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Posts posted by CyklonDX

  1. Strawman arguments are not the way you win debates. Just saying.

    If you want to prove that the UE4 DX12 demo uses Apex effects, please provide objective and irrefutable evidence of it.

    Shown SS showing so called APEX particle turbulence effects. Engine provided is bounded with PhysX Apex1.3 and PhysX3.3 libs

    While loading engine ~ those files were also loaded...







    you can deny all you want...

    OP, how did you take screenshots ?


  2. This is because the demo is showcasing UE4 and DirectX 12, not Apex PhysX effects.

    UE4 turbulence and particle effects are not Apex effects, though they look remarkably similar.

    Sorry to say, but you were not running Apex PhysX. You were just running the default software binaries of PhysX for physics collisions, just like Nvidia users do when they run that demo.

    nah I think you are just butthurt... because it does... I have 780ti to compare and it does uses apex effects... you can deny all you want. It only makes me think you're some guy from NV...

  3. Unreal engine uses PhysX as the base physics engine. The presence of PhysX binaries does not confirm Apex effects.

    show me then apex effects, and we'll compare. NV themselves specified it uses their newest PhysX with Apex long time ago (2013-2012)

    whole demo looked exactly the same as one from the vid from 980ti.

  4. yeah i thought so too, but according to his reddit post it has disabled vsync. I am 100% sure its APEX





    (I'm using the most OP 290x MSI LE @ Core: 1150MHz, Mem: 1600MHz)

    Also 290 is Tier 3 DX12 card, so i assume it should be much better than Tier 2 980ti card

    My specs,

    [290x@1150MHz:1600MHz, i7 3770k@4.2GHz, 16GB DDR3 1600]

  5. So I ran some Unreal engine elemental demo in dx12 API; and guess what my 290x showed apex effects without big frame-loss (about 1-2fps)

    here's the link to article about "first" free way to test dx12 on your windows 10.

    (there's download link in it)


    Demo ran consistently at 72-94FPS (Max 144FPS, Min 57FPS), this beats reported OC980Ti listed on the site.

    SS in next post (i've found built-in function to record and make SS)



  6. yeah me 2 [got booted, unable to reconnect ~ launcher stuck on checking updates]... got booted while farming oxium...

    The content servers are temporarily unavailable.


    The update will be restarted shortly..

  7. Hello,

    I would want to give some feedback on current snowglobe. Kinda happy with what U17 brought us, but... i can't help but cry for frost.

    1) Deploying 4 snowglobes, while globes stay for infinite amount of time. (is a problem)

    Its much better if you allow for only 1 (2 optional) snow globe -- 4 is too much.

    2) More of a question than feedback, is '100' shown on ability icon - is a % percentage of health or total health points?

    I have bad feeling its the health. That it doesn't stack with armor and power strength anymore. If so, you might have just ninja ruined frost.

    3) I like how all other abilities work, frost is now worth as damage dealer.

  8. Dearest Tenno,



    Steve, you named this as "partnership" document supplied calls it clearly acquisition. Marking this Chinese group owning over 58% of stock.

    But the most worrisome, and one that any freedom loving player has to consider and DE has to answer, is privacy of their user base, and data collection by Chinese.

    I want to ask DE to clarify and state before realization of any official requests from new owner of DE and/or government of China.

    If we the user base find anything like Chat logs, system logs etc... was shipped off to china there will be severe legal consequences.

    and bucket can be leaky.

    This is very important, the most important thing about this whole acquisition in fact.

  9. Ash,

    Buduj na - duration, i max power strength i standard stretch. Ash ma to do siebie ze jego abilities ignoruja pancerz, co sprawia ze jest znakomity do naciskania ult i wygrywania. Minus duration build, da ci mozliwosc bardzo szybkiego zabicia wszyskiego w okolicy. Strasznie efektywne na Def misjach. Uwaga rzadko ale zdarza sie mozesz wypasc z mapy poprzez bugi.



    Buduja ja na minusowe duration, max energie, max dystans, max power. Jak mesa sie rozpedzi to wszystko ginie w sekundach. Mesy ult ignoruje armor. Znakomite do robienia def misji.



    Buduj pod duration i dystans; najlepiej jest jako support - Limbo znakomicie sie nadaje na infested, jego ult broni cie i twoja drozyne przed mutalistami itp wrogami. Znakomicie tez wspolpracuje z Mesa na def misjach, szczegolnie w void. Bombardiery juz cie nie kalecza, a mesa ich zabija w wiekszosci zanim dojda do was. Limbo tez sie najade to ratowania graczy w miejscach gdzie jest pewna smierc ~ limbo wchodzi do voida i ratuje wszystko; mimo ze jego sentinel jest tez w voidzie - sentinel atakuje wrogow i moze ich zabic tak jakby nie byl - ale nie traci hp czy energi jakby byl w voidzie.



    Nekros nie jest super, ale moze byc znakomity jesli farmisz jakis komponent; Gmag, mesa i frost sie tutaj najbardziej przydaja; nekros castuje desintagrate i jest farma; rob pod cast castine, efficency. Reszta nie ma za duzego znaczenia.



    Nova moze byc zrobiona w 2 sposoby, zaleznie od tego jaki team idzie;

    - Fast nova (szybka nova) budujesz pod minusowa power; wtedy wszyscy wrogowie nabiera predosci ~ nie zwalniaja przy ult. Vauban jest wtedy idealny z jego ultem.

    - Slow nova (wolna nova) buduje po to by spowolnic wrogow, wedty dajesz duzo oddechu swojemu teamowi jesli nie ma vaubana.



    Jest to wrecz idealna frame jak jest duzo wrogow, i sa wyzszych levelow. 1sza ability by przejac zawsze dawaj na najszilniejszych wrogow - najlepiej eximus - ich aura czesto leczy czy ogolnie polepsza was armor, dmg etc... 3 ability by sami sie zabijali. Ult najlepiej miec na defense kiedy cos pojdzie nie tak i wszyscy zacznac ginac. Ult rozkladaj nad podem ktory masz bronic ~ czekaj az twoj team zginie i sie zrespawnuje.

    Buduj pod dystans, i energie.



    Juz nie jest tak dobry jak kiedys, ale do dzis jest ok - buduj go pod duration.



    Jedyna prawdziwa niesmiertelna bron masowej zaglady; Trinity to plecy calej druzyny, sama jest wstanie wytrzymac nawet najgorsze warunki, a z teamem jest wastnie utrzymac przy max energi wszystkie inne frames ktore caly czas potrzebuja jej typu mesa.



    Nie jest idealna, nie jest super - dobra do mid tier w grze; buduj pod duration; mozna miec duzo armor; ale to zabardzo nie pomaga na wyzszych levelach.



    Max dystans, i energia; to da ci naprawde dobre mozliwosci kontroli co sie dzieje i twoj team bedzie cie za to kochal.



    Buduj pod max dystans, energie i duration; idz przeciwko korpusowi czy void i sie smiej... z dystansem na 235% praktycznie odbijasz pociski w ok 3-5 metrow; wiec calkowicie mozesz tym zastapic frosta specyficznie przeciwko bombardierow.


    Ogolem, kazda frame jest niesamowita; tylko trzeba pomyslec jak ja ustawic. Najlepsza same w sobie frame to Trinity jesli sie gra solo. Nia zawsze przezyjesz, i zawsze bedziesz mial energie. Oczywiscie napisalem to tylko dlatego ze zabolalo mnie to ze tak slabo zostaly te frames ocenione.

  10. In the Devstream, DE_Steve said they were "working on it".


    Right... so maybe in U18-19 we'll see snipers reworked (cough, nerfed even more)


    So here's the thing, if we can easily grab those wep in future that we grinded away -sometimes- hours on; why play the events. There's no point, getting it early will only left you with bad test once it comes out again.


    so at least it should be hard getting it in future... equally as it was hard in past with grind.

  11. ^^^

    You know none of those weapons are exclusive and DE has been saying for a long time they will come back for players that missed them for a long time now.

    I don't understand the issue. You still have a badge as proof of your original participation in the event, which as far as I can see is something that wont be likely to come back.

    Then where is snipertron vandal?

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