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Posts posted by Yanga

  1. So I took a few days to enjoy some other games, like PoE and Rusty Hearts, and I'm back just in time to see this new vault update. Read up on it and saw they have new mods (again? ugh) and I dont see anything on the wiki about it. Anyone got a list of the new mods and their effects? If not, contribute here and I'll see about putting it up on this post for someone else to post on the wiki. I think there are 16 the page said.

    The main part about the new Corrupted Mods is that they have a positive and negative effect. I saw someone post "Heavy Caliber" being 15% damage increase and 15% recoil increase but they're nerfing it because of weapons such as the Dera and Flux Rifle having no recoil [the mod is a Rifle Mod].


    I did the Vault once with a Rhino (Glad I did because I did a Hobble while my friend did a Bleeding, picked up the artifact and was left with 170 health from 680), got the mod "Magnum Force" which does a 8% Damage increase and a 8% recoil increase (or somewhere around there) for the pistol. Probably going to max it and put it on my Bronco lol

  2. So wait... the new corrupted mods have a Positive and Negative effect? Well that's different :P

    Nice pace change though... you can now focus a specific thing instead of getting 2 of the mods that usually have multiple effects.

  3. did you read the thread?


    Know how stamina and shield recharge have this delay before they recharge? Well i think that the shield/stamina recharge mods should remove that delay, if you are going to destroy the gameplay with that stamina change, at least make it avoidable.

    Yeah I did... you think it should be COMPLETELY removed... but there isn't a reason on why that should be the case. IF they made it completely gone then people would just rush without anything stopping them. The delay is there to PREVENT the rushing at its max. The mods that are currently out help reduce the delay, but aren't meant to completely remove it.

  4. There are mods that help with the recharge of Shields and Stamina... Quick Rest helps Stamina and Fast Deflection helps Shields. If you want to fix it so badly, just put a max one of those on and you're set. Due note that it will possibly decrease your efficiency in other forms of protection/attack.

  5. When you buy a Founder Package, you'll receive the Platinum around 10 minutes afterwards (less time if the people buying Platinum is low [faster Que]). You'll get your Badge in-game around that same time as your platinum, as for forums Badge, same thing BUT you'll have to clear your cache so you can see it. If you don't clear your cache, it won't update your badge on your end, but everyone else will be able to see it (or at least I think so).


    Hopes this helps :P

  6. Two DOZEN?


    Try two THOUSAND!


    Anyway, Yui, do what you have got to. Your real fans are here and are not going anywhere.

    Well I meant on the first day of where they release it (Start small and then go big so that you don't over produce and end up with still a lot left)


    On the first day of its release, not everyone would get immediate notice of it and some people might not get it right away (lack of funds/no time to do it/etc.)


    Pretty much, it's just a example... not going overdramatic on it and end up being wrong. But yeah, in about a week, probably a million people would want one.... lol

  7. The reason why people that aren't at the end don't receive a reward is because of some players just going into a lobby and afk the entire game. It's a system to make sure THOSE players don't get a reward. If they made it that you have to move a small amount, they'll just move themselves in 2 minute intervals.


    If no one in your clan or friends list is on, just solo it unless it's a important alert. (Reward being a BP you don't have) It's also wise that if you see someone offering Void runs to go with it, easy credits from them and random BP that's possibly prime (possibly being Forma doesn't randomly jump in every time you try)



    You can say so, it still doesn't give your Trinity crowd-control, buff for the entire party, massive AoE damage, speed or mobility. You have protection covered. That's it.


    Rhino best frame. Yui knows it.

    everyone is entitled to their own opinion... I think Yui's idea of best frame is Nyx since that's the main warframe drawn in all the comics lol

    Plus.... the comic shows Rhino as a useless tank that is pretty much out classed by other warframes XD


    My idea of a good Warframe atm is either Frost... or Nyx. Frost due to good area protect/tank with team cover and Nyx because of that perfect Crowd Control :P

  9. Well, I think the 400 charge is actually a good thing to balance out the small damage... and since it's a Longsword (heavy weapon) it'd make sense to have it as a Charge weapon over a regular attack. Pretty much imo, weapons such as fangs and Pangolion Sword (yeah, the sword that most people think is weak and not worth keeping) should focus on the regular attacks while the heavier weapons (and this is kind of obvious) do better with charge attacks. 


    Not everyone would agree with this statement I said but that's what I think.

  10. It was actually suggested before, like months ago. Explored areas being shown, unexplored rooms that are next to explored ones showing as a black box with nothing else showing next to them besides the explore room, Elevator and Exit symbols showing up if you explored that area, Exit showing on the map no matter what actually...


    And the perfect key for it would be the 'm' key since it isn't in use :L

  11. There is just one part I dont like, example you doing defence mission, you have to start always from wave 1, its would be handy if you can pick from whitch wave you want to continue, once you reach the lvl 50for example and its also counts for you team mates you should be able to start from that wave.

    There's a reason why you can't choose which wave you start at just letting you know, people would just go to wave 10 and go to wave 15 on the easier missions just to get it done it a click.

  12. Depending how it was initiated... the additional Aura/Mod slots might work. However, if done wrongly, then some people may complain about it. I can also see some people complaining about it in their PvP system because someone would probably make themselves nearly un-killable or heavy power happy... not that I for one really care, but I rather not see a large complaint of the same thing spammed on the forums.


    You're idea IS a good idea for the Favorite Mods lineup so you could get that one mod you usually have to dig up... as for the additional Aura and Mod slots, there would probably have to be a slight shift of how it is set up in them. Being either the mods in the additional slots are halved in how they work (50% additional power strength goes to 25% but with the same Mod point usage [Referring to Focus]) and the aura would probably provide the same points they usually do but half the strength they do (.6 Energy per second to .3 [Referring to Energy Siphon]).


    There would also probably be a restriction too on them such as you can't forma the additional slots to prevent someone to get them to half the point usage and have them play a little smarter with their points instead of have a warframe with all max mods on every slot. Would be too abusive to some things such as defense, rushing, etc.

  13. I think the reason why it bans the clients of that situation is due to the fact it sends the hacked files to your folders when you join (update to host) so after the game is done, the system scans all of the files, sees the hacked file and acts off of that... not what happened before hand. However, being banned from support... I think that's a bit much. Clients don't really have much choice if they accidently joined a hacked lobby in a random join. There could also be a chance of someone hosting a Void and use a Hack there and just get 3 randoms banned if he/she invited them. Several means of bait and innocent bans. Hopefully a better system will form later, but they shouldn't be too harsh in that situation.

  14. As of right now we only have the Referral Program implemented to reward those who refer friends.


    Based off of recent events and feedback, we see that many players have stated the same question.


    I will bring this feedback to the higher ups!


    Please continue to help us grow :)

    Guessing this out of randomness, you're probably going to make a area that asks about where each player heard the game from and if they answer from another player, to list them so that you'll add them to their Referred friend zone... if not, then I'm clueless of how it'll play out.

  15. Normal players who gave to Warframe some money(from a few to a lot), getting some exclusive stuff and being able to sit in the Design Council, where works in progress, news or concept are shown and discussed before being released.


    And it's nothing but that, we're not elite players, we're not allowed to act like DEs and we're nothing more than the players than just play free this game; if you find someone in game saying things like "how you dare, don't you know who I am????I am a GRANDMASTER!!", please kick him in the face twice, once for me.

    People who honestly think they're better than everyone else just because they helped support a game or certain server should seriously go see a therapist :l

    It's just sad to watch someone think they have power and try to take control over everything.... I see it happen every day on random Minecraft servers.

  16. I find it funny how no one is looking at the Mod "Undying Will"... I know Firestorm is a really useful mod for some of the weapons... but still, all 3 of those mods are somewhat game changing. Better Utility Sentinel by having it blow up when destroyed, increased explosions for certain weapons, and a mod that increases the amount of time you last before actually dying in Downed status.

  17. If you have some of your settings disabled (Bloom, Motion Blur, etc.) it might help with the FPS. I have all but 2 settings off but since I'm not on the game, couldn't tell you which two I still have on. But I am sure one of them is Color Correction.

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