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Posts posted by Karasueve

  1. Yeah connections been terrible tonight. But I've been seeing the same things intermittently @AlaskaRage. After checking, Its not my internet itself either. I mean maybe an abnormal amount of people are on tonight compared to most Wednesdays. 
    I've also noticed connectiong to a squad tonights been weird as well. Either it will say everyone has disconnected before the map has loaded, but everyone is still in the mission. Or when doing relics, It will match me up with a squad who is about to go in, but then stop the timer and make everyone reselect their relics in order to restart the timer. Like its consistantly doing this not just once in awhile. It's stuff I can work through, but its def a little bugg and a touch annoying to play when everything is freaking out.  I don't know we'll see if its a real bug if more people are having the same problems tomorrow.

  2. 2 minutes ago, taiiat said:

    they can be dumb sometimes indeed - they seem to be less dumb ever since the Update that made Specters use their Abilities way better atleast?
    the other side of the fence is that i presume that they are there not only to get the heat off of less experienced Players but also to not make it too easy either (impossible for the Enemies to ever acquire any Points to attempt to score with if you're on the ball).

    so i've always agreed to some degree but i also don't really expect them to go away.
    if something were to happen i could see having the Specter count scale with the Tier of the Index. low Tier having more of them and one less each Tier up.
    which would mean a 2Player Squad would have no Specters in High Risk, and a 3Player Squad in Medium Risk(or Specters only in Low Risk). but i'm not going to hold my breath.

    Maybe if players leave, make it a choice whether you want any Specters or not? I feel like that would be a good middle ground for the experienced players that dont want them, and the less experienced players who probably want all the help they can get.

  3.     Honestly sounds real fun and could give more endgame stuff to people once stuff like  railjack gameplay becomes "stale". So a decent amount in the future obviously. But with it sounding like it would be that far out, it would give DE time to actually make it, and make it well. Its unique enough for evryone, new and old players to enjoy playing. I also think its great becasue it gives everyone a reason to go back to Lua, which is an awesome tileset and I believe they should have done more with. Whether it's an event or a new cinematic quest, I believe it fits well with warframes lore like @FallenDemonX said. Especially with how the Orokin are when it comes to safegaurds and traps on Lua and in the Void. I mean why not set something up in case the "void devils" become too strong? The only issue I see is if that were the case, why didnt they activate it before they all got slaughtered when the Tenno betrayed the Orokin? Actually


    If it was made by Ballas and he had already switched sides to the Sentients when the betrayal of the Tenno happpened, It would make total sense why it hadnt been used then. I dont quite remember exaclty the timing on all that tho.

    AHH omg you're so smart @RavingRoman
    Im glad you shared this idea, even if DE doesnt do anything like this. Its such a cool idea. 

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