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Posts posted by Kirby47

  1. He's trying to say that when he clicks on the "Reputation" button on his profile with Google Chrome, it gives him a malware alert. I tried it.

  2. Browsing the forums lately, there are sooo many threads that want to bring back confirmed exclusive gear, or "hey whats up i have a problem that has many topics about it already, imma make a new one". So I'm going to make this thread to clarify what you shouldn't be posting on the forums.


    1. "BRING BACK FOUNDERS STUFF, SO UNFAIR I WANT IT I DIDN'T PLAY EARLY ENOUGH AND I WANT AN EXTRA TRADE!" DE has already stated that they will not bring back the Founder items (Lato Prime, Skana Prime, Excalibur Prime), and if they do, people could sue them for false advertising. This is also true for some other things, like a few Vandals.


    2. "I HAVE A PROBLEM THAT DE HAS STATED THEY'RE GOING TO FIX, BUT I DON'T KNOW THAT, AND I HAVEN'T SEEN ALL THE OTHER THREADS ABOUT THIS BUG, SO I'M MAKING ANOTHER ONE!" Before you post a bug on the forums, first check in the Information Headquarters to see if DE has said anything about it. Then, check in the appropriate sections of the bugs subforum, and if it's not there yet, go ahead and post it.


    3. "QQ NERF MADE _________ USELESS, NO POINT IN PLAYING IT ANYMORE, REGRET MY POTATO AND FORMA" All games, not just beta games, get nerfs. So assuming ________ item is obscenely powerful, a nerf is inevitable. Making a thread that just says "_______ is useless, why DE? Buff it back" is also useless unless you make it a bit more constructive, like "Now that DE has reduced/changed __________ on _________, it has reduced ________ when __________.  IMHO, you should change ______ so it's not really overpowered, but is no longer as weak."


    4. "DE is so stupid, this game is going to hell, bla bla bla etc." Well, every once in a while, DE reads a well-made forums post with good feedback/ideas which gets good reception. Complaining doesn't do anything good, but actually trying to steer the game in the right direction can work. Saying "DE never listens, why bother" is not true, more accurately, it should be "DE only listens when posts get many +1s and have good ideas". So make something that sounds good and DE may find your posts.


    5. "_________ is SO RARE, I MEAN I CAN'T GET AFTER 600'000 HOURS, CHANGE RATES!" Well, now that trading is here, you can buy it. If you don't want to spend platinum, just trade for it with a rare item that you have a dupe of that someone is desperate for. Also, you can continue grinding like a patient person, or transmute for it if it's a mod. If not, I don't think DE has ever change the drop rate on something due to player complaint.


    tl;dr: Do not post ragey comments or ask for something that is confirmed will never happen.


    This list will be added to.

  3. Recently, I played a few void missions. It was exterminate, so I started killing things, and I aimed for the head to make things quick.


    When I started shooting the Corrupted Crewmen, their helmets flew off as normal, like regular Corpus. But because of the special "Neural Sentry" Orokin enhancement on the helmet, when it flew off, another helmet was underneath it. The helmet that flew off was also a normal Corpus helmet, no Neural Sentry things or anything. Unless this is a weird joke, this should probably be fixed, because bugs are bad, and wearing two helmets is not normal.

  4. I like as it is now, i can raise plenty of enemies (blind rage and intensify) and they last quite a while (narrow minded + constituition).

    I find it a very usefull ability for defense because it is unlikely that you will be attacked

    I think most people prefer Nekros to be focused on Desecrate, and if those people see a Nekros pressing 4 instead of 3, bad things will happen. Which is why most Nekros players don't use narrow minded.

  5. Although the movie is named Godzilla, she isn't the main character of the movie... very ironic. The movie does end with her gaining a hero title.

    Godzilla's gender is unspecified in this storyline.

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