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Posts posted by CyklonDX

  1. lol. The strun wraith deals a different type of damage now. Adjust your build accordingly. You're not being technical, you're being narrow. You're building how you used to. That S#&$ don't fly no more son.

    oh boy, I thought I won't have to state this:

    Have you ever seen what a anti-tank bullet (shot from rifle) does to man's flesh? No? Well then go play D&D where you can play elemental powers. I do write cynical posts most of times yes, as I do not expect any changes to be made because one player actually knows what kind of dmg real guns do - with this update we've come closer to that on some guns but went too far in others.

    Yeah, you need slashing and pure fire damage to hurt infested now. They are all health and no armor now.

    As for the Napalms hurting you, I dunno. I've only researched about our weapons.

    I think argument i've stated above is good enough since its not armor penetration anymore but puncture, it should be even more effective against not armored flesh. (Please note that's how they work in real life) about the dmg they naplam guys do is crazy it doesn't matter if you have snow globe and 1k shield, 670hp - if one lvl 50 naplam gets you you're dead within sec.

    On one hand I like that it's making no one weapon be the best in the game...but on the other hand I find it really annoying I have to set up all different loadouts and remember to switch to them just to be able to do any sort of damage against enemies...I liked having just general mods I could put on my weapons that'd ensure it'd do decent damage. Not having to specifically order and combine JUST the right ones to be able to take out one sort of faction.

    Honestly this new system is confusing as hell to me. I just want to be able to kill stuff and not have to spend tons of time playing mod dress up and setting up outfits..

    Yes, currently we need 3 different load-outs for different types of factions. Its ok, but at the same time its not.

    It would be ok if those slots "A, B, C" were automatically assigned against faction, and forma would polarize only one slot in one page not one slot in all pages. This would fix the issue and rescue people who have had polarized some wep a lot.

    It's only been a day. Are you a child?

    No, but person with patience in current world and its order is being left with nothing. He doesn't get what he would want, they just keep taking away from him.
  2. If only there were a group of testers they could try out the patches. They could call that version a Beta and everyone that played it could be considered Beta Testers who would play the game and give feedback about what is and isn't working after an update.


    If they had that...

    Well there are those gamers that have early content access, who paid as founders if you have forgotten.

  3. Ok, yeah that's very similar to my build too. Remember that those "Armor Piercing" mods that the shotgun has only increases our Puncture damage, and since Strun Wraith only has 22 base, it's going to scale the worst out of the three, while an "Impact" mod will scale very very well.


    Once we find Shotgun Impact and Shotgun Slash damage mods, we will be using those instead (unless fighting Grineer of course)


    As for elementals, only use Blaze Vs infested

    Combine electricity and Blaze Vs Grineer (also keep those puncture mods)


    Corpus is a little trickier - You want blaze in the 8 spot, and have Cold and Electricity before Blaze, so that you get Magnetic. You'll also want impact, but again, that will come with time.



    1) corpus die, fast. Too fast if I may say. About 1 hit/kill on jackal, about 5-7 hits on hyena... using similar build "anti-tank" weapons. While other factions ex. infested recive about 60dmg on cirtis where they are lvl 31 (about 60? in old system?) while on not fully lvl up braton i get better hits on 'em.

    2) if I also may I would like to state that naplam and flamethrower guys (lvl 45?+) rape even maxed rhino in few sec, it takes about 1 sec while in flamethrower range with frost prime to die.

  4. Ok. That's something I can help you with. I'm not at my computer right now, but if you tell me the base values it has (Impact, Puncture, Slash) I can tell you which mods will make it do damage again.


    97 impact

    22 puncture

    30 slash

    2x (15% critic)


    while my mods are applied

    400.4 impact

    489.7 puncture

    123 slash

    3.2x (28.5% critics)


    i still do not have most of the new mods ~ and its not like i cannot test elementals; already did that with sweeper, and I was overall dissapointed. A lot of options but they simply are not good enough.

  5. That Grammar boy is the hope of us all.

    I couldn't care less, point is this patch is not ready for roll out... too many bugs, too many too "proud" people on forums. Chill and try to understand people. Don't force people to eat your crap as You'd like they would - they won't. I stated point in technical thinking manner if You cannot understand it - well its not my problem - but its very much Your own.


    Strun Wreight deals about no dmg at the moment. Screw elemental S#&$ ~ thats not the way to fix issue with people not using them anymore.

  6. I'm probably the only one but I think that Damage 2.0 changed waaaay too much waaay to quickly for people to even understand wtf happened. 

    Just a few hours ago my twin vipers with electric mods plowed through Corpus like crazy with lots of blue electricity. 

    Now I barely see the electricity effect at all. 


    Status Effect mods are utter crap atm. 

    Redundant mods (we already have piercin-ahem puncture mods, why add another for each weapon category?) 


    Also noticed the things with link and blessing. Probably another side effect from the ocean of bugs that came with the update. 

    Mastery Rank 5-6 was also borked for me even though I completed it, it refused to promote me. 

    they f**ked with the drop tables so now I have no idea as to where I should go to grind mods. Not cool DE, not cool.

    I totally agree with You too big changes for one update.

  7. No, I am positive since I played a lot by myself and had that kind of hp. (without physique aura mod) also I'm positive that my starting hp was 180 on frost.


    well doesn't matter if it was like that before (most likely a stone age) >_> well thanks but i still think its lousy price for 40-60hp more... too many fusion mods is required to fill that... and vigor just takes place... and is useless what-so-ever



    Thanks for letting me know.

  8. So it has been changed? Since It wasn't like that until recently. I had over 800hp till recently.


    so going to 360% i get lousy 40hp... that doesn't pay off at all.


    and then you also mean that my sentinel can have more hp than myself if mod allowed more.




  9. Hello there,

    I would like to report this my frames have mod of 320% health, all of them are somehow capped down to 620hp *(in menu and in game).




    added in-game ss cause ppl couldn't bother to read...


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