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Posts posted by CyklonDX

  1. wat did u guys spend ur credits on? my credits never drop below 3 million...

    well some people are still building / modding stuff.

    When You have everything few times over then Your problem is solved because you're not going to build anything anytime soon.

    About the invasions - F*** them, don't run through them. Make them give us back the infested normal missions.

  2. By my guess something to do with Vega star systems. Far more advanced race like orokin dwelling there for gold. Most likely they'll come around when Outer Terminus gets fixed. But hey lets talk what we have just like they would and what we would want to add.

    We have:

    Grineer - Armor, raw power.

    Corpus - Science and stuff.

    Infested - Infested biological cancer like forms

    Wild Life - Strange normal future wild life / fish etc (i think they are working on this one)

    Corrupted - All types of species corrupted ...

    Now that We're writing about this:

    I think Europa missions will be underwater bases with Corpus on them.

    Should look very similar to this: http://liamythesh.deviantart.com/art/Heretic-Episodes-The-Domes-of-D-Sparil-293336365

    It would have very big fishes swimming beside glass windows of those domes. This would also inspire a lot of odd exotic weaponry.

    Also a good addition would be blood thirsty swarms of birds/insects that try to consume everything in their path.

    Flamethrowers would be great for those. :)

    To end this I would state this:

    We still have many of our planets unfinished. (We currently have Jupiter and beginning of lush forests of Earth finished.) There's more planets to go...

  3. I think the only way would probably be to create a Steam account, get it from there, and then wait until you can transfer accounts. :\ Sucks that PS4 players get excluded from all these sales.

    Yeah but don't forget there are enemies of steam like systems, and to install it its like pouring holy water on deamon face. But its vice versa in this example with steam. I hate steam. I want this available through all types of platform. If I have steam or not, if I have PC or PS4.

  4. This is a weird thing to ask I know. I just don't understand it.


    -People are racist

    -People are just A-holes

    -People killing each other for freaking PS4s and Xbones

    -Companies ripping people off with terrible products and service (Microsoft's Windows and Xbone/Youtube's new policy etc.)

    -NSA, spying on allies of the country; not to be a conspirator but I am not gonna believe all the BS the government tells us



    -People swearing at each other like it's nothing

    -Hacking/stealing (why play a multiplayer game if you are going to hack? where is the difficulty); mind you, they are not the same people who make the hacks :S

    -Trolling/shouting in the microphone 


    Many more things to add but I just don't understand. Nothing to do with the fact that I am against those things, it is that I do not understand them. I understand revenge, hatred and such but pure retardation is out of my league.


    PS. Just needed to get this off my chest.

    This whole thread is like its named a "#$&(% bag".

    To fully understand why governments are acting like this is to understand people who live in those countries.

    Lets take NSA (where there are a lot of others agencies that do more or less - yet still take a part on it)

    - NSA is not spying its allies. If NSA did spy on them it means that in fact they are enemies, or planing to ally themselves with enemies.

    - Did people actually forgot Echelon?

    Collecting information about people, social engineering, ownership of the information / copyrights.

    - Today companies are reliving government in collection of all information, invigilation and studying of human behaviors. This has become a profitable business, and people are giving in to the common practice of giving away their data and other are forced to - to get anything, and due to this its legal to spy on them.

    The ownership of information / copyrights.

    - The question is posed can there be a digital copyrights? Can You actually steal anything in the internet even though You are not stealing anything? Ex.

    In this short story i will explain few common things that are seen as illegal due to our outdated copyright standards:

    Joe went to GameStop and brought a new game

    Joe won the game, and though

    "yeah now that I brought the game

    Option A:

    A: I will give it to my Alex."

    Alex looked at the game, and played

    few times, then uploaded it on the internet.

    Option B:

    Yes I love the game, I want to modify it so my character isn't black negro (Sorry Joe is a racist he likes to play with white person - oh my the controversy)

    Option C:

    He throws away the disc - leaving their copyright holder company in danger that someone not authorized will look and copy this disc...

    Notice what would happen in a real world if we take a book.

    Someone brought the book and then decided that he'll use it as a toilet paper

    A: Toilet Paper copyright holder: No You cannot use this book, You can only use our toilet paper...

    My response is like WTF?!

    B: Book publisher You cannot use our book as a toilet paper, in fact You cannot give it to your sister after You've read it. You cannot throw it into garbage and we don't want it to be posted back to us either.

    Please remember what would happen if BMV, Honda, Buick or any other car manufacturing company told You that You cannot kick Your own car, or draw on your car. Even though the car is not warranted anymore because its old car...

    To all of those people who think they can impose such; yes You win. Because in today's world You force normal person to give you all the info You want from him, and he cannot expect that You will not sell his information to another company or give it to terrorist organization or some science project that he did not consent to.

    This will ultimately down the road *(30-40years) will lead to bloody revolution in which people will hang from street lanterns, and communistic countries will prosper... because we as a dumb f***ks wanted to behave like french nobility. No food? Eat the cake there's plenty of it...


    Ok now lets jump to people...

    Why are they behaving like this? Its rather simple.

    They do not hear others over how great they are. (thats the problem for both parties)

    Yes people are racist, and some may consider me a racist person, because of what I am about to tell.

    The Afro-Americans *(I think its the best example)

    They think white folk will threat them equal, but in fact they do not want that. They want white folk to give them free stuff or they'll cry that their African warlord sold them to dutch or english slave traders. Oh my...

    If they want to be treated equal they need to adopt our laws and traditions. If they can't they can go back to Africa, and make themselves a country they want there where their homeland lies. They are free now, why can't they go back to their homelands in Africa?

    To them maybe my redemption?:

    Look what American people gave to You. You had nothing, You were sold by Your own people in Africa like a meat or bananas. Look where You are now. You can have everything, what American person could have. Back in Europe we would put You to gas chambers like another nation without a country Jews. But this time we would have typical gas chambers and Hitlers in every country. Even today in Europe You are viewed as subspecies. *(except Ireland and maybe France)

    Thats fin


    Next one

    Arabs (Kebabs) v Catholics

    Respect their Culture, law if You are in their country

    This is for all nations... If you don't well we have all the crap we have going on.

    and we could go on...

  5. Tried Excal and i KEEP RUNNING OUT OF AMMO during solo mission and &!$$ing me OFF big time :(

    Well watch where You shooting... If you won't waste your ammo it will be ok.

    but related to posed question...

    Get rank 30 on mk-1 braton, get braton (same thing rank 30), get Boltor ~ and so on... after this You should be fine. (Market blueprints no point in buying them for plat; buy as much as you can slots for warframes and wep. for starting plat)

    Lato > Aklato > Furis (cheap) > Afuris (quite cheap) ~ and so on...

  6. Well I would recommend to pick a high ground, like a mountain or hard to get spot on which You can hide behind.


    Best frames against him are Nyx, Frost(maybe not anymore) & Rhino


    Nyx: Just activate Your ultimate and wait for Stalker to kill himself, It might need few times so keep flow mod and full energy.

    Frost: Snow Globe ~ not sure if this works against.

    Rhino: Iron skin and kill dat biatch. Just be sure to run away and stop hitting him when he uses Nyx ultimate.

  7. it was probably actually running on PC and it was all a lie. What can I say... PC master race i guess?

    They've showed this on E3 

    it looked wonderful and had PhysX on.

    PhysX works on PS4, nvidia sat down with sony and developers to get it working on amd apu.

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