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Posts posted by Yanga

  1. These look pretty good :P

    If you had some good coloring into it, I bet it'd look like the real deal lol


    Really though, nice job designing these :D



    Second batch of pictures wasn't expected :L

    But it gives a general idea of how it would look if that faction is added. Hope your ideas get through :P

  2. It doesn't effect matchmaking. And yes we need it, or preferably a kick button >:)

    Kick feature isn't going to be added due to possible abuse. Trolls would use it to kick someone who just got a mod that they wanted and ruin their progress.

  3. Been discussed already in different livestreams, they're working on it still so that only certain things can be traded so that the WTS/WTB thing doesn't happen. Just give them time so that they can focus on the stuff they're currently working on.

  4. Voice chat isn't that useful and most people who use it are usually either little kids or an idiot who thinks he can get away with random cursing and taunting. A indicator to let people know who is talking [Like on the Xbox and PS] under the map with their name would be really useful since it would definitely discourage random idiotic stuff.

  5. The system should auto kick him when it detects him not moving for a whole minute with a important item [Datamass]. They changed the Defense start up so you only have to get 1 player next to the defense position for it to start. Players who afk right at the start should be kicked but if they leave it and stand else where... it currently ignores them. If they added a movement detection like Corpseshock said... they'd just sit there and press one key every few seconds to get around it. Just have to wait for the auto kick for not doing damage for a long period of time so that they actually have to help with guarding the point. It'd probably go to far to add it to all mission types [slows down those who rush] so it'd be wise to just have that thing added to Defense.




    Edit: Oh yeah, btw... we can still see the name when we zoom in the picture. You might want to try and fix that :L

  6. He looks good, but also feels like a Second Generation Warframe. The ones before Nova feel like First Generation, and with Nova and Necro... just feels like there's a second one now :L

    Might be more Warframes later that have the same awesome design form when the DE come closer to it. Never know what might come up next.

  7. It doesn't fit Nyx's theme to just all out kill everything instantaneously. Not every frame should have a "Press 4 to kill everything instantly" ability.


    The only real problem with her ultimate at the moment is the aggro. Beyond that, it's fine.

    A good way to fix that... get a Loki to put a Decoy within the bubble so everything starts trying to hit it :P

    Not a perfect fix, but it's a make-shift until there is a real aggro.

  8. People like me have  dynamic ip (its about -/+20) login / log out  = New IP (and dont start with MAC adres)


    still bro you have to make them a lot to have a profit[like 10+] (just by normal play = you can have the same profit and on your account)

    Unless the system was made like League where the paid currency is the reward [League of Legend's 150+ (Every 50 after = 975 RP)]

    If it was simple rewards like materials or easy to get BP (Or some of the Alert BPs) people wouldn't go for it and still would make it worthless [not worth putting the system up]

  9. Hmmm... base it off IP address then?

    Look at the rest of my second reply, if it's 1 account per IP... people will head over to a local internet area in which the IP is different... even heading to a friend's house to a friend doesn't even like the game you play [or doesn't play video games in general] and just do it that way :l


    just like jimomateusz said... people would abuse the system just to get free stuff if they can. Best not to give them that chance.

  10. Easy fix, go off submitted e-mail address. Problem solved.

    Its called make as many Emails as you can... problem not solved.



    Since i am a LoL player  ,, referral system 1.0 '' was abused (agree), but there  was no unlimited RP (just by playing the game you made more IP , than you would have had to do a Smurf on 5lvl) referral 2.0 destroyed people abousing 1.0 :)

    Still seen people abusing the system by using other areas for their references... for example going to a Library or a Friend's house and making multiple accounts that way :l

    It toned down the amount of people but there are some people out there that are still doing it.

  11. I don't believe there is a current system for Refer-a-Friend currently and if there was a system for it, I don't think it should exist. Some people can actually just make a bunch of new accounts through it and get their main account full of rewards by abusing the system. Seen people abuse the hell out of League of Legend's system and get pretty much unlimited RP.

  12. The Fusion Moa Event was the only one that had that as a reward, but since the reward was put into the Void Drop Table, it wasn't as special as everyone thought. Putting it as a reward for another Event would not be a good idea. I'd prefer more new gear or weapons/mod over obtainable current gear now.

  13. Short Request = short answer... you need to be more descriptive about what you're saying man!

    But either way, people are going to say no since...


    1) Powers would be the main winner, get a Trinity and no one dies... Rhino goes God pretty much and Sayrn or Nova would probably be the top DPS

    2) Frame Rate would be a REAL issue with that set up... too much gun fire and powers setting off everywhere.

    3) A lot of people do believe PvP isn't meant for this game since its main focus is PvE.

  14. Fire Resistance (aura), Sprint Boost (aura), Sure Footed (mod), Loot Detector (aura), Dead Eye (aura), Electrical Resistance (aura), EMP Aura (aura), Affinity Amp (aura) visible in the video.


    Those are the ones I didn't recognize, not sure if they're all new.

    not released yet... I have a lot of mods but I have none of those and they haven't said they added any recently except those reward mods.

    Might be in Update 10.

  15. To be fair the exit on Phobos is like on Corpus Outpost missions - close to the boss arena. So I don't know why would anyone quit


    Also: Miter bps and barrels, Miter bps and barrels everywhere

    Funny thing about you getting only the BP and Barrel... I'm getting Chassis and BPs.... I got like 1 Barrel and that's it. Just need the Handle and Blade now.

    As for the Gremlim, got it from a rare chance with another Miter BP.

  16. After Failing to keep a point on Kepler safe on wave 9, the game froze and we couldn't do a thing until I quit out and it made my friend Migrate out... but however, there was ONE interesting thing that appeared as it bugged out.





    Guessing this is a upcoming feature that bugged into the game by accident? Reputation being added into Warframe first made me thing that it might go horribly wrong since people might boost those just to get on other peoples nerves, but maybe that it might mean you can't get more than 1 rep point from the same player.

    Both Excited and Curious on how they got the idea...

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