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  1. Given the wording difference compared to Primary Exhilarate and Primary Obstruct, which both specify weapon status effect. I have a hard time believing that the elemental arcanes are supposed to only proc on weapon status effects I could be wrong but why would the specify weapon status effects on exhilarate and obstruct if they are all supposed to work like that.
  2. The primary blight arcane works differently than the other elemental arcanes (cascada flare, conjunction voltage, and primary frostbite) in that it can not be proc'ed by toxin status effects from non-primary weapon sources, whereas the other arcanes can be proc'ed from any source even if the weapon is stowed. I'm curious if that is intentional.
  3. I was doing the Circuit on Duviri when I got a host migration. I was sent back into the mission but instead of sending to the next mission type, it kept me at the old one with enemies constantly spawning and no way to proceed. I had to quit and lose all my progress.
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