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Posts posted by Furadow

  1. il y a une heure, Canach a dit :

    Gabii on Ceres is good for leveling melee and is really sweet for credits and I see a LOT of orokin cells there - 1-2 per mission is typical. (do 5 minutes and restart again for best farming)

    1-2 cells per 5 minutes is not a lot though, you can probably get 1-2 (or more) per 3/4 minutes speedrunning Phorid when it's on orokin cell planet.

    Previous poster claimed 10 cells per 15 minutes (seems like a high but attainable amount to me), which is more than 3 cells per 5 minutes.

  2. You can do both at once: find which TYPE of weapons you like, and max all weapons of that type. Also, if you don't use a slot (for example, you have a great assault rifle and barely use your secondary), consider putting some mastery fodder in it (Thrown weapon are overall pretty bad in my opinion, for example).

    Keep in mind to keep a full loadout with your favourite maxxed weapons, so when something get hard you can switch to that "optimal" loadout.

    For the most part, with proper planning, you can do both at once. Avoid weak weapons and caster frames (they shine late game, but are a bit weaker at the beginning) and you shouldn't have much trouble. Avoid going out of you way to farm things though, just craft something different is a weapon require components you don't have. Farm is much more effective late game.

    If you really have to choose between the 2 option at some point though, go with unlocking starchart. Having a fully unlocked starchart gives much more benefits than a MR rank, and after unlocking starchart, you access way faster possibilities to powerlevel your gear (Bere and Hydron).


    As for how much MR is enough is up to you. An important point is MR14: at MR14, you have unlocked ALL weapons. MR ranks start to get much longer and a lot less useful after that (already got enough daily trade limit, daily reputation and void traces cap).

  3. Apart from the core ones mentionned by --Q--Mordred, look up the builds for your warframes/weapons and max the mods required by those builds.

    It avoids maxing a mod you won't be using before a while.

    Generally, corrupted warframe mods are going to be at the top of the list, because most build dump a stat (for example, EV Trin wants negative duration, some builds don't care about range, some other about strength or efficiency), along with non-corrupted ones to max specific stats.

    For weapons, builds geared toward critical tends to use the same few mods, status same few others, etc... Find those mods and max them.

  4. Il y a 19 heures, Fytdyh a dit :

    is there any way to skip that requirement ? i dont mind paying 500 plats to skip it. i have very poorly eye hand coordonation and have only 15 fps. can i skip it somehow ?

    Just skip the challenges that you cannot do. For example, the Strength challenge just requires to charge 4 plates with your shields by just standing near (much like Hijack missions). You could do Strength challenge 3 times and still validate the requirement.

  5. The best place is Bere, in a specific group (CP Leech + Buff + EV + DPS), where you can lvl up 3 weapons from 0 to 30 in 2 rounds with affinity booster (at least that's what I did while playing EV). But you must be able to fill one of the role, only the CP Leech get to level up a frame (other 3 roles require specific role with good loadout), and is generally the host.

    Component farm (for example Polymer Bundle), are also a good strategy, since they bring useful components in addition to affinity (but it's not as fast).

    Then, if you don't want to make a specific group, try your luck at one of the commonly used farming location mentionned by other posters. My current favourite one is Hydron on Sedna. There are always people playing there, so even if your gear is not top notch, you should be able to go through (but don't overstay if other are leaving).

  6. In addition to other comments, I advise you at least find and do Power and Speed challenges, as the corresponding mods are actually useful. Speed challenge require a bit of training if you are not good with parkour, but it's do-able (you just have to run through 2 corridors before door close, infinite retry). Power is the easiest challenge (just have to feed energy to 4 plates).

    I would avoid Agility challenge (the pipes where you are shooted into the air), as it is quite hard.

    Collaboration challenge can't easily be done alone, but is easy if you are in a party.

    I did not encounter the other challenges, can't comment on it. I will only ever do them if I need the mods and they are too expensive to buy, because it's a hassle, frankly.

  7. @Hexamoy You got most sentinels through the market. The Taxon is cheap (5K for blueprint), the other are somewhat expansion (100K for blueprint).

    After that, once you get some plat, you might want to take Prime sentinels, but they shouldn't be too high on your todo list.

    You don't need to use incubator just yet. Hell, I'm MR12, quite a few hours into the game, and didn't use it yet, since I still have some sentinels to max.

  8. Like other said, open star chart and do main quest, BUT, there is a but, do NOT do the Kubrow quest. It requires massive resources when you begin, and when you get a Kubrow, it has upkeep. Instead of that, get a sentinel (Taxon is the cheapest one, and is useful, you'll probably see a lot of beginners with it).

    You really REALLY want to open star chart. When you reach Sedna, you get access to The War Within quest, which will unlock Sorties when you complete it. Sorties is the only way to get Riven mods, which sell really well).

    Also do vault runs sooner rather than later, good mods will help a lot.

    One last thing: thre is no "best" weapons, focus on maxing lots of weapons, to have higher MR (which unlocks more weapons and lots of nice stuff) and find which weapon you like playing with.

  9. @Bear-tzaR Thanks, I saw that on an old thread somewhere, and it's indeed the only fix you can use.

    For any Tenno that see that thread: you unlock operator mode when completing "The War Within" quest, which you get when completing the Sedna junction on Pluto.

    Sometimes, it will also teleport you at the beginning of the map (where the host see you) when you do that, which is a pain, but at least you can interact after that.

  10. @rendquickfend If you really like a frame and there is an unvaulted Prime variant (or even cheap vaulted Prime variant), you should probably sell some things you have and don't want/need, and buy the Prime variant.

    That's what I do at least, plat is really easy to get once you learn what sells well (and use warframe.market).

    Personally, apart from my first potato (I did put into Dex Sybaris, shouldn't have since Sybaris Prime is a straigh upgrade), everything is in Primes, or things that don't have Prime.

  11. If I want to be super fast and not wait for a slowpoke, I'll just go solo, and people who complain should too.

    When you are in a public squad, you pretty much got no right to complain (apart from afks, it's just bad behavior). If someone is slow, so be it. I personnaly don't mind much (otherwise I'd go solo), I'll just be checking something on second screen, go for a quick afk, or chill out while you take your time.

    Extraction timer ensure no one is going to wait for ages.

  12. You don't say which Warframe it is. Before going crazy with Forma and Orokin Reactor (we call it "potato" because it looks like one, just so you know), you should check if it has a Prime variant.

    Primes are always straight upgrades, and while some Primes are just very minor upgrades over regular warframes, some are not so minor.

    If there is a Prime variant, you probably don't want to invest in the non-Prime one, since you will have to re-invest in the Prime version when you get it.


    The only non-Prime you can invest for sure without worry is Excalibur, because the Prime version is founder-exclusive, and you won't be able to get one now. Other warframes without Prime variant may or may not get one at a latter date.

  13. OP is on PS4, where Plague Star re-run hasn't happened yet.

    Your best bet might be to wait for Plague Star re-run, which is ending on PC today, bets are it's going to come to console soon.

    One of the rewards was Neo E1 Relic, then after it was vaulted, Neo Z1 Relic, meaning everyone who farmed the hell out of the event now has tons of those relics.

  14. Serration + multishort + elemental mods at a high enough level (maxing them is not required right off the bat) is enough for endgame content. I know because I'm a beginner and use Braton Prime in Sorties, and it works fine.

    Honestly, just pick one with a firing mecanism you like in this tier list, in the "Rifle" part: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LARmEzgHrZx8-ijkoKulgeE7f4ACE4XM0HB08ZlQs_k/edit#gid=1826933790 Notice Braton Prime is high in the "Viable" part.

  15. The first question to ask yourself is probably "why does my Braton Prime doesn't cut it anymore?".

    Braton Prime is a fine weapon, if you like how it works. It can be used as a status weapon. It might not be the best, but it can clear all existing content without much issues, when properly modded. If you think it's not cutting it, it means it's not probably not properly modded. Did you add an orokin catalyst on it? A few formas? Do you have the staple mods on it? (Serration, Split Chamber, a few elemental mods, and other useful mods). Feel free to share a screenshot of your Braton Prime with its mods.

    After that, if you still want to change primary, what type of weapon do you want? Shotgun? Burst Rifle? Sniper? It's really hard to recommend a weapon without more info. Also, keep in mind most if not all weapon are viable for the end-game Warframe has to offer.

  16. Things you CAN do, it's up to you to choose what you WANT to do, in no particular order :

    • find and finish all the other quests (wiki will help)
    • finish unlocking all the nodes on all the planets (allow to use extractors and do nightmare runs)
    • do nightmare runs to collect a copy of every single nightmare mod
    • do vault runs to collect a copy of every single corrupted mod (require a Dragon Key and a group that do Orokin Derelict mission, generally capture)
    • do index to collect a copy of very single index mod
    • collect other hard to obtain mods (wiki will help), in order to have optimal builds
    • do sorties daily, to collect riven mods, then unveil them and try to get good rivens for your favourite weapons
    • refine your favourite weapons and warframes (potatoes, formas, then add optimal mods) to get them overpowered
    • farm focus to unlock every operator ability
    • Eidolon runs
    • open relics to collect void traces and prime parts, then do radshares, in order to obtain unvaulted prime parts
    • trade to make plat, then buy things with plats (vaulted primes and/or cosmetics)
    • get a copy of every single non-prime warframe, and level it up to 30
    • same for weapons and sentinels, though it's easier, in order to have a higher MR
    • level up your reputation with syndicates (how many you choose is up to you, you can go, 3, 4, 5 or go crazy and do all 6 of them)
    • level up your reputation with Cephalon Similaris
    • Conclave (PvP)
  17. I'd definitely build Nekros to help with the farm you might want to do at any time.

    Also, it's fun to tank things with Despoil + Health Conversion, while still having loads of energy via Equilibrium to spam your spells.


    I also second the suggestion on Frost. It makes some things laughably easy. For example farming Hierarcon solo for credits (or really, any Excavation or Defense).

  18. There are good suggestions already, but I want to stress that it's not hard to recover from those mistakes. In the grand scheme of Warframe, they are quite inconsequent, unless you are really stuck (you shouldn't be, any warframe and weapon can get you to the end of the starmap, with proper modding).


    My advice, is to get Rhino frame ASAP. In my opinion, the best one early on (until you get advanced mods, orokin reactors and formas that let most frames really shine).

    Then, you can continue unlocking starmap, and start farming a few things that sells for plats, and sell them on warframe.market.

    My personal list of things that sell easily for non-negligible plat:

    - Nightmare mods. You have to fully unlock a few early planet, then speedrun the easy nightmare maps (Capture, Rescue, Sabotage) once or twice a day. Some mods sells for up to 25p on PC (though 80% don't sell at all)

    - Corrupted mods. You need Dragon Key, that you can get in your dojo, and read up a guide how Vault run works and how to recognize a Dragon door. Then join Vault Runs. Some mods sell for up to 40p on PC (though again, 80% don't sell at all)

    - as several other said, relics run, and sell prime parts.

    Those 3 things are easy to do, don't require to have powerful frame/weapons and get you plats via trading. warframe.market makes trading very easy: post offer at a price a bit lower than existing offer, wait for messages, sell things. Sometime you'll have 3 buyers in 10 sec of posting (for sought-after things that you underprice a bit).

    After you get plats, well, do whatever you want, you'll be out of the hole. How you spend them will be your choice.



  19. There are a lot of good suggestions here, but for all intent and purpose, any weapon is able to take you to the end of the starmap with proper mods. Just avoid keeping MK-1 ones, they are the subpar starter versions.


    Some suggestions:

    - Braton to keep exactly the same firing system, but better.

    - Karak to have a different name, but almost similar firing system

    - Burston to have Burst (fire 3 bullets at a time). You might like it, you might hate it. I'm in the hate camp, but people have different opinions.

    - Boltor to have better damage and larger magazine, but at the cost of having bullets travelling time (compared to the others which are hitscan weapons). It's short, but still noticeable, especially at long range.


    Again, all of those will allow you to unlock starmap. Pick the one you feel the most confortable playing with.

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