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Posts posted by Won_Doe

  1. That was a close one bullet damage weapons and shotgun crit mods were almost able to compare to other weapons, good save. Now I can go back to ignoring every weapon because nothing comes close to Acrid.


    That sounds boring, why not just quit the game? I still don't plan on crafting any form of Kunai and def won't make the Acrid once I hit the rank. Still hasn't stopped me from winning the game.

  2. This thing has to be damn worth it man! I spent hours soloing Cassini because i couldn't find a game and just came in at 20 mins and 23 seconds. This thing has to be damn worth it! If this thing doesn't do enough damage to be killing level 40 ancients reasonably fast, then i can probably wait a THOUSAND years for more 'wraith' weapons. DEVs, please make this worth it.


    What country are you in? 20 mins is very easy with a 3-4 person group so I'm really not expecting anything extraordinary.

  3. This thread is pretty much like, "How to play the game without actually playing".



    It was the only safe place I could stay because I like using the Ogris and Nova get's one-shotted easily by the aoe from the rockets so being able to sit high up and watch over the pod with a rocket launcher made it much safer ( and easier ), now I can't use it with Nova since the enemies ( mostly chargers ) don't give you enough breathing room to safely shoot a rocket without being hit by the aoe and sitting on top of the crates doesn't last very long before they start jumping up to where you are.


    ....2 others have climbed mount NoInfestedUpHere to facilitate Project Ogris Rain and all I really have to do is the occaisional pod stomp.




    Do people really find the game fun when they don't have to try? If you don't have enough space to use the Ogris, you should probably consider switching to a different wep. I think it makes sense to not use explosives when you got hordes of infested running at you....

  4. I made an old old thread involving making the Vulkar a single shot weapon (something akin to bolt actions in the warframe world.)


    So yeah, I would like to see a single shot, or low fire rate sniper rifle in the game.


    i would love for the Vulkar to just straight out be turned into a bolt-action. Increase clip size by 1-2, adjust reload speed and maybe add some innate AP.

  5. A bit over-worded but yes, elemental effects are quite distracting, especially fire in particular. I really think it needs to be toned down, especially when your're using all 3.


    Though I remember watching a vid of an old build of Warframe and the fire looked so good, a lot less visible. Is it just me or did something change?

  6. Mastery is a measure of how many weapons and frames you've become experienced with.


    That's what Mastery Rank is all about -- a singular Tenno becoming an expert at many DIFFERENT fighting techniques, which includes DIFFERENT weapons and Warframes.


    You do not become an expert at  DIFFERENT weapons by leveling the same weapon repeatedly over and over and over again, do you?


    What a lot of people end up doing is just bring their crap weapons for mastery to xini and not use it. It gets xp and you never have to fire a shot from it to get it to 30.



  7. I do think Mini Bosses or Elites like this would be awesome, as long as they look and act much different than regular enemies do, I don't just want a bigger, recoloured, bulletsponge mob.


    Yup bullet-sponges are just straight out unfun. Hyena would definitely be too much of a sponge to be a common reccuring enemy so a health adjustment would be needed. I really hope they start adding more unique enemies for the Grineer, rather than just recolored soldiers with jetpacks.


    No thanks, the hundreds of Moa and crewman coming at you is enough, without some mini boss coming in.


    Quantity means nothing when it comes to specific frame abilities. They need to chill with the mass-swarming and bring on a reasonable amount harder-hitting enemies that are immune to CC.

  8. Got to support this as well. The old gorgon sounded just perfect. It is a machine gun, and it very much sounded like one.


    The new sound? It's a pea shooter really. It doesn't sound fitting for the gun, not at all.


    I would craft the Gorgon in an instant if they changed it back. I personally think sound is extremely underrated in games and people tend to favor visuals. If you have a set of decent speakers that can put out a little bass, you'll appreciate sound more. Old Gorgon was simply just beastly.

  9. I only find a few "blinding" effects a tad bit annoying. Some spammy abilities on certain Warframes, such as Ash's shuriken, always trigger some little light effect. It can get a little excessive when you have Flow and energy orbs everywhere.


    Glaive's charge attack lights up the screen. Considering that it's mean to be thrown often, this does get to be too much sometimes.

  10. Frankly, DE have to make this system clearer and do it soon since tier system is directly tied to weapon performance and decision whether to catalyst it or not. Right now, I feel insecure about purchasing anything that can be replaced with something in higher tier. And that's pretty much everything purchasable in the market.


    This is a big reason why a tier'd system is horrible. This type of insecurity is one that's in so many MMO's/RPG's. You're stuck deciding whether or not you should upgrade your current favorite weapon, fully knowing that you'll eventually just get something better and whatever upgrades you put on your previous weapon will have gone to waste. I love Warframe's mod system because it's very lenient - you can freely remove/add upgrades anytime you want. There's only commitment involved if you put a potato in the picture.


    That's when the tier'd system because a problem. Instead of potato'ing their favorite weapons, players will be hesitant due to newer/better weapons being released. They'll start leaning towards what's "better' rather than what they feel is more fun. High mastery ranks solve nothing because ultimately you'll reach that rank and in this game, there's tons of unfun tedious grind involved.



    EDIT:  I've been noticing lots of talk about the framerate issue along with auto-fire coming up recently. If that does manage to get implemented, they should at least make it optional - I really don't want my dualies to feel like automatics. For me personally, the click-mashing is a bit fun! Also a slightly better sense of being in control of the weapon.


    Make newer weapons fancy if you must for the purpose of cash-grabbing/prestige status, but don't let "low-tier" weapons become completely obsolete.

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