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Posts posted by Won_Doe

  1. Hi, I'm unusually picky about crafting/using weps based on their sound design (I love me some beefy/powerful audio). For the longest, I wanted the Brakk and years later, RNG finally blessed me with the receiver except....I read and later saw in a youtube vid that once again, DE's sound designer struck again and made some changes! I wasn't too pleased with the last sound update they did (Lex series, Bolto series, Braton series, Strun Wraith, Vectis, etc). Before/after of Brakk's:



    Issue with the updated sound here is that the vid's audio is noticeably somewhat off, so I was hoping someone could do me the favor of making a vid with cleaner audio just firing off a few rounds, very simple. Would be much appreciated! (especially as I'm low on oro cells nowadays).

  2. Why is it that shotguns in this game feel incredibly lackluster? The thing sounds about as weak as the Boar Prime. The sound design/firing animations are not intimidating in any way. Shotguns in many other games tend to feel so beefy. They're usually as strong as they sound too. In Warframe, their stats at the moment pretty much match how weak they feel.

  3. Anything that's ridiculously strong will be recognized and used to death, it's just inevitable that it'll be discussed on the forums. It catches attention and it's easy to understand why power creep bothers players. You 5x Forma a weapon only for DE to release something more powerful. That leaves players regretting decisions.


    As for 40m+ Survival, this isn't exclusive to the Ogris/Angstrum/etc. Every weapon will eventually fall off, and the explosive weapons are still incredibly strong. Again, it was mostly about the lazy playstyle. You could sit on ledges and blast away at infested while taking 0 damage in the process.


    As for just not using what's OP, I think that a little balance is actually good even for PvE-focused games, though there's a huge group of people on the forums that would disagree. I even asked myself, why does it matter what other players use? Since the release of the game, there's always been God-tier weapons that come and go. The Acrid was one of the originals. Ogris/Penta came along. Soma was released with absurd stats. And now Boltor Prime is at the top. I honestly feel that when everyone on their dog is boarding the FOTM bandwagon, it actually does take away some possible enjoyment of the game. You get people that are afraid to experiment and you really can't blame them; Formas don't grow on trees so naturally they're gonna play it safe. This leads to stale discussion about weapons builds/weapon variety. And of course some time ago once you started hitting high-level areas, you could barely go a single session without hearing multiple Somas. It really did get tiresome to see.


    So when you look at the bigger picture, I'd argue that weapons that are blatantly more powerful than the rest aren't exactly good for the game. And aside from all that, I'm sure DE doesn't want all their content being trivialized. 

  4. It was mentioned here some time ago. I hope that means they're working on it.


    This was the first and only poll I noticed/voted on. Glad I did, and I should probably check more out. A reduction to damage falloff would be nice. Generally shotguns in games are already at a disadvantage at range because of the pellet spread. WF just adds to that with damage falloff so shotguns aren't exactly too popular at the moment.

  5. This has nothing to do with PvP. The Ogris/Penta got nerfed because they allowed for a playstyle that involved sitting back and completely obliterating everything with no effort. PvE players aren't "suffering", that's being a bit overdramatic. 


    And no, people don't request nerfs "out of spite". I often switch between playing D3 and WF and people seem to have it stuck in their head that requesting nerfs is some way at getting back at other players or somethin. I used a 2-forma Ogris in defense missions and it was ridiculous. Might as well load up a script and afk. Load up an ammo mod, all the explosive weapons do a ridiculous amount of damage as it is. The ammo reduction was definitely needed.

  6. The awful flight speed along with the windup time (which seems odd on a laser weapon) make for an atrocious combination. 


    Targets at have to be up-close or almost completely stationary at most distances.

  7. Balance updates improve the overall quality of the game, which increases player retention and satisfaction, which improves plat sales.


    I don't feel like this is the case, but then again it's hard to tell. There's still tons of players that just flock to the FOTM items. Boltor Prime felt like an incredibly cheap cop out. I'm personally not even a fan of the whole prime concept in the first place but the Boltor Prime was just straight out instant top-tier status. Some people really couldn't care whether or not there's a huge selection of now-obsolete weapons. At the same time, some people just want more and more content but really, a huge chunk of the newly released weapons are just becoming mastery fodder; rank and trash. Waste of time and resources on DE's part, unless they manage to cash in on the plat.


    The portion of the community that actually cares about balance in general haven't really had a chance to show their excitement in a pretty long time now. Every patch is generally geared towards bug fixes/new content/prime items/random unnecessary changes. I can almost guarantee that if they released a patch dedicated to balance updates, there'd be a nice bit of life pumped into the game for lots of people in the community. We'd have discussions about new builds, potential new FOTM weapons (hopefully no blatant god-tier stuff like BoltorPrime), and the chance to use older weapons without feeling like a liability in groups.


    And I know that these two things are of the most important, but like everyone else has said, DE needs to slow down with how much content they keep putting out.


    I feel like this has been requested many times now. Yes the game is technically still in beta but they're also giving players the option to buy stuff with real cash. At that point they should at least be guaranteed non-buggy items, or at least something that doesn't have mediocre stats. 

  8. I don't know why you are all complaining about a very nice gun. I would be more disappointed if they gave us a useless weapon. There are people like me who like using the meridians' marelok so instead of picking on it, in my opinion you should focus on why the other syndacates weapons are scrap metal.


    What's there to discuss? A huge chunk of the Syndicate items are horrible (both weps/mods). DE rarely balances weapons. They'll remain horrible possibly for a very long time. Syndicates feel like a waste of time at the moment.

  9. Incredibly underwhelming animations : /


    It gives off the impression of being a beefy laser cannon but when seeing it in action, can't help but feel disappointed. No sort of screenshake/kick, or OOMPH! It doesn't feel anywhere as strong as it actually is.

  10. No such thing as power creep in a progression based game. This is a progression based game. 


    Yet somehow, the Soma completely out-classes the Supra, requires 1 less mastery rank, and isn't clantech.


    AkMagnus is basically another AkLex, except superior in stats for the most part and is mastery rank 0.


    The Stug is ridiculously strong, and is also a rank 0 wep.


    Now we have the Boltor Prime which has stupidly high base damage and without a doubt puts even other prime weapons to shame.



    I'm not really seeing the "progression" here. Just a bunch of imbalance. Not hard to decide on an effective weapon when the right choices are blatantly obvious. I should note that these weapons are somewhat recent too. Welcome to powercreep.

  11. Weapon design has been stagnant for most of Warframe's life.


    I think my last count of weapons on the wiki was something like...110 or so.

    Out of those, maybe 15 tops could be considered unique. The rest are as boring and as generic as they come.


    One of the main reasons why my enjoyment in Warframe has been on a steady decline (along with a myriad of other problems)

    Here's a thread I made a while back on the topic of gun variety https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/144108-weapons-20-overhauling-the-boring-and-generic-gunplay-of-warframe/


    I'm glad someone understands this.


    I thought the Phage/Penta/Drakgoon/Stugg were among the few that broke away from the norm, but for the most part were indeed getting what feels like "reskins", especially with the Castanas.


    Unfortunately I just don't think this is one of those things that'll see any major change. We get weekly updates, and all we can hope for is an awesome batch of weapons to hold our interest a little longer.



    Man if i see one more post about old weapons not being able to keep up with the new stuff i'm gonna pop a vessel.

    My very first weapon "MK-1 Braton" has a cat, 6 forma and is very specifically modded so doing 30 waves on T3 is no problem.

    Certain modding can get what you want based on enemy type weakness as well so come on.


    This is mostly about cosmetics and weapon mechanics, and the lack of it.



    tbh, DE never should have committed to a weapon a week, which is partly the reason why some weapons seems very similar to one another. also DE doesnt seem to spend enough time looking at the stats of a weapon before releasing them, mistakes in stats are too frequent. look at how marelok is stronger than grinlok in everyway (except accuracy), look at how akmagnus somehow got released doing double the damage per shot. look at how when strun wraith first came out, it had WAY too much crit chance.


    Releasing one/several weapons a week does seem a bit excessive. On paper it sounds great, and earlier on in Warframe's life it was great, but eventually you have to take the time to make something that stands out.


    On a related note, I couldn't help but notice that after the AkMagnus error, DE has never included weapon stats in their videos.

  12. Look at Soma and Synapse for example...they are one of the strongest weapons dps wise, they are easy to get...and no one cares...





    Did you miss all the many topics and posts about the Soma's ridiculous power? What about all the threads asking for a Supra buff because of Soma's existence as a superior/easier to craft gun?


    Yes, people do care...

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