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Posts posted by Won_Doe

  1. admittedly i suck at explaining things, so how about this: 2 guns will crit more than 1 gun. < its that effing simple


    Your wording made it sound a lot different.


    I think what you meant to say is 2 guns = increased fire speed, which means you're putting out more crits/dmg/status/etcetc.

  2. Holy S#&$... Everyone's totally ignoring the fact that it's been tested, and Brakk IS NOT NERFED.


    It was a visual glitch. Brakk still does the same damage as before. IT WAS NOT NERFED PEOPLE.


    This is hilarious. It's like everyone wants to cry just to cry, even though it was stated, tested, then proven that it was just a visual glitch. It doesn't show the wide spread of pellets anymore, but the pellets are still there and still doing their damage.


    Please make a thread stating this. People will not read this over the sea of crys.

  3. http://caas.raptr.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/caas-most_played_sept2013_nochange.png


    This game isn't dead, nor dying.

    It's continuously being updated.

    You'll see quit threats here all the time.

    Despite what some of you might think, no, DE really isn't trying to suck all the fun out of the game.


    I've clocked in hundreds of hours in this game. My post count here on the forums is still extremely low to many of the regulars, and it only slowly went up after I put tons of time into the game and experienced almost all of it.


    People that post here with suggestions/complaints don't always have the best intentions - DE needs to look for the balance between players seeking tougher challenges, and those who selfishly find fun in effortless rampaging.



    As a shooter fan, I can only thank DE for finally bringing me one to get hooked on. It's a breath of fresh air after being bombarded with countless tryhard-gritty military shooters where you're stuck moving at the pace of a snail, stuck using the same standard military weapons that've been used over and over again for over a decade.


    Warframe still needs tons of work, there's unpolished content all over the place, but it's still amazing and it's being improved.


    With all that being said....


    DE, when making decisions please don't forget about the vocal minority. Some of your biggest fans aren't always around to praise/offer feedback/suggestions, but we do exist.

  4. Interesting choice with the buff. I wonder if DE's trying to say something with it.


    It'd make a little more sense if it has a mastery rank attached to it.


    This is the opposite of what happened to the Vasto - dual version ended up being a little worse with the missing polarity slot.

  5. It just seems entirely counter-intuitive to me. It's built to be the 'sniper' of pistols. So lets dualwield it? It's just illogical and in poor taste to me. And this is coming from a big fan of the Lex. I would have rather seen another 'upgraded' form, rather than dual. Dual just doesn't make any sense. I mean, i'll craft it, and level it for mastery, but it was an awful implementation choice. 


    It was known as the "sniper" of pistols because the slow rate of fire and small clip.

     AKLex improves both of those at a theoretical cost of accuracy.


    If the accuracy reduction on AKLex is bad, then anyone treating it like a sniper might be disappointed. Stlll though, Lex is incredibly accurate so I'm curious about the AKLex. Guess Ill find out later.

  6. There is an amazing variety of weapons in this game, they did a very good job with that: we got bows, snipers, burst, shotguns, whips, knuckles, flamethrowers, and even a saw-blade thrower.



    From an aesthetic standpoint, yes. In terms of effectiveness? Far from it. Around the time of Miter's release, people really wanted to love the gun, but they simply couldn't because it was just that horrible. Now it's absolutely nowhere to be seen. It's also a pain to get, so no one's gonna go out of their way to get it for mastery points.


    As for whips, I mentioned how it's really more of a skin due to the fact that it functions exactly like most other melee weapons. Obex were the latest knuckles to be released but it had its greatest surge of use at it's release. It's slowly fading away like many others.

  7. i dont know, before obsolete weapons where both not doing their job and completely outclassed by the top tier guns, now its mostly just being outclassed by the top tier guns. dont get me wrong thats still wrong BUT at least you can actually take them to high level enemies and do things while before it was literally doing what 1 damage a shot?


    I don't think bringing "obsolete" weapons to high-end areas in Damage 1.0 was unheard of. It was just uncommon, one of the reasons being that they required more Forma than usual. It just doesn't feel that it's changed at all - if you still want that Braton to be able to compete, you're gonna have to Forma more than you normally would. AP mods were giving the chance for ALL non-armor-ignore weps the chance to compete in Damage 1.0. Without those mods in the previous system, all the physics impact weapons would've been king.


    I think one of the things I really wanna emphasize with 'low-tier" weapons is this:  Sure, you can if you want to, but do you really want to? Not everyone wants to completely faceroll mobs but at the same time, no one wants to feel like what they're using could be replaced with something a lot stronger.

  8. One thing that had many players hyped for Damage 2.0 is the possibility of old weapons being viable again. However, by the time U11 was nearing release, there was already a new line of weapons that did so much damage that they weren't really held back by lvl100+ enemies with high armor ratings.


    Strun Wraith, Soma, Vectis, Brakk, Ogris, Dread, etc. For these weapons and a couple of others, armor wasn't really a problem at all. So now Damage 2.0 is in and with it, DE spoke of the end to Armor's oppressive reign. Does this mean that it's now time for older weapons to shine? Not really.


    The Boltor/Bolto were kept in check because of their low base damage. In Damage 1.0, they had some use due to the fact that armor-ignore was extremely useful. Unfortunately, the Kunai/Hikou/Despair out-classed them horribly so no one really used them anyways. 


    Forward to Damage 2.0, and now they're even further behind in the dust because their base damage wasn't increased to compensate.


    About the old weapons that don't ignore armor......unless you're at a low mastery rank, why use them now? They're continuously being more and more out-classed by newer weapons. For the most part, all weapons in the game essentially function the same. That means the only way for DE to differentiate and make newly-released weps more attractive is simply by increasing numbers (boring)....


    Everyone's been riding the Soma train since release for obvious reasons - the damage is insane and completely unmatched. Every other hitscan automatic is just inferior. It's Gorgon 2.0. Sadly, DE realized the Gorgon became obsolete and trashed it with Soma's release. Completely unjustified. Why does the Mk1-Braton exist? What about the Burston? Boltor/Bolto? Vulkar?


    What do these weapons have in common? They were in the Gorgon's same exact position - made inferior by upgraded versions. So why haven't they been trashed like the Gorgon? They're usable for low-mastery players but still, why did the Gorgon meet its end? What message is DE trying to send here? Did they simply want it to be rare, only attainable via login reward?


    Now that brings me to ask - what exactly was Damage 2.0's GOAL? I'll say I do love the fact that my screen isn't covered by fire/electricity/icy explosions anymore but other than that, why does Damage 2.0 exist? With all the cheat sheets being created, lots of people are now just looking for elemental combinations that have no negative damage towards any faction, which is essentially players choosing to opt out of what would've been a game of rock-paper-scissors. And what if they went along with it? So you "countered" the Infested with Heat damage, woop. Where's the satisfaction?


    In the end, the old weapons are still left to rot and all the newly-release weapons that have been dominating since Damage 1.0 continue to dominate. The Miter was the start of what could've been a line of interesting weapons that don't function like the norm.....except, the Miter is nowhere to be seen. Now if DE did release some abnormal weapon, would DE even put in the effort to ensure that it's a viable one? Sure we got the Lecta but really now, it's basically another standard melee weapon with a whip skin. No game-changers here. Couldn't it at least be used to pull things? Something? Anything?! Brakk, Detron....hand shotguns. Hello Bronco 2.0


    What it all comes down to is that you're left with is this:  Eventually, all players will reach high mastery ranks and be able to equip any weapon they desire (as long as they can craft it). When they reach that point in their Warframe career, they'll remember the pile of old junk weapons and never look back because right now were, living in Soma city. Sure, you can choose to use some of the weapons from your now-obsolete stash of low-mastery-rank items,  but do you really want to? Let's face it:  Players like what gets the job done, and gets it done good.



    TL;DR:  Obsolete weapons are still obsolete. All players will eventually hit Mastery Rank 6 and be reduced to a small selection of viable weapons. The only thing older weapons need to compete are simple damage number increases.




  9. My main gripes:


    - Chance is too low to be reliable

    - By the time something procs, your target might be close to being dead

    - With that being said, 90% of the game's enemies die too fast for any status effect to be useful

    - DoT effects are the worst of them


    The whole "status" system is one giant gimmick with practically no presence. There needs to be more AoE effects or something that lasts after the target's death because as it stands now, everything simply just dies too fast.

  10. Damage 2.0 is so wonky at the moment. Lots of people are reporting random 15k-20k crits. Yesterday Corrupted Lancers in the void were literally taking 1 damage from my Vectis. Just lots of inconsistency all-around.


    Lots of enemies on Xini still get stuck randomly. One of the runs I did involved a group of enemies getting stuck literally every round. We stopped at wave 15 because it was taking ages to hunt them all down.


    I don't think DE needs a month dedicated to bug-fixing but I really do think that they need to slow down for a sec and fix some things.

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