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Posts posted by CyklonDX

  1. how about completely remove life support and oxygen drops, and simply increase the amount of enemies without boosting their lvl? How long can You survive? There would be tipping point where players couldn't defend themselves anymore, run out of ammo etc.

  2. @up ahh lets try to deal critical.

    About Vega,

    Even if warframe is set is very distant future vega is still very very young bright star, I haven't seen anything that would give us a hint that corpus would be able to survive there. (I am taking corpus since they seem to have most advanced technology without the orokin none-sense occult stuff).

    btw. the gravitation there should be mathematically stronger with the pull on planets; causing them to shrink and be far more compressed thus we would get heavier metals there, and far more gold and diamond - so it would make sense for 'orokin' to be harvesting there? Hive mind uhh... get them gold for meh. There you have orokin.

    Comparison of sun and vega:


  3. So, as stated in subject of this thread mainly I would like to see Vote system on some issues;

    ex. Someone wants to pause game for 5, 10, 15min. All players needs to agree then game pauses for amount selected. Every one is happy, person who went to make some tea, and person who wanted to use bathroom on survival mission. :)

    Another interesting idea was migrating host connection. Let players decide if they want to migrate to anyone else the host connection - today, when there's a laggy game people ask host to leave the game... or simply quit. It shouldn't be like that. Let them elect hoster.


  4. No, this is not good at all, I also believe You're using 3G class mobile device.

    But another no about Your lags, they might be caused by another player - his internet must suck too. Mobile internet is not good to any online games. The response rate time for packets is too big/long and quality of connection is bad.

    Your upload is bad.

  5. It may not be a leek, however it's not too 083.png that this has something relevant to Warframe seeing as it appears every now and then (must be in the code for a reason).


  6. So that rixty offer for the exclusive aklato skin...

    Went around to several website and stores  to buy a rixty card, but my attempts were futile....

    then just before the offer closed, i succeed in paying for a $5 rixty cards on  a game card website. 

    Then moment later, it showed transaction complete and I almost cried in joy.


    But then when i went to see the code, it said that my money has been refunded because paypal &credit card are not accepted for rixty card... >:(


    and now that the offer is closed.... let just say that's the last thing involving rixty i that  will ever do

    Yo money no good go home.

  7. That's what DOD say when some one finds a Microchip with the words "Property of Department of Defense" imbedded in their neck near the cerebral cortex.Now they know I know what they know how I know. But they still don't know How I know what they know while they know how I know.

    somehow i completely agree :D

    It has to be coincidence its not even part of the game.

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