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Posts posted by Wellwisher

  1. I forgot what happened last time, or maybe I'm associating another game with this one.

    What I recalled, was that a patch wasn't good enough/broken/whatever. Devs decided to revert it back to previous patch. Players weren't happy. I could be wrong, been playing a tons of mixed games lately.


    Either way, this whole thing still reeks of fish and scariness.


    On other hand. Grinding for mods to feed, and fuse enough to make an arsenal of weapons work best, have been a time sink feature for this game. Changing this mod system for 1 mod for all, wouldn't that kill the durability of this game? 


    Or is DE hinting that, there will be lots more need-to-grind item. And figured that will fill our plate and decide to make the mod section easier for us?


    well you only ever needed a second copy for sentinel weapons, every other second copy only saved you the time of re modding every time you switched weapons/frame.

    So if they disallow equipping the same mod twice in the same load out i think that's fair, but removing this altogether just adds all the silly micromanagement that we don't need back to the game.

  2. i never maxed more than one of each because i was expecting something like this, so im happy :D




    I still don't see how that works until I'm able to dive back into Warframe...

    Sound kinda risky though, I mean..."Alright since I only need 1 mod max, I'm gonna fuse everything to it." -Weeks later- "DE: Sorry guyz, we mezzed up...Again, mod system back to the way it is." After that, all we have left is 1 max mod for each type.


    if they do that, there will be an unholy S#&$storm, the likes of which this game has never seen before

  3. So it isn't about enjoyment its about rushing the missions and being lazy?


    Are you trying not to understand what I'm saying?


    It is ONLY about enjoyment. As it stands the first 10 waves are pointless, there is not joy in them.


    They should either be removed or made challenging enough to not bore any group with half decent equip to death.


    And you still haven't said why exactly you want to have those 10 waves in the mission.

  4. Why do you want to have those first 10 waves? What do they add to the game? Seriously i cant think of a single thing,


    I also never said i want it to be ungodly hard, all i want is to not spend the first 10 waves doing practically nothing because they are so damned easy. Once the last waves come around it is fun, but everything before that is just time consuming filler.




    No idea why people are arguing with OP about telling him to go solo T3 defense for the difficulty. It's like they didn't read the OP at all. Lmao.

    Yes, some people need to do T3 Defense to get the item parts they want. When I was farming for my Orthos Prime, T3 D was so boring. I even ran it with optimal groups and did some of them in <20m which includes the timer in between. It was a cake walk with the right set up.

    The whole point of changing it to 10 waves is to save time. Difficulty increase is just to compensate for less waves. I would actually enjoy going straight to lvl80+ enemies without a surplus of energy orbs.

    That's just me though.

    Thank you, at least there is one person not jumping to conclusions.

  5. In that case try an unorganized team instead of the usual setup which makes it easy as hell. T3 void is usually only 10 - 15 waves anyway. So you are pretty much asking for something which is already there. Just t3 orokin void defense is gonna be easy with a good team setup.


    What are you talking about, T3 Void Defenses are always 20 Waves, and the first ten are a cakewalk regardless of the team setup.

  6. Well in that case take everyone's suggestions with a grain of salt and be like that.


    Seriously if you waste a lot of time in the first 10 waves then you should stop playing defense. It takes only a few minutes to get through, if you cannot get through a few minutes of nuking a few enemies to get to the "hardcore" waves then you should honestly go play something else. You could try nightmare defense or hell join some void defense games if its too easy the first 10 waves.


    T3 void go on there is a lot of people who offer to bring people into those games in the recruiting section.


    Im talking specifically about T3 Void Defense missions...

  7. Then don't play it. It's really fun with actually challenging rounds.


    yea the problem is that the first 10 waves are neither challenging nor fun.




    First 10 waves give you enough easy drops to safely last against the rest of the waves.


    Without those first 10 easier waves, T3 defense becomes a lot harder for groups that aren't the most optimal.


    which would be better anyways, its way to easy as it stands.

  8. Protip. End them as quickly as possible.


    They don't take that long.


    I guess you enjoy wasting your time on them i guess? Of course you can do them as fast as possible, but that doesn't make them in any way more enjoyable. They are just dead space that exists for no other reason than to suck the fun out of the game.

  9. Because the Lex is a pocket sniper. Why would you dual wield pocket snipers?

    It defeats the niche of the weapon.


    The niche of the Lex is defeated by its comparatively abysmal stats.

    Honestly it need a major buff, i dont understand why many secondaries can be as good or often much better than most/all primaries, but the lex is like a really S#&amp;&#036;ty version of the snipetron.

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