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Posts posted by Xiusa

  1. Tenno's gender-swapping

    They don't swap genders. The Tenno, as a warrior race, likely have no need for the idea of genders. They're beyond the need.

    The original Warframes were of Orokin design, fitting around the Tenno that were sent to the Void and returned with unimaginable powers. The Tenno that were able to don these suits had very defined physical characteristics.

  2. good choices but not entirely correct, DPS means Damage Per Second, so the speed at which a weapon swings needs to be taken into account.

    With recent changes to the Scindo Prime's crit chance, a crit build is somewhat viable. Along with the spinning combo on CW, and depending on your Warframe, you can very much out DPS a lot of other melee weapons. (Save for Dual Ichor, which are still one of the best melee weapons for DPS.)

  3. You might not want to scan them, as it doesn't really help you obtain any sort of information. Not having them scanned will make them appear as anything that is incomplete in your codex, making them easier to find if not for the palette swap and the distinct hum.


    Wait what? Where do these appear?


     These appear in any sort of mission. It's just RNG at work determining whether or not one will spawn in place of a normal one.

  4. It's a bug. I've narrowed down the possibilities to having a booster currently active and picking up the green orb (which is a booster.)


    If you avoid picking it up, you should be fine!

  5. What do you mean by it's stopped it completely?

    If you mean all entries are gone, try relogging. I had that problem and relogging simply fixed it.


    Not sure about the Power Carriers, though. The same is true for my codex having two Power Carrier entries for the Grineer. Probably just the code being repeated.

  6. TL;DR


    There is simply no space for these mods. after the update we were left with 2 less slots. i suppose if we were allowed to keep them i would have tried using different mods i have never used before

    The idea of a niche mod is that you place it there for a more specific reason and to add diversity among builds. Currently, yes, niche mods are in a terrible spot. Some niche mods (such as Handspring and the new Rapid Resilience mod) are very useful in many situations, as plenty of enemies are capable of being the reason for equipping these mods.



    Provoked must work like last stand in Borderlands.


    You falling down, take +10/15/20/25/30% to HP and Bleedout time and -70/65/60/55/50% to weapon's damage. If you kill someone, you get back on your feet with 15/20/25/30/35% of your HP and shield.

    I actually really like this idea! I wasn't sure what to think of for a purpose for it because I was attempting to touch on the issue that a solo player will never use it.

  7. Have you ever said to yourself "Wow, this Insulation mod will go great on my Warframe!"


    Me neither. Not only does this mod not help in your typical PvE experience, but it also has a few counterparts that also don't do much.

    Granted the Flame Repellent mod CAN be quite useful against those pesky Napalms or perhaps even a Scorch. However, there's nearly no incentive to equip the few niche mods. The only time you'll ever equip these mods is if you really hate those high-leveled Napalm squads that turn the world around you into the fires the Red Veil talk about. This is only applicable to one mod.


    I do think the mods have potential to be useful. I will cover not only the damage resistance mods, but also mods that are seemingly untouched for other reasons. 


    I'll start this off by highlighting the damage resistance mods, their problems, and a possible solution.



    This mod increases the Toxin resistance of a Warframe by 45% at max rank.


    While there are more enemies in the game that do deal Toxin damage, this mod is not up to par with its counterparts. The other 3 basic elemental damage reduction mods give up to 60% resistance to their respective types. You want to prepare for some of those nasty Toxic Ancients or perhaps a Venemous Eximus? Toxin clouds released by some other Infestoid? You'll probably want to use Rush instead.


    A Warframe will still take more damage from Toxin damage even with this mod equipped as their health consists of Flesh (which takes 50% more damage from Toxin damage.)


    A possible solution to this could be to increase the resistance to at least 60% at max rank (I don't see why not if the other 3 are.)


    The other three

    These three mods are Flame Repellent, Insulation, and Lightning Rod. Each of them give a (at max rank) 60% damage resistance to Heat, Cold, and Electric respectively. Flame Repellent is different from the other two in that it is useful. There are very few things in the PvE aspect of the game that deal Cold damage. One of which is a barrel. The rest are bosses. Electric damage is actually used within enemy ranks among the Corpus on both ends, being the melee Prod Crewmen, and the ranged Sniper Crewmen. The Infested also utilize Electric damage with their Electric Crawlers. A few bosses are also capable of utilizing Electric-based attacks. The problem with the enemies that deal Electric damage is that they are easily avoidable as the Prod Crewmen can act as Little Mac chasing Doc Louis. The same problem persists with the Sniper Crewmen as the Lanka features a fancy projectile. I'd love to say something different about the Electric Crawler but I can't.


    Currently only Flame Repellent grasps my attention but even then it's not something I would pick over almost any other mod. 


    A solution? Let the damage resistances follow the same modding principle as their damaging counterparts. Let them mix!


    Say you have a maxed out Flame Repellent and Insulation on your Warframe:

    60% Heat resistance

    60% Cold resistance

    ??% Blast resistance


    There can only be so little solutions to this as there aren't enough enemies in the game with diverse damage types to justify more solutions. (I'm looking at you, Cold damage.)


    Another way to go is to give these mods an additional resistance from damage types that branch off from the core damage type. Such as Flame Repellent giving ??% resistance from damage that uses Heat as part of its combination.


    Other mods

    Acrobat, Warm Coat, Diamond Skin (There's a reason why I am putting this here), Heavy Impact, Shield Flux, Provoked, Undying Will



    I feel like a good change to Acrobat (and wall running in general) would be to include sticking to a wall.

    The reduced stamina on wall running is neat, but the picture really set me off. Why can't we stick to walls? I know plenty of mods don't necessarily show off what they do within the picture, but it really got me thinking. Why not add wall clinging and ceiling hanging to the game? It gives us more time to think, position, and pull off those parkour-based moves that I feel I should be seeing a lot more of.


    Keep the current effects, include +? seconds to wall clinging/ceiling hanging


    Warm Coat

    I don't see much reason to equip this mod as you can't exactly tell when you'll be jumping into a mission that halves your shields. Why not repurpose it? A good way to fix this mod to be useful (as a niche mod) is to change it from its current state to one that reduces the chance of being hit by a status effect.


    Keep the percentages, change effect to reducing status chance on your Warframe. (Maybe even rename it to Thick Coat.)


    Diamond Skin

    You might be thinking "Why wasn't this included with the other damage reducing mods?"

    Well, it's because it can be repurposed into a mod that has a chance to deflect projectiles. Detron Crewmen can be an absolute nightmare, I get it, this mod still has that use to it. Other than that, I don't see a reason to equip this mod unless you're afraid you might get caught out by a laser in the Void. 


    Reduce percentages, change effect to deflecting projectiles.


    Heavy Impact

    This mod is...

    I really don't know. It's a good combo mod for Excalibur's Super Jump and Zephyr's Dive Bomb, but that's about it. While any Warframe is able to utilize this mod, I've never seen anyone use it on any Warframe aside from the two aforementioned ones. A very useful tactic in this game is jump kicks. You jump in the air, slide into an enemy with your foot, and they get knocked down with a small bit of damage. Why not include or repurpose this mod to make it so your jump kicks last longer? I mean, you use your feet and weight for what Heavy Impact does now, why not give it more kick to your kicks?


    Include or repurpose for increased jump kick potential.


    Shield Flux

    Why is this not the other way around???

    If you're taking damage to your shields and on the move, this mod would be perfect to keep your shields up. It will make you want to stop to rest or turn the barrel of your gun towards your enemies. It will actually be a very nice mod to have, as well as give stamina builds a reason to exist.


    Switch from Shields -> Stamina to Stamina -> Shields



    This mod is only useful while with other players. Yes, I know this game is primarily multiplayer, but there are still solo players out there that will never ever want to use this mod (Though, I don't think many people do to begin with.)


    Allow this mod to grant use with a lone Tenno.


    Undying Will

    Same deal as Provoked. Purposing this mod to retain its use as a bleedout reduction mod as well as something a solo player could use is a good step.


    Allow this mod to grant use with a lone Tenno.



    I welcome feedback. Thank you for listening, Tenno.


    (I think I covered everything I wanted to cover.)



  8. The first time I've encountered this problem was in the void. A friend and I had stumbled upon a secured crate (which I believe serves relatively the same function as a rare crate) containing Akstilleto research, a forma, an R5 core (I think), a 60 minute booster, and plenty of credits.


    My friend had received everything from the mission while I did not. They did not have a booster active, while I did.

    It's possible that it only garners unsaved progress if it's a booster of the same type.

  9. I've come across this three times but I haven't figured out the cause until now.

    Claiming the rewards of the crate will cause my progress to not save. In this particular recent case, it was a Syndicate Exterminate mission.


    Contents of the crate:

    30-minute booster (Do not recall which one, though I don't think either one would have made a difference.)

    Rare 5 Fusion core

    1 Fieldron

    ~1204 credits


    EDIT: I found another crate, avoided the green orb (which is the booster) and my progress was able to be saved.


    Do NOT pick up the booster if you already have one, as it will render the mission obsolete

  10. I've fixed a few abilities up. Ash's has been changed to better match the whole badass ninja frame niche. It dawned upon me when the red crits came back after their nice little rest that having a red crit on a weapon that can't achieve over 100% crit chance would be a totally rad idea, albeit the chance being extremely low.


    Still trying to figure out what exactly a fighter/mage (At least that's how I think she is) like Saryn would have as a passive if it were to happen.

    Nyx is also a tough one, not entirely sure why.


    It's difficult to think of ideas that make a frame feel more unique without bringing energy or a flat out damage boost into the mix. If you guys have any ideas, they would be much appreciated!


    i got the same idea


    but you loose something ..



    passive bonus must add points to frame and based on his or her based character


    Ash: he must have bonus of crit rate + 30% as assassin and ninja (blind?ORLY?)
    Banshee: Innate 25% sound reduction on weapons OR less detectable to enemies through sight -agreed at all
    Ember: must have bonus to fire damage +15% and 15% to fire resist
    Excalibur: nope shield is alright, and can be improve by mods, Excalibur is a master of blade so ? right  + 15% to melee damage
    Frost: to powerfull for passive skill, as ember analogy have bonus to frost damage +15% and 15% to frost resist
    Hydroid: passive to skils time add +10 continie time
    Loki: again to powerfull for passive skill , Loki is a tactic and havent attack skills so passive is 0.01 innate energy restore
    Nekros: nope,out of character, passive must be -15%  energy efficiency
    Nova: ) +15% to skills damage
    Nyx: +15% to skills range
    Oberon: may be a +3% chance to restore 100 hp and 100 shields then Oberon takin damage He is a Paladin at all)
    Rhino: nope + 20% to heavy weapons damage
    Saryn:  bonus to virus damage +15% and 15% to virus resist
    Trinity: Upon taking lethal damage, you gain immunity for x seconds with a large cooldown -agreed but it must be a chance
    Valkyr: bonus to speed attack with melee 10%
    Vauban: have a chance what skill is not consume the energy -15% he is smart enginier
    Volt: nope to powerfull, bonus to electro damage +15% and 15% to electro resist
    Zephyr:  She is already have passive bonus to lower gravitation on her
    so bonuses as fire frost cant stuck and combinate damage, just add damage to similar


    Having innate elemental resistance doesn't really give you much since there are very few enemies that deal elemental damage, with the exception of an eximus-type enemy. The damage boost sounds like a good idea, though. But there would probably need to be lots of balancing involved.


    With Rhino I don't entirely agree with you because that leaves Rhino players to figure out what a heavy weapon is and equip it or suffer. Forcing a certain play-style isn't what I think is the best option here. Same with Nekros. I thought it would be quite fitting since he manipulates the dead/living.


    A lot of these can be attributed via mods, which is fine, just I was hoping we could possibly steer towards a more unique way of giving a frame some more depth/use.


    EDIT: You've left out Mag, by the way

  12. I think damage resistance to elements is a good idea and all, but not enough enemies (or lack thereof) deal elemental damage, as well as the shield reducing levels not being detectable. Don't get me wrong, I like your idea, but there's just not enough enemy types to justify elemental damage reduction just yet.

  13. I've always thought that a good way for a Warframe to shine is through its abilities. However, sometimes I feel like Warframes shouldn't always have to USE an ability in order to be what they are.


    So what if Warframes had passive abilities? Abilities that still retain that role that the Warframe serves.

    Lately, I've been thinking that they would be ever greater if they had a passive ability that didn't require the use of energy. In the following list are ideas of what each frame could have as a passive ability.


    Some frames are missing passives because I haven't thought of anything befitting them yet


    (Opinions are welcome, but please be constructive.)


    Abilities with a strikethrough are ideas that ABSOLUTELY need a second look at
    Ash: Base +5% crit chance across all weapons and damaging abilities (EXAMPLE: 10% crit chance normally. 15% crit chance while using Ash.) OR 0.5% Red Crit chance across all weapons and damaging abilities
    Banshee: Innate 50% sound reduction on weapons OR less detectable to enemies through sight
    Ember: Damage to health makes Ember release flames that damage nearby enemies
    Excalibur: 30% faster shield recharge
    Frost: Nearby enemies are slowed (Coolant leak effect)
    Hydroid: Higher chance to find green credits when opening containers (Killing enemies too, perhaps)
    Loki: Able to slide under enemies and initiate a stun or knockdown of sorts
    Mag: 5% chance to deflect incoming enemy projectiles
    Nekros: Killing enemies grants armour/damage reduction for ?????? (Could be timed or akin to Nova's first ability.)
    Nova: 2.5% chance to prime an enemy with antimatter (Strength and range is equal to her mod loadout's power.)
    Oberon: Passively has an unranked equillibrium effect
    Rhino: Gains movement speed overtime from sprinting up to a cap. Running into an enemy at max speed will deal 55 impact damage and knock the enemy down. After successfully running into an enemy, the sprint speed is reset (Possibly unable to knock down the same enemy within a time frame)
    Trinity: Upon taking lethal damage, you gain immunity for 4.5 seconds with a large cooldown
    Valkyr: Successful melee hits give Valkyr a stacking attack speed buff (up to a cap perhaps) OR when taking damage to health, Valkyr moves faster
    Vauban: Passively (and very slowly) replenish ammo to HALF of its maximum when your weapon has no more ammo
    Volt: After x amount of seconds, your next attack(s) gain bonus electrical damage for x amount of seconds after "activation"
    Zephyr: Same as it is now (Less effected by gravity)
    I also thought that Primed versions of the Warframes could have the same passive, but perhaps with tweaked numbers/values.
    EDIT: You've probably noticed that I am editing this as time goes on to include newer ideas/a more balanced idea.
  14. Name Suggestion: Tripod

    Behaviour:  Crawls across terrain on three legs and positions itself to fire continuously on enemies. It is mostly found on ceilings or walls hidden from view until unsuspecting enemies walk by. 

    Attacks:  Fires a continuous beam towards enemies and explodes upon death.

    Environment restrictions:  Found on Corpus tilesets due to infesting an Elite Crewman. (Or at least mostly Corpus tilesets)


    I've been seeing a lot of wall crawling and ranged infested ideas...

    DE pls

  15. I've come across this many times in the recent past. My last run I successfully raided the vault even though the door had "shut" on me. I'm not sure if anything I did in particular had set me free or if I had to wait or simply got lucky.


    If you find yourself in this situation again, I recommend the following if you're feeling like you have the same sort of dumb luck as I did:


    - Shoot at the door

    - Shoot at the objects on the cieling

    - Shoot at the circle on the Excalibur's helmet

    - Stand on the circle where the artifact was

        - Do all of the aforementioned while doing this

    - Wait


    A good way to tell if anything you've done has prevailed and you are set free is to have enemies/something with a health indicator adjacent to the door and to look at it. If you see an indicator, congratulations! You're free!*


    (*Assuming you make it through the mission alive)


    If not then I'm sorry that you've wasted time and resources attempting to escape.


    This whole thing could just be a huge oversight on our part and it's intended to trap us in, but who knows?

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