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Posts posted by Uthael

  1. I like how the AI intentionally groups up under null bubbles. The bubble drops in a few hits no matter the enemy level and after that, they're all ready for wipe.

    Or when you build tank and +range on melee... Seeing a bubble and enemies clumped inside just means a nice boost to your combo counter.

    But Arbi drones are a pain. In tight spaces, invulnerable enemies bodyblock you, preventing you from meleeing the drone and they're good at evading sniper fire.
    Opticor Vandal (shoots a cylinder) or Twin Grakatas (spray and pray) work fine, though.

    The drones have a chance of dropping Vitus Essence, which somewhat makes up for their annoyance, but nullifiers aren't that annoying. ... Not until you get to lvl200+ and they start spawning so much, they swarm you with several bubbles at once protecting 8 MOAs spamming shockwawes.

    • Like 1
  2. Lowest disposition Rivens (0.5) are still as powerful as a normal mod. And having 2 of the best mod in your build is still much better than any other mod. Especially if the riven is boosted ba a negative stat.

    Panthera is a fun weapon (because of its alt fire), but it requires a range mod to be effective. A range mod means sacrificing a damage multiplier mod. This makes it trash in the eyes of vast majority of players. That's why it has a great riven disposition (1.4). But it's still trash. A fun weapon nerfed by default.

    On 2019-12-25 at 7:14 AM, (XB1)DarknessZeref said:

    (...), the approach to riven management needs to be easier, smoother and downright predictable. (...)

    It IS predictable.

    OP mentioned Cyanex. It's a new weapon, from Update 25. It is usually modded for 4 damage types and 100% status chance. If you mod for Blast, your CO melee sees 6 statuses applied to a group of enemies (gas, toxin, blast knockdown, blast stun, impact and stackable corrosive).

    What could possibly happen once players figure that out? --> CO melee crit weapons with no mods used for status chance! I wouldn't be suprised if that riven goes down again next time dispositions change.

  3. I like the current state.
    I have Rubico as primary. Due sniper combo counter, it scales really well with enemies. Hunter Munitions headshots FTW.
    Twin Grakatas as secondary. For taking down anything under lvl120. (riven and Primed Pistol Ammo Mutation maxed)
    Either Hirudo for heals or a zaw. As stated before by @SpringRocker, melee turns you into a blender.

    Rubico still wins in damage, but needs aiming. And if you want to hit multiple enemies, planning for punchthrough.

  4. About enemies dying before you have a chance to damage them, I suggest Cryotra (robotic weapon, from Legs in Fortuna). You can mod it for 100% status chance and choose the statuses it applies.
    I like it proccing Blast as it knocks down enemies, saving them from my allies. It can affect a group of enemies at once, too.

    IMHO, making Healing Return into a 5-rank mod with 11 drain is all it needs. It's very impractical as it is. 11 healing as maximum is ok.

  5. It's the same. But you should be looking for mission rewards. The better you do the mission, the better the rewards. We call it "Rotation C".

    For example, in Spy missions, there's 3 objectives. The first one gives Rotation A, if you open 2, you get A and B and if you open all 3, you get A, B and C.
    In Survival runs, first 5min and 10min marks are RotA. 15min mark is B and 20min mark is C. Then, it cycles.

    We usually farm mobs for the resources they drop, not for mods. And that's planet-specific.

    Bosses often drop mods (Assassination missions). Each boss different mods.

    Nightmare missions have additional mod rewards at the end.

    etc, etc.

  6. Let the News console (between Navigation and Conclave) have a clickable "Polls" button. Beneath the links, to the left.

    I've googled for an example of this. The first result is Runescape. They seem to have quite a nice system, so I'm leaving the link here.
    - they have long-term and short-term polls
    - players can change their opinions before a poll closes

    - some have no impact on the game but are only made to get information
    - in-game Poll booths. I'd say relays, Fortuna and Cetus should each have one or two visible places dedicated to leaving feedback.

  7. OK, tested this. Rhino does boost the damage, but the numbers don't add up and I want to know where I'm wrong...

    Example tested: Trinity has ~300%+ strength and is buffed by a Rhino, giving her +180% buff (2.8 damage multiplier). The ability can't kill off an enemy in one cast. Why did this happen?

    My math:
    Damage per pulse = 6,25% of the current enemy HP (Or 1,5625% max HP, whichever is greater)
    Edit: To clarify: 6,25% is one pulse worth of damage. EV makes 4 pulses (4 * 6,25 = 25)
    Also, 1,5625% = 1 pulse of damage when enemy HP is under 25%.

    6.25% * 300% * 280% = 52,5% HP damage on the first pulse. Let's say the enemy has 1000HP. This would leave it at:

    1000HP - 52,5% = 475HP after the 1st pulse. This is greater than 25% so the 2nd pulse deals the same % damage:

    475HP - 52,5% = 226HP after the 2nd pulse. This is less than 25%, so all the following pulses would deal:

    1,5625% * 300% * 280% = 13.125% max HP damage (in this case, 131 damage)

    226 - 131 = 95 HP after the 3rd pulse.

    The 4th pulse should also deal 131 damage and kill the target, but the target is still left alive after 4 pulses. Why?


    Edit: ~400%+ strength trinity and 180% boost rhino can't do it.
    Neither can 337% strength trinity and 205% boost rhino.

  8. I miss that from my days playing WoW:WotLK...
    Addons, customizable UI (sounds included) and Lua macros. Ofcourse, sensible restrictions applied.

    If they allowed that in-game, they'd be able to check most used functionality and UI layouts. It would be more valuable feedback than the Forums and the testing staff combined. ... At least in the UI department.

    (bind as gear piece)
    #seticon Fosfor Rahd
    /use Fosfor Rahd
    /in 110 say "Fosfor Rahd expiring in 10s. Deploy another."

    drag the timers and item counts onto your HUD wherever you want and how big you want:
    Archgun, Cyphers, Lander ability, Clem, Apothics, Dragon Keys...

    Specific buffs you want to focus on, even if they're from another squad member:
    Chroma's damage buff, Harrow's crit chance, Trinity's damage reduction,... All of them can affect my behaviour if I suddenly get the buff. It's hard to keep track of important ones in the mess on the top-right corner.

    Edit: check ths out: Check this out: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/tellmewhen

  9. As for keeping the squad, I'm all for it! The group disbnding itself and having to send invites again and again.. is annoying.

    While not in a mission, would it be possible to make EVERYONE a host and discard the data that doesn't match? If that's possible, there'd be no more host migrations or disbands.

  10. I say NO to the kick option (Edit: while in missions). I'd rather have 2 AFKers per mission than the potential of the kick option being abused.

    Imagine queuing into ESO as a Wukong and getting kicked back to Orbiter after loading screen just because they're waiting for 2nd nuker.
    Imagine getting labeled as AFK because you're meditating on the defense cryopod objective. But you've put effort into maximizing that build. You're in the Operator mode as Excal Umbra and have deployed a Trinity specter and your Ancient Healer Eximus.

    If the kick option is implemented, no matter the conditions you put on it, people will ask for more free use of it. And there will be people who'd abuse it.

    As for the Railjack freeloading, there really should be larger squads. Redundancy should be a thing. If someone is incompetent or just downed 90% of the time, not only are they not fulfilling their duty, but also waste other's time on reviving. Extra crew members should fix the issue.
    And, NO! I don't want them kicked. This is not a competitive PvP game.

  11. Yeah, I got some interesting replies when I asked the same question:


    39 minutes ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    Not everything needs a lore explanation or lore attached to it.

    Quality standards should never be lowered. Neglecting lore is fine for a while, but breaks immersion if there's too much neglect.

  12. 1 hour ago, (XB1)TehChubbyDugan said:

    Point clarity:  I think the RNG is fine.  The time gates are not.

    I like the time gates. I don't like the RNG. Never did. One of the first things that attracted me to WF a long time ago is the control on the RNG we had.

    HAD. Seems like layers of it are the future.


    6 minutes ago, SupremeDutchGamer said:

    (...) the forums tends to be a vocal minority (...)

    I hate this argument so much. It can be used as a "counter" to any statement and only leads to 1v1 debates about who's wrong.

    • Like 1
  13. I like the idea of Elytron doing %HP damage (or a number, whichever is greater) with its ult.

    Ever since Magus Lockdown got implemented, enemy scaling ain't a problem. ... Except with Corpus, because *!"# that faction in general.

  14. I use the shield A LOT. The new visuals get in the way of my aim. The distortion is making it harder to aim at moving targets. Mainly headshots and arbitration drones. Especially when they're wierdly placed one next to each other. Misses are costly with a sniper.

    So, could you give the effect a hole around the center of the screen? Like Mirage's clones, only narrower. Preferrably a smoothed transition.

    Other than that, LOVE IT! THANK YOU! Such a nice christmas present 😄


  15. Here's an idea:
    A gear piece that when activated, puts up a visual representation of the sounds played on your HUD. Or even better, somewhere around you in the 3D world and it follows you around.

    It should change colors as well as shape so find someone with synesthesia to help paint it. Example in the video below.

    The gearpiece would have to be obtained from cephalon Suda, of course.


    • Like 1
  16. 11 minutes ago, SpringRocker said:

    You say that you don't have a problem with knockdowns and you don't want to change them...

    Two VERY different things.
    I don't have a problem and I don't mind them changed. It would feel good and look better.

    How I deal with AoE knockdowns - roll through them.
    How I deal with melee knockdowns - Enemies don't melee me. I'm either clearing the area with my Twin Grakatas or sniping with Rubico from where pathfinding can't reach.
    How I deal with ranged knockdowns - Place the Volt shield xD. Even if I'm not camping, my cast animation is faster than their pull animation due to Natural Talent.

    Handspring is there just as a backup.

  17. 37 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

    Being able to change our loadouts, and adapt to the situations we'll face, is a core aspect of the game. Preserving your specific, misplaced power fantasy, is not. 

    That's why we use the Feedback Forums. To ask for changes for the game. The core of this game IS a power fantasy.

    I have solved all my problems with eventual knockdowns by using a Handspring in the Exilus slot. Most of the time, I'd probably be too relaxed or lazy to react to a knockdown anyway so I just try to avoid them in as passive ways as possible and if they happen, the consequences are not that important.

    Still... I'm all for the changes suggested in the OP. There's nothing bad in there. Nobody would complain if those got implemented. On the contrary, many would be happy.

    So, yeah! Good suggestions! I wish this makes it into the game!

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