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Posts posted by CyklonDX

  1. If 2 auras would be enabled it would allow for much more mods and i believe it would overpower some frames too far. There would be no point of using forma because you'd had a lot of mod points left even after putting everything maxed.

    The primes also allow you to regen your energy at void mission. **(its not widely used or being cared for).

  2. I disapprove I can solo run it at not even fully lvl'ed frost prime... You just need to take the right wep and shoot at right times... its so easy once you know what are u supposed to do.

    Dread, akbolto, dual ether

    IF possible get health regen mod for warframe...

    Now let me explain why dread (You can sometimes make more dmg by explosion and arrows are pretty fast and good against one of the heads You'll do a lot dmg on start then you have to stop when other 2 heads come out, just use bolto type wep to shoot at them at correct time and places. Always be on move... don't pick a spot or you'll die.

  3. I had a feeling their accounts were pre-created they didn't seem to be a real players :|

    like not taking mods that lie on the ground, or when they showed their updgrade menu I am sure all players have by now 10-100 pages of mods per each slot not 2 mods each... Its a pain in &#! add a text search sorting.

    so Fake were they even playing?.

  4. As far as I can remember CF, TriF, QF were always pain in the &#! to config. Be sure all clocks are the same and have them synced under MSI afterburn. To CPU try OC FSB as much as possible since AMD cpu's aren't best for single core performance like stated before.

    But if you configure your system for computing station, optimize drivers for your needs for raw throughput and OC it to working lvl's with good cooling you may get the max of your refresh rate - (remember you are always limited in reality to refresh rate of your monitor... you won't get past it. I also advise you plug it from dual-link dvi-d connector.)

    By doing so you might get max for your monitor (since most of hdmi and single-link dvi won't let more than 60Hz). Its pointless to try get more simply because you just overheat your GPU, and your monitor cannot show you anything beyond that and most likely will stagger at some point because you demand a lot it might require more power at some moment and its going to be used to draw more frames than what actually is required for some effect to show it in fluid smooth manner. Its important to limit those frames... You don't need to stress your gpu more.

    ex. i have 2x 7970directcuII matrix

    I have it limited at 144FPS and it does the job. GPU usage is at max i had ever seen at 42% never seem warframe go beyond it. *(i run from 1 card only cause its not worth nerves to set it up in CF for games) I use my pc for boinc computation thus is why i have 'em.

    btw. uninstall win8 and install 7 :P or linux.

  5. z77 chip

    i5 2500k 4.4GHz

    2x 7970 DirecuII CF

    ~ during all types of homicides. ~

    CPU: load of 5-48% - pretty much nothing (even though i'm host in most of games and have a lot of other software running in background like vm's and other stuff like cpanel server.

    GPU: (only 1 stressed - its my setting of choice game doesn't require that much power) 10-32% (almost nothing)


    I don't see any specific changes especially in fps its still around 144FPS at almost all times (max preset by my monitor refresh rate)

    btw. DE I can run Warframe on ESX its very nice on blade chassis (with 14 HS22 blades)

    (14x 2x 4x x4 3.2GHz) ahh the feeling of 448 cores

  6. yeah happens a lot when you wall run all over the place. You'll fall from the map and most likely die or spawn on top of it giving you access to rooms that are not finished yet. *(This is issue for pretty much all maps in warframe.)

  7. The ObamaCare should be created as a another private company like blue shield by ruling not funded by government that's the issue.

    As long as things are done by government it will always cost more tax - Obama care only promotes bigger bureaucracy means larger government it means they'll get more money and will hold more power.

    Shutdown of government is much bigger show - it shows that republicans will not agree to put more power in hands of government and this isn't simple threat.

    They show they are ready if may be to split country into two

    *(this would make such a mess that in reality USA's bills be gone completely as it will cease to exist.) a fine idea but other might take advantage of this so republicans and democrats have to be careful if they are actually brewing such scenario. This kind of reset would shake whole world. Meaning = many countries would do similar things and southern France actually could attack Swiss if such would happen.

    I believe that kind of steps are quite common in history.

    For people that like history:

    We can see similar history in country that doesn't exist anymore called "Serenissima Res Publica Poloniae".

    About different types of government.

    I will state it once again. It is important that people found their own communities on their own, in their own beliefs. Other will follow if they like it, others will go their own way. You cannot force anyone to understand Your problems because other people will have different problems.

    So just maybe as Holy Roman Empire splinted into countless of states - again just maybe whole world should be much smaller again to work?

    I have very liberal-masonic views and ideals about the world. A world government would work fine and resolve all today's issues but it won't really solve flaw that happened in last 40years. Where from proper perspective it isn't really problem because money is just illusion *(especially paper money) this way if we had infinite funds.

    But if we won't encounter any other civilization there would be no progression. Ideal and perfect creations are wrong. Things have to flawed so that we can perfect them and discard them when they are perfect.

  8. just to add to my post before:

    they know they are wrong, now they want to close it down / remove' call it me troll where those aren't jokes at all.

    In respect to what trolling is - the thing that happened here was not.

    If everything that happens had to be something that you like and approve - well that would be world of heaven wouldn't it? or dictatorship? Democracy is one of the worst form of dictatorship where 51% of voting people can impose their will on everyone else. + everybody knows that there's more stupid people than smart ones so this system itself is not supporting greater good idea but will of the stupid people. (please forgive me for the stupid reference its not always the issue)

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