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Posts posted by Wellwisher

  1. Also I'm not sure how well this is going to go over at PAX East. Depending on their playable demo setup, if the press at PAX run into some of these bugs its not going to go down well.

    I wouldn't worry to mouch about that, demos at conventions are usually carefully prepared and displayed in an optimal environment that avoids showing any problems the game has.

  2. I think people are ignoring important facts. One, this game has a smaller overhead and thus needs less paying customers to survive. Two, one of the best selling games on Steam is APB and there are many similarities between that game and this one. Three, this game reminds alot of people of Mass Effect 3 multiplayer which is still popular a year after release. Four, FPS or TPS are popular on the PC. And lastly, this game doesn't have to be mainstream to survive, the people who will love this game are shooter fans and we all know how rabid shooter fans can get.

    I'm not saying that Warframe is going to die, but simply that the game could garner a much larger audience if it was released in a more polished state than it is in right now.

    Yes APB and the ME3 multiplayer are popular, so are shooters on the pc in general however both games are simply much more polished than warframe is right now. That coupled with the large competition in this genre on the PC wil make it difficult for Waframer to captivate a wide audience if unnecessary frustrations arise from broken/unfinished mechanics/systems.

    Of course Steam will bring new players into the game, but personally I'd prefer Warframe to thrive and grow rather than simply survive. The question is weather a short term comparatively small increase in players is worth the possibly much larger one once the worst deficiencies of the game have been ironed out.

  3. Totally not ready for steam, ESPCIALLY, with the "Hey you can buy Credits with Platinum!" this game is going to be written off as a grindy korean MMO that is also very P2W.

    I think it was ready for Steam prior to update 7, but now... it's going to take a couple months to just rebalance the weapons again so 80% of them don't completely suck even when upgraded.

    Well to be fair update 7 brought a much needed change, the problem is just that its not quite finished and will require a lot of tweaking. I doubt that can be done within a week. Bringing the game to steam is a great idea, but the execustion seems to rushed to be as beneficial to Warframe as it could be.

  4. I'm not sure what it is about this game but it does seem interesting, but it feels kind of empty right now, and not living up to it's full potential (this is just an opinion). If they could hold off a little while, it would be for the best unless they absolutely HAVE to go with the set launch date.

    This is a good point, at the moment this game has nothing that will keep the average player in the game (by average player I mean those that don't enjoy farming for the sole pupose of becoming better at farmin). On top of technical and usability issues the game will also struggle to keep more than a niche audience from a gameplay standpoint alone. In short: we need an engaging endgame.

  5. *looks at War Z*

    Oh yeah, Warframe will be fine.

    I was thinking of bringing that up, but the main thing that people slammed about War Z was the false advertising which (I hope) wont happen for warframe. What im afraid will happen is that a lot of people will try the game out, it will suck, reviews will slam it and it will be forgotten and sink into obscurity (slight hyperbole employed in description).

  6. According to steam Waframe will be "released" to Steam on the 25th, and personally I don't think its ready in its current state.

    There are still a myriad of bugs and problems plaguing this game. Many of this can and are forgiven by the dedicated testers that currently play the game, as they are fully aware that the game is still a work in progress. That is the problem, while yes many games have been released on steam in a "beta" state most of these have pretty much been completed execpt for some polishing and finishing touches. I do not think that is the case with Warframe, especially in the usability department, where the game is severly lacking.

    To summarize, I am somewhat distraught that many people who will try out Waframe at te steam release will simply install the game, run into one or several of the many issues that are still present in the game and dismiss it.

    EDIT: By dismiss it I mean, dismiss the game for being lackluster and not worth their time.

  7. *edit*

    I forgot a huge point I also wanted to make on this topic. The cards need to be able to be toggled down to lower power levels. Right now if you level a card you are stuck with it at that level and it really hampers build diversity. Cards should be able to be toggled between the lowest level and the max level you have fused on them currently. With the high upgrade costs this seems reasonable. This way you would be able to tweak the desired cards you are using to meet your specific needs.

    This, so much this.

    Being able to scale a mod between level 0 and the highest unlocked level would be incredible in terms of flexibility. You should make another topic about this so this doesnt get drowned in the rest of the thread.

  8. Where are the blue stones that were in the Weapons and Warframes??

    Do not understand why were removed

    Could continue representing the number of MOD2.0 (letters)

    Well for one they would be faily meaningless now as all mod slots are unlocked form level 1 one. Also they looked pretty ugly once you got a bunch of them in an item. If they were to implement a way of showing the mods you use ingame they should flesh it our a bit more to be more visually pleasing and represent the amount of mods as well as the quality and level.

  9. The cards themsevles give the information quite clear from my experience. As long as they are sorted in groups, and given time to for your brain to memorize the names, you can find what you want right away. At least I don't have to scroll my cursor over to read the tooltip. In a glance you can tell which is which, more importantly in fusing, your first priority is to fuse the duplicate ones. With cards, you can tell right away how many of those you have, with proper sorting. And when you are fusing, you already have in mind which card you are looking to fuse, surely you will remember the name of the card. Once again the problems can be solved with a proper UI. Time is not an issue, especially so when they might overhaul the system a bit given the current state of it.

    Of course you can eventually memorize the names/pictures, that doesnt make it any more convenient. If all the card just had a number instead of a name/picture you could also memorize those, but i doubt you would be fine with that.

    Fusing does reduce the clutter... to an extend, but even after just playing for a couple of hours I already have several pages full of individual mods. Right now the implemented system is style over substance, and just because you can get used to a suboptimal system that doesnt excuse it, at least not for everybody.

    Don't get me wrong, there might very well be people who prefer the flashy cards over a more simplistic style, but I (and at least a few other if this thread is anything to go by) would prefer a more usability oriented option. As I said, the implementation of a simple list would do it for me.

  10. Paris utilises sniper ammunition but is upgraded using rifle mods. This means the multishot mod specific to rifles can be used on the Paris, though I can't say how it works as my Paris isn't a high enough level yet to equip my multishot mod. However I would recommend to everybody packing a Paris to get firerate and AP mods. One-shotting a group of 10 grineer and watching them dangle on the walls is a beautiful thing.

    I though the Paris had an innate Armor Ignore, so why use Armor Penetration?

  11. I don't think the noise is the problem, but the way they design the UI. Have a seperate tab for fusion cores and cards. Catergorize each tab further by having a powers tab, rifle tab, pistol tab, and melee tab. Then with the current sorting function, it will be very easy to locate the exact item you are looking for.

    I agree that the inferace need work, a lot of work, but doing that will take quite some time. Even if they do what you propose you would be presented with an array of borderline arbitrary pictures and names.

    The cards are nice to look at but impractical. This is especially so when you consider that you have to look through your mdos frequently due to the new fusing system. If DE wants them to look pretty they could just add a tab to your profile page that shows all mods you have and their level in a pretty way.

  12. So initially the new graphics for the mods ist pretty neat, however after I gathered a page full of them and tried to look for a specific one I found the new style rather annoying.

    The problem is that the screenshots don't really convey the use of the mod, the names are only Semi-descriptive.

    I think it would be nice if we could just get the option of using a more minimalist display (either similar to the old mods, or with simple, yet descriptive pictures and names).

    EDIT: Just noticed I posted this in the wrong forum, sorry about that.

  13. I could see the new system becoming a problem in that credits will become the Bottleneck that prevents most players from advancing. Selling all the useless mods we find is now a thing of the past, and missions in general give something like 500-2k credits, yet often drop 3+ mods.

    Also many of the Closed beta players have massive cash reserves and probably dont feel the high costs yet, but keep in mind that new players start with almost nothing (was it 3k Credits?).

    Farming straight up cash is the most boring thing one can do in any game (in my opinion at least), and be avoided if possible. I'd much prefer a system where Credits are abundant, but the mods are extremely rare.

  14. /facepalm.....

    Simplifies is the key word.... thanks for saying it for me :)

    I will tell you right now when I explained it this way to 3 of my friends that were confused. It helped them and they can now grasp the things they changed and these people DID look at the DEV forum.... its not that Dev didnt explain it they did but not everyone understands things the same and when you simplify things for others they can grasp the concept once someone grasps a concept then they can begin to learn how it really works and functions...

    You aren't explaining anything. What you are doing is the equivalent of telling someone to open Excel and play around with it until they get how it works. People dont need and explanation to do that.

  15. its true we do have a much better detailed one but have you not seen the 18 forums on how people dont know what the heck they are doing with mods? because I have and I think its because either they didnt look at the dev forum or they dont understand it.

    how does saying stuff like this:

    When you socket these into your Warframe/Weapon/Sentinel please please please look at the number in the middle right of it. If you socket some of them in a way you will use up more points but if you move them around and learn the system a little better you can actually lower that number and make it so you can have more MODs in your items at 1 time. Steve explains all this in a thread and when I read it I didnt understand it because I had not yet seen it but now it makes sense to me.

    help anyone understand the system. This thread is pointless, it oversimplifies aspects of the new mods, provides questionable "facts" and doesn't explain aything better (or at all) that people have trouble understanding about the new system.

    If your ranking a common mod over a rare mod and socketing it and they both increase your health you are doing it wrong, I garuantee the rare one will be better at the same level and if they are not its something dev should fix because a rare should be better. Escepecially if they are the same level and are same kind of stat boost.

    There are no rare mods that increase health, rarity only determines the type a mod can be (for example +Electrical Damage is always on a rare mod). The mod that increases health/shield is Common. They both have 10 upgrade levels, and unless you want to run around with your base hp/shield, you are going to prioritize them over Rare mods.

  16. Assumption? the only things I claimed to assume is they turned our old mods into fusions the rest can be proven in game lol oh and I am not sure if you can upgrade a common mod into a uncommon one but I doubt they did that.

    but the rest is true.

    Rare mods always being the best is not true (just as an example), also, this thread is pointless when we already have a much more detailed one from a dev.

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