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Posts posted by Cephalon_Umbra

  1. Its called Maim not Puncture and the damage fall off really quick in longer missions with higher levels even more with Armored Enemies and the Accumulated Damage has to build up first and is not instantly available.

    Shes fine and does not need any Changes period.

  2. I think this is a good idea adding the option to toggle between (like Ivara/Vaubans Quiver/Mines Tapping/holdin the button) current Globe and Size Scaling Globe, also recasting normal Globe inside should keep the Custom Size.

  3. To me Excal feels right the way he is. A Hero Swordman Swinging his Holy blade to punish the evil with the Light he wields.

    But his Dash could see some improvement and Javelin does not really do much. I think Javelin should be changed into some kind of Defensive/Riposte ability activating it give a duration based Buff granting small Damage reduction and enemies damaging Excal get shot with Javelins.

  4. Am 8.7.2018 um 03:30 schrieb (PS4)Ragology:

    I believe Vaccum Works by the sentinel bringing the items to itself and then the low range Warframe vaccum steals it from the sentinel.

    If a Kavat/kubrow were to vaccuum up items, wouldn't there be a cluster of items trailing your pets and then you'd have to go over and steal from them (or wait for them to wander near your warframe due to Ai pathing?)

    Thats not how it works Chesa Kubrow for example collect resources and he just walks over it and it gets collected instantly thats not a problem at all makin it suck the stuff in its range up.

    Making the Sentinel Vacuum Range as a passive all Warframes and Operators have is just too Logical for any Game Developer to implement.

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