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Posts posted by CyklonDX

  1. players asked for Dx12 in the last devstream but it's too early as its not even out at !!


    But they said, they will look into it once it released..i'm also waiting


    we can worry about other OS platforms when WF stable in windows itself


    Actually windows 10 is going to be released in around the late June. (Leaked by AMD)

    DX12 devkit is available. [ since around Dec- Feb ]



    ~ zip


    There's plenty of gamers on ubuntu, debian, fedora, opensuse systems. While OSX is bad system, it supports Opengl so users who use it benefit aswell from Vulcan. There's more and more support for Linux games, as microsoft is walking steps on closing down windows (and it looks more and more with windows 8 to osx.) (even Shadow of Mordor is scheduled to be recompiled to OpenGL api's)


    Only Windows 10 will have DX12, other systems will be stuck with their respective

    WinXP -> DX9, OpenGL(all versions)

    WinVista -> DX10, OpenGL(all versions)

    Win7 -> DX11, OpenGL(all versions)

    Win8 -> DX11, OpenGL(all versions)

    [Win10 -> DX12, OpenGL(all versions)]

    There's quite possiblity that proper desktop/workstation users will hate Windows 10, as they did windows 8. This would mean you would lock people into Windows 10 to gain better performance from their hardware - while with OpenGL you could get the same thing without new system.


    unfurtunatly you didn't make much sens to me after that. I don't think you fully understand API's to discuss the issues between them.

    by my understanding and few world leaders like John Carmack of computer game development belive opengl is the proper way. As you don't have to pay licencing fees to microsoft, and you are not restricted to platform. As time shown microsoft has been locking down their platform more and more.

  2. I will list here things that DE should consider, while they are making their research on new DX12 and Vulcan OpenGL.

    This is mostly directed to DE itself, not the community but if You the player want to contribute to this, state your opinion do it so.




    + No special staff re-training is required, since they already are trainied and familar with DX11/9 standards.

    + Fairly good support.

    + Ability to advertise that your game supports DX12 ~ swag.


    - You have to pay for licences. (DX11, DX12, and maybe DX9 too)

    - Single platform, your game will most likely won't be played on different platforms except MS Windows.

    - Locking users to Windows 10 (Users with no w10 won't be able to use DX12)


    Vulcan OpenGL

    + Free and Open, no licences required.

    + Open standard, you may very easily modify and edit whole API.

    + You will be able to run your game in *nix, MacOSX systems including Windows.

    + Your players will be able to run Vulcan/OpenGL whatever systems they have, as long as they have decent GPU and drivers installed.


    - Staff will have to be retrained, tought to use OpenGL/Vulcan

    - Small community support, unless You[DE] find someone who's willing to work with you.



    In my opinion:

    By switching to OpenGL Warframe will be able to attract more users from different platforms like: Mac users and Linux users even minizming potential business its around 10% more players and 10% more potential revenue. You will be more user friendly as you won't restrict us from improvments to Windows 10 and DX12.





  3. most likely after they do rework on excal and void. *They plan to dilute rewards away from void.

    I assume after they are done it'll be released unless void trader starts spewing up them parts.

  4. cause? xd I didnt reveal anything that would help...at least I think so

    I've fixed it just to make you happy :P

    If they won't fix it till tomorrow i'll give you what it can tell to a person who knows cpanel.

    Basically a place and port you can login as root to server.

    best of all you can brute it as long as you'd like...

    ps. Its not DE fault it happened. Its their host provider problem. (i've taken time to take a look around and they have 4 cpanel servers and all are pretty unsecured)

  5. am I the only one getting this?

    Please take down this image; if anyone with proper knowladge of it can use it to know-how to log-in to their adminpanel. ; We wouldn't want that?
  6. yep, someone removed their site files, or pointed apache to wrong folder. Unless they run it on something with accounts things about cgi-bin folder maybe cpanel?



    yep, 100% cpanel. :)



    If de needs help i can help... happens i'm cpanel admin. (not theirs)

  7. as another mr18 player I didn't even care for it, and i doubt that i'll ever want to do it anyway. The amount of time it requires and its pros for getting it is none to big -. From our big alliance maybe there were 2-3 groups about 10x runs total; nobody gives a meow anymore about them, no one is playing them anymore because of time it requires to get them all.

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