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Posts posted by Won_Doe

  1. I agree.


    If weapon designs/functions were more exciting I wouldn't mind, but they're not.


    Soma = Gorgon

    Brakk = Bronco

    Vectis = Vulkar

    Ballistica = Hand bow


    And Prime items are really just reskins.


    Shake the game up a bit. It's a goddamned sci-fi game, surely they could make weapons that do insane things.


    More enemy variety would be really nice too. They haven't added any new enemies in so long. Desert Grineer weren't exaclty exciting.


    And that's not just mindless whining. I've played for months on end. I've enjoyed the game at times - even most times. I've spent good money on it. I've defended it and I've criticized it. At the end of the day, Warframe may be "fun," but it's not fantastic. One can't even objectively call it particularly good when one looks at the glaring "server" flaws, imbalances, and other issues that mar the experience. 


    Your complaints are very valid (tiers/general wep balance is horrible) but the Warframe community here on the forums comes off as extremely volatile, ready to do major complaining at the slightest of any nerf. The fact that you're complaining so hard about not having an EVENT EXCLUSIVE mod just further reinforces that. It's hard for DE to balance the game properly because of this. I'm sure if the Vectis was nerfed there'd be a large outcry. The other option is buffing the Lanka, but there's a little something we call "powercreep" that ultimately makes the game so easy there's no satisfaction in earning anything.



    I'll keep my Vectis because I enjoy using it, but the thought of being innately second-rate with the weapon because of factors outside of my control irks me.


    I really don't think you understand how ridiculous you sound right now, especially when you complain about the Vectis of all things. Are you too dense to realize how much damage it does, or just an OCD completionist?

  3. Why not change the mouse wheel to allow zooming between regular view and max zoom range while holding aim. It's very simple and makes things so much easier. I don't see why other games can do it but Warframe can't... 


    Yeah I never understood either. It seems like a really simple feature to implement but I just can't see them doing it for some reason.

  4. Let's face it, the game IS grindy. All missions/planets practically look alike. Objectives are mostly the same. There's practically no enemy variety.


    It's a great game (been playin for months now) but I honestly don't feel everyone should sing praises of it far and wide. There's hardly even any proper lore (no plot at all) and that's a big deal to gamers nowadays, who love eating up lore.

  5. I said "when it first launched" that means prior to the O2 drop rate fix. Back when the drop rates got so scarce it was hell to make it anywhere close to 20. After the 'fix' it was easy. Read more carefully.


    I don't think my team experienced that the first try. We had plenty of O2 left and spent some time discussing if we should go beyond 20 or not since we weren't sure what the reward time was.

  6. Honestly, I think one of the coolest things about Lotus, is the mystery shrouding her. This new Lotus 2.0 really adds to that unknown factor. Keep up the good work!


    It's hard for me to find any mystery in what feels like a giant mess of inconsistent recordings.

  7. Well, that's LP's way of creating a Pilebunker. I can't wait to see what magic DE can put into that weapon.


    Hate to be a debbie downer but most of the weps in this game just feel a bit.....unspectacular.


    There's no oomph or any "wow" factor. Nothing that impresses with shinyness, fancy lasers, or some sheer visual display of power. It's all just generic stuff with high numbers on paper =/

  8. People that dont have exclusive weapons will always complain about them. Imo exclusives should be always better, because we worked for them alot. They are not easy to obtain and hence the reason why they should be better.




    I hardly worked for my SWraith. 20 minutes of surviving was ridicuously easy for such a shotgun with absurd damage.


    "Worked for them alot" and "not easy to obtain" really just doesn't seem fitting...

  9. All Tenno footsteps are the same, in dojo and missions. Thing is missions usually have louder ambience/action going on so footsteps are drowned out.


    I always thought Rhino/Frost/armored frames in general should sound a bit heavier......just somethin odd about runnin all over the place, doin flips n stuff on Rhino being dead silent. There's really nothing ninja'esque about some frames in the game.

  10. I saw that DE planned on removing it but didn't didn't get too much info.


    Why did they do it? It seems odd to just randomly remove the Gorgon out of all things. Yes the Soma does exist but what about other weps that are out-classed by upgraded version?

  11. Can someone explain to me specfically how this works? I generally don't afk when I play so I haven't really noticed any changes.


    When the Sent "shuts down", does it turn back on after moving again? How sensitive is it to afk detection? Would even a slight step reset the timer? Having been doing Xini lately, I never had any problems, even when I'm mostly stationary.....but even then I'm moving slightly. Guess I'll have to test in a bit.

  12. I hope thats the case... this issue about thunderbolt really needs DEVS attention...


    I've never seen anyone consider "Thunderbolt" an issue. There's a million other things in the game that need more attention so we shouldn't be attempting to make them force-read trivial things such as this.

  13. Have to agree. It sounds a bit overexaggerated/comical.


    The bio rifle from UT04 is practically the same type of weapon (green-goo shooter) except it sounds a lot more on the realistic side.

  14. no, it doesn't need a nerf. the other guns just need to be buffed. i do agree with the sound problem tho


    Buffing an entire section of weapons just to be on par with a single newly released weapon is a good example of power creep, and an excellent way to cut off Warframe's legs.


    On topic:  100% sure a DE_George  made a post saying the volume would be toned down.

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