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Posts posted by Kirby47

  1. Eh, it's hard to say. The sentients were at war with the Orokin and basically won. But the orokin created warframes for the Tenno to help fight the sentients. But then the Tenno turned on them and finished them off. So yes I guess you could say both the Sentients and the Tenno defeated the Orokin.

    We "finished them off" after we apparently won, because victory drums were being beaten.

  2. As cool as it would be I'm just not sure if something like that can happen, because the Human race evolved and split into the Grineer and Corpus. But Humans could still possibly remain. Though I fear the new faction will be the sentients.

    DE) Hey, you remember that one race we mentioned once in the lore that overthrew the over ruling race the Orokin?

    Player) Yeah?

    DE) Well now they suddenly reappear and are powerful as ever!

    Player) Huh?

    DE) Yup.

    Player) Well how co-



    You do realize that according to the stalker, we overthrew the Orokin?

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