. Keep mooks for bosses like Lephantis, Alad, Vor and jackal.

  5. 1) Humans who re-discovered cloning technology, allowing them to take over Earth and create a massive army by zerg-rushing, They are lead by the Twin Queens and their goal is likely to create a paradise for the Queens/Grineer


    2) Human merchants who have started a religion over Orokin technology, they are lead by the "Board" and their goal seems to be to succeed the Orokin


    3) GoldGold/Gold people


    4) The infested are living beings infected with the Technocyte virus, which was created by the Orokin to combat the Sentience.


    5) A robotic hivemind of sentient machines who were adaptable and capable of using an enemies technology against them, the MOA is derived from a sentience footsoldier


    6) Tenno are humanoids who successfully survived in the Void, this gave them unique powers and abilities, Warframes are suits of armor created from a controlled strain of Technocyte, they work both as protection for the wearer but also used to amplify the abilities of the Tenno wearing it.

  6. they have a buffed critical damage critical chance and status chance and magazine size which makes there damage output greater so no its not a lie


    this is like saying the mk1 braton is better than the soma because the soma has half the base damage you cant look at only the base damage you have to take into account its other stats

    If they were going to say that they would probably have written "has higher critical and status chance than its single counterpart, allowing for greater potential damage output"


    And also how it is worded, "inflicting greater damage", It does not say it has a  potential for greater damage, it just says that it has greater damage.

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